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Zenith Man: Death, Love & Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom
In October 1997, the town of Ringgold, Georgia, was shaken by reports of a murder in its midst. A dead woman was found in Alvin Ridley's house-and even more shockingly, she was the wife no one knew he had. McCracken Poston had been a state representative before he lost his bid for US Congress and returned to his law career. Alvin Ridley was a local character who once sold and serviced Zenith televisions. Though reclusive and an outsider, the 'Zenith Man,' as Poston knew him, hardly seemed capable of murder. Alvin was a difficult client, storing evidence in a cockroach-infested suitcase, unwilling to reveal key facts to his defender. Calling on medical experts, testimony from Alvin himself, and a wealth of surprising evidence gleaned from Alvin's house, Poston presented a groundbreaking defense that allowed Alvin to return to his peculiar lifestyle, a free man. Years after his trial, Alvin was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, a revelation that sheds light on much of his lifelong personal battle. Part true crime, part courtroom drama, Zenith Man is also the moving story of an unexpected friendship between two very different men that changed-and perhaps saved-the lives of both.
McCracken Poston Jr., Mccracken Poston Jr. (Author), Lee Goettl (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Vida y muerte del cartel de Medellín
El increíble relato de Carlos Lehder sobre su vida como narcotraficante y sobre la creación y la evolución del cartel de Medellín. CARLOS LEHDER es mundialmente famoso por haber sido uno de los fundadores y principales capos del cartel de Medellín, tal vez el más singular del grupo, y el primero de ellos en ser extraditado a los Estados Unidos, en 1987, luego de ser traicionado por Pablo Escobar Gaviria, su socio y cabecilla indiscutible del cartel. Lehder fue sentenciado a cadena perpetua y 135 años adicionales, que logró reducir por su colaboración en el juicio de Estados Unidos contra el dictador panameño Manuel Antonio Noriega. En el año 2020 fue liberado por su buen comporta miento, luego de haber cumplido 33 años de condena. Ya sin deudas con la justicia, Lehder cuenta en este libro el paso a paso de su vida en la delincuencia, desde que siendo todavía menor de edad vendía autos robados en Nueva York hasta la manera en que, desde su isla de las Bahamas, revolucionó para siempre el comercio ilegal de cocaína en el mundo, y explica finalmente cómo surgió, prosperó y cayó en desgracia el infame cartel de Medellín. Las personas y los hechos más representativos de esta historia inagotable cobran una nueva y sorprendente luz de uno de sus legendarios protagonistas. 'Este libro es ante todo la historia nunca antes contada de la más famosa, trascendental y quizás poderosa organización dedicada al tráfico de cocaína que haya existido. Todos los hechos que se cuentan aquí los viví en carne propia, como testigo presencial y protagonista de la mayoría. Tomé parte en todas las aventuras -algunas criminales y otras no- que se narran a lo largo del libro y que hoy componen el relato de una vida con errores -muchos, sin duda- y aciertos -quizás menos-, pero llena de intensidad'. Carlos Lehder Rivas
Carlos Lehder, Carlos Lehder Rivas (Author), Ezequiel Romero (Narrator)
In the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Surviving a Prisoner of War Childhood
In February 1942, nine-year-old Olga Morris and her family were in Singapore when the city fell to the Japanese Imperial Army in the biggest defeat in history of the British Forces. Turned back at an evacuation ship's gangway as the bombs fell, Olga and her parents and siblings were forced to take their chances and hide out until, captured by Japanese soldiers, they were sent on a forced march to the notorious Changi Prison. There's a certain stereotype of the British in Singapore in the ‘30s and early ‘40s, which Olga Morris – Henderson as she is now – definitely did not fit. Her family was not part of the privileged Raffles Hotel set, with their big houses and servants. Her father worked in construction. Olga and her siblings grew up in Johor Bahru, a diverse part of Malaya just across the causeway from Singapore, amongst children of all faiths and cultures. It was a very happy upbringing. All that changed in 1942. Olga was playing with her guinea pigs when a British Army officer arrived to tell her parents that the family had just 30 minutes to pack and be ready for evacuation to Singapore. The Japanese were ten miles away. Olga's mother grabbed the family photograph album and they ran… Days later, Singapore fell. Three years of captivity followed. Three years of disease, malnutrition, deprivation and oppression in Changi and Sime Road. Desperate for food, Olga and her friends bravely raided the vegetable plot; “dodging the searchlights” and sometimes endured severe punishments. She stood alongside the other women and children through the ordeal of Tenko in the blazing sun. Halfway through their captivity, Olga's ten-year-old brother was put into the men's camp, where he suffered terrible cruelty that scarred him for life. February 2022 marked 80 years since the Fall of Singapore and Olga is now ready to tell the story of her years as a child prisoner of war. It's a story of great fear and deprivation; of a childhood utterly lost to conflict. It's also a story of class prejudice and unkindness that didn't end when Olga was freed from the camp and returned to England as a refugee. Yet moments of humour and camaraderie also live on in Olga's memory. There were plays and imaginary tea parties and even a secret girl guide group that held clandestine meetings, where they worked on sewing a quilt.
