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Clay and Bones: My Life as an FBI Forensic Artist
Lisa Bailey never considered a career working in death until she saw the FBI job posting for a forensic artist. The idea of using her artistic skill to help victims of crime was too compelling to pass up. Soon she was documenting crime scenes, photographing charred corpses, and digitally retouching the disembodied heads of suicide bombers. But it was facial approximation-sculpting a face from the remnants of an unidentified victim's skull-that intrigued her the most. Bailey knew that if she could capture that person's likeness in clay, she just might help them be identified, and that might help law enforcement track down their killer. Bailey worked on hundreds of cases and grew to become a subject matter expert in the field. It was the most challenging and fulfilling work she could have imagined, and she never thought of leaving. But her life changed when she became the target of sexual discrimination and harassment. She was stunned when FBI management protected the abusers and retaliated with threats, slander, and an arsenal of lawyers. Trapped in an increasingly hostile work environment, and infuriated at the hypocrisy of the FBI's tactics, Bailey decided to fight back. Clay and Bones is a memoir with a mission, and a fascinating exploration into the surreal and satisfying work of a forensic artist.
Lisa G. Bailey (Author), Christina Delaine (Narrator)
The Pride of a Lion: What the Animal Kingdom Can Teach Us About Survival, Fear and Family
Full of grit and resilience, the story of K’wasi the lion cub is one of heartbreak and triumph. He was born to Asha at Zoo Miami in late 2013 and captured the heart of the nation as an incredibly cute lion cub. K’wasi was orphaned in March 2014 when his mother tragically died. K’wasi’s remarkable journey takes him from the untimely death of his mother to stardom at Lion Country Safari. K’wasi’s story is told by world-renowned wildlife photographer and Zoo Miami’s “Goodwill Ambassador” Ron Magill, who documented and photographed every stage of K’wasi’s remarkable roller-coaster life. While society has only recently accepted the incredible emotional intelligence of dogs, pigs, and chimpanzees, through K’wasi’s remarkable story, Ron Magill details how evolved the animal kingdom truly is—lions in particular. Funny, engaging, touching and thrilling, The Pride of a Lion teaches us about family, resilience, and the meaning of life. Join Ron and his half-a-century career as he helps us all understand the life lessons the animal kingdom has for us.
Greg Cote, Ron Magill (Author), Jeffrey Beam (Narrator)
My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla
Introducing the audiobook version of 'My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla' - an immersive journey into the life and mind of one of history's greatest inventors.
Nikola Tesla (Author), Stephen Paul Aulridge Jr. (Narrator)
Elon Musk Biography by Alexander Cooper: The Life Story and Lessons of a Billionaire Visionary Who D
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Elon Musk Biography by Alexander Cooper When people today talk about modern-day success stories in entrepreneurship, engineering, and technological innovation, Elon Musk's name inevitably garners much of the discussion. Musk is the name behind some of the most recognizable, trailblazing, and talked-about companies this century. He is constantly ranked among the wealthiest business magnates in the world whilst also maintaining a persona akin to a rock star which only serves to contribute to his popularity. A look at the background and beginnings of Elon Reeve Musk reveals where he gets much of his innovative and exploring spirit. His father, Errol Musk, is an electromechanical engineer, sailor and pilot. Meanwhile, his mother Maye is a model and a dietician. Musk's father is a native of South Africa, while his mother is originally from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Musk's ancestry includes British, American, and Pennsylvania Dutch roots. Musk was born in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa on June 28, 1971. Pretoria, a city in the northern region of Gauteng, is one of South Africa's capital cities and is known to be a center of academic study, with three major universities, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and the South African Bureau of Standards within its territory. Pretoria is the birthplace of many other notable South Africans, including athlete Oscar Pistorius, entrepreneur Sammy Marks, South African Republic president Paul Kruger, and venture capitalist Roelof Botha. To be continued... Don't miss out — Grab yours!
Alexander Cooper (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
In 'My Inventions,' Nikola Tesla, the visionary engineer often overshadowed by Edison, speaks for himself. This 1919 collection of articles offers a captivating blend of personal anecdotes, humorous reflections, and profound insights into his extraordinary creations. Readers travel alongside Tesla as he recounts his childhood fascination with electricity, his pivotal role in developing the alternating current system, and his groundbreaking work on wireless communication, robotics, and even harnessing cosmic energy. Prepare to be amazed by Tesla's unconventional thinking, unwavering determination, and the sheer breadth of his scientific imagination. This unique autobiography isn't just a chronological record; it's a window into the mind of a genius who dared to dream big and change the world.
