Herman Mendoza construyó su imperio en Queens, New York, donde hizo una fortuna con sus hermanos vendiendo cocaína en toda la Costa Este de Estados Unidos. Tenía una linda casa en los Poconos, Pensilvania, para su hermosa familia y muchas otras propiedades alrededor de la ciudad para sus amantes. Sin embargo, tras ser arrestado y querer suicidarse, Mendoza se encontró frente a frente con el poderoso amor de Dios. Nunca volvería a ser el mismo. En la actualidad, Herman cuenta su historia en cada oportunidad que se le presenta, consciente de que puede influir en las personas que desean tener una relación con Jesús. La cautivadora lectura de Sombras cambiantes brinda esperanza a los que están desesperados y muestra lo que Dios hace con el fin de rescatar al alma atribulada.
68 stories that will inspire you to bless a child's life
Do you remember that one moment (or maybe there were several) that changed your life when you were a child—and shaped part of who you are today?
Does it bring a smile to your face? Tears to your eyes? A wistful gaze back through time?
We all have those stories and we can all, now, make those stories happen! All it takes is one moment out of your busy day, and you can be that someone in the life of the very next child who comes across your path. It may be your own son or daughter. Or perhaps it’s the child down the street playing soccer. Or maybe it’s the one having a meltdown in the grocery store.
Listen on for story after powerful story of lives changed because someone took just a minute to really connect in the life of a child. Stay alert—you never know when your opportunity will come.