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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with featured article 'The Necessary Art of Persuasion,' by Ja
The best leaders know how to communicate clearly and persuasively. How do you stack up? If you read (or listen to) nothing else on communicating effectively, listen to these ten articles. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you express your ideas with clarity and impact-no matter what the situation. Leading experts such as Deborah Tannen, Jay Conger, and Nick Morgan provide the insights and advice you need to: pitch your brilliant idea-successfully; connect with your audience; establish credibility; inspire others to carry out your vision; adapt to stakeholders' decision-making style; frame goals around common interests; and build consensus and win support.
Deborah Tannen, Harvard Business Review, Nick Morgan, Robert B. Cialdini (Author), Gregory St. John, Susan Larkin (Narrator)
Negociación: Habilidades y métodos de comunicación para las negociaciones
La negociación es un método por el cual las personas resuelven las diferencias. Es un procedimiento por el cual se llega a un compromiso, oa un contrato, evitando discusiones y disputas. En cualquier argumento, es comprensible que las personas apunten a lograr la mejor solución posible para su posición (o tal vez para una organización a la que representan). Sin embargo, los principios de equidad, búsqueda del beneficio mutuo y mantenimiento de una relación son las claves para un resultado efectivo. Se utilizan formas específicas de negociación en muchas circunstancias: asuntos internacionales, el sistema legal, el gobierno federal, disputas comerciales o relaciones domésticas como ejemplos. Sin embargo, las habilidades generales de negociación se pueden aprender y utilizar en una amplia gama de actividades. Las habilidades de negociación pueden ser una gran ventaja para resolver cualquier diferencia que surja entre usted y los demás.
Pablo Navarro (Author), Alejandro Morales (Narrator)
Persuasión: Estrategias de Seducción y Manipulación Sigilosa
A lo largo de los años, he compartido algunos métodos de persuasión para usar en relaciones íntimas y románticas. Un ejemplo podría ser este: he escrito cosas sobre los efectos influyentes del tacto en una cita o compañero. Otros libros también han explorado los impactos convincentes de hacer pequeñas solicitudes antes de solicitar una cita. Al mirar hacia atrás en ese trabajo, comencé a preguntarme realmente cómo la gente influyó y alentó a sus parejas románticas también en un nivel más cotidiano. Así que me puse a investigar el asunto y descubrí qué métodos utilizan (y cuáles son muy efectivos). Esto es lo que encontré...
Pablo Navarro (Author), Alejandro Morales (Narrator)
Due to the changing winds of fate, my sister Marty needed to take a job selling vacation timeshares in Las Vegas. Many, if not most, take the tour just for the offered goodies; it was an awfully harsh environment to learn in. We talked about relationship-based selling, how to do trial closes, and how to ask closing questions, all of which are written down here in Make. It. Rain. I recommended she get a few books on the subject. About a week later, we talked again, she said she had bought and read some books about selling but that she would rather eat dirt than have to read any more bullet points. Since I started my love affair with selling at the early age of 15, I had a fondness for the subject that was easy for me to talk about, to tell stories about. She planted the seed for this book a great many years ago now. In my time working for Dale Carnegie Training, I came to deeply understand that telling and listening to stories is where real learning takes place. So, I set about writing a story-form sales training book that was built on the values learned working in a family business in a very small town. I have always enjoyed the art of selling, the people I have met, and the lives I have enriched by making damn sure the people got what they need, not what I needed them to have!
Kirk Kjellberg, Mary Kjellberg (Author), Dan Hankiewicz (Narrator)
Feeling stressed about your upcoming presentation? Whether you're nervous about how you'll organize your thoughts or how you'll articulate them on the big day, Presentations provides the quick guidelines and expert tips you need to: - Craft your message - Prepare and rehearse effectively - Engage your audience - Manage Q&A sessions Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly listen to and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business.
