This crime fiction novel from the author of the Bino Phillips series follows former Dallas police officer Frank White as he matches wits with an attractive ex-convict, who tries to entrap him in a kidnapping plot through which she hopes to beat the system. Facing a counterfeiting scheme, double crosses, and murder, White must summon all his skills as a detective to hunt down the conspirators and bring them to justice.
“Shares is top-shelf crime fiction. Readers will like Frank and be able to feel his efforts at self-control. The villains are memorably evil, particularly Darla Bern, a stunning sometime porn actress spurned by Frank in the coed federal lockup, and Randolph Money, a clever white-collar savings-and-loan shark who is also a stone killer. The plotting is appropriately intricate, and the revenge is sweet. Gray, also the author of the excellent Bino Phillips mysteries, is an underappreciated master of the genre.”—Booklist (starred review)