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Vegan Ketogenic Diet: High Fat and Low Carb Vegan Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss
If you are vegan you might already know… …Each vegan spares the lives of about 30 animals each year. …being vegan cuts your carbon footprint in half. …vegans save 1,100 gallons of water each day. If you are not following a vegan diet yet, this one will convince you… Vegans live longer… …if you do it right. When you look in the mirror, you might wonder where your little muffin top came from. That´s because not all vegan foods are as healthy as you think. Being vegan is not enough if you tend to put on weight. Even worse, by now supermarkets are full of vegan junk food as bad as McDonald´s Cheeseburgers. If you want to stay healthy, keep up your vegan diet and lose weight without ever feeling hungry, there is only one magical formula. In the 19th century, scientists found the ultimate non-prescriptive drug to cure epilepsy, diabetes and reduce the risk of cancer. And that´s when the whole hype around the ketogenic diet started. Guess what… saying yes to keto is not another “you eat, you starve, you gain, you lose“ weight cycle or a one week buzz. It is scientifically proven that the ketogenic diet is not only one of the healthiest, but also most effective diets around the globe. In “Vegan Ketogenic Diet: High Fat and Low Carb Vegan Recipes for Weight Loss“, you´ll discover: Dozens of keto vegan recipes to kickstart your day Hearty, steaming bowls and soups to warm your bones Green vegetables from all around the globe mixed in one meal to get rid of all toxins in your body Over 20 lunch meals that guarantee weight loss Superfoods to boost your mood Dozens of no-guilt desserts …and much more.
Sam Kuma (Author), Holly Slater (Narrator)
Vegan: 101 Delicious Vegan Diet Recipe Plans for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans
This audiobook provides a practical guide to adopting a vegan lifestyle. If you are thinking about adopting a vegan diet, you are probably worried about the time commitment and the lack of choices. Then let this quick vegan cookbook awaken your mind. This vegan cookbook has a long list of recipes that can be done within 20 minutes. It has a list of vegan recipes that are classified by type: appetizers, snacks, sauces, desserts, beverages, etc. Yes, you can live your entire life with vegan recipes. It’s not just about salads. It can be about vegan cheese, vegan ice cream, vegan burgers, etc. Highlights of this audiobook: How a vegan diet improves your long-term health and benefits the ecosystem Vegan stir-fries Vegan smoothies Vegan sauces Vegan pasta Vegan burgers and sandwiches Vegan soups Vegan appetizers Vegan salads Vegan beverages Vegan deserts What's special? What differentiates this vegan cookbook from other vegan books is it lets you get from the kitchen to the table in under 20 minutes. Most similar vegan books focus on certain areas of vegan diets. This audiobook discusses all types of foods, with a focus on ensuring that no time is wasted in the kitchen.
Sam Kuma (Author), Annette Levy (Narrator)
Keto Kickstart: Stimulate Your Keto Diet with a Keto Mindset, Keto Tracking and a 15 Day Keto Meal P
Do you know a lot about the keto diet but struggling to get started? Have you already started the keto diet but struggling to maintain it? This book is the answer to get you started on your keto lifestyle. The ketogenic diet is among the most popular diets today due to its simplicity. Most people follow the ketogenic diet because it is famous, or because they have heard about the amazing benefits it offers. Research shows that the ketogenic diet helps to reduce weight, reset your metabolism, improve your health and increase your energy. This book provides detailed information on the ketogenic diet and its benefits. You will learn about the various types of food you can and cannot eat when you follow the diet, and learn how your body works when you reduce your carbohydrate intake. The book also talks about the science behind the diet, and how it affects your hormones and metabolism. When the ketogenic diet became popular, many questions and myths around this diet came into existence. This book will clear those common myths and beliefs about the diet. Many people find it difficult to follow the ketogenic diet, or any diet for that matter since it is hard for them to adhere to the rules. The diet is quite simple to follow, but many people are not able to sustain because they give into their cravings. If you have recently switched to the ketogenic diet and find it difficult to maintain, then your first focus should be on consuming the right foods. The book has some tips, which you can use to make it easier for you to ease into your diet and stick to. Some people make mistakes when they follow the diet, and that is where this book will help them, as the information given in this book will ensure you avoid making common mistakes that may throw you off balance from the diet. Even if you have read a million books about the ketogenic diet, you will gain from this book.
