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[German] - Die Geografie der Zukunft - Wie der Kampf um Vorherrschaft im All unsere Welt verändern w
'Marshall erklärt meisterhaft, was man wissen muss.' Peter Frankopan Spionagesatelliten in der Umlaufbahn des Mondes. Bodenschätze im Weltraum, wertvoller als das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der meisten Länder. Menschen auf dem Mars in den nächsten zehn Jahren. Das ist keine Science-Fiction, sondern Astropolitik. Der Mensch ist unterwegs ins All - und wir nehmen unsere Machtkämpfe mit. Bald wird das Geschehen im Universum die Weltgeschichte genauso prägen wie die Berge, Flüsse und Meere auf der Erde. Politik-Experte Tim Marshall legt die geopolitischen Realitäten offen: Er zeigt, wie das Rennen um die besten Plätze im All aktuell aussieht, wie Russland, China und die USA vorangehen und welche strategischen Ziele dahinterstehen. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre über Macht, Politik und die Zukunft der Menschheit.
Tim Marshall (Author), Julian Mehne (Narrator)
The Future of Geography: How Power and Politics in Space Will Change Our World
Space: the biggest geopolitical story of the coming century - new from the multi-million-copy international bestselling author of Prisoners of Geography. Spy satellites orbiting the moon. Space metals worth more than most countries' GDP. People on Mars within the next ten years. This isn't science fiction. It's astropolitics. Humans are heading up and out, and we're taking our power struggles with us. Soon, what happens in space will shape human history as much the mountains, rivers and seas have on Earth. It's no coincidence that Russia, China and the USA are leading the way. The next fifty years will change the face of global politics. In this gripping book, bestselling author Tim Marshall lays bare the new geopolitical realities to show how we got here and where we're going, covering the new space race; great-power rivalry; technology; economics; war; and what it means for all of us down here on Earth. Written with all the insight and wit that have made Marshall the UK's most popular writer on geopolitics, this is the essential read on power, politics and the future of humanity. Praise for The Power of Geography: 'Fascinating . . . I can't imagine reading a better book this year.' Daily Mirror 'Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.' Peter Frankopan And Prisoners of Geography: 'Like having a light shone on your understanding... I can't think of another book that explains the world situation so well.' Nicolas Lezard, Evening Standard 'Sharp insights into the way geography shapes the choices of world leaders.' Gideon Rachman, Financial Times
Tim Marshall (Author), Tim Marshall (Narrator)
Die Macht der Geographie im 21. Jahrhundert - 10 Karten erklären die Politik von heute und die Krise
Wer die Nachrichten von morgen heute schon verstehen möchte Die großen internationalen Konflikte des 21. Jahrhunderts sind heute bereits angelegt. Mit bestechender Klarsicht identifiziert der Politikexperte Tim Marshall, welche zehn Regionen die größten Krisenherde der nächsten Zukunft darstellen. Er erklärt, welche Rolle geographische Faktoren spielen, wer in die Konflikte verwickelt ist und welche Lösungen es geben könnte. So wird Australien im Pazifik mit der Supermacht China konfrontiert sein, Griechenland mit der Türkei um Gebiete im Mittelmeer kämpfen, die Sahelzone eine neue Flüchtlingskrise in Europa hervorrufen und der Weltraum unterschiedlichste Besitzansprüche wecken - ein äußerst spannendes Hörbuch, das uns die Augen für die großen Herausforderungen der kommenden Jahre öffnet.
Tim Marshall (Author), Julian Mehne (Narrator)
The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World
Tim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation's choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn't changed. But the world has. 'Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.' Peter Frankopan In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe's next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth's atmosphere is set to become the world's next battleground. Delivered with Marshall's trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity's past, present - and future. READ BY THE AUTHOR Includes pdf with maps.
Tim Marshall (Author), Tim Marshall (Narrator)
Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire: The Inside Story of Europe's Last War
A gripping eyewitness account of a major 20th-century military conflict by the UK's most popular writer on geopolitics. The shattering of Yugoslavia in the 1990s showed that, after nearly 50 years of peace, war could return to Europe. It came to its bloody conclusion in Kosovo in 1999. Tim Marshall, then diplomatic editor at Sky News, was on the ground covering the Kosovo War. This is his illuminating account of how events unfolded, a thrilling journalistic memoir drawing on personal experience, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with intelligence officials from five countries. Twenty years on from the war's end, with the rise of Russian power, a weakened NATO and stalled EU expansion, this story is more relevant than ever, as questions remain about the possibility of conflict on European soil. Utterly gripping, this is Tim Marshall at his very best: behind the lines, under fire and full of the insight that has made him one of Britain's foremost writers on geopolitics.
