In the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus proclaims that His sheep know His voice and He heeds them. What does this interactivity between the human and the divine sound like? Bestselling author and Pastor Bill Hybels shares many personal examples of hearing God 'whisper' -- through his second grade teacher and at summer camp when he was 17 years old -- through adulthood when he turned from following his father's footsteps and instead followed the Father's footsteps. In the early ministry years in a movie theatre to the existing campus in Barrington, Hybels shares that whispers matter -- especially God whispers. Hybels shares the importance in recognizing those God whispers, and how to discern whether or not it is God who is speaking to our inner hearts. Hybels challenges readers to be attentive in this process and to walk in obedience, knowing without a doubt that God's whispers are always worth listening to.