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The Holy Grail of Investing: The World's Greatest Investors Reveal Their Ultimate Strategies for Fin
Tony Robbins, who has coached more than fifty million people from 100 countries, is the world's #1 life and business strategist. In this new book, he teams up with Christopher Zook, a renowned financial investor who draws from thirty years of experience to round out the trilogy of #1 New York Times bestselling financial books. Together they reveal how, for decades, trillions of dollars of smart money - think of large institutions, sovereign wealth funds, individuals with ultra-high-net worth - have been making outsized returns using alternative investments in private equity, private credit, private real estate, energy and venture capital. Until recently, the vast majority of investors - those of us without insider access or eye-popping checkbooks - have been locked out of these exciting, high-yield opportunities. But there is a change underway. Alternative investments are coming to the masses, and investors need to know how to navigate their options, assess the merits of these opportunities, and determine how to best take advantage of this massive trend. In The Holy Grain of Investing, you'll discover: - Where opportunities will arise as we transition from the 'free money' era of zero interest rates to a new more realistic environment. - How to take advantage of the trillions flowing into private investments by owning a piece of the firms that manage the assets. - How to take advantage of private credit as an alternative (or compliment) to bonds. - How and why professional sports teams have become an asset class of their own. - How the renewable energy revolution will create new winners and losers. - How investments in private real estate can work as an inflationary hedge. - Interviews, advice, and insights from some of the world's most formidable titans of industry, such as Howard Marks of OakTree Capital, Vinod Khosla of Khosla Capital, Barry Sternlicht of Starwood, Robert Smith of Vista, and Peter Theil of Founders Fund, among others. The market is changing, and the conventional wisdom no longer applies. Are you ready to add some fuel to your financial fire? No matter your wealth, your experience, your job, or your age, The Holy Grail of Investing will teach you everything you need to know to unleash the financial power of alternative investments.
Christopher Zook, Tony Robbins (Author), Full Cast, Jeremy Bobb, Tony Robbins, full cast (Narrator)
UNANGREIFBAR: Deine Strategie für finanzielle Freiheit
Mit seinem #1 New York Times-Bestseller »Money: Die 7 einfachen Schritte zur finanziellen Freiheit« hat Tony Robbins Geschichte geschrieben. Mit »UNANGREIFBAR« kehrt er mit einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zurück, die es jedem ermöglicht, endlich selbst finanzielle Freiheit zu erreichen. Egal welches Einkommen, Alter oder Lebenssituation, in »UNANGREIFBAR« gibt Tony Robbins dem Leser praktische Tools an die Hand, mit denen jeder seine finanziellen Ziele schneller erreichen kann. Tony Robbins hat bereits mehr als 50 Millionen Menschen aus mehr als 50 verschiedenen Ländern erfolgreich gecoacht. Für »UNANGREIFBAR« hat er sich mit Peter Mallouk zusammengetan, dem einzigen Finanzberater, der vom Magazin Barrons in drei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren zur absoluten Nr. 1 gewählt wurde. Zusammen zeigen sie, wie man wirklich unangreifbar wird und selbst in einer Welt voller Unsicherheit, ökonomischer Schwankungen und unvorhersehbarer Veränderungen ruhig und gelassen bleibt.
