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[French] - Influencer: Les techniques d'influence secrètes et les tactiques persuasives
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Dans un monde en constante évolution et saturé d’informations, la capacité d’influencer et d’inspirer les autres est devenue une compétence de plus en plus inestimable. Qu'il s'agisse de motiver votre équipe dans le domaine professionnel, d'orienter les choix des clients ou de persuader votre entourage personnel, l'art de la persuasion joue un rôle central dans nos interactions quotidiennes. Ce livre est méticuleusement conçu pour vous emmener dans une exploration captivante des principes fondamentaux de l’influence et de la persuasion. Dans ses pages, nous visons à démêler les mécanismes psychologiques complexes qui régissent la façon dont les gens pensent, prennent des décisions et succombent à l’influence. Armés de connaissances approfondies et de stratégies concrètes, notre objectif est de vous aider à cultiver et à perfectionner vos propres capacités de persuasion. Au fur et à mesure que nous approfondirons les prochains chapitres, nous analyserons la façon dont l'influence et la persuasion s'inscrivent de manière complexe dans toutes les facettes de nos vies, depuis les efforts de marketing et le discours politique jusqu'aux nuances des relations interpersonnelles et des scénarios de leadership. Tout au long de ce voyage, nous examinerons les techniques éprouvées utilisées par les influenceurs, les dirigeants et les experts en communication pour atteindre leurs objectifs. Pourtant, ce livre transcende la simple révélation de trucs; il aspire à inculquer une compréhension globale de la psychologie qui sous-tend la persuasion, vous permettant d’influencer de manière éthique et efficace. Que vous soyez un professionnel aspirant à gravir les échelons de carrière, un parent cherchant à guider ses enfants ou simplement une personne cherchant à améliorer ses compétences en communication, ce livre est conçu pour vous fournir les connaissances et les outils nécessaires.
Quinton Joser (Author), Voix Numérique Fiona G (Narrator)
Influence: Secret Influencing Techniques and Persuasive Tactics
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. This book is designed to take you on a fascinating journey through the fundamentals of influence and persuasion. We will unravel the psychological mechanisms that underlie how people think, make decisions and are influenced. With deep insights and practical strategies, we want to help you develop and refine your own persuasion skills. In the coming chapters, we will explore how influence and persuasion are intertwined in all aspects of our lives, from marketing campaigns and political rhetoric to interpersonal relationships and leadership situations. We'll look at the proven techniques that influencers, leaders and communications experts have used to achieve their goals. But this book goes beyond just sharing tricks; it aims to create an in-depth understanding of the psychology behind persuasion so that you can influence in an ethical and effective way.
Quinton Joser (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Negotiate: The Powerful Art of Convincing and Persuasion
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Negotiation is much more than just closing deals. It is a subtle interplay of communication, strategy and insight into human dynamics. This book is designed to guide you through the essential fundamentals of negotiation, whether you are an experienced business person looking for new insights, or someone just starting out looking for a solid foundation. We will discover how preparation is the key to success in any negotiation situation. Understanding your own goals and boundaries, as well as those of others, will enable you to negotiate with confidence and determination. We will explore the art of listening, the ability to express yourself clearly and respectfully and the importance of empathy in understanding the interests of all parties involved. In these pages we will delve deeper into how negotiation is not just about winning the deal, but also about building lasting relationships. It's about creating win-win situations where all parties can thrive. You will learn to deal with challenges, unexpected twists and emotional moments, and how to overcome these obstacles without losing sight of the bigger picture. Negotiation is a journey of growth, both business and personal. The skills you will learn here will not only help you be more successful in business transactions, but will also improve your communication skills, increase your resilience and enable you to better deal with the complexities of human interactions.
Quinton Joser (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
Business Skills: The Power of Convincing, Persuading, and Influencing Others (3 in 1)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. This book consists of three titles, which are the following: Influence - This book is designed to take you on a fascinating journey through the fundamentals of influence and persuasion. We will unravel the psychological mechanisms that underlie how people think, make decisions and are influenced. With deep insights and practical strategies, we want to help you develop and refine your own persuasion skills. In the coming chapters, we will explore how influence and persuasion are intertwined in all aspects of our lives, from marketing campaigns and political rhetoric to interpersonal relationships and leadership situations. We'll look at the proven techniques that influencers, leaders and communications experts have used to achieve their goals. But this book goes beyond just sharing tricks; it aims to create an in-depth understanding of the psychology behind persuasion so that you can influence in an ethical and effective way. Job Interview - This book was created with the goal of preparing you for job interview success, regardless of the industry or level of the position you are applying for. We will guide you through the different phases of the application process: from the preparation and research phase to the actual interview , and even how to follow up after the interview. Negotiate - Negotiation is much more than just closing deals. It is a subtle interplay of communication, strategy and insight into human dynamics. This book is designed to guide you through the essential fundamentals of negotiation, whether you are an experienced business person looking for new insights, or someone just starting out looking for a solid foundation.
