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Vom Bestsellerautor von “Do More Great Work” und Vordenker im Bereich Coaching! Die meisten Manager sind sich einig, dass sie ihre Mitarbeiter coachen müssen. Aber nur wenige wissen, dass Coaching nicht unbedingt eine gelegentliche und formelle Veranstaltung sein muss und dass sie Coaching in ihre alltäglichen Gespräche aufnehmen können. Sie können lernen, in zehn Minuten oder weniger zu coachen und dadurch nachhaltige Veränderungen in Ihrer Organisation zu bewirken. Coaching kann und soll zur Gewohnheit werden. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, mit weniger Mu¨he zu arbeiten und dabei wirksamer zu sein. Mit den praktischen Mitteln, die Michael Bungay Stanier in seinem Hörbuch beschreibt, können Sie Coaching zu einer alltäglichen und informellen Handlung machen. Stanier schlägt Ihnen sieben grundlegende Fragen vor, die helfen, bessere Gespräche zu führen, Veränderungen herbeizuführen und Ihre Führungskompetenzen zu stärken. ? Kommen Sie in jedem Gespräch mit der Kickstart-Frage direkt auf den Punkt. ? Bleiben Sie bei jeder Interaktion auf dem richtigen Weg mit der Magischen Frage. ? Sparen Sie sich Arbeitsstunden mit der Bequemen Frage und Ihren Mitarbeitern mit der Strategischen Frage. ? Dringen Sie mit der Fokus-Frage und der Grundlegenden Frage zum Kern jeder Herausforderung vor, damit Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf das richten, was wirklich wichtig ist. ? Stellen Sie mit der Lern-Frage sicher, dass alle Beteiligten ihre Interaktionen mit Ihnen als nu¨tzlicher erleben. Dieses Hörbuch ist ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, Manager und Coaches, die ihre Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit auf das nächste Level heben möchten. Machen Sie Coaching zu einem regelmäßigen und nu¨tzlichen Teil Ihres Management-Repertoires! Die Originalausgabe erschien 2016 unter dem Titel “The Coaching Habit. Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever”.
Michael Bungay Stanier (Author), Arvid Schalle (Narrator)
Dynamic Reteaming, Second Edition: The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams
Your team will change whether you like it or not. People will come and go. Your company might double in size or even be acquired. In this practical book, author Heidi Helfand shares techniques for reteaming effectively. Engineering leaders will learn how to catalyze team change to reduce the risk of attrition, learning and career stagnation, and the development of knowledge silos. Based on research into well-known software companies, the patterns in this book help CTOs and team managers effectively integrate new hires into an existing team, manage a team that has lost members, or deal with unexpected change. You'll learn how to isolate teams for focused innovation, rotate team members for knowledge sharing, break through organizational apathy, and more. You'll explore: - Real-world examples that demonstrate why and how organizations reteam - Five reteaming patterns: One by One, Grow and Split, Isolation, Merging, and Switching - Tactics to help you master dynamic reteaming in your company - Stories that demonstrate problems caused by reteaming anti-patterns
Heidi Helfand (Author), Sheri Saginor (Narrator)
Changing hearts is an important part of changing minds. Research shows that appealing to human emotion can help you make your case and build your authority as a leader. This book highlights that research and shows you how to act on it, presenting both comprehensive frameworks for developing influence and small, simple tactics you can use to convince others every day. This volume includes the work of: Nick Morgan, Robert Cialdini, Linda A. Hill, and Nancy Duarte. This collection of articles includes 'Understand the Four Components of Influence,' by Nick Morgan; 'Harnessing the Science of Persuasion,' by Robert Cialdini; 'Three Things Managers Should Be Doing Every Day,' by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback; 'Learning Charisma,' by John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, and Sue Liechti; 'To Win People Over, Speak to Their Wants and Needs,' by Nancy Duarte; 'Storytelling That Moves People,' an interview with Robert McKee by Bronwyn Fryer; 'The Surprising Persuasiveness of a Sticky Note,' by Kevin Hogan; and 'When to Sell with Facts and Figures, and When to Appeal to Emotions,' by Michael D. Harris.