Peter Mallouk, Tony Robbins (Author), Michael J. Diekmann (Narrator)
New York Times çok satan yazarindan! Birçogumuzun hayatinda, tek istegimizin kaderin baskisi altinda pes etmek oldugu zor zamanlar olmustur. Böyle zamanlarda sanki etrafimizdaki kosullar ve olaylarin tuzagina düsmüsüz ve durumu degistiremiyormusuz gibi hissederiz. Bu size tanidik geliyor mu? Ancak girisimci, konusmaci ve yönetici koçu Tony Robbins, kaderinizi yalnizca sizin degistirebileceginize inaniyor! Bir dosttan pusulalar adli kitabi, hayatin zorluklarinin üstesinden gelmenize, hayatinizda yeni bir sayfa açmaniza ve basarisizligin kisir döngüsünden çikmaniza yardimci olacak. Bu kitap, Robbins’in daha önce çok satan Içindeki devi uyandir ve Sinirsiz güç kitaplarinda paylastigi en önemli bilgileri bir araya getirmistir. Bu kitaplari dinlemeye vaktiniz ya da imkâniz yoksa veya su anda acilen degerli tavsiyelere ihtiyaciniz varsa, bu kitap zor zamanlarda sizin için vazgeçilmez bir yardimci olacaktir. Kitap, her biri destekleyici kelimeler ve faydali pratik tavsiyeler içeren 11 ders bölümüne ayrilmistir. Robbins, diger insanlarin basari hikayelerini anlatarak, hayatta çikmaz durumlarin olmadigini ve kendi hayatimizin efendisi oldugumuzu gösteriyor. Bu sesli kitabi dinledikten sonra sunlari ögreneceksiniz: • Kendinize olan inancinizi nasil gelistirirsiniz; • Dogru kararlari nasil alirsiniz; • Güçlü inançlari nasil gelistirirsiniz ve takip edersiniz; • Hedeflerinizi nasil belirlersiniz ve onlara nasil ulasirsiniz; • Ögrenilmis çaresizlikten nasil kurtulursunuz ve hayatinizin kontrolünü nasil elinize alirsiniz. Original title: Notes from a Friend. A quick and simple guide to taking charge of your life ©1991 / 1995 / 2016 Tony Robbins / Inkilâp Kitabevi Yayin Sanayi ve Ticaret A. S. (P) 2022 ABP Yayinevi
Tony Robbins (Author), Talha Sayar (Narrator)
Money: Die 7 einfachen Schritte zur finanziellen Freiheit
Mehr als 10 Jahre sind seit seiner letzten Veröffentlichung in Deutschland vergangen, jetzt meldet sich Anthony Robbins zurück. Als Personal Trainer beriet er Persönlichkeiten wie Bill Clinton und Serena Williams sowie ein weltweites Millionenpublikum, nun widmet er seine Aufmerksamkeit den Finanzen. Basierend auf umfangreichen Recherchen und Interviews mit mehr als 50 Starinvestoren, wie Warren Buffett oder Star-Hedgefondsmanager Carl Icahn, hat Robbins die besten Strategien für die private finanzielle Absicherung entwickelt. Sein Werk bündelt die Expertise erfolgreicher Finanzmarktakteure und seine Beratungserfahrung. Selbst komplexe Anlagestrategien werden verständlich erläutert, ohne an Präzision einzubüßen. In 7 Schritten zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit - praxisnah und für jeden umsetzbar.
Tony Robbins (Author), Michael J. Diekmann (Narrator)
The Path [Russian Edition]: Accelerating Your Journey to Financial Freedom [Russian Edition]
#1 New York Times Bestseller This audiobook is recommended for listening to anyone who wants to accelerate their journey toward financial freedom! Its authors, Tony Robbins and Peter Mallouk, will be your guides along the way. They analyze in detail the seemingly difficult goal of financial freedom and simplify it into an accessible step-by-step process. By following these simple steps and sticking to the necessary thinking strategy, you will get closer to improving your well-being and gaining financial independence in the near future. You’ll also learn: - how to chart your individual course to financial security; - how to avoid mistakes in investing and minimize the possibility of financial losses; - how to choose a financial advisor who will put your interests first; - how not to stray from the planned path in times of crisis and how to stay focused on your financial and personal goals. After listening to this audiobook, you will know more about the mechanisms of market functioning than many professionals, increase your level of financial literacy and gain confidence in the future. © 2021 Попурри ℗ 2022 AB Publishing Оригинальное название: The path: Accelerating Your Journey to Financial Freedom by Peter Mallouk with Tony Robbins
Peter Mallouk, Tony Robbins (Author), Andrey Krupnik (Narrator)
Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Tho
What if there were scientific solutions that could wipe out your deepest fears of falling ill, receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, or feeling the effects of ageing? What if you had access to the same cutting-edge tools and technology used by peak performers and the world's greatest athletes? In a world full of fear and uncertainty about our health, it can be difficult to know where to turn for actionable advice you can trust. Today, leading scientists and doctors in the field of regenerative medicine are developing diagnostic tools and safe and effective therapies that can free you from fear. In this book, Tony Robbins, the world's number one life and business strategist who has coached more than fifty million people, brings you more than 100 of the world's top medical minds and the latest research, inspiring comeback stories, and amazing advancements in precision medicine that you can apply today to help extend the length and quality of your life. This book is the result of Robbins going on his own life-changing journey. After being told that his health challenges were irreversible, he experienced firsthand how new regenerative technology not only helped him heal but made him stronger than ever before. Life Force will show you how you can wake up every day with increased energy, a more bulletproof immune system, and the know-how to help turn back your biological clock. This is a book for everyone, from peak performance athletes, to the average person who wants to increase their energy and strength, to those looking for healing. Life Force provides answers that can transform and even save your life, or that of someone you love.
