Browse audiobooks by Torsten Weitze, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Experience the final chapter of Ahren's epic, PLATIN-awarded adventure. Ahren's enormous undertaking to unite the thirteen Paladins has, following years of dangerous journeying, come to a successful conclusion. Now there is only one task left for him to complete. He must lead the Champions of the gods, his other friends, and the free peoples of Jorath in an assault on the Obsidian Fortress. Yet the Adversary is intent on foiling his archenemies' plan before they reach his hordes lurking behind the compound walls. The Dark god's scheme is to spring the trap that was set centuries earlier in preparation for just such an event . . .
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
[German] - Der Grauzorn - Minen der Macht, Band 3 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Minen der Macht. Der Grauzorn ist ein epischer Fantasyroman und ein fantastischer Krimi aus der Feder von fünf Besteller-Autoren. Tauwetter in der Minenstadt. Doch für Frühlingsgefühle bleibt keine Zeit, denn zum dritten Mal fordert ein rätselhafter Todesfall den Scharfsinn des Hauptmanns Gunter vom Adlerstein heraus. Ausgerechnet in der 'Knospe' geht ein Mann wie von Geisterhand in Flammen auf, doch den Wirt Woulf plagen noch größere Probleme - der Zustand seiner Hand lässt ihn um sein Leben fürchten. Erste Spuren führen Gunter ins Aschlingsviertel, wo das skrupellose Geschäftsgebaren eines Wucherers zu Unruhen führt. Der Heiler Rami wird unwissend in einen mörderischen Aufstand verstrickt, während die Zauberin Nasiima alle Hände voll zu tun, ihren Lehrling zu schützen, ihren Vetter bei der Ermittlung zu unterstützen sowie sich gegen den Aldermann zu behaupten. Trotz aller Vorsicht tappt die Diebin Kröte mitten in dieses Chaos aus Feuer, Intrigen und Tod. Die fünf Gefährten werden auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Minen der Macht. Der Grauzorn ist der dritte Band einer epischen Fantasysaga. Band 1: Minen der Macht. Der Unheiler Band 2: Minen der Macht. Der Formbrecher
Bernhard Hennen, Fünf Federn, Greg Walters, Mira Valentin, Sam Feuerbach, Torsten Weitze (Author), Robert Frank (Narrator)
The Paladins are still short one of their number for them to finally be considered a complete fighting force-the thirteen Champions of the gods. Hence, Ahren and his friends, make their way onto the Ice Fields in the far south, following what scant clues there are in their efforts to track down the man considered to be the father of all Forest Guardians and who was last seen hunting down the fearsome dragon, Four Claws. An odyssey on sea and ice awaits them-and they know full well that HE, WHO FORCES will be putting up ferocious resistance in his desire to see them fall at the last hurdle . . .
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
[German] - Der Formbrecher - Minen der Macht, Band 2 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Bildgewaltige Fantasy des Besteller-Autorenkollektivs 'Fünf Federn' Der Winter zieht in die Minenstadt ein. Kaum ist Schnee über die letzten Morde gefallen, erschreckt eine neue Untat die Obrigkeit. Ausgerechnet der Gast einer hochrangigen Delegation wird im Palast der Feehlenwerks auf brutale Weise ermordet - Fleisch und Knochen des Opfers sind bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verformt. Hauptmann Gunter steht vor einem Rätsel, denn alle Spuren führen ins Nichts. In der Not beschließt er, erneut auf die Talente von Zauberin, Wirt, Heiler und Diebin zurückzugreifen. Schon bald stellt sich heraus, dass die Aufklärung der Morde Konsequenzen haben könnte, mit denen keiner von ihnen je gerechnet hätte ... Epischer Fantasy-Thriller von fünf Bestsellerautoren
Bernhard Hennen, Fünf Federn, Greg Walters, Mira Valentin, Sam Feuerbach, Torsten Weitze (Author), Robert Frank (Narrator)
Ahren and his companions journey on to Evergreen, finding new courage after the traumas of the Green Sea. Setting off, then, to traverse the continent in search of the missing Paladin Yollock, it isn't long before they find themselves sucked into a maelstrom of adventures involving a woman who has been robbed, a desperate Cape Verstaad grandee, not to mention a cutthroat city which proves itself a veritable nest of ne'er-do-wells. Controlled by the brilliant assassin Reik Silvermantle, this hub of lawlessness and immorality presents Ahren and his friends with one of their greatest challenges . . .
