Let's face it, the co-located teams mentioned in all of the agile methods just don't happen on many of our real-world projects. Sometimes, we just have no choice -- we have to work with team members in different cities, different time zones, or even on the other side of the world. How do agile methods fare under these circumstances?In this 60-minute interview with Scott Ambler, a noted author and speaker on agile methods, he discusses the latest statistics and some interesting examples of how large, distributed teams are adapting the agile methods to work in a globally-distributed team environment. Learn how to lower the communication barriers and improve project performance under these most difficult of circumstances.Theory is one thing, but practical application is another. Listen to this recording to learn how large companies are using agile methods successfully with distributed, virtual teams.
Agenda includes the following:
Recent statistics on the use of agile in distributed teams
Distributed agile success (and failure) stories
Critical Success Factors for using agile methods in a virtual team environment
Best Practices for initiating a distributed agile project
Using technology to minimize risk
Governing distributed agile teams
Data is clearly an important aspect of software-based systems; yet, many agile development teams are struggling to involve data professionals within their projects. The Agile Data (AD) methodology defines a philosophical framework for data-oriented activities within agile projects, defining ways that application developers and data professionals can work together effectively; however, philosophy isn’t enough -- you also need proven techniques which support those philosophies.This recording presents techniques for agile database development, including database refactoring, Agile-Model Driven Development (AMDD), Test-Driven Design (TDD), and environment/tool strategies.