Browse audiobooks by Steve Martin, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
[Spanish] - Gestión del Tiempo: ¡Descubre Poderosas Estrategias Para Aumentar La Productividad, Domi
¡El Sencillo Proceso De 7 Pasos Para Duplicar Tu Productividad Y Vencer La Procrastinación De Una Vez Por Todas!¿Sientes que el trabajo se acumula constantemente? ¿Te abruma una lista interminable de tareas pendientes? ¿Te gustaría conocer el SECRETO para lograr que las cosas se hagan y obligar al universo a darte el éxito en la vida que mereces? Entonces este será el audiolibro más TRANSFORMADOR que hayas escuchado... El destacado experto en productividad, Steve Martin, presenta los sorprendentes hallazgos de su estudio sobre personas ultra productivas. Si estás listo para descubrir las mejores estrategias para dominar tu tiempo, aumentar la productividad y conquistar cualquier objetivo que te propongas, estás en el lugar correcto. Utilizando este poderoso audiolibro, aprenderás a: - Mejorar el enfoque y ser más productivo al perfeccionar tu capacidad para concentrarte en tus tareas más urgentes. - Aprovechar el poder de la técnica 'Pomodoro' para vencer la procrastinación y maximizar tu productividad. - Organizar tus prioridades y dominar el arte de la programación en pocos pasos sin agotarte. - Aprender cómo delegar eficientemente tus tareas. - Contrarrestar eficazmente el estrés para poder llevar una vida equilibrada y productiva, y cumplir tus metas una a una. ¡Y mucho más! Nunca es tarde para comenzar a inculcar hábitos y estrategias sólidas que te ayuden a alcanzar tus metas más rápido sin agotarte con 'Gestión del Tiempo”... ¡Desplázate Hacia Arriba, Obtén El Audiolibro Y Comienza a Escuchar!
Steve Martin (Author), Steve Martin (Narrator)
So Many Steves: Afternoons with Steve Martin
Steve Martin is more candid than he’s ever been about his creative life—in this engrossing audio-biography centered around a series of conversations recorded over many afternoons at home with his friend and neighbor, writer Adam Gopnik. Steve Martin met his good friend Adam Gopnik three decades ago, and in that time, Gopnik has always marveled at Martin’s ability to flourish in a wide variety of artforms: magic, comedy, art collecting, writing, and music. In So Many Steves, New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik creates a new type of profile: a year’s worth of conversations with Martin where Gopnik pulls back the curtain on his friend’s illustrious career. This biography places you in Martin’s apartment across from Steve and Adam, listening as their conversation flows from Steve’s first job in a magic shop to selling out stadiums as a standup comedian, starring in major motion pictures, writing his first novel, teaching himself to play the banjo, and starting a respected art collection. Through it all you’ll hear clips from Steve Martin’s iconic stand up routines and movies as well as excerpts from his writing and tv appearances, all knit together by an original banjo score created and played by Steve. Widely praised for his dada persona and portrayal of funny-yet-relatable parents, Steve shares behind the scenes anecdotes from his films―L.A. Story, The Jerk, Three Amigos, and more―giving listeners a taste of life on set. More than a history, this series of intimate conversations between old colleagues reveal Martin's thoughtful approach to both art and life. As Steve develops as an artist, challenging himself with learning new crafts, Adam sees his friend growing and evolving as a person: becoming warmer, more gregarious, and even more gracious.
Adam Gopnik, Steve Martin (Author), Adam Gopnik, Steve Martin (Narrator)
Self Discipline & Time Management: Discover Powerful Strategies to Develop Everlasting Habits to Inc
The method you are about to learn can work extremely quickly to eradicate old procrastination habits and effortlessly boost your productivity and success... in as little as one week! Do you lack the focus to move forward in life and achieve your dreams? Are you prone to procrastination and end up sabotaging your chances of excelling in your career? Do you feel like you never have enough time on your hands to do everything you need and want? You are not alone in this! You and many others have big goals that always feel unrealistic because you have not properly mastered the art of Time Management and Self-Discipline! Time Management and Self-Discipline make the difference between failure and success. Time Management and Self-Discipline can make or break your diet, a work project, or a school assignment. Time Management and Self-Discipline are what you need to do your best and reach your full potential in everything you do. If you have not yet mastered these critical life skills, you can get help from TOP EXPERTS as Steve Martin. His Best-Selling Audiobook, 'Time Management & Self-Discipline' is all you need if you: Want to reach all your goals Want to increase your productivity Want to improve your focus and concentration ...and perform at your best! This audiobook provides you with the best strategies you need to: - Develop a mindset that is geared toward your success and future intentions - Build an enviable mental toughness - Develop great habits and break those that are holding you back - Overcome fear and self-doubt and become a master at pursuing and achieving your dreams. And MUCH more! Even if you have always felt like you can not achieve more, that's about to change! GET INSTANT ACCESS to proven strategies to master your time and increase your productivity; DISCOVER TOP STRATEGIES to develop willpower and self-discipline... ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS faster!!! Scroll up, Get the Audiobook, and Start Listening!