Tim Marshall (Author), Tim Marshall (Narrator)
The Age of Walls: How Barriers Between Nations Are Changing Our World
The globe has always been a world of walls, from the Great Wall of China to Hadrian's Wall to the Berlin Wall. But a new age of isolationism and economic nationalism is upon us, visible not just in Trump's obsession with building a wall on the Mexico border or in Britain's Brexit vote but in many other places as well. China has the great Firewall, holding back Western culture. Europe's countries are walling themselves against immigrants, terrorism, and currency issues. South Africa has heavily gated communities, and massive walls or fences separate people in the Middle East, Korea, Sudan, India, and other places around the world. In fact, at least sixty-five countries, more than a third of the world's nation-states, have barriers along their borders. There are many reasons why walls go up, because we are divided in many ways: wealth, race, religion, and politics, to name a few. Understanding what is behind these divisions is essential to understanding much of what's going on in the world today. The Age of Walls examines how walls (which Marshall calls "monuments to the failure of politics"), borders, and barriers have been shaping our political landscape for hundreds of years, and especially since 2001, and how they figure in the diplomatic relations and geo-political events of today.
Tim Marshall (Author), Nigel Patterson (Narrator)
Die Macht der Geographie - Wie sich Weltpolitik anhand von 10 Karten erklären lässt (Ungekürzte Lesu
Weltpolitik ist auch Geopolitik. Alle Regierungen, alle Staatschefs unterliegen den Zwängen der Geographie. Berge und Ebenen, Flüsse, Meere, Wüsten setzen ihrem Entscheidungsspielraum Grenzen. Um Geschichte und Politik zu verstehen, muss man selbstverständlich die Menschen, die Ideen, die Einstellungen kennen. Aber wenn man die Geographie nicht mit einbezieht, bekommt man kein vollständiges Bild. Zum Beispiel Russland: Von den Moskauer Großfürsten über Iwan den Schrecklichen, Peter den Großen und Stalin bis hin zu Wladimir Putin sah sich jeder russische Staatschef denselben geostrategischen Problemen ausgesetzt, egal ob im Zarismus, im Kommunismus oder im kapitalistischen Nepotismus. Die meisten Häfen frieren immer noch ein halbes Jahr zu. Nicht gut für die Marine. Die nordeuropäische Tiefebene von der Nordsee bis zum Ural ist immer noch flach. Jeder kann durchmarschieren. Russland, China, die USA, Europa, Afrika, Lateinamerika, der Nahe Osten, Indien und Pakistan, Japan und Korea, die Arktis und Grönland: In zehn Kapiteln zeigt Tim Marshall, wie die Geographie die Weltpolitik beeinflusst und beeinflusst hat.
Tim Marshall (Author), Julian Mehne (Narrator)
Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World
In this New York Times bestseller, updated for 2016, an award-winning journalist uses ten maps of crucial regions to explain the geo-political strategies of the world powers fans of geography, history, and politics (and maps) will be enthralled” (Fort Worth Star-Telegram). Maps have a mysterious hold over us. Whether ancient, crumbling parchments or generated by Google, maps tell us things we want to know, not only about our current location or where we are going but about the world in general. And yet, when it comes to geo-politics, much of what we are told is generated by analysts and other experts who have neglected to refer to a map of the place in question. All leaders of nations are constrained by geography. In one of the best books about geopolitics” (The Evening Standard), now updated to include 2016 geopolitical developments, journalist Tim Marshall examines Russia, China, the US, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Greenland and the Arctic—their weather, seas, mountains, rivers, deserts, and borders—to provide a context often missing from our political reportage: how the physical characteristics of these countries affect their strengths and vulnerabilities and the decisions made by their leaders. Offering a fresh way of looking at maps” (The New York Times Book Review), Marshall explains the complex geo-political strategies that shape the globe. Why is Putin so obsessed with Crimea? Why was the US destined to become a global superpower? Why does China's power base continue to expand? Why is Tibet destined to lose its autonomy? Why will Europe never be united? The answers are geographical. In an ever more complex, chaotic, and interlinked world, Prisoners of Geography is a concise and useful primer on geopolitics” (Newsweek) and a critical guide to one of the major determining factors in world affairs.
Tim Marshall (Author), Scott Brick (Narrator)
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