Ärgern Sie sich oft? Neigen Sie zu unkontrollierten Wutausbrüchen? Dann leiden Sie darunter vermutlich ebenso wie Ihr Umfeld. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen Ärger und Aggressionen in den Griff zu bekommen und in Beruf und Freizeit gelassener zu werden. Der erfahrene Therapeut W. Doyle Gentry hilft Ihnen, die Wurzeln Ihrer Emotionen zu erkennen, konstruktiv mit Wut und Aggressionen umzugehen und die emotionale Energie positiv zu nutzen. Checklisten, Selbsttests und Übungen unterstützen Sie dabei.
Now, you can find the happiness you want and live "the good life" you deserve by applying the helpful information in Happiness For Dummies, the ultimate guide to achieving bliss! You'll discover proven techniques for living a meaningful, healthy, and productive life no matter what your life circumstances happen to be. Positive concepts and techniques will help you change key behaviors, foster good habits, and be in sync with your surroundings.
This helpful guide will give you the chance to assess your happiness and understand what it means to be happy at each stage of self-actualization. You'll learn why having positive emotions can improve your health and well-being. And, you will find out what happiness isn't and how to avoid confusing happiness with culturally valued outcomes like wealth, power, and success. Pursue what you want, seize the day, find benefits in life's challenges, and live a coherent lifestyle. Find out how to:
• Assess your current capacity for happiness
• Live the life that you want
• Overcome common obstacles to happiness
• Identify your strengths and virtues
• Improve your emotional and spiritual life
• Create meaningful social ties and learn to be alone
• Find the silver lining
Happiness For Dummies is your one-stop, easy-to-follow guide to being happy and living your best life.