Harvard Business Review (Author), Rebecca Lam, Tim Lounibos (Narrator)
Learn how to recruit, hire, and manage a 100% remote team of super-talented people … with the step-by-step blueprint that built and grew a $40M/year online business from scratch! If you’re doing everything yourself in your business and feeling burnt-out … have big office overhead and a mandatory in-office requirement that feels like a ball and chain … or already have a moderately successful remote team, but want to take it to the next level … DONE will show you how to build and manage a high-performing, revenue-generating remote team… no matter where you are in your team-building journey. This is key to big wins in the online business game. Get it right, and you can enjoy more time, money, and freedom … Get it wrong and running your company could eat up all the hours in a day, create enormous stress, and suck the joy out of being your own boss. Fortunately, it’s far easier than you might think to unlock the keys to your entrepreneurial freedom with a remote “dream team.” And in DONE, entrepreneur Brad Callen teaches you exactly how to do it, using the same blueprint he used to successfully create (and ultimately exit/sell) Doodly, Toonly, Voomly, and other popular software products. Loaded with straightforward advice, real-world examples, and lessons learned based on Brad’s 20+ years of online entrepreneurial experience, DONE gives you a simple, proven approach for building and managing an amazing team of remote super stars. In this no-nonsense guide, you’ll get actionable tips that will teach you how to: Create a business that can thrive … without you Find, hire, and (minimally) manage high-performers Get more done — faster than traditional companies Structure your team for optimal efficiency Foster team trust, promote creativity, & inspire innovation Boost revenue with a lean, remote team “machine” You can have it all as an online entrepreneur, faster than you may have thought possible … and the keys to that holy trifecta — more time, money, and freedom — can be
Brad Callen (Author), Brad Callen (Narrator)
Forget about the hard bargain. Whether you're discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a key partnership, asking for a raise, or planning a family event, negotiating can be stressful. One person makes a demand, the other concedes a point. In the end, you settle on a subpar solution in the middle-if you come to any agreement at all. But these discussions don't need to be win-or-lose situations. Written by negotiation expert Jeff Weiss, the HBR Guide to Negotiating provides a disciplined approach to finding a solution that works for everyone involved. Using a seven-part framework, this book delivers tips and advice to move you from a game of concessions and compromises to one of collaboration and creativity, resulting in better outcomes and better working relationships. You'll learn how to: prepare for your conversation, understand everyone's interests, craft the right message, work with multiple parties, disarm aggressive negotiators, and choose the best solution.
Jeff Weiss (Author), Jonathan Yen (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Manual práctico de comunicación asertiva
¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en situaciones difíciles en las que te gustaría expresarte mejor pero no sabes cómo? ¿Te cuesta decir 'no' sin sentirte culpable? ¿Sientes inseguridad cuando tienes que pedir algo a otra persona? Si tu respuesta a cualquiera de estas preguntas es sí, necesitas dominar la comunicación asertiva. La comunicación asertiva es un estilo de comunicación que se orienta a expresar nuestras necesidades, deseos y opiniones de manera clara, honesta y respetuosa. Se trata de una habilidad social fundamental que nos permite establecer relaciones saludables, evitar conflictos innecesarios y resolver problemas de manera efectiva. En este manual, vamos a explorar los conceptos fundamentales de la comunicación asertiva, así como sus beneficios y las estrategias para implementarla en nuestra vida cotidiana. A través de consejos prácticos y técnicas poderosas, con este libro aprenderás a expresar tus pensamientos y sentimientos de manera asertiva, a establecer límites saludables y a resolver conflictos de manera constructiva. Ya sea en el trabajo, en la familia o en tus relaciones personales, este manual te ayudará a mejorar tu comunicación y a encontrar el equilibrio perfecto entre ser firme y amable. Estás a punto de descubrir cómo puedes aplicar estas técnicas avanzadas de comunicación para evitar malentendidos, resolver conflictos y mejorar la calidad de tus relaciones profesionales e interpersonales.
