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Surrounded by Liars: How to Stop Lies and Half-truths Ruining Your Life
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Sunday Times bestselling author of the international phenomenon Surrounded by Idiots. Studies suggest two people who have never met before will tell three lies within the first five minutes. Astounding. But why? Why do we choose to lie even when we know it's wrong? To protect the people we love? To paint ourselves in a better light? To win short-lived praise? Or, are there simply far more obscure reasons behind why we lie? In Surrounded by Liars, international bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson unpacks the psychological reasons behind why we lie, and reveals the impact lying has on our relationships. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, discover how to detect the liars in your life and shatter their deception for good! ©2024 Thomas Erikson (P)2024 Penguin Audio
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John, TBD (Narrator)
Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots -- Do conversations with certain people leave you feeling depleted or exhausted? -- Do you have colleagues who take a lot of your time but don't actually do - or contribute - much? -- Are there people in your life who diminish you through their words, actions or inactions? You could be surrounded by Vampires! International bestselling author Thomas Erikson will help you recognize and deal with the three most common Vampires that exist to take not give: Time Suckers -- these are the Vampires who waste your time. Typically, they expect you to do all the work while they take all the credit or they require an outsized amount of your time while giving back little to nothing. Energy Suckers -- these are the Vampires who suck out your energy and your passion. When you are around them, even for short periods of time, you leave with less energy than you started with, because they suck that energy right out of you. Energy Suckers feed on your passion, ideas and talents then leave you with nothing left. Soul Suckers -- these are the worst Vampires of all. Be they family, friends or co-workers, Soul Suckers use you for their own gain and, consciously or unconsciously, make you feel smaller every chance they get. They are the people in your life who don't support you and constantly tell you what you can't do, why you are going to fail, how you aren't the right person, why you are fooling yourself, and more. Aside from Human Vampires there are also Habit Vampires. Social media can be a time, energy and soul sucker. Addiction, negative thinking, inaction, procrastination and more -- all these things can suck the very life right out of you! Fortunately, no Human or Habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the Vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good. ©2023 Thomas Erikson (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John (Narrator)
Hilfe, Psychopathen!: Wie wir uns gegen schwierige Menschen behaupten
Wie schUtze ich mich vor schwierigen Menschen? Der internationale Selbst-Coaching-Bestseller von Thomas Erikson jetzt endlich auch auf Deutsch! Selbstbehauptung kann man lernen, so der schwedische Selbst-Coaching-Experte Thomas Erikson. Sein neues Sachbuch beschreibt und erklArt den erfolgreichen Umgang mit Menschen, die uns ausnutzen und manipulieren - denn keiner muss Opfer sein! Psychopathen gibt es Uberall und viel hAufiger, als man denkt, weiß Thomas Erikson: Sie drUcken sich gern um die Arbeit und tragen nie zum allgemeinen Wohl bei. Sie bieten selten an, in einem Restaurant die Rechnung zu Ubernehmen, und haben nie Geld, um sich an den Kosten der HaushaltsfUhrung zu beteiligen. Sie sind hAufig untreu, manipulativ und doppelzUngig und lUgen oft sogar dann, wenn es keinerlei Veranlassung dafUr gibt. Diese Menschen fUgen mit ihren Manipulationen am Ende fast allen Schaden zu, mit denen sie in Kontakt kommen, und oft wissen die Opfer noch nicht einmal, wer fUr das Durcheinander der Beziehungen verantwortlich ist. Thomas Erikson beschreibt anschaulich und kurzweilig, wie wir diese Meister der Manipulation erkennen und wie wir es schaffen, uns erfolgreich gegen ihre Ubergriffe zu behaupten – ein unverzichtbares Buch fUr alle, die nicht lAnger Opfer sein und ihre Beziehung zu und ihre Kommunikation mit schwierigen Menschen verbessern wollen. Grundlage ist die bekannte DISG-Methode mit vier PersOnlichkeits-Typen, die der Einfachheit halber mit einer Farbe gekennzeichnet werden – rot, gelb, grUn, blau: - Rot ist dominant, ehrgeizig, antriebsstark - Gelb ist optimistisch, empathisch, inspirierend - GrUn ist verlAsslich, ausdauernd, liebenswUrdig - Blau ist perfektionistisch vorsichtig und distanziert Anschaulich und anhand vieler Beispiele demonstriert Thomas Erikson, wie die jeweilige Art der Manipulation funktioniert und in welcher Weise Kommunikation und menschliche Beziehungen davon beeintrAchtigt werden. Daraus leitet er Strategien ab, die manipulatives Verhalten wirksam bekAmpfen und die Beziehung zu schwierigen Menschen verbessern helfen. Thomas Eriksons Selbst-Coaching-Ratgeber Uber Kommunikation und Beziehungen sind allesamt internationale Bestseller und wurden in mehr als 25 Sprachen Ubersetzt.