Steve Martin (Author), Steve Martin (Narrator)
Time Management: Discover Powerful Strategies to Increase Productivity, Master Your Habits, Amplify
LEARN TO MASTER TIME AND BEING SUPER PRODUCTIVE FOR ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND SUCCESS YOU DESERVE! The method you are about to learn can work extremely quickly to eradicate old procrastination habits and effortlessly boost your productivity and success... in as little as one week! Do you find yourself unable to resist any temptations that waste your time? Do you want to strengthen your willpower and build solid habits that boost productivity? You're in luck because 'Time Management' by Steve Martin is just the audiobook you need! If you're ready to discover the best strategies to master your time, increase productivity, and conquer any goals you set you're in the right place! Using this powerful audiobook, you will: - Improve focus and become more productive by honing your ability to concentrate on your most urgent tasks - Harness the power of the 'Pomodoro Technique' to overcome procrastination and maximize your productivity - Organize your priorities and master the art of scheduling in a few easy steps without burning yourself out - Learn how to successfully and efficiently delegate your tasks - Effectively counteract stress so you can live a balanced, productive life and tick off your goals one by one And MUCH more! It's never too late, GET THIS AUDIOBOOK NOW and start ingraining solid habits and strategies that will help you achieve your goals faster!
Steve Martin (Author), Steve Martin (Narrator)
Self Discipline: Develop Everlasting Habits to Master Self-Control, Productivity, Mental Toughness,
DISCOVER HOW TO INCREASE YOUR WILLPOWER AND SELF DISCIPLINE! Self-discipline is the KEY to a successful, motivated, and fulfilled life — Keep reading and discover how to resist unproductive habits, improve focus, and achieve your dreams! Do you struggle with self-control? Do you lack the focus to move forward in life and reach your dreams? Do you constantly envy how motivated your peers are? You’re not alone! If you want to: - Strengthen your willpower and self-control - Master yourself and build productive habits - Boost productivity and build mental toughness Then “Self-Discipline” by coach and expert Steve Martin is what you need to turn your dreams into reality! Steve knows that self-discipline helps hone your ability to resist any temptations, improve focus, and boost concentration to get things done. Thanks to this illuminating audiobook, you will: - Develop a success-oriented mindset and live with purpose - Reach your goals by building mental toughness, improve focus, and strengthen concentration - Form good habits and break bad ones while strengthening your willpower - Foster better relationships and achieve anything you want in life - Achieve physical excellence by effectively sticking to your diet and workout routines - Become fearless in the face of challenges and uncertainty - Learn practical self-discipline tips from Spartans and Navy Seals And MUCH more! Your success weighs heavily on your ability to hold yourself accountable. Boost your ability to do so using “Self-Discipline”! If you’re ready to finally change your life and embrace self-discipline 'BUY THIS AUDIOBOOK NOW' and take your fist step toward success!
Steve Martin (Author), Steve Martin (Narrator)
100 citações humorísticas: Recolha as 100 citações de
A inteligência e a esperteza nunca são aborrecidas. Seleccionámos para si 100 citações dos autores mais espirituosos de sempre, de Oscar Wilde a Jerry Seinfeld, com a ajuda de Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx e muitos outros. Desfrute destas pérolas de humor para alegrar o seu dia com uma boa gargalhada, descubra comentários e piadas inestimáveis para surpreender os seus amigos e inimigos, e aperte a mão com as maiores mentes. Estas 100 citações estão entre as mais divertidas e profundas, desde comentários inteligentes a trocadilhos incrivelmente elegantes; deixe-os inspirar-vos, e que possam vir com muitas mais.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
[Italian] - 100 citazioni umoristiche: Le 100 citazioni di...
