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Emotional Healing Course deep reprogram coaching sessions & meditations: trauma release, find the ro
Do you have wounds or traumas from your past? Do you want to move on from narcissistic abuses or end a co-dependent relationship? Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you need to clear the ties of those who bring you down? If yes, you will need a complete emotional recovery through healing. Are you ready to let go of the past and move forward in life? This audiobook is a complete guided meditation session in healing yourself from all emotional wounds, past hurts, or childhood traumas, freeing yourself from any destructive patterns that were trapped. There are lots of painful memories and emotions including fears, anger, guilt, shame abandonment, or heartbreak that were trapped inside our emotional bodies. In this course, we’ll: - Create a safe place for ourselves - Clear any emotional wounds or traumas in our emotional body - Cut ties in any toxic or co-dependent relationships - End any narcissistic abuses - Raise our awareness in our body and mind - Releasing anger in a healthy and constructive way - Awaken our true nature through self-discovery questions - Relief our stresses and Cleanse our energy centers - Building new beliefs through affirmations - Reconnecting ourselves back to our true nature Moving on does not sound easy but it is doable. We will give you the tools to feel safe in releasing and moving forward in life. We will cut any ties to those who bring you down, releasing any anger that is blocking your energies. Reconnect yourself through self-discovery questions so that you can understand more about the challenges you are facing. And most importantly, healing your core emotions in an easy effortless way.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Healthy Mental State Coaching sessions & meditations Self-help toolkit Stop overthinking: beat the n
We all know that when you are in a bad mental state, you completely lose control in all areas of your life. Your physical health, emotions, and daily activities are affected. You cannot function as who you want to be. It is important to take care of yourself to get your life in balance. This is an empowering state rather than you give your power away to things people circumstances. Learning the tools like meditations and following coaching sessions help you not to drill yourself down the road of negative thinking. A healthy mental state is not simply the absence of mental health problems but is the ability to stay in positivity. When you are in a healthy mental lifestyle, you can let go of the stresses, anxieties, and worries of the day. You know how to manage your anger which we normally have during our day-to-day life. You can eliminate toxic thoughts and replace them with positive ones. You focus on your NOW rather than the past and the future. In this course, we will - Manage your anger - Release stress & anxieties - Maintain a peaceful state - Increase mindfulness & awareness - Focus on the present moment - Affirm your self-value and esteem - Balance your mental body - Empower yourself - Let go of toxic through - Promote positive thinking - And much more When you have tools to balance yourself quickly, you are the master of your life. You can cope with any challenges or situations and bounce back to balance quickly. You are able to realize your potential more than an average person can do. This has far more beneficial effects than any attribute in life.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Healing Divorce & Separation Coaching sessions & meditations deep pains hurts abandonment betrayal:
Through life, divorce and separation are some of the most emotionally difficult phases a person can deal with. There is a wide range of emotions like a roller-coaster. It consists of the pains and hurts of the separation itself. There are worries fears and anxieties in building one's life alone. There are grieves and loss of losing something important. There are anger and resentment towards our ex-partners. You need tools and support to go through this emotional phase in your life. In this course, we will be your personal coach. We will address the emotions and help you to release them one by one. We support you in building your self-esteem through meditations and hypnosis. We once again give space for ourselves to move forward in life, creating the life that we deserve. In this course, we will - Release anger & resentments - Let go of fears of moving forward in life - Release obstacles in building your life - Build your self-esteem - Know that you are worthy of love - Embrace who you are - Heal your emotions - Empower yourself - Love and accept yourself - Birthing a new you - And much more Who’s this course for - Those who need support through divorce and separation - Interested in meditations and coaching sessions for healings - Want tools to go through a difficult phase in life - Release anger in a healthy way - Build up self-confidence and self-esteem We want you to be able to cope with these challenging times positively. So that you can harness the traumatic experience into a growth opportunity. From there, you will once again receive and give love as who you are.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse Coaching session & meditation Find your way out: leave the toxic rel