Harvard Business Review (Author), James Edward Thomas (Narrator)
Communication In The Workplace
Discover The Power Of Communication And Master The #1 Leadership Skill To Success... Are you 100% aware of your character traits and how they influence your leadership? Have you ever run into miscommunication issues with the team you lead? On a scale from 1-10, how good would you rate your communication skills? If your answer is not 10, you've already left money on the table. Effective communication is an integral element of professional success. No matter if you define success through profit or impact, every leader needs to apply certain skills to properly get their message across. Unfortunately, you are not born as someone like Tony Robbins who can motivate hundreds of people to change their lives through the message he spreads. First of all, he wasn´t born with this skill either. And second of all, no one else is. Effective communication is a soup of psychological insights, simple nonverbal and verbal tools to successfully deliver, receive and understand an intended message. If you know how to eat the soup, you´ll be able to erase all kinds of drama from your workplace and only focus on creating profit and positive impact. Fortunately, good communication skills are not written in your DNA. They are an easily attainable skill set that can be learned faster than you think... ...if you know where and how to start. Effective communication is not only a way to deal with conflicts. Even if you have a great relationship with all your team members, you most likely still lack in client relationships, profitability or engagement. Integrating effective communication tools into your messages will help your business to survive tough times and give a step up in good times. Be proactive and prepare yourself before you fall into the communication trap of leadership. If you want to know how to deliver, send and receive messages in the leader role, then check out this audiobook right now!
Shirley Cole (Author), Aida Maria Boison (Narrator)
Communication Skills Training: 2 In 1
Get this amazing Audiobook Bundle Now! Audiobook 1: Communication In Relationships Decode Your Relationships And Discover The Power Of Effective Communication! A 75-year Harvard study found that love is the secret to a fulfilling life. But if that´s true, why do so many people break up? The #1 reason for the dramatic increase in breakups is that we don´t take time for real communication within our relationship. The key to any relationship is good communication. Even if you call yourself a relationship expert, there are still hidden secrets about the other gender you probably haven´t heard of. If you want to maintain healthy, long-lasting relationships, then check out this audiobook right now! Audiobook 2: Communication In The Workplace Discover The Power Of Communication And Master The #1 Leadership Skill To Success… Are you 100% aware of your character traits and how they influence your leadership? On a scale from 1-10, how good would you rate your communication skills? If your answer is not 10, you’ve already left money on the table. Effective communication is an integral element of professional success. Effective communication is not only a way to deal with conflicts. Even if you have a great relationship with all your team members, you most likely still lack in client relationships, profitability or engagement. Integrating effective communication tools into your messages will help your business to survive tough times and give a step up in good times.
Shirley Cole (Author), Aida Maria Boison, Brooke Pillifant (Narrator)
Ausdrucksweise verbessern: Artikulation, Argumentieren, Schlagfertigkeit und Sprachkompetenz trainie
Nie mehr ohne Worte: Verbessere aktiv Deine Ausdrucksweise!Wer immer die passenden Worte parat hat, drückt sich besser aus, kann andere Menschen überzeugen und wirkt stark und selbstbewusst. Besitzt Du einen großen aktiven Wortschatz und kannst schlagfertig antworten oder richtig argumentieren? Möchtest du die Kunst der guten Kommunikation lernen, durch die Du erfolgreicher, stärker und sympathischer wirkst? Entdecke, wie Du die Kunst einer guten Ausdrucksweise nutzen und erlernen kannst – und warum ein großer Wortschatz sogar für mehr Erfolg im Beruf sorgt! Lerne, wie Du eine Argumentation aufbauen und wie Du andere Menschen überzeugst und wie Du Zustimmung erhältst. Egal ob Argumentationen, eine starke Körperhaltung oder schlagfertige Antworten: All diese Dinge sind zum Glück erlernbar – und hier erfährst Du, worauf es dafür ankommt! Darum solltest du dieses Buch unbedingt lesen! - Du lernst, warum die Ausdrucksweise und ein starker Wortschatz wichtig sind - 10 wichtige Regeln der Kommunikation, die Du kennen solltest - Erfahre, warum die Körperhaltung bei der Ausdrucksweise nicht zu unterschätzen ist - Besser kommunizieren: Richtig argumentieren, kontern und konstruktiv kritisieren - Vorbereitung ist die halbe Miete: Tipps und Tricks für alle Fälle - Du trainierst Deine Fähigkeiten durch Übungen, Tipps und Tricks für eine noch bessere Kommunikation! Das Geheimnis wortgewandter Menschen: So trainierst Du Deine Ausdrucksweise!Wortgewandte Menschen erreichen mehr, wirken selbstbewusster und haben immer den passenden Spruch parat, der zum Einsatz kommt! Sichere Dir jetzt dieses Hörbuch und trainiere Deine Ausdrucksweise, Deine Aussprache und Deine rhetorischen Fähigkeiten im Allgemeinen!
