The adventures of Toad and his friends Ratty, Mole and Badger continue to delight in this new tale that will appeal to adults and children alike.The adventures of Toad and his friends Ratty, Mole and Badger continue to delight in this new tale that will appeal to adults and children alike.
In this sequel to The Wind in the Willows, the characters of the River Bank come alive in a new adventure.In this sequel to The Wind in the Willows, the characters of the River Bank come alive in a new adventure.
With the future of the River and the Wild Wood threatened, Mole, Badger, Ratty and even the irrepressible Mr Toad must rally together. William Horwood recreates again the magic of "The Wind in the Willows" in this compelling new tale.With the future of the River and the Wild Wood threatened, Mole, Badger, Ratty and even the irrepressible Mr Toad must rally together. William Horwood recreates again the magic of "The Wind in the Willows" in this compelling new tale.