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The 4 Disciplines of Execution Summarized for Busy People
For fans of Good to Great and The First 90 Days, The 4 Disciplines of Execution is the book “every leader should read” (Clayton Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School, and author of The Innovator’s Dilemma) for creating lasting organizational change. The 4 Disciplines of Execution Summarized for Busy People is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following the 4 Disciplines—Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; Create a Cadence of Accountability—leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.
Chris McChesney, P EDDINGTON, Sean Covey (Author), Elizabeth Emery, caroline Quinn (Narrator)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens on the Go: Wisdom for Teens to Build Confidence, Stay Positiv
Become a Successful, Competent, Capable and Self-Sufficient Person in Your Teens and Beyond! #1 New Release in Being a Teen, Peer Pressure Issues,Teen & Young Adult Psychology, and Teen & Young Adult Maturing A condensed guide of timeless wisdom for a new generation. Use the tools in this guide to build the confidence you need to take on new challenges, accomplish difficult tasks, and create lasting positive change throughout your teens and beyond. Finally get results. Many teens know that establishing proactive habits is the first step toward personal success, but often don't know how to implement these habits. Between the pressures of school, social life, and overburdened schedules, it’s no wonder that the average teenager is stressed. In this condensed guide, bestselling FranklinCovey author Sean Covey breaks down the timeless wisdom of the 7 Habits into a weekly, realistic format for busy teens. Rely on trusted guidance. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens on the Go helps teens navigate the processes of building self-esteem, managing social pressure, promoting activism, and more. With these tools, you can learn to become both capable and self-reliant in your daily life. This guide contains weekly challenges, calls-to-action, and inspiration to ensure lasting personal change year-round. Learn to: Determine which principles are important to you Create and map out short-term and long-term goals for a meaningful, competent and self-sufficient life Foster healthy, meaningful relationships throughout your teens and into adulthood If you enjoyed Dad’s Great Advice for Teens, The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make, or You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way, you’ll love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens on the Go. Also, be sure to check out Sean Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, a #1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Psychology.
Sean Covey (Author), Eric Burgher (Narrator)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates
Start them off strong with this invaluable graduation gift idea. College graduation is a major life event, and the steps taken after are crucial to setting your graduate up for success. This book helps new graduates begin this new phase of their life with positivity and momentum. It includes questions to challenge their current beliefs, and daily inspiration with quotes and powerful affirmations to lead them to a successful and fulfilling life. Develop highly effective habits. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates is based on the international bestseller (over 40 million sold), The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Start your college graduate off in life with timeless words of affirmation, inspiring quotes, and thought-provoking questions. Help them build and maintain good habits and stay focused and motivated. Packed with the proven keys to creating highly effective people, this book also includes: - thought-provoking questions on topics like trust and responsibility - affirmations for success, focus, and positivity - inspirational words from successful people
Sean Covey (Author), Graham Rowat (Narrator)
Die 4 Disziplinen der Umsetzung: Strategien sicher umsetzen und Ziele erfolgreich erreichen
Die beste Planung und Strategie ist hinfällig, wenn es an der Umsetzung mangelt. Viel zu oft versanden Vorhaben, haben größere und langfristige Projekte im Alltag nahezu immer das Nachsehen. Manche Unternehmen schaffen es jedoch, kontinuierlich Strategie mit Alltagsgeschäft erfolgreich zu verbinden. Doch was ist deren Geheimnis? Die Autoren stellen das weltweit bewährte Konzept von FranklinCovey vor, mit dem sich Unternehmen voll und ganz auf ein strategisches Ziel einschwören lassen: die vier Disziplinen der effektiven Umsetzung, kurz 4DX. Mit diesen können Führungskräfte mit ihren Teams über sich hinauswachsen und Ergebnisse erzielen, die in keinem Unternehmensplan vorgesehen waren. 4DX ist dabei keine Theorie, sondern ein weltweit angewandtes praktisches Konzept, das eine völlig neue Art des Denkens und Arbeitens etabliert.
Andreas Maron, Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, Sean Covey (Author), Peter Wolter (Narrator)
The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Revised and Updated: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
For fans of Good to Great and The First 90 Days, The Four Disciplines of Execution is the book "every leader should read" (Clayton Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School, and author of The Innovator's Dilemma) for creating lasting organizational change. A #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller with more than 500,000 copies sold, The Four Disciplines of Execution will radically change your business. 4DX® is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that represents a new way of thinking essential to thriving in today's competitive climate, making this 2nd Edition a book that no business leader can afford to miss. The 2nd Edition provides more than 30 percent new content, including insight on topics such as: -How 4DX impacts leaders of leaders. -The one metric that sustains execution for the long term. -Three leadership mindsets required for strategic commitment. -Utilizing technology for compelling executive scoreboards. The 4 Disciplines of Execution are used by more than 100,000 teams around the world in business, government, and education, and are changing how teams and organizations achieve their most important goals. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following the 4 Disciplines—Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; Create a Cadence of Accountability—leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.