Narcissistic people stretch your boundaries. They embody a complex superiority and lack of empathy for others. Sometimes the manipulations and control are subtle which you find hard to realize. It is a form of relationship that suffers tremendous stress and distress. There may be verbal abuses that drag your self-esteem down. There may be emotional abuses through control, manipulations. They impose guilt trips over you if you do not do something that they want. They constantly step over your boundary and disrespect your energies time and values. They tend to deny what they have done and create a story in their head without understanding. In this course, we will cut ties contracts and obligations in the relationship. We dissolve attachments energetically. So you empower yourself and not be influenced by them. We will have a deep healing meditation to resolve the hurts pains guilt shame that they have imposed on us. We draw a healthy boundary and learn to say no. We teach them to respect us physically mentally and energetically. In this course, we will - Deep emotional healing - Move out of comfort zone - Empower yourself - Know you value - Raise self-esteem - Draw healthy boundary - Love yourself deeply through sleep - And much more Who’s this course for - End the narcissistic abuse - Find ways to empower themselves - Have deep emotional healing - Build healthy boundary - Take back their power After this course, you will stay more in your power and center. You will not be easily affected by them. You let go of attachments and own your truth. You value your uniqueness and respect your boundary. You love yourself deeply and build your life based on your judgment
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Mood Recovery Coaching sessions & Meditations Emotions disorder Transform your feelings: untangling
Commonly, we experience a wide range of emotions throughout the day. Mood fluctuations are a normal part of our lives. Work stress, relationships conflicts, health issues, family and friends can all affect our emotions. Even politics, news, and other opinions can affect our mood for a whole day. Our world is changing at is fast pace. There are lots of things that are out of our control. In times like this, we need tools like meditations and coaching sessions to help us stay centered, control our mood and ability to conquer our emotions. In this course, we will - Learn how to feel your emotions - Tools to master your feelings - Hypnosis session to simply feel good - Relieve stress through coaching sessions - Cope with different emotional situations in life - Take charge of your life - untangling unwanted dramas - Live beyond stress - Talk to your subconscious - And much more Who’s this course for - Those who want to balance their mood at a fast pace - Learn how to feel their emotions - Simply feel good - Take charge of their lives - Interested in meditations and coaching sessions - Directly heal through subconscious - Regardless of which mood is present, you will be providing tools to deal with. This helps you to cope with it in a healthy transformative way. So that you can transform your emotions and instantly feel good.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Cure Emotional Pain Coaching Session & Meditations Heal your past Transform your life: power of love
Emotional pains are the distress from triggers through people's events and circumstances. It is a very uncomfortable state. Sometimes the pains are overwhelming. It could also lead to physical pain such as insomnia, fatigue, stomach ache, etc. Emotional pains are like cycles. They continue the loop if we do not consciously break them. Sometimes you engage yourself in addictive behaviors in order to escape the emotional pains. Letting go of the cycle and developing a new coping mechanism will help you to shift the whole painful spectrum. When you suffer emotionally, you need tools to help you ease the pain. You give space and room to transform and heal. You take care of yourself so that you are not going into a downward spiral. You give compassion to your emotions and understand yourself in a healthy way. In this course, we will be your personal coach guiding you to relieve your stress and anxieties. We go through deep sessions to heal your emotions and transform them into a positive one. We completely accept and love ourselves as who we are In this course, we will - Completely accept as who you are - Heal your emotions - Shift your reality - Relief stress and anxieties - Love yourself through sleep - Deep session to transform - Align your emotions to positive thinking - Embrace your lessons - And much more Through coaching sessions and meditations, we dive deep into the core of the emotion. We transform emotion into positivity. We channel the energies into acceptance. Through sleep, we talk to the subconscious and tune our emotional state into love.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Dealing with abusive relationship coaching session & meditation Getting out of it: toxic ties, manip