Peter H. Diamandis, Tony Robbins (Author), Cassandra Campbell, Jeremy Bobb, Peter H. Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Tony Robbins (Narrator)
İçindeki Devi Uyandır [Awaken the Giant Within]
'Dünyanın en çok satan kitabı #1 Bir milyondan fazla satıldı! “İçindeki Devi Uyandır” hayatta şu ana kadar edinmiş olduğunuz bütün bakış açılarınızın niteliğini geliştirme yönünde adım adım ilerleyen devrimsel bir programdır: kişisel veya ticari, fiziksel ya da duygusal. Bu kitap, hayatlarında bir fark yaratmak isteyen insanlardan oluşan okuyucu kitlesine ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Zirve performans bilimi alanında ülkede bir lider olan Tony Robbins, size, duygularınıza, bedeninize, ilişkilerinize, finansal durumunuza ve hayatınıza hakim olmanız için kendi etkili strateji ve tekniklerini gösterecek. Bu sesli kitap size: - Hayattaki gerçek amacınızı keşfetmenize; - Refah dolu ve pozitif değişime giden yolu bulmanıza; - Gerçek mutluluğa ulaşmak için kişisel bir inanç sistemi yaratmanıza; - Finansal esenliğe ulaşma yoluna giden adımları atmanıza; - Kullanmadığınız ya da yararlanamadığınız yetenek, beceri ve kapasitenizi tekrar kullanabilme, onlardan tekrar yararlanabilme yolunda yardımcı olacaktır. Yazar, sizin, yalnızca sizin kendi kaderinizin efendisi olduğunuz konusundan kesinlikle emin ve buna inancı tam. Siz de, Tony Robbins’in size sunmuş olduğu temel öz-ustalık derslerini uygulamaya geçirerek bu konuda haklı olduğunu kendiniz de deneyimleyebilirsiniz. İçinizdeki devi serbest bırakın ve rakipsiz olduğunuzu görün! Original title: Awaken the Giant Within. How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! (с) 1997 İnkilâp Kitabevi Yayin Sanayi ve Ticaret A. Ş. Belkis Dişbudak. (P) 2021 ABP Publishing'
Tony Robbins (Author), Talha Sayar (Narrator)
Das Prinzip des geistigen Erfolgs
Bestseller! Tony Robbins gilt seit Jahren als einer der bekanntesten und wichtigsten Motivationstrainer. In seinem Buch 'Das Prinzip des geistigen Erfolgs' beschreibt er in Grundzügen die Strategien, auf denen seine Erfolgs-Seminare beruhen. Robbins verwendet dabei häufig eigene Erlebnisse oder Geschichten und Zitate bekannter Persönlichkeiten zur Illustration. Und damit gelingt es ihm, den Hörern seine Botschaft zu übermitteln. Dieses Hörbuch ist eine kleine Einstiegslektüre für Menschen, die etwas in ihrem Leben verändern wollen. Man kann das Hörbuch gut als Startpunkt verwenden, um die eigene Bereitschaft für Veränderungen zu überprüfen und gegebenenfalls auszubauen. In diesem Hörbuch erfahren Sie: • welche Strategien Tony Robbins selbst benutzt hat, um sein Leben zu verbessern; • wie Sie Ihr Potenzial erkennen und freisetzen können; • wie man sich von dem negativen Glauben befreit und sich auf die Zukunft konzentriert. Sie können selbst die völlige Kontrolle übernehmen und Ihre Lebensqualität verbessern, wenn Sie einige einfache Empfehlungen befolgen, die Sie in diesem Hörbuch finden. Die Originalausgabe erschien unter dem Titel »Notes from a friend«. Copyright © 1991, 1995 by Tony Robbins © der deutschen Übersetzung 2004 by Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Berlin (P) 2020 ABP Verlag
Tony Robbins (Author), Carsten Wilhelm (Narrator)
The Best Motivational Speeches of All Times
Leaders can motivate and inspire through communications. Great leaders are charismatic and articulate, and they use these attributes to rally the troops. The following is a collection of the best motivational speeches, inspirational words, sure to motivate you when you need it most by the greatest leaders of our time.