Torsten Weitze (Author), Stewart Crank (Narrator)
[German] - Minen der Macht - Der Unheiler (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Ein cleverer Hauptmann untersucht mysteriöse Morde in einer Minenstadt. Epischer Fantasy-Thriller von fünf Bestsellerautoren Bildgewaltiges Hörbuch von Sam Feuerbach, Bernhard Hennen, Mira Valentin, Greg Walters und Torsten Weitze. Wie ein gigantischer Trichter bohrt sich die Minenstadt in die Tiefe, in der Glücksritter nach geheimnisvollen Artefakten suchen. Der Fund einer grausig entstellten Leiche, der Pflanzen aus Mund und Augen wachsen, ruft Gunter auf den Plan, den Hauptmann der Schlammringwache. Die Spur führt zum Gastwirt Woulf, dem Aschling Rami und der jungen Diebin namens Kröte. Gemeinsam mit der Todesmagierin Nasiima beginnt Gunter zu ermitteln. Als noch mehr Leichen auftauchen, wird ihm klar, dass ausgerechnet seine Hauptverdächtigen ihm helfen können, das Geheimnis der Toten aufzudecken. Doch kann er ihnen trauen, oder ziehen sie ihn nur noch tiefer hinunter in den Schlamm der Grube?
Bernhard Hennen, Fünf Federn, Greg Walters, Mira Valentin, Sam Feuerbach, Torsten Weitze (Author), Robert Frank (Narrator)
Hardly have they left the Forest of Ire and its horrors behind them when the Thirteenth Paladin decides to head for the Green Sea with his friends to fulfil his old promise of bringing the necromancer to justice, who has been holding the fertile lands surrounding the horse people and their Paladin, Blazing Eyes, in his bony grip for far too long. But it is not alone the necromancer with his deadly traps who is testing the companions. HE, WHO FORCES has his own plans to bring death and destruction to the Paladins. And then, to top it all off, the gods play a trick that none of them would ever have expected . . .
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
Success at last! Ahren and his companions have revived the alliance of the Jorathian peoples. But there is little time for celebration, for while the defensive ring around the Pall Cloud is being strengthened with Dwarfish assistance, Ahren and his friends are already on their way to answer the Wrath Elves' cry for help in the Forest of Ire, from within whose depths mysterious dangers are threatening to destroy the Elven forest and all life forms within it. Time is running out, and not only is the Pall Cloud spreading its noxious vapors over an ever-larger area, but the stricken Forest of Ire must be saved at all costs. If the forest falls, then the defensive ring will fall too, obliterating any hope of victory against Him, Who Forces.
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
The Thirteenth Paladin and his companions are finally reunited with each other and have found a worthy ally in the Eternal Empress-another Paladin who will take part in the war against the Adversary. But the effects of Ahren's journey through the empire have left their mark on him. And so, they all set off to Thousand Halls, the original home of the dwarfs, in the hope of finding the mysterious Father of the Mountain who will surely help Ahren in his recovery. If all goes to plan, the nations of Jorath will at last unite and build an alliance against the ever-growing Pall Cloud. Yet Ahren and his companions have underestimated the enemy, for the Dark god has long since prepared a trap, which is only waiting to snap shut on the unsuspecting travelers . . .
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
Time is running out for Ahren as he and Khara leave their companions under cover of darkness and make their way to the Eternal Empire. The Pall Cloud is spreading relentlessly, yet the full complement of 13 Paladins have still not gathered together. But the couple are finding it impossible to find a way through to the notoriously draconian and reclusive empress, and all their attempts to enlist her support in the war against the Adversary seem doomed to failure once Ahren falls into the clutches of Quin-Wa's Peace Sentinels. While his friends seek a way of evading the empress's charm net in their efforts to help, Ahren and Khara find themselves battling to stay alive.
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
Things are coming to a head for Ahren and his companions. It is true that they have won the Paladins Fisker and Aluna over to their cause in the campaign against the Adversary, but the Pall Pillar is going through an ominous change. Not realizing that the High Fang Sven has brought his master a gruesome sacrifice, the companions gather quickly in King's Island, where they join the first conclave to be held in centuries. Yet, on their arrival they are confronted with dreadful news: unknown Dark Ones have overrun the tiny country of Hjalgar, whose inhabitants are now in mortal danger. Ahren is now facing his most difficult task, for the Dark Days have returned to Jorath with a vengeance.
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
The 13th Paladin Boxed Set: Books 1-3
Ahren: Ahren's life consists of being beaten up by his drunkard father or bullied by the village lads. But at the annual suitability tests for apprenticeships, the young boy finds himself selected by Falk, the guardian of the forest, to be his apprentice and his world is turned upside down. From his new master he learns the skills of archery and how to fight the Dark Ones. And then, on the day of the Spring Ceremony there is another unexpected turn of events. He touches the Stone of the Gods and it illuminates for the first time ever. It isn't long before a cantankerous wizard turns up and urges Falk and Ahren into action. The Naming: Two Einhans have been found but the third is still at large. Time is of the essence. Ahren's Appointment as the 13th Paladin-assisted by the three Einhans-must occur by the winter solstice. If not, He, Who Forces will awaken before his time and plunge the unprepared peoples of Jorath into the depths of darkness. The Brazen City: The saga of the 13th Paladin continues. Join him and his friends on their adventures in the Sunplains and enjoy meeting his old friends in Deepstone again. Note: This audiobook includes Books 1-3 in the 13th Paladin series.
Torsten Weitze (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
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