L'intelligenza e l'intelligenza non sono mai noiose. Abbiamo selezionato per voi 100 citazioni degli autori più arguti di sempre, da Oscar Wilde a Jerry Seinfeld, con l'aiuto di Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx e molti altri. Godetevi queste perle di umorismo per rallegrare la vostra giornata con una bella risata, scoprire commenti e battute inestimabili per sorprendere amici e nemici e stringere la mano alle menti più grandi. Queste 100 citazioni sono tra le più divertenti e profonde, dai commenti intelligenti ai giochi di parole incredibilmente eleganti; lasciatevi ispirare da loro e che ve ne vengano in mente molte altre.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Francesca Sarah Toich (Narrator)
[Swedish] - 100 humoristiska citat: Samling 100 Citat
Intelligens och skicklighet är aldrig tråkigt. Vi har valt ut 100 citat av de roligaste författare, från Oscar Wilde till Jerry Seinfeld, med hjälp av Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx och många andra. Njut av dessa pärlor av humor att ljusna dagen med ett gott skratt, upptäcka värdefulla kommentarer och skämt till dina vänner och fiender på sängen och skaka hand med de största hjärnorna. Dessa 100 citat är bland de roligaste och djupaste lika, smarta observationer oerhört eleganta vitsar; De inspireras, och du kan komma med många fler.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Johannes Johnström (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 100 Citaten over Huwelijk: Collectie 100 Citaten van
We hebben voor u 100 geweldige citaten over het huwelijk geselecteerd. Het scala aan auteurs van die 100 citaten over het huwelijk is zeer breed : van Jane Austen tot Friedrich Nietzsche, van Oscar Wilde, natuurlijk, tot Coco Chanel, Mae West, Groucho Marx, Socrates, van Virginia Woolf tot William Shakespeare of Ava Gardner. Het huwelijk is een grote bron van humor, van inspiratie voor kunstenaars, intellectuelen, filosofen, schrijvers, schilders, scheppers in het algemeen. Het huwelijk is natuurlijk een grote bron van geluk, van zelfverwezenlijking, van stress en soms van teleurstelling. Individuen kunnen om verschillende redenen trouwen, waaronder juridische, sociale, libidinale, emotionele, financiële, spirituele en religieuze doeleinden. Wie ze trouwen kan worden beïnvloed door sociaal bepaalde regels. Het huwelijk is een sociaal of ritueel erkende verbintenis tussen echtgenoten die rechten en verplichtingen tussen hen vaststelt. De definitie van het huwelijk verschilt per cultuur, maar het is vooral een instelling waarin interpersoonlijke relaties, meestal seksueel, worden erkend. Wanneer het huwelijk breed wordt gedefinieerd, wordt het beschouwd als een cultureel universeel. Een groot citaat lijkt sterk op een groots gedachtegoed en een klein gedicht. Het kan een groot web van ideeën, gedachten, reflecties, emoties in een paar woorden inkapselen. De lezer van een groot citaat wordt gedwongen na te denken over wat hij zojuist gehoord heeft. Hij moet nadenken over die woorden en wat ze betekenen. Een uitstekend citaat vereist dat de lezer pauzeert om na te denken over de werkelijke betekenis en de poëzie van een paar woorden. Een grote gedachte bereikt een niveau van universaliteit. Citaten slaan hard toe in de essentie van het mens-zijn. Het juiste citaat kan ons helpen om enkele onzichtbare betekenissen van dingen of onderwerpen te zien.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 100 humoristische citaten: Collectie 100 Citaten van
Intelligentie en slimheid zijn nooit saai. We hebben voor u 100 citaten geselecteerd van de geestigste auteurs ooit, van Oscar Wilde tot Jerry Seinfeld, met de hulp van Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx en vele anderen. Geniet van deze parels van humor om je dag op te fleuren met een goede lach, ontdek waardevolle opmerkingen en grappen om je vrienden en vijanden mee te verrassen en schud de handen met de grootste geesten. Die 100 citaten behoren tot de grappigste en de diepste, van slimme opmerkingen tot ongelooflijk elegante woordspelingen; laat u inspireren en moge u met veel meer komen.
Albert Einstein, Charles Bukowski, Charles M. Schulz, Frank Zappa, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Steve Martin, Woody Allen (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
Lacey Yeager is young, captivating, and ambitious enough to take the NYC art world by storm. Groomed at Sotheby's and hungry to keep climbing the social and career ladders put before her, Lacey charms men and women, old and young, rich and even richer with her magnetic charisma and liveliness. Her ascension to the highest tiers of the city parallel the soaring heights--and, at times, the dark lows--of the art world and the country from the late 1990s through today.
Steve Martin (Author), Campbell Scott (Narrator)
At age ten Martin started his career at Disneyland, selling guidebooks in the newly opened theme park. In the decade that followed, he worked in the Disney magic shop and the Bird Cage Theatre at Knott's Berry Farm, performing his first magic/comedy act a dozen times a week. The story of these years, during which he practiced and honed his craft, is moving and revelatory. The dedication to excellence and innovation is formed at an astonishingly early age and never wavers or wanes. Martin illuminates the sacrifice, discipline, and originality that made him an icon and informs his work to this day. To be this good, to perform so frequently, was isolating and lonely. It took Martin decades to reconnect with his parents and sister, and he tells that story with great tenderness. Martin also paints a portrait of his times -- the era of free love and protests against the war in Vietnam, the heady irreverence of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in the late sixties, and the transformative new voice of Saturday Night Live in the seventies. Throughout the text, Martin has placed photographs, many never seen before. Born Standing Up is a superb testament to the sheer tenacity, focus, and daring of one of the greatest and most iconoclastic comedians of all time.
Steve Martin (Author), Steve Martin (Narrator)
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