Sam Kuma (Author), Dave Wright (Narrator)
Dieta cetogénica para principiantes: Recetas Una para una dieta de recetas bajas en carbohidratos pa
Perder peso a través de dietas especiales se ha convertido en una de las mejores modas. En un mundo obsesionado con el tamaño cero, parece que cada persona con una onza de peso extra quiere perderlo. Aprovechando esta tendencia, muchos 'dietistas' y 'nutricionistas' han llegado a una variedad de 'dietas especializadas' donde se consumen 'alimentos especiales' y pierden peso. ¡Todo esto es una farsa! La realidad es que la mayoría de las veces, estos 'especialistas' tienen tratos con las empresas manufactureras, y empujan los productos 'especiales' producidos por las empresas en su cara para ganar una comisión considerable. ¡Al final de estas dietas todo lo que habrá perdido es dinero! Pero ¿qué pasa si le digo que hay una dieta en la que no necesita comprar productos especializados caros (ni morir de hambre) y todavía puede perder peso sin estropear su horario regular? Aquí le presento la 'Dieta Cetogénica'. Este libro le proporcionará la siguiente información: Recetas de desayuno cetogénicas Recetas de sopa cetogénica Recetas de ensalada cetogénicas Recetas de platos principales Cetogénicos Recetas de Snack Cetogénicos Postres Cetogénicos
Sam Kuma (Author), Mario Luna (Narrator)
Keto Kickstart: Stimulate Your Keto Diet with a Keto Mindset, Keto Tracking and a 15 Day Keto Meal P
Do you know a lot about the keto diet but struggling to get started? Have you already started the keto diet but struggling to maintain it? This book is the answer to get you started on your keto lifestyle. The ketogenic diet is among the most popular diets today due to its simplicity. Most people follow the ketogenic diet because it is famous, or because they have heard about the amazing benefits it offers. Research shows that the ketogenic diet helps to reduce weight, reset your metabolism, improve your health and increase your energy. This book provides detailed information on the ketogenic diet and its benefits. You will learn about the various types of food you can and cannot eat when you follow the diet, and learn how your body works when you reduce your carbohydrate intake. The book also talks about the science behind the diet, and how it affects your hormones and metabolism. When the ketogenic diet became popular, many questions and myths around this diet came into existence. This book will clear those common myths and beliefs about the diet. Many people find it difficult to follow the ketogenic diet, or any diet for that matter since it is hard for them to adhere to the rules. The diet is quite simple to follow, but many people are not able to sustain because they give into their cravings. If you have recently switched to the ketogenic diet and find it difficult to maintain, then your first focus should be on consuming the right foods. The book has some tips, which you can use to make it easier for you to ease into your diet and stick to. Some people make mistakes when they follow the diet, and that is where this book will help them, as the information given in this book will ensure you avoid making common mistakes that may throw you off balance from the diet. Even if you have read a million books about the ketogenic diet, you will gain from this book. Scroll up and click 'Add to Cart'
Sam Kuma (Author), Dave Wright (Narrator)
Clean Eating: A 15 Day Meal Plan of Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss
Are you looking to make your lifestyle healthier but don't know where to start? Our 15 day clean eating diet is the perfect answer. The current trend in dieting that has taken the internet by storm is the clean eating diet. However, unlike various other 'diet' trends, clean eating is much more than a fad diet. Clean eating is a healthy and refreshing lifestyle and not just another way of shedding those extra pounds. The best part about this diet is it can actually help you lose weight along with reducing risks of various chronic diseases and disorders. It will also help you to regain your vigor and improve your overall health. So why get our audiobook? A lot of clean eating books exist in the market, so why this one? What makes it better as compared to the others out there? Well, simply this audiobook is well researched and has well-planned, tested, and tasted recipes and a 15-day meal plan that will make it easier for you to follow through your diet. The objective of the audiobook was to collect and present clean recipes to keep your taste buds happy and your tummy cheerful. I believe I was successful in this mission and can successfully welcome you to the world of clean eating. The meal plan consists of a new breakfast recipe, a fresh snack recipe, and two separate meals that you can eat and lose weight. The audiobook is easy to refer to and features an in-depth index. The directions of the recipes are simple, clear, and easy to follow so that even a beginner can cook them easily. I have tried to include recipes that can be made by almost everyone including college students, housewives, chefs, etc.