Nikola Tesla (Author), Jason Mccoy (Narrator)
[German] - Cosmic Kiss - Sechs Monate auf der ISS - Eine Liebeserklärung an den Weltraum (Ungekürzte
Die Faszination unendlicher Weiten: Astronaut Matthias Maurer hat sie erlebt. In seiner Autobiografie erzählt er von seiner spektakulären Mission zur ISS, seiner Forschung, und was er im Weltall, über die Erde und die Menschheit gelernt hat. Nur zwölf Deutsche haben unseren Planeten je verlassen. Und Matthias Maurer ist einer von ihnen. Doch für den Wissenschaftler ist der Weg in den Weltraum lang und steinig. 2009 besteht er das harte Auswahl-Verfahren der europäischen Weltraum-Behörde ESA und beginnt 2015 mit dem Astronauten-Training. Dabei reist er quer durch Europa, trainiert in China, Japan, Russland, Kanada und in den USA, um sich auf alles vorzubereiten, was im All passieren kann. Im Herbst 2021 startet er schließlich mit der Mission 'Cosmic Kiss' zur Internationalen Raumstation. Fast sechs Monate lang lebt und arbeitet er an Bord der Raumstation ISS. Dabei erlebt er nicht nur einen Satellitenabschuss durch Russland, sondern auch den Kriegsausbruch in der Ukraine aus dem All. 400 Kilometer über seiner Heimat schwebend, erkennt er, wie verletzlich die Erde ist. Lediglich durch eine dünne Hülle vom lebensfeindlichen Vakuum getrennt, erfährt er was Zusammenhalt und Teamwork bedeuten. 'Und da ist er endlich, mein erster freier, fast schon poetisch berührender Blick auf diese magisch wundervolle Oase inmitten der dunkelsten Finsternis des absoluten Nichts. Eine Erkenntnis, die mich ein wenig erschreckt: Die Erde ist leuchtend und vibrierend blau. Der Himmel hingegen ist immer schwarz. Auch am Tag.' Matthias Maurer Matthias Maurers autobiografischer Bericht über seinen Weg zu den Sternen und sein Leben in der Umlaufbahn begeistert durch wissenschaftliche Details, mitreißende Geschichten aus dem Astronauten-Alltag und ungebremste Entdeckerfreude. Der 600. Mensch, der je die Erde verlassen hat, schildert seine packenden Abenteuer aus ganz persönlicher Sicht und erklärt dabei für alle verständlich, wie Raumfahrt funktioniert und wie sich das Leben in der Schwerelosigkeit anfühlt. Nach dem Erfolg der ISS-Mission hat Maurer das nächste Ziel fest im Blick: einen Flug zum Mond im Rahmen des Artemis-Programms.
Matthias Maurer, Sarah Konrad (Author), Mark Bremer (Narrator)
Niels Bohr and J. Robert Oppenheimer: The Lives and Careers of the Physicists Who Pioneered Atomic E
The Danes have incorporated a system that prizes a balance between work and play, the concept of “hygge,” solid investments made towards the treatment of mental illness, and a stellar welfare model. That has helped ensure that an endless stream of intellectuals, inventors, creative legends, and pioneers have hailed from Denmark over many centuries, from classical scholar Ada Adler to fabled 16th century astronomer Tycho Brahe. One of the most famous, and important, is Niels Bohr, a world-famous physicist and one of the patriarchs of quantum theory. Given the vibrant, peaceful haven that is Denmark today, it’s somewhat ironic that Bohr played an instrumental role in the development of the atomic bomb. Even so, the truth and depth of the matter, much like the self-professed pacifist himself, is far more complex. The Manhattan Project would ultimately yield the “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” bombs that released more than 100 Terajoules of energy at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but as it turned out, the Axis were not far behind with their own nuclear weapons program. When the Nazis’ quest for a nuclear weapon began in earnest in 1939, no one really had a handle on how important nuclear weapons would prove to war and geopolitics. The attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, along with the Cold War-era tests and their accompanying mushroom clouds, would demonstrate the true power and terror of nuclear weapons, but in the late 1930s these bombs were only vaguely being thought through, particularly after the successful first experiment to split the atom by a German scientist. The nuclear age itself was in its infancy, barely 35 years old, but within a few short years the advent of nuclear war loomed over the world and the prospect of the enemy winning the nuclear race kept Allied leaders awake at night.