Juanjo Ramos (Author), Juanjo Ramos (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Cómo cambiar tu mentalidad y reconfigurar tu cerebro & Cómo hacer que la?gente haga lo q
Cómo cambiar tu mentalidad y reconfigurar tu cerebro: Un viaje de mil millas comienza con un solo paso. Todo el mundo quiere crecer, pero no todo el mundo sabe cómo hacerlo. Esta es una guía meticulosa sobre cómo puedes aprender a desarrollar tu mente y mejorar, y tal vez tener una mejor autoestima. A través de una investigación rigurosa a partir de informes y datos médicos, este es un libro en el que profundizas en cosas como la neuro plasticidad, los conceptos básicos de las neuronas en tu cerebro, la meditación, la ayuda para vencer el TDAH, la mentalidad de crecimiento frente a la mentalidad fija, el poder del sueño significativo, y más. Esta es una guía para todas las personas, desde el niño pequeño que aprende a mejorar en la escuela, hasta un profesional de carrera que busca obtener una ventaja en la competencia o personas mayores que buscan mejorar sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico. Comienza el cambio de tu mentalidad ahora. Cómo hacer que la gente haga lo que tú quieres: ¿Quieres aprender a atraer a la gente y ser más feliz, saludable y libre? Cómo hacer que la gente haga lo quieres te ayudará a comenzar ese maravilloso camino. La vida moderna nos distrae de lo que es realmente importante, haciéndonos olvidar quiénes somos en realidad. Ninguno de nosotros nació con miedos, depresión o nerviosismo, no, algo a lo largo de la línea de nuestras vidas nos empuja a una espiral descendente, metiéndonos en problemas a diestra y siniestra. Las soluciones a estos problemas pueden estar mirándonos directamente a la cara, pero a menos que lo intentemos, nunca lo resolveremos ni alcanzaremos nuestro máximo potencial. Para algunos, tratar con personas puede ser muy estresante, ¡pero no tiene por qué serlo! Los complejos y el equipaje que nos agobian deben dejarse de lado, debemos ser libres.
Christopher Rothchester (Author), Reynaldo Pacheco, Vicente Castellano (Narrator)
Culture Rules: The Leader's Guide to Creating the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
Culture Rules is a clarion call for leaders around the world. The pandemic has magnified the essential role that culture plays in an organization's health, vitality, and sustainability-some passed the test with flying colors while others are seeing with fresh eyes, deeply rooted issues and challenges within their culture. After completing a global study with over 5,000 participants from ten countries, Mark Miller and his team have exposed the most predominant fissures and their fixes. Culture Rules showcases leaders and organizations who are building strong, enduring cultures. Most important, this book is not just another compilation of case studies. Culture Rules makes the case for why leaders should invest their time and energy on building culture and gives them three simple, actionable rules they must play by if they want to stay in the game and win! These rules and their accompanying best practices enable leaders to: clarify and communicate the organization's cultural aspirations, reinforce the aspiration through their daily activities, and maintain relevance and vitality by constantly enhancing their culture. When leaders play by these rules, their actions become more strategic and productive while giving their organization a huge gift-a place where untapped potential is released and transformed into performance.
Mark Miller (Author), Mark Miller (Narrator)
Build trust-and create more value. Whether you're negotiating a salary, a deal with a supplier, or your workload, thoughtful preparation increases your confidence, resilience-and results. But it's not just numbers and strategies. Advocating for yourself, your team, and your business can feel personal, so you also need to manage the emotions that arise during the process. Next-Level Negotiating provides the research, advice, and practical tips you need to counter the harmful stereotypes about women and negotiation to communicate clearly who you are and what you need. Establish trust with your counterpart and face negotiations of any size with curiosity, creativity, and a collaborative mindset-all the essentials to successfully seal a deal. This book will inspire you to: set a clear target-and imagine alternatives; consider your counterpart's context and perspective; manage the emotions in the room; and strike a deal that works for you.
Harvard Business Review (Author), Amy Gallo, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Marisa Mauro, Sara Sheckells (Narrator)
Business Analysis For Dummies, 2nd Edition
When it comes to doing good business, change is a very good thing. And effective business analysts are at the heart of identifying opportunities for growth and implementing the solutions that can transform an organization's foundation-and ultimately increase its profitability. Whether you're an aspiring business analysis professional or a seasoned analyst looking for the latest techniques and approaches, Business Analysis For Dummies helps you discover the newest tips and tricks for turning knowledge into the changes that have a real and meaningful impact on business and drive your organization towards value delivery. With this book you will: identify areas for growth and create solutions; learn how to bring people together to collaborate effectively; discover ways to better understand and serve your customers; see how business analysis works in the real world; learn the technology to make the job easier; find business solutions to improve your organization's performance; and understand how to dig deeply into your organization's data, processes, and business rules. Dummies makes the path to business success clear. Start here to turn your love of business analysis into the catalyst that makes a difference.
