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IT’S TIME TO TAKE CONTROL & GET INTENTIONAL TO BECOME THE LEADER YOUR TEAM WANTS TO FOLLOW. Workplaces across the globe are experiencing a lot of chaos. Leaders and their teams are working at increasingly high-levels, and it has become even more complicated with our hybrid workforce. MANY LEADERS AIM TO BE INSPIRATIONAL BUT GET WEIGHED DOWN BY THE CHAOS AND NOISE. The five strategies in this book will give you practical ideas to: * Find your calm in the chaos * Take control with confidence * Make intentional choices starting today! We know these strategies work, because they came from people like you! I asked experienced leaders and people just starting on the journey what would help them in this current environment. Their message was loud and clear. I layered on my own experience and research and the results are the 5 strategies - being self aware, change leaders, trust builders, curious and intentional. Stories help to bring the ideas to life and each strategy gives you tangible steps that you can do today. You will reflect, act and then introduce the ideas to your team. You will immediately experience growth and so will your team!
Kathy Sauve (Author), Kathy Sauve (Narrator)
Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading and Public Speaking
Win Every Argument is the ultimate guide to debate, persuasion and public speaking, by award-winning British-American journalist Mehdi Hasan. 'A masterclass' - Riz Ahmed 'Indispensable' - Naomi Klein 'A tour de force' - Owen Jones Hasan isn't one to avoid arguments. He relishes them, as the lifeblood of democracy and the only surefire way to establish the truth. Arguments help us solve problems, uncover new ideas we might not have considered, and nudge our disagreements toward mutual understanding. A good argument, made in good faith, has intrinsic value - and can also simply be fun. Arguments are everywhere - and especially given the fierce debates we're all embroiled in today, everyone wants to win. In this riveting guide to the art of argument and rhetoric, Hasan shows you how. As a journalist, anchor, and interviewer who has clashed with politicians, generals, spy chiefs, and celebrities from across the world, Hasan reveals his tricks of the trade for the first time. Win Every Argument shows how anyone can communicate with confidence, rise above the tit for tats on social media, and triumph in a successful and productive debate in the real world. Whether you are making a presentation at work or debating current political issues with a friend, Mehdi Hasan will teach you how to sharpen your speaking skills to make the winning case.
Mehdi Hasan (Author), Mehdi Hasan (Narrator)
No One Understands You and What to Do About It
Have you ever felt you're not getting through to the person you're talking to, or not coming across the way you intend? You're not alone. Most of us assume that other people see us as we see ourselves, and that they see us as we truly are. But neither is true. Our everyday interactions are colored by subtle biases that distort how others see us-and also shape our perceptions of them. You can learn to clarify the message you're sending once you understand the lenses that shape perception: - Trust. Are you friend or foe? - Power. How much influence do you have over me? - Ego. Do you make me feel insecure? Based on decades of research in psychology and social science, Heidi Grant Halvorson explains how these lenses affect our interactions-and how to manage them. Once you understand the science of perception, you'll communicate more clearly, send the messages you intend to send, and improve your personal relationships. You'll also become a fairer and more accurate judge of others. Halvorson even offers an evidence-based action plan for repairing a damaged reputation.
Heidi Grant Halvorson (Author), Eliza Foss (Narrator)
All work and no play makes for a dull workplace…and a costly one. Organizations that provide opportunities for employees to playfully connect, bond, and build friendships see improvements in retention, engagement, and innovation. Intentional play at work creates a culture that benefits all employees’ physical and mental health and the company’s bottom line. It Pays to PLAY is a rich resource filled with ideas for play at work—whether in person, hybrid, or remote—and illustrates how the ROI from play is multifaceted and exponential. Learn the ways play can be easily and affordably implemented regardless of your industry, benefiting everyone from the most junior employee to the C-suite right through to the end customer. It truly does pay to play.
Kristi Herold (Author), Kristi Herold (Narrator)
70 Personal Strategies for Excelling at Meetings
This audiobook is about how to get value from meetings. Period. Meetings, any kind of meeting, represent opportunity. And where there is opportunity, value is available to be unlocked. When you view meetings as, ahem, a “necessary evil”, you would neither see nor exploit the hidden opportunities. There is no debate: you would be involved in very many meetings whether you like it or not! You might as well roll up your sleeves and optimise your involvement. This audiobook would give you implementable strategies for excelling at meetings. This audiobook has no fluff and fillers. The book goes straight to the point. The 70 personal strategies have been boiled down to convey the point as precisely as possible. I recognise that time is a scarce resource and I want to optimise your reading time. Remember this, “Even good meetings can be better!”
