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What the Chicken Knows: A New Appreciation of the World's Most Familiar Bird
A charming and eye-opening exploration of the special relationship between humans and chickens from Sy Montgomery, "one of our finest chroniclers of the natural world" (The New York Times). For more than two decades, Sy Montgomery—whose The Soul of an Octopus was a National Book Award finalist—has kept a flock of chickens in her backyard. Each chicken has an individual personality (outgoing or shy, loud or quiet, reckless or cautious) and connects with Sy in her own way. In this short, delightful book, Sy takes us inside the flock and reveals all the things that make chickens such remarkable creatures: only hours after leaving the egg, they are able to walk, run, and peck; relationships are important to them and the average chicken can recognize more than one hundred other chickens; they remember the past and anticipate the future; and they communicate specific information through at least twenty-four distinct calls. Visitors to her home are astonished by all this, but for Sy what's more astonishing is how little most people know about chickens, especially considering there are about twenty percent more chickens on earth than people. With a winning combination of personal narrative and science, What the Chicken Knows is exactly the kind of book that has made Sy Montgomery such a beloved and popular author.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery, TBD (Narrator)
Over their long friendship, National Geographic authors, Sy Montgomery and Brenda Peterson, have engaged with many animals who’ve taught them about survival, play, and healing. Listen to Sy and Brenda explore animal dreams, their emotional lives, and how animals help us adapt to a changing planet. When we expand our consciousness, our spirituality, and our kinship with other animals, our world is whole and wondrous again. Sy’s books: Wild Chorus paperback: Wild Chorus audiobook:
Brenda Peterson, Sy Montgomery (Author), Brenda Peterson, Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty
A splendid and luminous celebration of one of nature's most perfect and mysterious creatures—the hawk—from the New York Times bestselling author of the "astoundingly beautiful" (NPR) The Soul of an Octopus. When Sy Montgomery went to spend a day at falconer Nancy Cowan's farm, home to a dozen magnificent birds of prey, it was the start of a deep love affair. Nancy allowed her to work with Jazz, a feisty, four-year-old, female Harris's hawk with a wingspan of more than four feet. Not a pet, Jazz was a fierce predator with talons that could pierce skin and bone and yet, she was willing to work with a human to hunt. From the first moment Jazz swept down from a tree and landed on Sy's leather gloved fist, Sy fell under the hawk's magnetic spell. Over the next few years, Sy spent more time with these magnificent creatures, getting to know their extraordinary abilities and instincts. They are deeply emotional animals, quick to show anger and frustration, and can hold a grudge for years. But they are also loyal and intensely aware of their surroundings. In this mesmerizing account, featuring sixteen pages of gorgeous color photographs, Sy passionately and vividly reveals the wonderous world of hawks and what they can teach us about nature, life, and love.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
With three hearts and blue blood, its gelatinous body unconstrained by jointed limbs or gravity, the octopus seems to be an alien, an inhabitant of another world. It’s baggy, boneless body sprouts eight arms covered with thousands of suckers—suckers that can taste as well as feel. The octopus also has the powers of a superhero: it can shape-shift, change color, squirt ink, pour itself through the tiniest of openings, or jet away through the sea faster than a swimmer can follow. But most intriguing of all, octopuses—classed as mollusks, like clams—are remarkably intelligent with quirky personalities. This book, an inquiry into the mind of an intelligent invertebrate, is also a foray into our own unexplored planet. These thinking, feeling creatures can help readers experience and understand our world (and perhaps even life itself) in a new way.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
Hear Montgomery’s fascinating encounters with gorillas, snakes, and spiders. She takes us from the largest bird in the world, the Emu, to the smallest, the hummingbird. With their jewel-like foliage hummingbirds are capable of the most unique and astonishing feats such as flying backwards and even upside down.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Justine Willis Toms (Narrator)
The Hummingbirds' Gift: Wonder, Beauty, and Renewal on Wings
From the beloved New York Times bestselling author of the "fascinating…entertaining" (The Daily Beast) National Book Award finalist The Soul of an Octopus, a charmingly perfect gem of a book about the most exquisite and extraordinary of winged creatures—hummingbirds. As one of the most beautiful and intriguing birds found in nature, hummingbirds fascinate people around the world. The lightest birds in the sky, hummingbirds are capable of incredible feats, such as flying backwards, diving at speeds of sixty-one MPH, and beating their wings more than sixty times a second. Miraculous creatures, they are also incredibly vulnerable when they first emerge from their eggs. That's where Brenda Sherburn comes in. With tenderness and patience, she rescues abandoned hummingbirds and nurses them back to health until they can fly away and live in the wild. In The Hummingbird's Gift, the extraordinary care that Brenda provides her peanut-sized patients is revealed and, in the process, shows us just how truly amazing hummingbirds are. With Sy Montgomery's signature "joyful passion" (Library Journal), and including sixteen pages of gorgeous color photos, this beautifully written and inspiring little book celebrates the profound gift that hummingbirds are to our planet and is the ultimate gift for nature lovers and bird watchers everywhere.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
Der Ruf der rosa Delfine: Wie die schlauen Säugetiere uns in die letzten Geheimnisse des bedrohten A
Sy Montgomery ist mit ihrem Bestseller 'Rendezvous mit einem Oktopus' in die erste Liga der Nature Writer vorgestoßen, auch in Deutschland. Doch nicht nur Oktopoden liegen der Naturforscherin und Autorin am Herzen - sie hat für viele faszinierende Kreaturen Leib und Leben riskiert, aber insbesondere für die rosa Amazonas-Delfine. Viermal ist sie ins Amazonas-Delta gereist, um ihnen auf die Spur zu kommen, wurde von Ameisen gebissen, teilte mit Spinnen das Quartier und schwamm mit Piranhas. Schnell wird ihr klar: Man kann den rosa Delfin nicht erfassen, wenn man nicht begreift, wo er in der Evolution steht und welche Rolle er im Ökosystem Regenwald spielt - es ranken sich zahlreiche Mythen um die 'Botos', die Amazonas-Bewohner verehren und fürchten sie. Sy Montgomery begegnet allen auf Augenhöhe: Den 'Indigenas', die mit dem ständigen Schwund ihres Lebensraumes ringen müssen, den Forscher*innen, die ihr Leben dem Studium des Amazonas-Deltas gewidmet haben, und nicht zuletzt den Tieren und Pflanzen der Region. Ihre Liebe zu den Geheimnissen unserer Natur ist ansteckend - und in Zeiten des Klimawandels notwendiger denn je!
