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Morning Wishes: A Guided Meditation
Take time in the morning -- or any time -- to center yourself in your highest truth. Then proceed into the day clear, strong, with purpose. As a way to discover your highest truth, you will be asked how you really feel, what you really think, what your body is telling you. You will have plenty of time, so allow yourself to go deep; you want to reach beyond surface awareness -- into subconscious and unconscious material. Going deep, you can touch your soul. You will learn a lot about yourself. This is important because only in knowing your deepest truth are you able to create a life that makes you happy and fulfilled. If anything is troubling you, you will have the opportunity to identify and address it. If there is anything you want, you will acknowledge it and direct your energy to receive it. Listening often will bring to surface new information, insights, and realizations. Expect to go deeper and deeper, know yourself more and more, grow in spirit, and maintain optimal health at all levels of your being. Dawn MacLelland's gentle voice will guide you along with Rebecca Read's soothing music. The guided meditation is about 19 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, give yourself that extra time to stay in the beautiful energy. Headphones are recommended. Included is a 17 minute track, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Dawn Maclelland, Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Affirmations for Optimal Well-Being
You are a magnificent being of light, an aspect of All That Is. A powerful Creator! This meditation will help you remember who you really are, remind you that you can: - Assert the truth of your being to maintain optimal health and well-being - Overcome and grow through life's challenges - Evolve to your highest soul potential - Use your soul power to create a wonderful life for yourself Inspiring, uplifting, energizing! The meditation is about 30 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow, if you wish to remain in the blissful state of being. Moxie LaBouche's lovely voice will guide you. Rebecca Reads' soothing music will establish wonderful peace in your being. Headphones are recommended. Included is a 17 minute audio file, How to Make Best Use of Guided Meditations Created by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
What Do You Need Right Now?: A Guided Meditation
Feeling down? No energy? It may be you have a need that's not being fulfilled. When important needs go unfulfilled, we become miserable. Often we move too fast, get too busy and become numb to ourselves: How we feel, how our bodies feel, what we think -- what we need -- to feel happy and healthy. This guided meditation will help you get in touch with those deeper, unfulfilled needs and get you back to feeling good. Perhaps you need something simple like time to: - Rest - Read a good book - Take a walk - Connect with the divine - Exercise Or it may be something bigger and deeper you need: - A new career - Solutions to a troubling relationship - Finish an important project you've put off for a long time - Take care of your finances - Solution to a troubling habit This guided meditation will help you identify these deeper, often unconscious, needs and set you on a path to fulfill them and feel good, again. As you listen, stay alert to unexpected and deep insights and realizations. With frequent listening, you will continue to learn more and more about yourself and be able to consistently improve your life, if you choose. The comforting voice of Dawn McLelland will guide you, along with Rebecca Reads' calming music. The guided meditation is about 17 minutes long. 10 minutes of just music follow. It is recommended you continue to listen and allow the healing energies to settle deep in your being. Headphones are recommended. Included in this audio are suggestions as to how to make best use of this and other guided meditations by this author. 16 minutes.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Dawn Mclelland, Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Clear Your Aura: A Guided Meditation
Does everything in your being feel chaotic, jumbled, confused; your thoughts running wild, emotions out of control? No need to stay in upheaval. Take some time, clear your aura, come back to the peace and clarity of your divine self. Clear Your Aura will help you: - Regain emotional calm - Slow down and organize your thoughts - Attain a new, higher soul perspective of your situation - Experience yourself as essence: pure power, joy, love, peace If you meditate, you will appreciate the way this guided meditation moves you from the agitation and confusion of the human realm to the peace and perspective of the divine realm. The lovely voice of Moxie LaBouche will guide you through the meditation. Rebecca Read's beautiful music will support you in calming down and going deep. The guided meditation is about 18 minutes long. About 10 minutes of just music follow. If you can, continue to listen to the music so the positive energies have more time to settle deeply in your being. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Daily Self-Care: A Guided Meditation