Abusive relationships usually entangle emotionally and energetically. It is hard to describe and difficult to handle. There are verbal abuses, emotional manipulations, and energetic bonding. Most victims mislead the abuses as love. There are usually forms of manipulations and seemingly love gestures. This is why victims find it hard to leave as they mostly associate their abusive actions with love. In order to get out of it, we need to empower ourselves. We need to build up our strength and courage to move forward in life. We need to let go of the guilt in leaving the relationship. You are not responsible for anyone's life. You are only responsible for yours. We need to build up our spiritual strength before we take physical action. In this course, we will empower you through coaching and meditations. We will cut the ties and cords of this relationship. We dissolve the entanglements energetically. We let go of the fear and give courage to ourselves. We move out of our comfort zone. We let go of the guilt of leaving the relationship. In this course, we will - Cutting cord - End the abusive cycle - Letting go of guilt - Reclaim your power - Empower for change - Get back to balance - And much more Who’s this course for - Wants to get out of the abusive relationship - Empower to change - Willing to work on themselves energetically - Interested in meditations and coaching sessions for healing Basically, we dissolve all attachments of this relationship. We cut off ties and attachments. We let go of guilt and shame to leave the relationship. We empower ourselves to own our life and know that we always deserve to have a good fulfilling life.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Why Love is Not Coming? How to Transform? Coaching session & meditation: release self-sabotage, lett
Seems like no matter what you do, love never arrives. You start to wonder if there is something wrong with you. You are on the edge of giving up LOVE. It is like love passing you while everyone is having it. Before you decide to give up, there is one rule you need to understand. You only receive the love you think you deserve. Everything in your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you think you don’t deserve the love you won’t get it and vice versa. You may not even notice you have the subconscious emotions that sabotage your love life. You may still have grudges over your ex-partners that hold you back from having an intimate relationship. There are unconscious beliefs that you don’t deserve love and hold you from having a fulfilling happy relationship. In this course, we will solve the mystery of your love life. Through coaching sessions & meditations, we explore what is holding you back. We let go of the ties with our past partners energetically. We rewire our subconscious to deservedness. In this course, we will - Have deeper awareness of self-love - Radically forgive yourself - Cut the cords from your ex-partners - Free your sexual chakra - Open to receiving love - Know that you do deserve - Deeply fall in love with yourself again - And much more When you are able to let go of attachments from the past, you start to open yourself to a new journey and let love in. Your inner state is a reflection of your outer state. If you are able to forgive and love yourself deeply, the reality cannot help but reflect it back to you.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Healthy Emotional State Coaching sessions & meditations Spiritual maturity Deep awareness: transform
Emotional health is an important part of your overall health, happiness in life. When you are emotionally imbalanced, you are out of control in thoughts emotions and behaviors. It is difficult to function and cope with life challenges. In contrast, when you are emotionally healthy, You keep problems challenges in perspective. You are able to bounce back from setbacks. You are no longer being controlled by your emotional state. You put yourself in power. Being emotionally healthy does not mean you are happy all the time. It means you have the tools and awareness to get back into balance quickly. You embrace your emotions and life challenges. You can deal with them whether you are happy or sad. Your coping mechanism is healthy. You do not fall into addictions escape your emotions and drown yourself into depressive mode. In this course, we will be your personal coach guiding you to honor your emotional system. We provide tools for you to feel and embrace your emotions. So that you can get back into balance when you feel your emotions are out of control. We inspire you to have a new perspective in looking at things. We put our focus on gratitude and love. In this course, we will - Honor your emotional system - Embrace your emotions - Develop a new coping mechanism - Know how to face challenges - Improve overall health - Stay in a gratitude mode - Release any toxic ties - Let go of the abusive relationship - Maintain balance - Deep self-acceptance - And much more This is a skill you can learn. We go through coaching sessions, mediations, hypnosis, and affirmations to help you to the path of an emotionally healthy state. When you are emotionally healthy, every area of your life improves including physical health, relationship, career, and happiness.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Advanced Emotional Healing Heal deep wounded trauma Finding the root cause: transformative meditatio