Sam Kuma (Author), Holly Slaughter (Narrator)
Vegan: 101 Delicious Vegan Diet Recipe Plans for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans
This audiobook provides a practical guide to adopting a vegan lifestyle. If you are thinking about adopting a vegan diet, you are probably worried about the time commitment and the lack of choices. Then let this quick vegan cookbook awaken your mind. This vegan cookbook has a long list of recipes that can be done within 20 minutes. It has a list of vegan recipes that are classified by type: appetizers, snacks, sauces, desserts, beverages, etc. Yes, you can live your entire life with vegan recipes. It’s not just about salads. It can be about vegan cheese, vegan ice cream, vegan burgers, etc. Highlights of this audiobook: How a vegan diet improves your long-term health and benefits the ecosystem Vegan stir-fries Vegan smoothies Vegan sauces Vegan pasta Vegan burgers and sandwiches Vegan soups Vegan appetizers Vegan salads Vegan beverages Vegan deserts What's special? What differentiates this vegan cookbook from other vegan books is it lets you get from the kitchen to the table in under 20 minutes. Most similar vegan books focus on certain areas of vegan diets. This audiobook discusses all types of foods, with a focus on ensuring that no time is wasted in the kitchen. Vegan: 101 Vegan Recipes also wants to make sure you understand just how much of a difference a vegan diet makes to the planet and to your health. No matter which of the vegan books and quick vegan recipe books you choose, I would be glad to have you healthy and save the environment by adopting a vegan diet plan.
Sam Kuma (Author), Annette Levy (Narrator)
Dieta cetogénica para principiantes: Recetas Una para una dieta de recetas bajas en carbohidratos pa
Perder peso a través de dietas especiales se ha convertido en una de las mejores modas. En un mundo obsesionado con el tamaño cero, parece que cada persona con una onza de peso extra quiere perderlo. Aprovechando esta tendencia, muchos 'dietistas' y 'nutricionistas' han llegado a una variedad de 'dietas especializadas' donde se consumen 'alimentos especiales' y pierden peso. ¡Todo esto es una farsa! La realidad es que la mayoría de las veces, estos 'especialistas' tienen tratos con las empresas manufactureras, y empujan los productos 'especiales' producidos por las empresas en su cara para ganar una comisión considerable. ¡Al final de estas dietas todo lo que habrá perdido es dinero! Pero ¿qué pasa si le digo que hay una dieta en la que no necesita comprar productos especializados caros (ni morir de hambre) y todavía puede perder peso sin estropear su horario regular? Aquí le presento la 'Dieta Cetogénica'. Este libro le proporcionará la siguiente información: Recetas de desayuno cetogénicas Recetas de sopa cetogénica Recetas de ensalada cetogénicas Recetas de platos principales Cetogénicos Recetas de Snack Cetogénicos Postres Cetogénicos
Sam Kuma (Author), Mario Luna (Narrator)
Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: A Diet of Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss
Are you looking for an effective, healthy weight loss diet for the long term? Want to eat healthy without becoming a rabbit? This book is your answer? Losing weight through special diets has become one of the greatest fads. In a world obsessed with size zero, it seems every person with an ounce of extra weight wants to lose it. Capitalizing on this trend, a lot of “dieticians” and “nutritionists” have come up with a variety of “specialized diets” where you consume “special foods” and lose weight. All this is just a sham! The reality is that most of the time, these “specialists” have deals with manufacturing companies, and they push the “special” products produced by companies in your face to earn a hefty commission. At the end of these diets all you will have lost is money! But, what if I tell you that there is a diet in which you do not need to purchase expensive specialized products (nor starve) and you can still lose weight without messing up your regular schedule? Here I present to you the “Ketogenic Diet”. Here are a few sample recipes from the book: Avocado Breakfast Bowl Matcha Smoothie Bowl Spanish Sardines And Tomato Soup Cream of Broccoli Soup Zucchini Casserole Lamb Souvlaki Fish Fingers Strawberry Cheesecake