Charles River Editors (Author), Jim Walsh (Narrator)
Breaking Through: My Life In Science
Brought to you by Penguin. WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE 2023 From butcher's daughter in Communist Hungary to winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023, this is the story of one woman's extraordinary determination through decades of obscurity and rejection – and her breakthrough discovery that saved millions of lives. Katalin Karikó began life as a butcher’s daughter in post-war Communist Hungary: a hand-to-mouth existence in a single-room house of clay and straw with no running water. But even as a child she understood two crucial things: for those who can see it, the world is full of fascination and wonder, and whatever challenges she faced, she could overcome them with her boundless appetite for learning. Breaking Through is Karikó’s extraordinary memoir of how she achieved her dream of becoming a scientist, first in Hungary and then in the USA, and pursued her belief – despite so many telling her not to – that an elusive molecule called mRNA could transform our ability to prevent disease. For three decades she worked in obscurity, battling cockroaches in a windowless lab, enduring demotion, the derision of her colleagues, even threats of deportation. But in 2020, Karikó’s vision was spectacularly vindicated when her work made possible a staggering achievement that changed all our lives: the production of the vaccines that protected millions from COVID-19, bringing an end to the pandemic and paving the way for similar vaccines against HIV, malaria and other life-threatening diseases. As frank, wise and fearless as Karikó herself, Breaking Through is a remarkable story of tenacity, friendship and loyalty, and one woman’s unshakeable commitment to her values. ‘A riveting testament to resilience and the power of unwavering belief’ JENNIFER DOUDNA, Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry 'Riveting. A true story of a brilliant biochemist who never gave up or gave in' BONNIE GARMUS, author of Lessons in Chemistry 'Anyone who has ever doubted that science, innovation and persistence can change the world should read this book' BILL GATES ©2023 Katalin Karikó (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Katalin Karikó (Author), Eva Magyar (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Boy Who Reached for the Stars, The El niño que alcanzó las estrellas (SPA) Una
El joven ingeniero conocido como “el mecánico del espacio” (@THESPACEMECHANIC) comparte su apasionante historia, desde su infancia en Ecuador hasta su trabajo en la misión Marte 2020 de la NASA. Elio Morillo tenía cuatro años cuando una serie de dificultades económicas y familiares obligaron a su madre a abandonar Ecuador con él. En Nueva York, y más tarde en Puerto Rico, gracias a los sacrificios y el apoyo incondicional de su mamá, Elio descubrió el poder transformador de la educación y el esfuerzo, así como de la amistad y la ayuda desinteresada de los desconocidos. Su determinación lo llevó a trabajar en el Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA para la Misión Marte 2020, donde fue ingeniero de pruebas y operaciones de sistema para el rover Perseverance e Ingenuity, el helicóptero de Marte. El niño que alcanzó las estrellas es una muestra de que, si te lo propones, tú también puedes realizar tus sueños, así sean tan grandes como alcanzar las estrellas. The young engineer known as 'the space mechanic' (@THESPACEMECHANIC) shares his gripping story, from his childhood in Ecuador to his work on NASA's Mars 2020 mission. Elio Morillo was four years old when a series of economic and family difficulties forced his mother to leave Ecuador with him. In New York, and later in Puerto Rico, thanks to the sacrifices and unconditional support of his mother, Elio discovered the transformative power of education and effort, as well as friendship and the selfless help of strangers. His determination led him to work at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the Mars 2020 Mission, where he was a system tested and operations engineer for the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity, the Mars helicopter. The boy who reached for the stars is a proof that, if you set your mind to it, you too can make your dreams come true, even if they are as big as reaching for the stars.