Ali Cox (Author), Angela Juarez (Narrator)
It is the dream of every founder: Standing in front of a group of investors pitching your startup while they shower you with money and praise. The reality is vastly different, most founders fail to raise capital from investors, often due to an underwhelming pitch in a crowded sea of startups. Imagine having an unfair advantage, the method to create a pitch that is compelling, motivating and, most importantly, gets results? That's where Donna Griffit’s book ‘Sticking to My Story’ comes in. Tim Draper called this book the new bible for startup founders for a reason. It’s the A-Z recipe for creating a powerful pitch deck with all the right ingredients. Filled with tips and stories of what worked and what failed, peppered with insightful quotes from Silicon Valley Leaders. The book will take you through: - What investors talk about after you leave - Getting meetings and avoiding mistakes - Most importantly, how to craft a story-led pitch deck that gets results Donna’s believes that there are no boring stories – there are layers of data obscuring the beauty of the story. Let Donna help peel them away and polish your story until it “shines like the top of the Chrysler building”. Donna Griffit, Corporate Storyteller, has worked globally for over 18 years with Fortune 500 companies, Start-Ups and investors across industries. She has consulted and trained clients in over 30 countries, helping them create powerful presentations, pitches and messages. Donna magically spins raw data into compelling stories that captivate audiences and drive results. Through her guidance, clients have raised over $1.5 Billion. Stewart Butterfield, CEO of Slack, said: “If there’s one piece of advice I could go back to give myself, it is concentrating on the storytelling part, on convincing people. If can’t do that, it doesn’t matter how good the product is' Take the advice of the founder of one of the biggest startups in Silicon Valley, listen to this book to know how!
Donna Griffit (Author), Donna Griffit (Narrator)
Das Geheimnis der erfolgreichen Alltagskommunikation: Werde zum Kommunikations-Genie
Effektiver kommunizieren: Jeder kann zum Kommunikations-Genie werden! Unser Alltag wird von Kommunikation bestimmt – ob im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld. Wir kommunizieren immer und überall und dennoch setzen wir uns kaum mit dem Thema auseinander, geschweige denn, dass wir mehr darüber lernen. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass oft 'falsch' kommuniziert wird und in der Folge Missverständnisse und Konflikte entstehen: Eine Kollegin unterbricht dich ständig, der beste Freund reagiert auf die Hälfte deiner Sprachnachricht nicht oder die Vorgesetzte antwortet nicht auf deine E-Mail? Der springende Punkt dabei ist, dass nicht nur das Reden und damit das Senden der eigenen Botschaft Teil der Kommunikation ist, sondern es daneben drei weitere Wege der Kommunikation gibt: das Zuhören, das Schreiben und das Lesen. In seinem Hörbuch erklärt Europas Top-Speaker und führender Kommunikationstrainer Wladislaw Jachtchenko, worauf es bei der Alltagskommunikation auf all diesen vier Ebenen ankommt. Mit den zehn Grundgesetzen der Kommunikation gibt er dir ein A bis Z der Kommunikation an die Hand, sodass du in Zukunft dafür sorgen kannst, dass deine Botschaft auch wirklich ankommt. Außerdem findest du in dem Hörbuch praxistaugliche Tipps, mit deren Hilfe du in jeder Situation mit Leichtigkeit kommunizieren wirst sowie weiteres Video- und Audiomaterial, um aus dir ein Kommunikations-Genie zu machen. Du wirst lernen: - Auf jeder der vier Ebenen effektiver zu kommunizieren - Besser auf den Punkt zu kommen - Die Botschaft deines Gegenübers zu erfassen - Strukturierter zu formulieren - Informationen effizienter zu verarbeiten Es wird sich lohnen, denn die Art und Weise, wie du kommunizierst, bestimmt deinen Erfolg im Berufs- und Privatleben. Du möchtest ein Kommunikations-Genie werden? Dann hör los!
Wladislaw Jachtchenko (Author), Jürgen Holdorf (Narrator)
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