A masterful blend of historical and modern fiction by a bestselling, award-winning author, The Best Polish Restaurant in Buffalo chronicles a century of life in America for one humble Polish farm girl and three generations of her descendants in Buffalo, New York.
Rosario Gomez struggles to stay out of the gang life that killed his brother while finishing his high school diploma and preparing for the birth of his first son. But when his old friend Juan gets out of jail, his past returns to haunt him.
Linda is a young, hardworking single mom struggling to get by from paycheck to paycheck. When she learns that her son Dre needs a kidney transplant, her family's already precarious financial situation takes a turn for the worst. Then she discovers that the only one who can help Dre is his half-brother LeVon, a drug-dealing gangbanger who thinks only of himself. Somehow Linda must get through to LeVon in order to save her son.
Though she is deathly afraid of LeVon and the world he lives in, Linda knows she must conquer her fear and meet him on his own turf if she is to have any hope of success. Linda is finally able to teach LeVon the value of doing something noble with his life. And to her surprise, she learns she has room in her heart for one more kid, a boy from the streets who never had a chance.
Das Leben brennt wie grüner Chili
Manchmal findet man, was man sucht. Manchmal aber findet man auch etwas ganz anderes. Billy Mann jedenfalls, zwanzig Jahre alt und seines Zeichens Findelkind, sucht seine Mutter. Doch in der kargen, staubigen Weite New Mexicos, wohin ihn der einzig vorhandene Hinweis verschlägt, findet Billy statt seiner Mutter ein Leben, das mehr als eine Überraschung für ihn bereithält
Eddies Bastard
Alles begann mit einem Körbchen vor der Tür eines großen zerfallenen Farmhauses. In diesem Korb, eingehüllt in eine Decke, lag ein schlafendes Baby. Das Einzige, was auf seine Herkunft hindeutete, war ein Zettel mit den handgeschriebenen Worten: Eddies Bastard. Als der alte, verbitterte Mann auf der Schwelle seines Hauses dem Kind in die Augen blickt, weiß er sofort, dass dies sein Enkelsohn ist. Also beschließt er, den Jungen allein aufzuziehen - mit Liebe, gebratener Mortadella und den faszinierenden Geschichten der einstmals bedeutenden irischstämmigen Familie.