Henning Wunderstader (Author), F. W. (Narrator)
The Deal: Secrets for Mastering the Art of Negotiation
LEARN STRATAGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL DEAL MAKING Star of the hit show Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, Josh Flagg shares his secrets to mastering any negotiation in any industry and at any level. Throughout his career, Josh Flagg has faced off with challengers of all kinds in negotiations over the world's most expensive and sought-after real estate. He has seen and put into practice what works and identified the "common tricks" that don't. Josh has curated ten rules that, when applied to any deal, will significantly increase your chance of success, and make you the master negotiator your clients need you to be. Sample rules include: - Rule #1: Don't Sell Garbage- you are what you sell. - Rule #2: You Only Have One Client- focus on the one you're with. - Rule #3: Up Your Attitude- be the person people want to represent them. - Rule #8: Play the Psychologist- you are your client's best friend. - Rule #10: Know Your Worth- you are your best advocate. If you want to be the best, you have to look and act like the best. Josh learned this rule young and has applied it to every client relationship he has ever had. He began his real estate career as a student at Beverly Hills High School-swung big and hit-landing him in the perfect position to take on some of LA's largest, most exclusive real estate listings and, eventually, a spot on Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. Apply the lessons in the book to become the negotiator who closes million-dollar deals.
Josh Flagg (Author), Whitney Stuart (Narrator)
How to Listen: Discover the Hidden Key to Better Communication
If you want to be heard, you need to know how to listen.?? ? Communication isn’t all about what you say. It’s about what you hear, what you notice, and how you respond. In short: it’s about how you listen. And despite leaders spending eighty-three percent of their day listening, only two percent of them have ever been trained in how to listen effectively.? ? At a time when we are more technologically linked than ever, our conversations have never been more distracted and disconnected—because most don’t know how to truly listen.?? ? The result? You constantly fight to be “heard” over all the noise and distraction. You feel frustrated, confused, ignored, and feel like no one is paying attention. You are drained and tired of repeating yourself. Work conversations take longer than necessary because most people only listen to fourteen percent of what the speaker thinks and means. ? In How to Listen, Oscar Trimboli, host of the Apple-award-winning podcast Deep Listening, shows you how to unlock your listening superpowers. Trimboli shares practical and pragmatic insights to help you notice when you aren’t listening—and what to do about it.?? When you understand the art and science of listening, you’ll master the missing half of communication—and create a more powerful impact in your workplace and beyond.
Oscar Trimboli (Author), Oscar Trimboli (Narrator)
Robert’s Rules For Dummies, 4th Edition
All in favor of improving meeting procedures, say Aye! Trying to keep your in-person and virtual meetings on track and running smoothly? You need Robert's Rules of Order! These rules for conducting meetings have stood the test of time as the gold standard for practical and effective procedure in group settings like corporate and nonprofit boards, councils, and more. This handy guide demystifies the Rules and offers listeners a practical roadmap to applying efficient procedures to everything from conducting online and in-person meetings to voting by email. It also: - Contains brand-new, updated content on the latest Twelfth Edition of Robert's Rules - Offers sample meeting agendas, minutes, scripts, and other material to show you how the pros keep meeting records - Walks you through the basic-and not so basic-ways to nominate and elect officers and directors in organizations Ideal for board members, convention delegates, business owners, nonprofit executives, and anyone else trying to maintain an orderly flow of business-online or in person-Robert's Rules For Dummies is a resource that will make you wonder how you ever survived without it.
C. Alan Jennings PRP, C. Alan Jennings Prp, PRP C. Alan Jennings, Prp C. Alan Jennings (Author), Mike Carnes (Narrator)
Lead with charisma and confidence. Many leaders consider 'executive presence' a make-or-break factor in high-powered promotions. But what is this elusive quality, and how do you develop it? This book explains how to build the charisma, confidence, and decisiveness that top leaders project. Whether you're delivering a critical presentation or managing a hectic meeting, you'll be inspired to approach the situation with new strength. This volume includes the work of: Deborah Tannen, Amy J. C. Cuddy, and Amy Jen Su. This collection of articles includes 'Deconstructing Executive Presence,' by John Beeson; 'How New Managers Can Send the Right Leadership Signals,' by Amy Jen Su; 'To Sound Like a Leader, Think About What You Say, and How and When You Say It,' by Rebecca Shambaugh; 'Connect, Then Lead,' by Amy J. C. Cuddy, Matthew Kohut, and John Neffinger; 'The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why,' by Deborah Tannen; and 'Too Much Charisma Can Make Leaders Look Less Effective,' by Jasmine Vergauwe, Bart Wille, Joeri Hofmans, Robert B. Kaiser, and Filip De Fruyt.
Harvard Business Review (Author), Chloe Cannon, Jonathan Yen (Narrator)
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