Bili Odum (Author), Russell Newton (Narrator)
There’s no denying work has changed in the past couple of years. Potentially faster and more than in the previous five or ten years! The rise of remote work, work from home, work from anywhere, telework, work across different time zones and hybrid work (some people here/some there) continues to create change and challenges. What’s one of the best ways to respond and adapt to the changing world of work? It’s to consider not just the work itself … but the WAY it gets done. Consider: ?? Do we really need everyone at the same meeting at the same time? (synchronous work) ?? Could some people contribute prior to, or after the meeting or begin working on tasks outside of a meeting? (asynchronous work) A growing number of teams and businesses are learning and experiencing the value of deliberately working in sync / async ways. That is, some work is completed synchronously — at the same time with other people; and other elements of work completed asynchronously — at a time and in a way that suits them. ‘Sync Async : Making progress easier in the changing world of work’. In this book you'll read about: ?? how, why and when to work in sync and async ways ?? tools for creating your team’s sync async strategy ?? ways to identify the type of work you prefer ?? techniques to work in more async ways ?? how to make daily progress easier — get started on things that have stopped and accelerate things that have slowed. You don’t need to wait for a culture to change or for someone to give you the go ahead on this. You can start working better in both sync and async ways from today. There will always be too much to do and not enough time in which to do it. Putting practical sync async techniques to work can make your work easier … and the rest of life better.
Lynne Cazaly (Author), Lynne Cazaly (Narrator)
[German] - Die 9 Säulen der positiven Rhetorik: Wie Sie als Einsteiger die Grundprinzipien der Kommu
Möchten Sie sofort professioneller wirken und die Art, wie Sie kommunizieren, auf das nächste Level bringen? Möchten Sie Ihre Botschaft anderen gegenüber klar und verständlich vermitteln? Beabsichtigen Sie, dabei empathisch und einträglich zu argumentieren? Genau hierbei greift Ihnen dieser Ratgeber unter die Arme und führt Sie Schritt für Schritt zu einer positiven Rhetorik. Werfen Sie alten Ballast ab und lassen Sie Ihre Sprach -und Ausdrucksformen zu Ihrem Aushängeschild werden, um in jeder Situation erfolgreich zu kommunizieren. 'Die 9 Säulen der positiven Rhetorik' ist der perfekte Wegweiser, um Ihre künftigen Vorträge und Reden zu revolutionieren und alle in Ihren Bann zu ziehen: - Wie Sie durch Empathie wirkliches Interesse zeigen und warum aktives Zuhören Vertrauen zu anderen Menschen aufbaut - Weshalb die richtige Fragestellung entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Gesprächsführung ist - Wann Schweigen im geeigneten Moment zur Wunderwaffe werden kann und warum das passende (Rede)Timing zu mehr Fluss in Gesprächen führt - Wie Sie Signale senden, um ein positives Feedback zu bekommen, und weshalb Sie eine gute Vorbereitung für taktisches Argumentieren Ihre Ziele erreichen lässt - Warum Sie authentisch bleiben sollten und dadurch andere Menschen sogar für Veränderungen motivieren können - Wie Sie selbstbewusstes Auftreten in Ihren Alltag integrieren, um sich mehr Gehör zu verschaffen Lernen Sie mit diesen Fähigkeiten noch heute die neue Art der Rhetorik kennen und verbessern Sie nachhaltig Ihren Erfolg in Beruf und Alltag.
Boris Wünsche (Author), Maja Dörsam-Bellemann (Narrator)
Maximum Influence: The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion
How would you like to be able to read anyone instantly? Get people to trust you instinctively? Change minds easily? Convince anyone to give you almost anything? The secret lies in the 12 Laws of Persuasion. These "powers" are not unobtainable Jedi mind tricks but are actual skills that everyday people can discover and develop within themselves--today! Author and leading authority on persuasion, motivation, and influence Kurt Mortenson has studied the traits, habits, and mindsets of master influencers for over 20 years and has formed what the calls the 12 Laws of Persuasion, which anyone can master and put to work for themselves. These laws include: - The law of dissonance - The law of contract - The law of expectation - The law of esteem - The law of obligation In Maximum Influence, you will learn why each law works, how to use each one, and what to avoid in carrying it out. Complete with new case studies and cutting-edge influencing techniques, this invaluable, must-have resource provides the keys to mastering the crucial tool anyone must develop and utilize to find success and prosperity--influence!