Quinton Joser (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
[French] - Compétences professionnelles: Le pouvoir de convaincre, de persuader et d’influencer (3
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Ce lot de livres contient trois titres, à savoir : Influence : découvrez le pouvoir d'influencer les gens de manière subtile et directe. Négocier : devenez meilleur pour convaincre les autres lorsque vous vendez ou avez des discussions commerciales. Entretien d'embauche : découvrez les meilleures réponses pour un entretien d'embauche, la rédaction d'un CV, et bien plus encore.
Quinton Joser (Author), Voix Numérique Fiona G (Narrator)
How Did You Get Here: Lessons of Unconventional Success
Scott Montgomery was not set up for success. Growing up with little structure and having a reputation as a troublemaker in his teens, the prospects of his moving ahead were limited. His life began to shift when he started working at a local grocery store at sixteen. As he developed new habits and skills, guided by managers and mentors who recognized his potential, he built an unconventional path to significant corporate opportunities. So how has Scott ended up leading Worldgate LLC, a thriving management consulting firm, and coaching other leaders and entrepreneurs on their paths to success? In his book How Did You Get Here?, Scott shares what he learned through stories of his life and career, how he nurtured a mindset that has allowed him to transform his life and become the successful business leader he is today. Montgomery doesn’t hold back, offering truthful anecdotes and inspiring insights into what it takes to be a successful leader. How important it is to form and maintain your relationships – personal and professional How habits, routines, self-care and goal-setting enable peak performance How leadership coaching has benefited his career, and how it can benefit yours How the formation, history, and culture of Worldgate LLC influences his success How applying the lessons learned has made him a better partner, husband, and father Scott’s definition of success truly focuses on happiness and satisfaction. As he, and his wife Katelyn, are partnered in life and in business, he speaks from experience sharing how to balance running a business, building a family, and achieving outstanding financial, personal, and professional success. His leadership focuses on developing engagement, growth and fostering a learner’s mindset. He is proud to lead an amazing team and is committed to the wellbeing of his clients, Worldgate’s employees and giving back to his community.
Scott Montgomery (Author), Scott Montgomery (Narrator)
Stop Selling Start Believing: The Ultimate Guide to Sales, Objection Handling, Negotiation Technique
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. John Kaufman, a top producing sales producer and sales coach, shares the secrets he has learned over a 30 year career spanning insurance, real estate, car sales, business to business services, software consulting and staffing. He also shares the invaluable knowledge he learned over a decade of being one of the top sales recruiters in the United States interviewing upwards of 1,000 top rainmakers in the country every year, each producing $1 - $100 million in annual production in Enterprise B2B and B2C sales. He breaks down not just the techniques, but the sales psychology and strategy that separate the top dogs from the rest of the pack in an easy to read and understand step-by-step guide to dominating sales no matter what industry you are in. In this book, you will learn how to set goals that help you achieve your dreams. How to develop the self discipline, belief and confidence of a top rainmaker. Keep your sales funnel full through intense lead generation, social selling and referrals, power prospecting techniques and when all else fails how to dominate the phones cold calling. You will build a plan to double your appointments and lead them through a sale with a 12 step plan to build the perfect sales script that builds to power presentation and storytelling technique that makes closing the sale look easy. And if you get objections, this book will arm you with over a dozen objection handling methods that have closed hundreds of millions of dollars in sales for John and his clients.
John P Kaufman (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Shadowed by Dictatorship Eritrea's Oppression
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Together, we will uncover the stories of brave individuals who dare to speak out, artists who use their creativity to resist, and advocates who tirelessly work to bring attention to Eritrea's plight. From silenced voices to lost dreams, we will examine the profound impact of censorship, repression, and the suppression of human rights on Eritreans both within the country's borders and beyond.