Much of the time we are unhappy because we have lost touch with our essential selves. We don't know how we really feel, what we really think, what we really need, what our hearts really want. Yet, it's easy to reestablish optimum well-being by simply taking some time to take care of ourselves. Daily Self-Care will help you: - Identify and resolve worries and concerns. - Uncover deep needs and desires so you can take action to fulfill them. - Remember your values and priorities so you can eliminate life-draining unimportant activities. - Clear heavy energies and establish vitality and lightness of being. - Identify and manifest something you wanted for a long time but never took action to make happen. - Set positive intentions for your life. - Connect to your essential self, your divine self, to joy, love and peace. - Expand your spiritual potential. You are especially encouraged to listen to this meditation when you are feeling out of sorts for no apparent reason. It will help you find the cause and offer solutions and healing. Each time you listen to Daily Self-Care, you will uncover new, deeper material, gain more awareness about yourself and your situation. Human evolution is the evolution of consciousness; you move from the limiting human perspective to the freedom of soul truth. That is the healing. The calming voice of Moxie LaBouche will guide you through the meditation along with the lovely music of Thaddeus. The guided meditation is about 27 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow. It is recommended you continue to listen and take in the healing. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Lifting Depression: A Guided Meditation
Feeling down? Numb? A little lost? Not getting much done? This guided meditation will bring you back to your essential divine self of lightness of being, clarity and purpose. Recommended only for people who are not on medication for depression. The support offered in this guided meditation is based on psychic observations on the origins of depression by psychically seeing how energy operates in the human aura. From psychic observation, the causes of many non-medical, long-lasting depression usually originate in childhood. If a child is not protected, encouraged to explore, given attention, simply not had his/her basic needs met, he loses contact with his essential being -- the source of his/her true identity and a guide as to how to proceed in life in a way that is best for him/her. As an adult, unable to access this important information, one feels down, foggy, unmotivated, unable to move. Healing lies in healing childhood wounds. This guided meditation does not address deep healing. It is meant to lift you out of your depression, so you can take steps toward deep healing. The purpose of this guided meditation is to help you: - Connect with your essential self - Gain clarity - Lift heavy energies - Open your heart to receive the goodness of the Universe - Fill with energy and vitality - Move toward constructive action, even take steps to heal at the deep level In the guided meditation, you will be asked questions. Your conscious mind will offer answers. Your subconscious mind will also offer answers that sound quieter, are in the back of the conscious answers. Stay alert to perceive those quieter answers and insights. They offer the truth about your situation. The guided meditation is about 26 min. 10 min. of just music follow so you can stay longer in the uplifting, positive energy. Dawn McLelland, narrator. Music by Thaddeus. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Dawn Mclelland (Narrator)
Clear, Cleanse, Heal: A Guided Meditation
Stop. Relax. Lighten your burden of accumulated heavy energies -- worries, regrets, uncertainties. Heal. Experience hope, clarity, optimism, wonderful lightness of being. Most of us don't stop to notice the many things that may be bothering us, weighing us down, diminishing our energy and endangering our health and well-being. Clear, Cleanse, Heal gives you the opportunity to relax and let go of all energies not operating for your highest good. You will be able to address: - Worries and concerns and release them to the divine realm to be transformed and evolved. - Regrets. Without noticing, many of us are burdened by regrets. You will be able to let them go and watch them transform into higher understanding and peace. - Situations you feel helpless to change. You will have the opportunity to let your divine self give you insights and solutions. With full presence and openness, you will receive illuminations, insights and understandings about your life and the greater reality. Above all, you will come back to the joy of your divine self. You will remember who you really are: A magnificent being of light, an eternal ray of All That Is, always loved, cherished and protected. The guided meditation is about 21 minutes. 10 minutes of just music follow so you can continue to enjoy exquisite lightness being. The lovely voice of Moxie LaBouche will guide you, along with the beautiful music of Thaddeus. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Solving Problems: A Guided Meditation
Use this guided meditation to resolve and heal any problem -- big or small. You are especially encouraged to use it for those 'little' things that niggle you. You'll be surprised to discover how much impact those little problems have on your entire life -- without you even noticing -- and how relieved you will feel once they are resolved. When you listen, the most obvious information will come forward first. If you stay with it, the deeper material will come to the surface. Trust the process. Sometimes childhood images will arise. That's great. Gaining awareness of the past will give you answers for the present. They will help you heal. They will help you know how to proceed with the situation. What's most important about using any guided meditation is being willing to feel all your feelings, know all your thoughts and feel all that's going on with your body. It's only in being willing to know your deepest truth that you can begin to resolve and heal any issue. Solving Problems is about 22 minutes long. About 8 minutes of just music follow. Lisa Daley's calming voice will lead you through the meditation along with the beautiful music of Thaddeus. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Lisa Daley, Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Refresh Yourself: A Guided Meditation
