Revelations are revealed through supernatural encounters with the God In you. You receive a direct download of information in the form of words that can be seen through visions. Visions are prophetic knowledge or insight of something that is to come. We have been taught to see and live through our eyes and not through our vision. What we see with our natural eye man has already done. What we see through our vision, is what is to come. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by word. One single word spoken and received in the super natural will reveal images and insight that shifts your life into greater dimension. In order to receive such revelation one must get out of the “ world “ The world as many know it call it the place were we live. Where you live is where your thoughts reside. You were born into this earth not into the world . The world was created by man. Man has created everything we see today. If you are in this world you are being controlled by man. Heaven and earth are ruled by God. The God in you can only be seen in the supernatural. The image of the world only exist when you enter that realm. That rim has good and evil. The realm of heaven and earth only has good. The voice is always speaking but which one are you listening to. Being born again makes you new. A new mind will then learn a new life taught by a new self. You now know what you want, because you now know who you are. I am peace. I am love. I am prosperity. I am that that I say I am. You mother pushed you out and I’m here to push you forward.