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Word meesterframer: De complete handleiding framing voor iedereen die iedereen wil overtuigen
Heb je soms het gevoel dat je boodschap niet overkomt? Leer dan om je verhaal te framen. Door de juiste woorden te gebruiken, overtuig je iedereen, voordat ze het doorhebben. In iedereen schuilt een meesterframer: ook jij kunt leren hoe je taal zo slim kunt inzetten dat je iedereen om je heen kunt beïnvloeden. Dit praktische boek helpt je stap voor stap om een behendige framer te worden. Wat willen mensen graag horen? Hoe laat een brein zich onbewust verleiden? Welke woorden moet je gebruiken en welke moet je vermijden? Ga je actie voeren tegen een gewasbeschermingsmiddel of een landbouwgif? Kondig je de reorganisatie aan als een bezuiningsmaatregel of is het een investering in je mensen? Vertel je je partner dat je een week gaat feesten met je vrienden, of is het tijd om je sociale contacten aan te halen? Als je mensen wilt overtuigen, dan kun je het maar beter goed doen. Of je nou politicus, manager of professional bent, gebruik framing zodat jouw verhaal de enige waarheid is die telt.
Jolijn Mes, Sarah Gagestein (Author), Jolijn Mes (Narrator)
Ik weet dat u liegt: Over leugens en bedrog voor professionals
Zou het niet geweldig zijn als u elke leugen direct zou herkennen? Als u zou weten of een sollicitant overdrijft? Of een klant u belazert met een schadeclaim? Of een zakenrelatie liegt over zijn bijdrage aan een project? Ontdek in dit praktische boek hoe u met slimme verhoortechnieken en lichaamstaalanalyse kunt voorkomen dat mensen u bedriegen. Ontwikkel een antenne voor misleiding, manipulatie en intimidatie zodat niemand u tijdens persoonlijke gesprekken, vergaderingen en onderhandelingen nog in de luren kan leggen.
Guus Essers, Job Boersma (Author), Guus Essers (Narrator)
Public Speaking: Methods for Overcoming Shyness, Boosting Self-Esteem, Increasing Confidence, and Cr
Get Rid of Stage Fright and Become an Entertaining Speaker! Have you ever been asked to speak at an event, and the idea of doing so gives you nightmares? Do you want to learn how to capture an audience like the pros easily? Do you want to establish a name for yourself in public speaking but don't know where to start? Whether you're the best man at a friend's wedding, leading a presentation by your team at the next board meeting, or speaking to an eager audience, this book is precisely what you need. Examine the underlying factors that may be impacting your self-esteem. With the variety of materials available on one platform, you can get practical ideas on performing your speech and conquering your social anxiety. Unlock your incredible potential by following these simple steps inside. This extraordinary book will teach you: - Tips for breaking out of your comfort zone - How to Break Free from Your Limiting Beliefs and Social Conditioning - Methods for Developing Unwavering Confidence - Effective methods for defining oneself as a public speaker - An easy method to giving the best presentation on every occasion - Tips for effective voice intonation, pitch, and body language - Secrets of dressing to impress like a professional public speaker - Tools to help you rehearse, gain confidence, overcome social anxiety, and deliver a successful presentation And so much more! So, what are you holding out for? Scroll ahead, click 'Buy Now,' and start your journey to becoming a confident, powerful public speaker!
Zelene Greenwood (Author), Peter Finch (Narrator)
Mit Rhetorik begeistern: Wie ich frei reden lernte - und wie auch Sie es schaffen
Wie ich frei reden lernte - und auch Sie es schaffen Dieses Hörbuch wendet sich an alle, die ab sofort rhetorisch durchstarten wollen. Hier erfahren Sie: • Wie Sie Ihre Rhetorik spürbar verbessern • Wie Sie sich effektiv und mit bleibendem Eindruck anderen präsentieren • Wie Sie passende und persönliche Beispiele für Ihre Reden finden • Wie Sie sich bei Vorträgen von anderen positiv unterscheiden • Wie Sie die Geheimnisse der Kardialrhetorik nutzen • Wie Sie so sprechen, dass Sie die Herzen des Publikums erreichen • Wie Sie ohne Notizen sprechen
Tillmann Luther (Author), Simone Schatz (Narrator)
Comment parler en public sans avoir peur: Un guide pour être enfin sûr de toi quand tu parles à d'au
Parler en public est un problème très courant chez les gens, et cette difficulté peut interférer et endommager la carrière de n'importe quel professionnel ; même pour les plus compétents, après tout, il faut bien communiquer afin de gagner un bon placement sur le marché du travail ou une meilleure position dans l'entreprise. Dans cette optique, ce livre présente les connaissances liées à la communication interpersonnelle, à l'art oratoire et au marketing personnel ; des facteurs importants pour le développement des aptitudes et compétences personnelles et professionnelles. Ce livre permettra à l'écouteur d'améliorer des compétences telles que la persuasion et l'émotion, d'améliorer les relations interpersonnelles et d'améliorer son image dans diverses situations du monde du travail et des événements sociaux. Grâce à des exercices pratiques et des techniques efficaces, il sera possible de vaincre la timidité et de parler en public avec clarté, objectivité et sens pratique.
Julia Turner (Author), Kay Webster (Narrator)
How to speak in public without fear: A guide to finally being confident when talking to other people
Public speaking is a very common problem among people, and this difficulty can interfere and harm the career of any professional - even the most competent ones. After all, to communicate well is essential when it comes to conquering a good placement in the job market, or a better position in the company. With this in mind, this audiobook presents knowledge related to interpersonal communication, public speaking, and personal marketing; important factors for the development of personal and professional skills, and competencies. This audiobook will allow the listener to improve skills such as persuading, emotion, improving interpersonal relationships, and enhancing his or her image, in the most diverse situations, in the work world, and social events. Through practical exercises and effective techniques, it will be possible to overcome shyness, speak in public with clarity, objectivity, and practicality.