Admiral William H. Mcraven, Bill Gates, Denzel Washington, J.K. Rowling, Jim Carrey, Matthew Mcconaughey, Rick Rigsby, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins (Author), Admiral William H. Mcraven, Bill Gates, Denzel Washington, J.K. Rowling, Jim Carrey, Matthew Mcconaughey, Rick Rigsby, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins (Narrator)
Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching from Anthony Robbins That Will Transform Your Life!
Unavailable in book form! Multimillion copy bestselling audio superstar Anthony Robbins offers his blockbuster original audio program for the retail market in both CD and audio download formats! How do you really want to live? What are you most excited about? What are you grateful for? Do you often feel "stuck" in your life? Are you unable to make changes or break through past beliefs? We often look outside ourselves for these answers. When we do, we give away our power. It's time to find your own answers. . .uncover your own internal motivations...and set your own rules! In Tony Robbins's exciting live audio seminar Unleash the Power Within you'll discover how to transform your limiting beliefs, adding new meaning and depth to your life. You'll learn to tap into your deepest, most personal resources, to become all the you truly desire and deserve. And when you begin to claim the abundant rewards your future has in store, you'll not only make a remarkable improvement in your life—but consequently, in our world. Tony shows you how to live your life not by hope...not by chance...but by design. You'll learn to: -Break old patterns and destroy limiting beliefs -Become a decisive person who takes massive, intelligent action -Condition yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically to create staggering results -Find and develop a strategy of success -Have more confidence and self-esteem -Develop new communication skills -Generate more passion and enthusiasm -Become aware of the higher purpose of your life -Discover what drives you and what holds you back -And much, much more!
Tony Robbins (Author), Tony Robbins (Narrator)
Unshakeable: How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in the Coming Financial Correction
After interviewing fifty of the world's greatest financial minds and penning the #1 New York Times bestseller Money: Master the Game, Tony Robbins returns with a step-by-step playbook, taking you on a journey to transform your financial life and accelerate your path to financial freedom. No matter your salary, your stage of life, or when you started, this book will provide the tools to help you achieve your financial goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible. Robbins, who has coached more than fifty million people from 100 countries, is the world's #1 life and business strategist. In this book, he teams up with Peter Mallouk, the only man in history to be ranked the #1 financial advisor in the US for three consecutive years by Barron's. Together they reveal how to become unshakeable-someone who can not only maintain true peace of mind in a world of immense uncertainty, economic volatility, and unprecedented change, but who can profit from the fear that immobilizes so many. In these pages, through plain English and inspiring stories, you'll discover... -How to put together a simple, actionable plan that will deliver true financial freedom. -Strategies from the world's top investors on how to protect yourself and your family and maximize profit from the inevitable crashes and corrections to come. -How a few simple steps can add a decade or more of additional retirement income by discovering what your 401(k) provider doesn't want you to know. -The core four principles that most of the world's greatest financial minds utilize so that you can maximize upside and minimize downside. -The fastest way to put money back in your pocket: uncover the hidden fees and half truths of Wall Street-how the biggest firms keep you overpaying for underperformance. -Master the mindset of true wealth and experience the fulfillment you deserve today
Peter Mallouk, Tony Robbins (Author), Jeremy Bobb, Tony Robbins (Narrator)
MONEY Master the Game: Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
Tony Robbins has coached and inspired more than 50 million people from over 100 countries. More than 4 million people have attended his live events. Oprah Winfrey calls him "super-human." Now for the first time-in his first book in two decades-he's turned to the topic that vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and our families. Based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 of the most legendary financial experts in the world-from Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett, to Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes-Tony Robbins has created a simple 7-step blueprint that anyone can use for financial freedom. Robbins has a brilliant way of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the most complex financial concepts-making them simple and actionable. With expert advice on our most important financial decisions, Robbins is an advocate for the listener, dispelling the myths that often rob people of their financial dreams. Tony Robbins walks listeners of every income level through the steps to become financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for getting your financial house in order. MONEY Master the Game is the book millions of people have been waiting for
Tony Robbins (Author), Jeremy Bobb, Tony Robbins (Narrator)
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