Sam Kuma (Author), Kathryn Moore (Narrator)
Vegan Ketogenic Diet: High Fat and Low Carb Vegan Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss
If you are vegan you might already know… …Each vegan spares the lives of about 30 animals each year. …being vegan cuts your carbon footprint in half. …vegans save 1,100 gallons of water each day. If you are not following a vegan diet yet, this one will convince you… Vegans live longer… …if you do it right. When you look in the mirror, you might wonder where your little muffin top came from. That´s because not all vegan foods are as healthy as you think. Being vegan is not enough if you tend to put on weight. Even worse, by now supermarkets are full of vegan junk food as bad as McDonald´s Cheeseburgers. If you want to stay healthy, keep up your vegan diet and lose weight without ever feeling hungry, there is only one magical formula. In the 19th century, scientists found the ultimate non-prescriptive drug to cure epilepsy, diabetes and reduce the risk of cancer. And that´s when the whole hype around the ketogenic diet started. Guess what… saying yes to keto is not another “you eat, you starve, you gain, you lose“ weight cycle or a one week buzz. It is scientifically proven that the ketogenic diet is not only one of the healthiest, but also most effective diets around the globe. In “Vegan Ketogenic Diet: High Fat and Low Carb Vegan Recipes for Weight Loss“, you´ll discover: Dozens of keto vegan recipes to kickstart your day Hearty, steaming bowls and soups to warm your bones Green vegetables from all around the globe mixed in one meal to get rid of all toxins in your body Over 20 lunch meals that guarantee weight loss Superfoods to boost your mood Dozens of no-guilt desserts …and much more.
Sam Kuma (Author), Holly Slater (Narrator)
Clean Eating: A 15 Day Meal Plan of Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss
Are you looking to make your lifestyle healthier but don't know where to start? Our 15 day clean eating diet is the perfect answer. The current trend in dieting that has taken the internet by storm is the clean eating diet. However, unlike various other 'diet' trends, clean eating is much more than a fad diet. Clean eating is a healthy and refreshing lifestyle and not just another way of shedding those extra pounds. The best part about this diet is it can actually help you lose weight along with reducing risks of various chronic diseases and disorders. It will also help you to regain your vigor and improve your overall health. So why get our audiobook? A lot of clean eating books exist in the market, so why this one? What makes it better as compared to the others out there? Well, simply this audiobook is well researched and has well-planned, tested, and tasted recipes and a 15-day meal plan that will make it easier for you to follow through your diet. The objective of the audiobook was to collect and present clean recipes to keep your taste buds happy and your tummy cheerful. I believe I was successful in this mission and can successfully welcome you to the world of clean eating. The meal plan consists of a new breakfast recipe, a fresh snack recipe, and two separate meals that you can eat and lose weight. The audiobook is easy to refer to and features an in-depth index. The directions of the recipes are simple, clear, and easy to follow so that even a beginner can cook them easily. I have tried to include recipes that can be made by almost everyone including college students, housewives, chefs, etc.
Sam Kuma (Author), Holly Slaughter (Narrator)
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