Elio Morillo (Author), Cesar Ramones (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Biografías breves - Sigmund Freud
La obra y la vida de Sigmund Freud siguen dando tela para cortar. Fue tanto su impacto en la cultura occidental (y más allá) como variadas son las controversias alrededor de su legado. El fundador del psicoanálisis colocó al inconsciente en el centro de la escena. Con ese punto de partida armó teorías que modificaban las maneras de entender la psiquis, la familia, la sociedad y el arte. Miles de terapeutas se siguen formando en base a sus enseñanzas, mientras que otras corrientes lo critican fuertemente. La biografía de Freud ayuda a comprender cómo fue su trayectoria y qué objetivos perseguía con el psicoanálisis. Explica en buena medida las complejas relaciones que mantuvo con pacientes, colegas y otras personas cercanas. Nos muestra cómo interactuaba su pensamiento con la época de guerras y transformaciones en la que le tocó vivir. Este audiolibro está narrado en español neutro - -
Luis Machado (Author), Varios Narradores (Narrator)
[German] - Mit 20 Huskys durch Europa: Lisas Abenteuer auf dem Weg zum Finmarksløpet
Bist du bereit für ein Abenteuer? Dann haben wir das perfekte Buch für dich! Unsere Heldin Lisa ist wie Pippi Langstrumpf - liebenswert, kratzbürstig und unglaublich mutig. Sie kämpft täglich gegen Selbstzweifel und Dämonen an, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Ihr größtes Ziel ist es, das bedeutendste Schlittenhunderennen in Europa zu bestreiten, das Finmarksløpet. Auf dem Weg dorthin hat sie mit 20 Schlittenhunden eine Reise voller Liebe, Mut und Entbehrungen unternommen - und ich haben alles dokumentiert! Dieses Buch bietet eine unglaubliche Erfahrung entlang der Straßen zwischen dem Nordkap und den Alpen. Es ist eine Mischung aus Abenteuer, Reisen und dem beeindruckenden Zughundesport. Es ist eine Geschichte von Mut, Entbehrungen und dem Kampf gegen die eigenen Dämonen. Es ist ein Buch, das inspiriert und die Sehnsucht nach der großen weiten Welt weckt. Für alle, die das Abenteuer lieben und den Wunsch haben, das Unmögliche möglich zu machen, ist dieses Buch eine wahre Schatztruhe an Erlebnissen und Geschichten. Tauch ein und lass dich von der Faszination des Langstrecken-Schlittenhundesports und den atemberaubenden Landschaften verzaubern. Dieses Buch ist für diejenigen, die das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen möchten und bereit sind, alles zu geben, um ihre Träume zu verwirklichen. Also, worauf wartest du noch? Begleite Lisa auf ihrer abenteuerlichen Reise und erlebe eine Geschichte, die Lisa nie wieder vergessen wird!
Eckard Wulfmeyer (Author), Gardy Melanie Sandt (Narrator)
Candace Pert: Genius, Greed, and Madness in the World of Science
The story of maverick scientist Candace Pert, whose groundbreaking research introduced the world to the mind-body connection, opioid receptors, and peptide T, and her fight for recognition in a toxic healthcare system. Candace Pert stood at the dawn of three revolutions: the women's movement, integrative health, and psychopharmacology. A scientific prodigy, she was 30 years ahead of her time, preaching a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to healthcare and medicine long before yoga hit the mainstream and "wellness" took root in our vernacular. Her bestselling book Molecules of Emotion made her the mother of the Mind/Body Revolution, launching a paradigm shift in medicine. Deepak Chopra credits her with creating his career, and he said as much in his eulogy at her funeral. Candace began her career as an unbridled maverick. In 1972, as a 26-year-old graduate student at Johns Hopkins, she discovered the opiate receptor, revolutionizing her field and enabling pharmacologists to design new classifications of drugs from Prozac to Viagra to Percocet and OxyContin. The tragic irony of her breakthrough, touted as the first step to end heroin addiction, is that it helped spawn a virulent epidemic of drug dependence. Facing the largest public health crisis of the 21st century, Candace was incensed that the Hippocratic oath-"first, do no harm"-would succumb to greed, and as witness to this abuse of power, she was one of few scientists courageous enough to protest. Later, as Chief of Brain Biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health, Candace created Peptide T, the non-toxic treatment for HIV featured in Dallas BuyersClub. As the AIDS pandemic raged, triggering panic across Reagan-era America, the U.S. government poured massive amounts of money into finding a cure, sparking a battle among scientists for funding and power. Bested by rivals with competing drugs yet desperate to help, Candace went rogue, becoming a lynchpin in the black market for Peptide T. After a scandalous departure from her tenured position at the NIH, Candace launched a series of private companies with Michael Ruff, her second husband and collaborator. Naïve to the world of business, she was manipulated by investors keen to wrest control of her discoveries. But Candace too became tainted, believing that her noble ends would justify devious means. Like a mythic hero, she succumbed to a fatal flaw, and her greatest strengths-singularity of purpose and blind faith in her own virtuosity-would prove to be her undoing.
Pamela Ryckman (Author), Jess Nahikian, Pamela Ryckman (Narrator)
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