Traumas, depression, broken-hearted emotions are really difficult to handle. Positive thinking is not able to heal the root cause of it. Sometimes we feel like we tried so many times. We have been hurt for so long. We don’t know if we could ever be healed. The task of rebuilding ourselves is overwhelming. There is also unseen factor including karma. These emotional traumas are difficult to be aware of. We do not know why the feelings are keep cycling. Things keep happening again and again and we do not know why. We don’t know how to access and heal. It seems like we are stuck in a cycle. In order to heal those long-suppressed traumas and emotions, we need to dig into the root cause of it. We need to search the seed pattern which happened in the first 7 years of our lives. They are related to your chakra. If you have the emotions that are suppressed, your chakras will also be blocked. It affects every area of your life. In this course, we will get in touch with your wounded traumas that are the first 7 years of your life. We find out the root cause and straight go to the healing. We clear our karma and break the unseen cycle. We transform our anger and deeply heal the pain's hurts. These are all innovative ways to heal. Keep an open mind to receive a new perspective. In this course, we will - Transform anger in an innovative way - Heal emotions deeply - Find out the seed pattern - Break the karmic cycle - Deeply transform your emotions - Honor your emotional system - Embrace tour life lessons - Birthing a new you - And much more In healing through finding out the root cause, we heal the emotions in a transformative way. This will result in remarkable recoveries, happy life and health that you have never imagined.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Dealing with apathy Ignite your life Coaching sessions & meditations From emptiness to empowerment:
You feel a lack of motivation to do anything in life. There is simply a sense of not caring about what’s going on around you. You may not want to feel your emotions. You feel an emptiness in your soul. Everyone loses interest in things at one time or another. However, if it persists in the long run, it could affect your relationships your career, social life, and ability to enjoy life. Aligning your emotions back to is the key to overcoming apathy. We need to feel our emotions again no matter the feelings are good or bad. We accept all of our emotions and validate our feelings. We listen to our emotional needs and provide love and care for ourselves. We no longer abandon ourselves. In this course, we will be your personal coach, who helps you to feel your emotions. Emotions are the compass for your life journey. It is a crucial part of getting your life back on track. When you start to feel your emotions again, we will start doing healing sessions. In this course, we will - Heal your emotions - Finding the root cause of apathy - Learn to feel your emotions - Daring to be you - Express your true self - Finding hope in every situation - Accept every part of yourself - Transform your trauma - Enjoy life again - Open yourself to receive - And much more We align your emotional system from feeling the emotions, finding hope to moving forward in life. In feeling your emotions, you start to feel alive again. Your emotions pave your way to your purpose and journey.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
Dealing with codependency How to empower yourself? coaching session & meditation: Self-care, break f
Codependency promotes unhealthy relationships which you may not even be conscious about it. Usually, you disconnect from your own needs and desires. Your sense of self-worth and overall well-being are intertwined with the other person. Your self-worth happiness is defined by another person rather than yourself. Situations can be complex. You could depend on the other emotionally financially and psychologically. There more you stay in the codependency, the more you cannot function independently. You become more passive in life. It is getting harder and harder for you to get out of this addictive cycle. There is a pattern of behaviors emotionally mentally and energetically. You start to value the other party more than yourself. You put them into priority. You lose sight of your purpose and passion. These can be unconscious. In this course, we will help you to empower yourself. We will have deep healings to raise your self-esteem. We will cut the codependent energetic ties. We clear out the blockages and subconscious attachments. We draw a healthy boundary and learn to say no. In this course, we will - Raise your self-esteem - Learn to say no - Draw healthy boundary - Cutting cord - Empower yourself - Move out of comfort zone - Have clarity of mind - Make clear decision - Deep acceptance - Breaking free - And much more Through the course, you will start to build your personal boundary. You learn to honor and respect your energies. You take courage to stay out of your comfort zone. You see yourself in eyes of love and acceptance. You will feel more powerful.
Thinkandbloom (Author), Chantalia (Narrator)
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