Russom Teklay (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
[French] - Utiliser les Mots avec Succès: Découvrez Comment Vous Exprimer Avec Confiance et Convicti
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Avez-vous déjà ressenti la frustration de ne pas pouvoir vous faire entendre ? La difficulté à trouver les mots justes, le désir de vous exprimer avec assurance et la crainte de perdre votre confiance et votre conviction ? Vous essayez d'établir des relations fructueuses, mais vous êtes confronté à des malentendus, à des conflits et à un manque de respect ?Si vous êtes un leader, un manager, un professionnel, ou si vous voulez simplement améliorer vos compétences en communication pour construire des relations fructueuses, ce guide est la réponse que vous cherchez. Ce livre est votre guide ultime pour maîtriser l'art de la communication assertive, une compétence vitale qui a le pouvoir de révolutionner vos relations et votre existence tout entière. Le voyage au sein de ces pages vous conduira à travers une série de thèmes fondamentaux : - L'essence de la communication assertive et son pouvoir de transformation. - L'importance de la conscience de soi comme guide dans l'émotivité et pour une communication authentique. - Comment renforcer l'estime de soi et la confiance, piliers essentiels de la communication assertive. - Le développement de la maîtrise de la communication, l'acquisition de compétences pour s'exprimer clairement et efficacement. - L'apprentissage de techniques pour gérer les conflits et les critiques, en les transformant en opportunités de croissance. Si vous êtes prêt à vous exprimer avec confiance, conviction et respect, ce livre vous ouvrira les portes d'un monde de relations réussies.
Lou Dorian (Author), Voix Numérique Francine G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Lo que no te cuenta de amazon fba Tienes que saberlo antes de empezar a vender en amazon
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. ¡Bienvenido! Si estás buscando expandir tu negocio en Amazon, entonces el curso de Amazon FBA es perfecto para ti. Amazon FBA ofrece una solución integral para los vendedores, permitiéndoles centrarse en la creación de productos y el crecimiento de su negocio, sin tener que preocuparse por la logística y el envío. Con el curso de Amazon FBA, aprenderás cómo utilizar este servicio para maximizar tus ventas en Amazon. Aprenderás a crear listas de productos efectivas, a gestionar el inventario y a utilizar herramientas de análisis para optimizar tus ventas. Además, aprenderás a manejar los desafíos comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar Amazon FBA, y a maximizar tus beneficios al minimizar tus costos. No importa si eres un vendedor experimentado o si apenas estás comenzando en Amazon, este curso es adecuado para cualquier persona que quiera llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de aprovechar las ventajas de Amazon FBA y tomar el control de tu negocio! Conviértete en un vendedor exitoso en Amazon con el curso de Amazon FBA y comienza a maximizar tus ganancias hoy mismo. ¡Inscríbete ahora!
Asomoo.Net (Author), Voz Digital Luis G (Narrator)
Contract Crafting 101: From Draft to Signature: A Comprehensive Approach to Developing, Modifying, a
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. The audiobook Contract Crafting 101: From Draft to Signature gives observations and thoughts about how a manager or entrepreneur may: run negotiations with customers and suppliers; implement results of negotiations into the contract terms; create and use a database for decisions; communicate with a team of experts; work with lawyers; Use standard Contract Terms; manage the risk (if-situations); follow the company’s Internal Regulations, and much more. The audiobook can be helpful to a wide range of businesspeople, from business owners directly managing their companies to contract managers in large and medium-sized companies. This audiobook is not a manual, but its information may help you understand how to work with contracts, from negotiation to drafting and signing.
Yana Chizhikova (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Si estás leyendo este ebook es porque estás interesado en el marketing de afiliados y te gustaría saber como puedes generar ingresos desde tu casa por internet. Para iniciar quiero contarte un poco de como comencé en este mundo digital. Mi nombre es Natasha Sánchez y como tú que estás leyendo este ebook, yo también estaba buscando información de como empezar a emprender, buscaba en todos lados, pero no encontraba la información necesaria, entonces ahí fue donde tome la decisión de adquirir cursos para aprender a profundidad sobre este tema y poder enseñarte a ti todo lo aprendido, por eso hoy te mostrare como comenzar de la manera correcta y sin rendirte en el intento, con estas habilidades logré facturar más de $1000 dolares en mi primer mes con Hotmart.
Asomoo.Net (Author), Voz Digital Leonardo G (Narrator)
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