Having a busy, stressful day? Take a break. Refresh yourself! Come back to your divine center of calm, power and possibility. Take some breaths, release your concerns to divine intelligence to be transformed and evolved. Quiet the emotions. Bring clarity to your mind. Revitalize your body. Relax in deep peace, love and joy. Wonderfully inspiring, uplifting, rejuvenating! The guided meditation is about 12 minutes with about 10 minutes of just music at the end. If you can, continue to listen to the music as a way to rest more deeply. Moxie LaBouche's beautiful voice will guide you along with the uplifting music of Thaddeus. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Making Decisions: A Guided Meditation
Need to make a decision? Feeling the pressure? You can find resolution and move forward with your life. Sometimes it's just a matter of having more information about why you hesitate about a certain option. That would be enough to clear it. At other times, an entirely new option may be available to you and only in quieting down will you be able to perceive it. This guided meditation will help you get clear on how you really feel about your choices and what you really want. Then you can take appropriate action. In listening to this guided meditation, allow yourself to feel all your feelings and know all your thoughts. Always notice how your body responds. It will tell you the truth. Making decisions based on your deepest truth will always put you on a path of your highest good. When we choose to go deep, know our deepest truth, our divine self comes in and helps. So, stay alert for divine guidance, insights, higher understandings and inspirations. Each time you listen, you will be able to go deeper and gain more awareness about your situation. You are encouraged to use this guided meditation to make decisions and also for anything you're unsure about, even the smallest decisions. Sometimes the smallest decisions have wide-ranging impact on your life -- and you don't even know it. Uncovering that deeper information can lighten and improve your life significantly. You'll be listening to the calming voice of Moxie LaBouche and the beautiful music of Thaddeus. The guided meditation is about 20 minutes long. 12 minutes of just music follow. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Relationships, Finding Peace: A Guided Meditation
Are you unhappy with a person at work, a boyfriend, a friend, a family member? No need to stay unhappy. You can work through your difficulties and find peace. This meditation will guide you to clarity, insights and solutions. Listening more than once will give you broader understanding and deeper healing. Sometimes unhappiness with a person or a situation indicates a more fundamental dissatisfaction. If this is the case with you, you will be supported in getting in touch with that unhappiness by being asked to look deeper into what you really want for yourself, for your life; you will be encouraged to take action to make it a reality. As you listen, see if you can allow yourself to feel all your feelings, to go deep. Pay close attention to what goes on in your body. The body knows your deepest truth. Knowing your deepest truth opens the door to healing. You are encouraged to stay alert to insights and understandings that will come from a level of consciousness beyond your daily awareness. Be available to receive realizations and illuminations from the divine realms. In resolving your relationship difficulties, you will feel lighter, unburdened and free to move forward with your life. The guided meditation is about 18 minutes. 12 minutes of just music follow for you to relax and take in the healing. Moxie LaBouche's calming voice and Thaddeus' beautiful music guide you to find peace in your relationships and in yourself. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Moxie Labouche (Narrator)
Relationships, Core Healing: A Guided Meditation
Relationships, Core Healing is a powerful guided meditation designed to help you heal your deepest relationship wounds and move you toward living in joy, love, peace and abundance. Use this guided meditation only if you are very experienced in self-healing. The guided meditation works with the definition of reality where: 1. All time and space exist as one in the eternal present. 2. Everything is energy. Healing is achieved by changing energy in your aura. Since time and space are one in the eternal present, healing at any time, changes “reality” in all times. You will be asked to remember childhood incidences as a way to change energy in your aura, heal those core issues and thereby change your present reality. Each time you listen, you will go deeper, uncover more unconscious material and have more insights and realizations. At a certain point, something will click and you will have healing. Healing is when you no longer have an issue with your difficult person. You are no longer triggered. You can make decisions based on the situation is it really is, instead of through your childhood patterning. Dawn McLelland’s comforting, nurturing voice will guide you to your healing along with the gorgeous music of Thaddeus. The guided meditation is about 24 minutes with 5 minutes of just music at the end. Headphones are recommended.
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., Zorica Gojkovic, Phd (Author), Dawn Mclelland, Zorica Gojkovic (Narrator)
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