The Cave of Altamira was the first paleolithic cave to be discovered in Europe in modern times. As such, it has had quite a significant impact on our knowledge of prehistoric humans. Throughout this book, you will learn all about Altamira and its discoveries, such as the paintings that were left on the walls. It will also include information on topics such as why studying the Cave is so important and what misinformation exists surrounding it.
While domestication is a common occurrence in today's society, the history of domestication is not common knowledge. The produce bought in the grocery store and the animals you see in a pet store would not be there if domestication was never discovered. In this book, you can learn about the history of domestication as well as many other topics surrounding it such as the science involved and the impact of domestication.
The Ötzi Man was a man who lived between 3400 and 3100 BCE and became frozen after his death. Upon the discovery of his body, scientists have been able to use it to further our knowledge of the time in which he lived. In this book, you will be able to learn about the history of the Otzi Man and kinds of information from after his discovery, including: the Otzi Curse, the belongings he had with him, and his status in today's society.
As humans, we use our hands every day but how much do each of us know about the many topics that surround the importance of our hands? In this book, you will learn all about the importance of hands, what the advantages of hands are, the research being done, and disorders affecting the hands. Without hands, you wouldn't be able to flip the pages in this book!
With an imperative vaccine created in such a short time frame, is the Covid-19 vaccine safe? What in the world are covid vaccines addresses the history of vaccines and the research that has gone into mRNA technology.