Olga Henderson (Author), Helen Lloyd (Narrator)
One man's perilous quest to cross Antarctica in the footsteps of Shackleton. Henry Worsley was a devoted husband and father and a decorated British special forces officer who believed in honour and sacrifice. He was also a man obsessed. He spent his life idolizing Ernest Shackleton, the 20th-century polar explorer, who tried to become the first person to reach the South Pole and later sought to cross Antarctica on foot. Shackleton never completed his journeys, but he repeatedly rescued his men from certain death and emerged as one of the greatest leaders in history. Worsley felt an overpowering connection to those expeditions. He was related to one of Shackleton's men, Frank Worsley, and spent a fortune collecting artefacts from their epic treks across the continent. He modelled his military command on Shackleton's legendary skills and was determined to measure his own powers of endurance against them. He would succeed where Shackleton had failed, in the most brutal landscape in the world. In 2008, Worsley set out across Antarctica with two other descendants of Shackleton's crew, battling the freezing, desolate landscape, life-threatening physical exhaustion and hidden crevasses. Yet when he returned home he felt compelled to go back. On November 2015, at age 55, Worsley bid farewell to his family and embarked on his most perilous quest: to walk across Antarctica alone. David Grann tells Worsley's remarkable story with the intensity and power that have led him to be called 'simply the best narrative nonfiction writer working today'. Illustrated with more than 50 stunning photographs from Worsley's and Shackleton's journeys, The White Darkness is both a gorgeous keepsake volume and a spellbinding story of courage, love and a man pushing himself to the extremes of human capacity. Praise for David Grann's Killers of the Flower Moon: 'A riveting true story of greed, serial murder and racial injustice' JON KRAKAUER 'A fiercely entertaining mystery story and a wrenching exploration of evil' KATE ATKINSON 'A fascinating account of a tragic and forgotten chapter in the history of the American West' JOHN GRISHAM 'Disturbing and riveting...Grann has proved himself a master of spinning delicious, many-layered mysteries that also happen to be true...It will sear your soul' DAVE EGGERS, New York Times Book Review 'An extraordinary story with extraordinary pace and atmosphere' Sunday Times
David Grann (Author), Will Patton (Narrator)
[German] - Drecksweib: So nannte er mich
EINE WAHRE GESCHICHTE ÜBER GEWALT UND MISSBRAUCH IN DER PARTNERSCHAFT. Wenn die rosarote Brille zum ersten Mal auch andere Farben durchlässt, dann ist es oft schon zu spät. Hinter Kais attraktiver Maske und seiner Unwiderstehlichkeit verbirgt sich das nackte Grauen. Immer tiefer rutscht Anja in eine Spirale aus Manipulation, Demütigung und Gewalt, und es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es zum Schlimmsten kommt. Drecksweib – So nannte er mich erzählt die wahre Geschichte einer Frau, die mehrere Jahre an der Seite eines gefährlichen Psychopathen überlebt hat. Das ist die Geschichte von Anja.