Julia Turner (Author), Kay Webster (Narrator)
The Blue Square Method is a philosophy and process for the enlightened fee-for-service professional who is striving to grow on their own terms. Panoramic success requires continual refinement and optimization both personally and professionally. This actionable playbook is designed to put you on a predictable trajectory and ensure you never plateau.
Chris Jeppesen, Duncan MacPherson, Duncan Macpherson (Author), Chris Jeppesen, Duncan MacPherson, Duncan Macpherson (Narrator)
How to Develop Your Career: 7 Easy Steps to Master Getting Promoted, Salary Negotiation, Career Deve
Are you sick of feeling like your career is at a dead end? Are you ready to figure out how you can move forward in your career and find out how to keep it moving forward? If so, then this guide will help you with everything that you will need to know about how to better yourself in just 7 EASY STEPS! Careers can often feel like they are stagnant. It is easy to get stuck in what you are doing or to feel like you cannot get through the situation that you are in. However, careers are also one of the places where you can see the most upward mobility. With your career, you should be able to see that there is so much more success to it than you think. You just need to know where to look and how to embrace it. When you work toward bettering your career, you will find yourself making huge headway in your life. YOU’LL LEARN: - How to prepare your goals so they will help you to keep moving forward no matter what you are doing and no matter how hard it might seem. - How you can begin identifying your strengths and weaknesses and supporting yourself to allow for better progress. - How you can make a game plan to keep yourself moving forward. - The importance of networking and why you need a solid network to thrive. - The reasons that we pass up opportunities that would otherwise greatly benefit us and how to get around this problem. - How you can hold yourself accountable to ensure that you can succeed and why you need to work hard to have that accountability in the first place. - How you can strive for excellence instead of perfection. - And so much more! Being able to better develop your career isn’t impossible—you can do it in just 7 EASY STEPS that will help you to successfully get through what you need to do. You just have to be willing to embrace it and make the progress happen. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Theodore Kingsley (Author), K. C. Wayman (Narrator)
The Blue Square Method is a philosophy and process for the enlightened fee-for-service professional who is striving to grow on their own terms. Panoramic success requires continual refinement and optimization both personally and professionally. This actionable playbook is designed to put you on a predictable trajectory and ensure you never plateau.
Chris Jeppesen, Duncan MacPherson, Duncan Macpherson (Author), Duncan MacPherson, Duncan Macpherson (Narrator)
Get Speaking Gigs Now: Learn The Secrets To Booking 500+ Speaking Gigs!
Would You Like to Get Booked, STAY Booked & Attract Your Ideal Clients as a Speaker? Are you a speaker or want to become one, but don't know how to get SPEAKING GIGS or how to MONETIZE your talk? I share some of my favorite SPEAKING SECRETS that I've used to book and deliver over 500 speaking engagement inside this book! 1) Get Your Talk Ready to Rock 2) Create Your Ideal Speaking Gig Pipeline 3) Monetize Your Speaking Engagements 4) Systems to Getting Asked Back Again & Again 5) Speaker Sheet Development You'll Need 6) Keeping Your Speaking Gig Pipeline FULL 7) Scripts for Getting Booked & Staying Booked
Leisa Reid (Author), Leisa Reid (Narrator)
Active Listening: How to listen, understand and validate to improve and deepen relationships, by bec
Finally available is a guide to know everything, really everything, about really listening to others! You've finally found the listen you've been looking for: minute after minute, you'll be able to embark on a path that will guide you, step by step, to the knowledge of how to effectively communicate with other people! In this pause-resisting listen, you will get to know and understand the following topics: - Types of listening - The characteristics necessary for empathic listening skills - How to improve these characteristics - How to listen to your clients - How to listen to your employees - How to listen to your children - How to listen to your partner Buy the manual now! What are you waiting for? Don't you want to finally stop pretending to listen to people, not understanding what they really want to tell you, and coming off as cocky? Get a copy of the book and learn everything you need to know about actively listening even if you are denied to do it!
Lilly De Sisto (Author), Darcey Kobs (Narrator)
Escucha Activa: Cómo escuchar, comprender y validar para mejorar y profundizar las relaciones, convi
Por fin disponible el manual para saberlo todo, pero realmente todo, sobre la escucha real de los demás! Por fin ha encontrado el libro que buscaba: página tras página, podrá emprender un camino que le guiará, paso a paso, hacia el conocimiento de cómo comunicarse eficazmente con otras personas. En las 110 páginas del libro, podrá conocer y comprender los siguientes temas: - Tipos de escucha - Las características necesarias para una escucha empática - Cómo mejorar estas características - Cómo escuchar a sus clientes - Cómo escuchar a sus empleados - Cómo escuchar a tus hijos - Cómo escuchar a su pareja ¡Compre el manual ahora! ¿A qué esperas? ¿No quieres dejar por fin de fingir que escuchas a la gente, de no entender lo que realmente te quieren decir y de parecer pretencioso? ¡Consigue un ejemplar del libro y APRENDE TODO LO QUE NECESITAS SABER SOBRE LA ESCUCHA ACTIVA AUNQUE SE TE NIEGUE HACERLO!
Lilly De Sisto (Author), Vicente Castellano (Narrator)
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