Thomas Erikson (Author), Erich Wittenberg (Narrator)
Surrounded by Narcissists: Or, How to Stop Other People's Egos Ruining Your Life
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots Are you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life? Are you worn out by their constant demands for attention, their absolute belief they are right (even when clearly they are not), their determination to do what they want (regardless of impact), and their baffling need to control everyone and everything around them? In this thought-provoking, sanity-saving book, Thomas Erikson helps you understand what makes narcissists tick and, crucially, how to handle them without wearing yourself out in the process. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Erikson provides all the tools you need to manage not just the narcissists around you but everyday narcissism as well - itself becoming more widespread in this age of social media. Engaging and practical, Surrounded by Narcissists will help you free yourself from narcissistic agendas so you can pursue a happier, more fulfilling and successful life. © Thomas Erikson 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John (Narrator)
Surrounded by Setbacks: Or, How to Succeed When Everything's Gone Bad
Brought to you by Penguin. How to handle everything (and everyone) around you when all hell breaks loose, from the international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots. Not everything goes the way we want it to - the world or people around us sometimes just spin out of control. Just consider the Covid pandemic for starters. Or how about that mad neighbour you have living next-door to you? Or when work seems to be going down the toilet when the competition keep outsmarting you? So how do you handle everything life throws your way when you'd really prefer to tell everyone to get stuffed? Thomas Erikson will help you turn adversity into success with the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots. Starting by reminding us that life is as it is, Erikson helps you see that it is in fact useless to try to control everything happening around you. Instead of protesting when life throws you curveballs, focus instead on how to handle them. Just as you keep the weeds away from the garden to provide space and amazing flowers, you need to find an approach to adversity that works for you and will give you the chance to turn everything into success. Surrounded by Setbacks will help you pinpoint the approach that works for you and will entertain and empower you in equal measure. © Thomas Erikson 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Thomas Erikson (Author), James Macnaughton, James Mcnaughton (Narrator)
Surrounded by Bad Bosses and Lazy Employees: or, How to Deal with Idiots at Work
Brought to you by Penguin. Surrounded by idiots at work? Fed up with a bad boss or lazy colleagues? Thomas Erikson, author of the runaway international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, will help you handle them and get things done, the right way Why is good leadership so rare? Everyone has to manage up to some extent but frankly some bosses are worse than others. If you're being driven crazy by a micro-manager, frequently drown under your boss's unreasonable expectations or struggle with being handed out responsibilities but no authority international behavioural expert Thomas Erikson is here to help. Drawing on the simple four-colour system that made Surrounded by Idiots a global bestseller, Erikson shows how understanding your boss's behavioural tendencies as well as your own will lead to a more harmonious and productive workplace. He also sets out what characterises an exemplary leader type and how you can adapt your behaviour to model it. Because there are two sides to every coin, Erikson also looks at employees themselves and why some colleagues frequently underachieve and what you can do to change this. Written with Erikson's signature humour and warmth, Surrounded by Bad Bosses (and Lazy Employees) will help you deal with the most hopeless managers and employees you can imagine - and keep you entertained along the way. © Thomas Erikson 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John (Narrator)
Alles Idioten!? - Endlich verstehen, wie andere ticken (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Erfolgreich kommunizieren in allen Lebenslagen - der internationale Selbst-Coaching-Bestseller aus Schweden. Wie oft werden wir nicht oder falsch verstanden? Wie oft sind unsere Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen von Missverständnissen getrübt? Wie oft glauben wir, wir seien nur von Idioten umgeben? 'Das muss nicht sein', sagt der Selbst-Coaching-Experte Thomas Erikson: 'Menschen sind zwar keine Excel-Tabellen, und Ihr Verhalten lässt sich nicht exakt vorausberechnen. Aber wenn wir die Grundlagen des menschlichen Kommunikationsverhaltens begreifen, können wir viele Missverständnisse vermeiden.' Nach dem Motto 'vier Farben - vier Typen - und jede Menge Tools' präsentiert Thomas Erikson ein Modell mit vier Persönlichkeitstypen, das es uns leicht macht, unser Gegenüber und sein Kommunikationsverhalten zu verstehen - ob es sich um Körpersprache, Emails oder ein Gespräch handelt. Zunächst werden die vier Persönlichkeitstypen vorgestellt, dann beschreibt Thomas Erikson das Kommunikationsverhalten der vier Persönlichkeitstypen und erklärt, welche Konflikte sich daraus im Umgang mit anderen ergeben und wie diese Konflikte vermieden werden können. Humorvoll verpackt, helfen uns Thomas Eriksons anschauliche Beispiele aus Beruf, Freizeit und Familie zu erkennen, mit welchem Persönlichkeitstyp wir es jeweils zu tun haben: So können wir unser Kommunikationsverhalten gezielt trainieren und den alltäglichen Kommunikationsfallen erfolgreich aus dem Weg gehen.