Lamia Flos (Author), Simone Strohmeier (Narrator)
[Tamil] - Sathiya Sodhani Part 3
(The Story of my Experiments with Truth) என்பது மோகன்தாசு கரம்சந்த் காந்தி எழுதிய அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்று நூல் ஆகும். தன்னுடைய வாழ்வு முழுவதும் ஓர் ஆய்வாளனின் ஆய்வுப் பயணம் போல எனக் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கும் காந்தி தன் வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு திறந்த புத்தகம் என்றும் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். தம் வாழ்வின் மறக்க இயலாத பகுதிகளைச் சமூகத்திற்கு ஞாபகப்படுத்த வேண்டிய பாடங்களாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். அவை யாவும் சத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சோதனைகள் என்பது அவர் எண்ணம். அதனால் இந்நூலுக்கு சத்தியசோதனை என்று அவர் பெயர் வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
Mohandas Gandhi (Author), Deepika Arun (Narrator)
[Tamil] - Sathiya Sodhanai Part 4
(The Story of my Experiments with Truth) என்பது மோகன்தாசு கரம்சந்த் காந்தி எழுதிய அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்று நூல் ஆகும். தன்னுடைய வாழ்வு முழுவதும் ஓர் ஆய்வாளனின் ஆய்வுப் பயணம் போல எனக் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கும் காந்தி தன் வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு திறந்த புத்தகம் என்றும் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். தம் வாழ்வின் மறக்க இயலாத பகுதிகளைச் சமூகத்திற்கு ஞாபகப்படுத்த வேண்டிய பாடங்களாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். அவை யாவும் சத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சோதனைகள் என்பது அவர் எண்ணம். அதனால் இந்நூலுக்கு சத்தியசோதனை என்று அவர் பெயர் வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
Mohandas Gandhi (Author), Deepika Arun (Narrator)
[Polish] - Kongo w Polsce: Włóczęgi z Josephem Conradem
Nie trzeba wyruszyć do Konga, żeby odnaleźć własne „Jądro ciemności”. Ta opowieść zaczyna się od zagadki. Dlaczego pisarz Max Cegielski omijał łukiem żydowski cmentarz w Ustrzykach? Dlaczego tak długo nie dostrzegał jego obecności? Żeby odpowiedzieć na to bardzo osobiste, jak się okaże, pytanie, autor wyrusza w niespieszną wędrówkę, która wiedzie przez bieszczadzką Atlantydę, przez Żuławy, Brukselę i Auschwitz. Z „Jądrem ciemności” Conrada jako swoistym przewodnikiem tropi historie mniejszości wymazanych z naszej zbiorowej pamięci, z pomocą lektur i własnych odkryć rekonstruuje przebieg ich małych i wielkich zagład. Ale szuka również odciśniętych w przemysłowej historii Bieszczadów śladów własnej rodzinnej tożsamości. Opowiada o swoich przodkach, naftowych magnatach na miarę Galicji, a nie Teksasu. Konfrontuje się przy tym boleśnie z rodzinną historią i tym, co zostało w niej przeoczone, skłamane i wyparte. Ta wielowarstwowa opowieść nie służy jednak oskarżeniu. „Kongo w Polsce” jest raczej medytacją w drodze o niejednoznacznościach historii, paradoksach pamięci i o tym, jak i do czego może nam się jeszcze przydać wielka literatura.
Max Cegielski (Author), Max Cegielski (Narrator)
[German] - Die Kinder des Ghettos Blackwood
Kurz vor Weihnachten, Ende der achtziger Jahre in Irland. Gewalt, religiöser Terror, Anfeindungen und Ausgrenzungen bestimmen den Alltag in einem Stadtteil in der Nähe von Belfast. 'Sandy ist das, was mich am Leben hält', sagt Laurina eines Tages zu ihrer Mutter. Es ist der Tag, an dem das elfjährige Mädchen beginnt zu kämpfen, gegen ein unvorstellbar tristes Leben. An der neuen Schule sind alle gegen Laurina und ihre Schwester Sandy, weil sie keine ehrlichen Katholiken sind, wie die anderen Kinder sagen. Während die Mutter versucht, jeden Tag mit irgendwelchen Jobs zu überstehen, um ihre Kinder zu ernähren, werden sie für ihre offensichtliche Armut auch noch verachtet. Als sie dann noch von ihrer Mutter getrennt werden, bricht für sie eine Welt zusammen. Einzig ein Mitschüler bringt Laurina das Vertrauen und die Hoffnung nach und nach zurück - aber ausgerechnet dieser Junge birgt ein großes, schwerwiegendes Geheimnis... Ein Sozialdrama, das im Irland der späten achtziger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts angesiedelt ist, und das die Geschichte eines Mädchens erzählt, welches für seine kleine Schwester durch die Hölle gehen würde.