Kurt Mortensen (Author), Timothy Pabon (Narrator)
Die Körpersprache als Spiegelbild deiner Seele: Werde zum Meister der nonverbalen Kommunikation
Charismatische Körpersprache: Wie du von innen nach außen strahlst Mit unserer Körpersprache sprechen wir auf der nonverbalen Ebene zu unserem Gegenüber. Wir untermalen das Gesagte mit einer bestimmten Gestik, Mimik und Haltung und tragen damit maßgeblich dazu bei, wie wir und unsere Botschaften von anderen wahrgenommen werden. Ein Blick sagt eben mehr als tausend Worte! Daher ergibt es natürlich Sinn, sich mit der eigenen Körpersprache auseinanderzusetzen und sie bewusst einzusetzen. Oft wird dabei versucht, sich möglichst schnell bestimmte gestische und mimische Elemente anzutrainieren und damit auf andere charismatischer und selbstsicherer zu wirken. Wladislaw Jachtschenko berichtet jedoch aus 15 Jahren Erfahrung als Kommunikationstrainer, dass das viel zu kurz gegriffen ist. In seinem Hörbuch erklärt er, inwiefern die äußere Haltung Ausdruck der inneren Haltung ist und wie du genau hier ansetzen kannst, um deine Körpersprache langfristig zum Positiven zu verändern. Du wirst die zehn Gebote der Körpersprache und damit vom Blickkontakt bis hin zum Einsatz deiner Stimme alle Facetten der Körpersprache kennenlernen. - Welche Glaubenssätze wirken hier limitierend und wie kannst du sie transformieren? - Was hat ein persönlicher Wertekompass mit Charisma zu tun? - Was kannst du anhand der Körpersprache über dein Gegenüber erfahren? In dem Hörbuch findest du die Antworten auf diese Fragen und erhältst praktische Tipps von Europas Top-Speaker, wie du deine Körpersprache langfristig positiv verändern kannst. So wirst du deine Botschaften endlich überzeugend rüberbringen können! Du möchtest deine innere Haltung stärken und damit nach außen strahlen? Los geht's!
Wladislaw Jachtchenko (Author), Jürgen Holdorf (Narrator)
Win!: Raise your profile and grow your business by winning awards
Recognition is like rocket fuel: it powers you to reach heights you never believed possible. If you think winning business awards is out of reach, a waste of time and money, or that they are all just a fix and you wouldn't win even if you tried, this audiobook will change your mind. WIN! is packed with everything you need to know to win business awards. Expert guidance and clear steps to follow make it faster, simpler and easier than ever before to raise your profile, grow your business and accelerate your journey to success. This audiobook will help you: - Discover the award-winning secrets of the world's leading brands - Raise your profile and increase your personal brand value - Accelerate your sales and grow your business - Recruit and retain the best talent for your team - Enhance your credibility and gain customer trust and loyalty
Donna O'toole (Author), Donna O'toole (Narrator)
Someone has to be the most expensive why not make it you?
One of the greatest challenges facing business owners globally is that they simply don't charge enough for what they do. And this leads to all kinds of nasty problems. There has never been a better time to put an end to this self-destructive business practice once and for all. Someone Has To Be The Most Expensive, Why Not Make It You? is the culmination of Andrew Griffiths' thirty-five-year entrepreneurial journey. This has seen him travel the world as an international bestselling author, global speaker and commentator, working with business owners in every corner of the planet to help them create enterprises of substance and significance. If you're sick of not charging enough for what you do, of not having any money in the bank, of feeling the exhaustion of working incredibly hard but not getting where you want to go, then this is, without a doubt, the book you need to read - now. Written specifically for business owners to inspire and to provide practical advice at the same time, this book has a number of very clear outcomes: - putting an end to the business owner struggle around money - challenging your thinking about what you charge and how you charge it - showing why being the cheapest is, without a doubt, the worst business strategy ever - explaining why there has never been a better time to charge what you're worth - give you the courage to become the best and most expensive at what you do. - provide a clear process to follow to help you start charging more for what you do. This is a concept that works, regardless of the economic conditions, the industry you may be in or your geographic location. Someone has to be the most expensive, why not make it you? But if you're going to be most expensive, you have to be the best. It really is as simple and as complicated as that.
Andrew Mark Griffiths (Author), Andrew Mark Griffiths (Narrator)
The Negotiation Book: Your Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating, 3rd Edition
Become the best negotiator you can be, one manageable step at a time In the newly updated third edition of The Negotiation Book: Your Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating, distinguished commercial negotiator Steve Gates delivers a singular and practical guide to the art and science of negotiation. The book lays out the behaviors and traits associated with successful negotiation and offers a comprehensive model for how power, process, and behavior can have substantial impacts on your next negotiation. You'll also learn how you can shape these factors to optimize value for yourself, your client, or your organization. The author shows you how to secure more agreements and realize more value with every agreement you conclude. Through simple, realistic, and hands-on advice, you'll improve as a negotiator and apply straightforward techniques to the real-world, dynamic environments in which your negotiations take place. You'll also find: strategies for maintaining a balanced perspective and keeping your ego in check; maintaining a focus on the interests and priorities of the other party/parties; and incremental steps for improving your negotiation ability that are easy to apply and retain.
Steve Gates (Author), Liam Gerrard (Narrator)
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