Beverly Walker, Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, Scott Thele, Sean Covey (Author), Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, Scott Thele, Sean Covey (Narrator)
The 7 Habits On the Go: Timeless Wisdom for a Rapidly Changing World
The world is changing dramatically and it's easy to be alarmed and lose focus of what matters most. Don't fall into that trap! Build leadership skills, boost productivity, and learn and apply the time-tested principles of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It's never too late to develop a growth mindset. Want to discover life-changing habits that will propel you toward a more productive and effective life? This compact adaptation of Stephen R. Covey's all-time international bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, offers an efficient-yet in-depth-guide to becoming your best self and reaching your goals. Less stress, more success. Listeners who have never learned The 7 Habits before-as well as longtime fans who want a refresher-will find wisdom, direction, self-reflection, and life-affirming challenges that easily can be applied to your professional and personal life. The 7 Habits on the Go isn't just a productivity planner or habit tracker. If you'll devote just minutes each day, you can develop the principles needed to stay proactive and positive. The positive paradigm shifts that The 7 Habits can produce help you break free of old beliefs, motivate toward meaningful change, and develop positive behaviors to bring clear communication.
Sean Covey, Stephen R. Covey (Author), Graham Rowat (Narrator)
Le 4 Discipline dell’Execution. Conseguire gli obiettivi strategici fondamentali
Il bestseller №1 del Wall Street Journal nel mondo degli affari! Le 4 Discipline dell'Execution presentano la formula migliore per il successo del tuo team. Questo è un audiolibro che nessun imprenditore può permettersi di perdere. La maggior parte dei ricercatori, consulenti e autori ci danno una visione statica delle questioni strategiche: ci presentano un'immagine di un'azienda di successo e ci insegnano cosa fare, ma non COME FARLO. L'audiolibro “Le 4 Discipline of Execution” spiega non solo il 'che cosa', ma anche il 'come' di una leadership efficace. Chris McChesney è Senior Director dell’Execution Practice per la FranklinCovey. Per più di un decennio ha guidato lo sviluppo dei Quattro Principi che svelano le discipline essenziali per aiutare le aziende e gli individui a raggiungere i loro obiettivi più importanti. Il concetto delle 4DX non è una teoria, ma una formula ad alta efficienza, un insieme di pratiche semplici e comprovate progettate per eseguire le tue priorità strategiche più importanti nel bel mezzo del “vortice” lavorativo. Vuoi ottenere una crescita straordinaria della tua organizzazione? Adotta queste 4 discipline: - Metti a fuoco ciò che è di fondamentale importanza - Intervieni sulle “misure lead” - Tieni uno stimolante tabellone segnapunti - Fai ciclicamente il punto della situazione Scopri un nuovo modo di pensare e lavorare per avere successo nell'odierno ambiente competitivo con l'aiuto dell'audiolibro “Le 4 Discipline dell'Execution”! Original title: The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, Sean Covey (Author), Francesco Pisaneschi (Narrator)
Los 7 Habitos de los Adolecentes Altamente Efectivos
FonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro "Los 7 Hábitos de los Adolescentes Altamente Efectivos" de Sean Covey. En este audiolibro Covey llega a la vida y al mundo de la adolescencia en una forma dinámica y divertida, guiando a los jóvenes a la mejor manera sobre cómo manejar los diferentes escenarios y circunstancias que se le puedan presentar e instruirlos a que asuman la mejor de las actitudes al momento de tomar alguna decisión o de relacionarse con el resto de las personas que lo rodean. Una de las etapas más difíciles por la que pasan en el transcurso de sus vidas los seres humanos es la adolescencia. Es una época en donde los individuos transitan por momentos y situaciones marcadas por las decisiones que asumen, toman y que tarde o temprano pueden traerle consecuencias que los afectaran por siempre tanto en sus propios ciclos vitales como en el de las demás personas de su círculo personal. "Los 7 Hábitos de los Adolescentes Altamente Efectivos" es una obra que debe ser escuchada no solo por los adolescentes también por sus padres, abuelos, hermanos, y demás familiares pues será de gran provecho para toda la familia. ©(P) 2018 FonoLibro Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohíbe el reproducir, compartir, transmitir el contenido de este audiolibro por cualquier medio sin autorización expresa del editor y productor del audiolibro, FonoLibro Inc.