Elias J. Connor (Author), Elias J. Connor (Narrator)
[Romanian] - Înțelepciunea unui Bullfrog: Leadership simplificat (dar nu ușor)
În 2011, când a preluat conducerea Comandamentului pentru Operațiuni Speciale al Statelor Unite, amiralul McRaven a fost onorat să primească distincția de „Bullfrog', acordată militarului SEAL cu cea mai mare vechime în serviciul activ. Când s-a pensionat în 2014, Mc Raven avea la activ 37 de ani ca Navy SEAL, conducând bărbați și femei la toate nivelurile comunității de operațiuni speciale. În următorii patru ani, el a ocupat funcția de rector al întregului Sistem de universități din Texas, cu cei 230 000 de studenți și 100 000 de cadre didactice și lucrători din domeniul sănătății. Pe parcursul acestor patru decenii, amiralul McRaven s-a confruntat cu toate provocările imaginabile în materie de conducere, de la comandarea operațiunilor de luptă - inclusiv capturarea lui Saddam Hussein, salvarea căpitanului Phillips și raidul pentru Osama bin Laden. Înțelepciunea unui bullfrog se bazează pe aceste experiențe și pe nenumărate altele din viața incredibilă a amiralului McRaven, inclusiv situații de criză, controverse de management, tranziții organizaționale și dileme etice, pentru a oferi cititorilor cele mai importante lecții de leadership pe care autorul le-a învățat de-a lungul deceniilor de serviciu militar. Fiecare capitol oferă câte o parabolă asemănătoare cu cele din bestsellerul Fă-ți patul, bogată în informații precum cele prezentate în cartea sa de memorii Povești de pe mare, despre trăsăturile specifice de leadership necesare pentru a fi la înălțimea așteptărilor. Înțelepciunea unui bullfrog este tratatul lucid al amiralului McRaven privind calitățile care îi separă pe conducătorii buni de cei cu adevărat extraordinari.
William H. McRaven (Author), Alex Potocean (Narrator)
[German] - Nächster Halt: Schweden: Vom Loslassen, Aufbrechen und Ankommen
Warum alles zurücklassen, was man sich aufgebaut hat? Warum aufbrechen in ein fremdes Land, wenn man doch eigentlich alles hat, wovon man immer träumte? In ihrem Erfahrungsbericht nimmt Nadine Haertl den Leser mit auf die abenteuerlichste Reise ihres Lebens: Wie die Familie fast ihr gesamtes Hab und Gut, ihre Tiere und ihren Hof verkauft, ihre Heimat verlässt und mit dem Wohnwagen durch Deutschland bis nach Italien reist. Wie die Vier anschließend vorübergehend in ihr Ferienhaus ohne Strom und fließend Wasser im Wald von Småland ziehen und bald darauf einen Hof in ihrer neuen Wahlheimat Schweden finden, wo sie sich endlich wieder der Selbstversorgung widmen können. Mal emotional, mal spannend, mal humorvoll, dabei aber immer ehrlich, zeigt die Autorin schonungslos Höhenflüge und Tiefpunkte ihrer Auswanderung nach Schweden. Wird die Familie am Ende finden, wonach sie gesucht hat? Nächster Halt: Schweden ist eine Liebeserklärung an das einfache Leben. Es beschreibt den Prozess des Loslassens, das Überbordwerfen von unnötigem Ballast, die Magie von Aufbruch und Neuanfang. Dieser Erfahrungsbericht macht Mut, neue Wege zu gehen, Zweifel hinter sich zu lassen und dem Ruf seiner Träume zu folgen. Dabei geht es vielleicht gar nicht darum, irgendwann anzukommen, sondern nur darum, erst einmal loszugehen.
Nadine Haertl (Author), Céline Landolt (Narrator)
The Moments We Stand: In Chains
Every life has trials. I just never thought mine would lead me to be the victim of an actual trial—a murder trial. Almost two years after that gun sounded, there we were hearing every detail of how he died over, and over, and over again. I had waited so long for the trial to be the pinnacle of my healing. I just knew deep down it would be the moment of peace I had longed for—but as that judge stood to announce the verdict, the emotions that followed were not any I could have ever planned. Truth is . . . nobody ever plans to be a victim. Ashlee shares intimate parts of her healing journey in her 3rd book, The Moments We Stand: In Chains. A murder trial, an interview with Keith Morrison, and sitting across from the secret mistress on the Dr. Phil show. Little did she know those moments were just the beginning of a long journey to finding freedom from the chains.
Ashlee A Boyson (Author), Ashlee A Boyson (Narrator)
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