Thomas Erikson (Author), Philipp Oehme (Narrator)
Surrounded by Psychopaths: or, How to Stop Being Exploited by Others
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots. Some people are exceptionally manipulative. They can convince anyone about anything and lure them with their charm. They enjoy controlling others and will do anything to get what they want. Sound familiar? The bad news is that you can’t really escape them. But here comes the good news: you can beat them at their own game. After going through the highs and lows of different personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow) in his international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, Swedish behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will now show you how your weaknesses and personality traits can be exploited by other people and how you can stop them in their tracks. By learning more about your personality type and how you work, you’ll be able to see through any psychopath's manipulative behaviours and fend off their attempts to wreak havoc into your life. Witty, engaging and informative, this book will give you everything you need to handle life’s most skilled manipulators and identify the psychopaths in your life… before it’s too late! © Thomas Erikson 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John (Narrator)
Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be U
Penguin presents the audio edition of Surrounded By Idiots by Thomas Erikson, read by David John. Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up? You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people. Originally published in Swedish in 2014 as Omgiven Av Idioter, Erikon's Surrounded by Idiots is already an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide, of which over 750,000 copies have been sold in Sweden alone. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information. Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication and advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or indeed shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and influence those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension. And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!
Thomas Erikson (Author), David John (Narrator)
Har du någon gång försökt resonera med din partner och ingenting gick som du tänkt dig? Eller i förvirring lämnat ett möte med känslan att du inte begrep dig på de övriga i rummet? Och värst av allt: vissa verkar aldrig förstå vad du säger - hur tydlig du än är. Visst är det ett mysterium? Välkommen till en rad uppfriskande aha-upplevelser - möjligen även en eller annan åh nej-upplevelse - och med lite flyt är det inte du som är idioten. Efter att ha läst den här boken kommer du att förstå vad din omgivning egentligen vill säga dig. Jag garanterar att du radikalt kommer att minska mängden idioter i din omgivning, hälsar Thomas Erikson. Omgiven av idioter beskriver konkret och underhållande en av världens mest spridda metoder för att sortera olikheterna inom mänsklig kommunikation. Via den vetenskapliga bakgrunden, genom vardagens möten, ger den ett konkret hjälpmedel att förstå de viktigaste skillnaderna mellan olika kommunikationsstilar. Den visar på en av de vanligaste orsakerna till konflikter i vardagen - dålig kommunikation. Och den ger dig som läsare svaret på frågan: vad gör jag åt det? Efter att ha läst boken kommer ingenting att se ut som förr. Thomas Erikson är beteendevetare, coach, föreläsare, ledarskapstränare och författare. Han driver en konsultverksamhet med fokus på att förändra beteenden inom olika typer av organisationer, och coachar ett antal chefer varje år inom det svenska näringslivet.
Thomas Erikson (Author), Mattias Linderoth (Narrator)
En iskall vinter har lamslagit Malmö. Journalisten Leyla Abdallah ska snart återgå till jobbet på morgontidningen efter sin mammaledighet när hon får ett erbjudande som hon inte kan tacka nej till. Stiftelsen Vitanova driver ett lovordat kvinnohärbärge och ger henne fria händer att skriva en bok om stadens hemlösa och utslagna. Leyla blir djupt engagerad i projektet. När en känd heroinist hittas död i sin knarkarkvart avskriver polisen det som en överdos. Men Leyla misstänker att något annat ligger bakom. Snart påträffas en uteliggare död, med en makaber dikt skriven i sin panna, och det står klart att en seriemördare härjar i staden. Dikten aviserar fler mord och polisen tvekar inte att dra igång en omfattande mördarjakt mitt i julruschen. Samtidigt kämpar Leyla på sitt håll mot klockan för att stoppa förövaren. Till slut står hon öga mot öga med mördaren. Av jord är du kommen är den tredje spännande delen i serien om journalisten Leyla Abdallah. Lyssna även på Doft av hämnd och Låt barnen komma till mig!
Thomas Erikson (Author), Mikael Bergstrand (Narrator)
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