Sean Covey (Author), Juan Guzman (Narrator)
Las 6 Decisiones Mas Importantes de tu Vida
FonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro "Las 6 Decisiones Más Importantes de Tu Vida" de Sean Covey, este audiolibro es una exquisita guía dirigida a los jóvenes, y debería ser leída por cualquier padre que tenga o críe hijos en estas edades. El libro se divide en dos partes estratégicas. La primera instruye sobre la importancia de tomar una decisión, y como esta nos afecta. Y luego, educa sobre la importancia de saber cuáles son esas 6 decisiones que podrían dar un giro en la vida, si se hacen asertivamente. El autor procuró investigar al adolescente de hoy y habla a los jóvenes con lenguaje moderno y sencillo. Es neutral y oportuno para ayudar desde las decisiones más sencillas hasta las más importantes y de mayor repercusión para la vida. ©(P) 2018 FonoLibro Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohíbe el reproducir, compartir, transmitir el contenido de este audiolibro por cualquier medio sin autorización expresa del editor y productor del audiolibro, FonoLibro Inc.
Sean Covey (Author), Juan Guzman (Narrator)
Los 7 Habitos de los Estudiantes Universitarios Altamente Efectivos
FonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro Los 7 Hábitos de los Estudiantes Universitarios Altamente Efectivos. Este programa de formación ayuda a los estudiantes universitarios a aprender los hábitos que les llevarán al éxito en sus vidas académicas y personales, descubriendo su misión personal, estableciendo objetivos, priorizando tareas y haciendo equipo con otros. Beneficia a los estudiantes y los apoya a lo largo de sus experiencias en la universidad y en su incorporación al mercado laboral. Está basado en Los 7 Hábitos de las personas altamente efectivas de Stephen Covey, y ha sido adaptado por su hijo, Sean Covey, junto con otros ocho expertos académicos de reconocido prestigio. El contenido y el programa de este curso en este audiolibro han sido elaborados en estrecha sintonía con la teoría del aprendizaje transformativo del estudiante adulto de Jack Mezirow. Esta teoría se centra en cómo el adulto aprende con el fin de actuar sobre sus propios propósitos, valores, sentimientos y razones y no sobre los que asimila de otros de forma acrítica, y poder ganar un mayor control sobre su vida. Este curso en audiolibrolibro proporciona a los universitarios una razón de peso para continuar con sus estudios. Mientras muchos estudiantes deciden abandonar la universidad porque no tienen claro la razón por la que están invirtiendo los mejores años de su vida en adquirir una mayor formación, los universitarios que realizan este curso reflexionan en profundidad sobre lo que implica "comenzar con un fin en mente" (P) 2018 FonoLibro Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohíbe el reproducir, compartir, transmitir el contenido de este audiolibro por cualquier medio sin autorización expresa del editor y productor del audiolibro, FonoLibro Inc.
Sean Covey (Author), Juan Guzman (Narrator)
The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make: A Guide for Teens: Updated for the Digital Age
From the author of the wildly popular bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens comes the go-to guide that helps teens cope with major challenges they face in their lives-now updated for today's social media age. In this newly revised edition, Sean Covey helps teens figure out how to approach the six major challenges they face: gaining self-esteem, dealing with their parents, making friends, being wise about sex, coping with substances, and succeeding at school and planning a career. Covey understands the pain and confusion that teens and their parents experience in the face of these weighty, life-changing, and common difficulties. He shows readers how to use the 7 Habits to cope with, manage, and ultimately conquer each challenge-and become happier and more productive. Now updated for the digital and social media age, Covey covers how technology affects these six decisions, keeping the information and advice relevant to today's teenagers.
Sean Covey (Author), Kirby Heyborne (Narrator)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens [Russian Edition]
Groundbreaking and universal, Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been one of the most popular motivational books of all time. Now Stephen's son, Sean, has transformed this best-selling message into a life-changing book for teenagers, parents, grandparents, and any adult who influences young people. At a time when everything from planning what to wear to a party to dealing with an alcoholic friend can seem overwhelming and complex, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens will bring a special perspective and focus to the lives of young people everywhere. Sean Covey speaks directly to teenagers in a language they can really understand and relate to, providing a step-by-step guide to help them improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, get along with their parents, and much more.
Sean Covey (Author), Maxim Kireev (Narrator)
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