Sy Montgomery (Author), Beate Himmelstoß (Narrator)
How to Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals
Understanding someone who belongs to another species can be transformative. No one knows this better than author, naturalist, and adventurer Sy Montgomery. To research her books, Sy has traveled the world and encountered some of the planet's rarest and most beautiful animals. From tarantulas to tigers, Sy's life continually intersects with and is informed by the creatures she meets. This restorative memoir reflects on the personalities and quirks of thirteen animals-Sy's friends-and the truths revealed by their grace. It also explores vast themes: the otherness and sameness of people and animals; the various ways we learn to love and become empathetic; how we find our passion; how we create our families; coping with loss and despair; gratitude; forgiveness; and most of all, how to be a good creature in the world.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
Rendezvous mit einem Oktopus. Extrem schlau und unglaublich empfindsam: Das erstaunliche Seelenleben
Acht Arme, drei Herzen und eine Seele! Der heimliche Star der Meere: der Oktopus. Er kann 1600 Küsse auf einmal verteilen, er kann mit seiner Haut schmecken, Farbe und Form ändern und sich trotz eines Körpergewichts von 45 Kilogramm durch eine apfelsinengroße Öffnung zwängen. Und nicht nur seine körperlichen Superkräfte machen den Achtarmigen zu einem Wunderwesen der Meere. Kraken sind vor allem schlau. Sie können schummeln und tricksen, spielen, lernen, sie können Menschen erkennen und Kontakt aufnehmen. In ihrem preisgekrönten Bestseller erzählt die Naturforscherin Sy Montgomery auf berührende, kenntnisreiche und unterhaltsame Weise von ihren Begegnungen mit diesen außergewöhnlichen Lebewesen. 'Wenn man dieses Buch gelesen hat, versteht man die Seele der Ozeane' Peter Wohlleben Die Schauspielerin Sophie von Kessel, selber begeisterte Taucherin, liest diese Geschichten einer Annäherung an das Unbekannte, eine unvergeßliche Reise zu Wesen wie aus einer anderen Welt.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sophie Von Kessel (Narrator)
The Intelligence and Consciousness of Octopuses
Octopuses are highly intelligent, show their cleverness in myriad ways, and love to play. Montgomery describes befriending several of them over a number of years and shares how they can make remarkable connections with individual people. This is a most fascinating dialogue about the meeting of two very different minds, human and octopus.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Justine Willis Toms (Narrator)
The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood
A naturalist who spent months at a time living on her own among wild creatures in remote jungles, Sy Montgomery had always felt more comfortable with animals than with people. So she gladly opened her heart to a sick piglet who had been crowded away from nourishing meals by his stronger siblings. Yet Sy had no inkling that this piglet, later named Christopher Hogwood, would not only survive but flourish. The Good Good Pig celebrates Christopher Hogwood in all his glory, from his inauspicious infancy to hog heaven in rural New Hampshire. At first, his domain included only Sy's hens and border collie, Tess. Then the neighbors began fetching Christopher home from his unauthorized jaunts, the little girls next door started giving him baths, and the villagers brought him delicious leftovers. His fame increased along with his girth. He was featured in USA Today and on several National Public Radio programs. But as this enchanting book describes, Christopher Hogwood's influence extended far beyond celebrity. Sy reveals what she learned from this generous soul who just so happened to be a pig-lessons about self-acceptance, the value of community, and the pleasures of the sweet green Earth.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Xe Sands (Narrator)
The Soul of An Octopus: A Playful Exploration Into The Wonder Of Consciousness
Sy Montgomery's popular 2011 Orion magazine piece, "Deep Intellect," about her friendship with a sensitive, sweet-natured octopus named Athena and the grief she felt at her death, went viral, indicating the widespread fascination with these mysterious, almost alien-like creatures. Since then Sy has practiced true immersion journalism, from New England aquarium tanks to the reefs of French Polynesia and the Gulf of Mexico, pursuing these wild, solitary shape-shifters. Octopuses have varied personalities and intelligence they show in myriad ways: endless trickery to escape enclosures and get food; jetting water playfully to bounce objects like balls; and evading caretakers by using a scoop net as a trampoline and running around the floor on eight arms. But with a beak like a parrot, venom like a snake, and a tongue covered with teeth, how can such a being know anything? And what sort of thoughts could it think? The intelligence of dogs, birds, and chimpanzees was only recently accepted by scientists, who now are establishing the intelligence of the octopus, watching them solve problems and deciphering the meaning of their color-changing camouflage techniques. Montgomery chronicles this growing appreciation of the octopus, but also tells a love story. By turns funny, entertaining, touching, and profound, The Soul of an Octopus reveals what octopuses can teach us about consciousness and the meeting of two very different minds. - See more at:
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
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