Guide to Cigar Culture Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle
Guide to Cigar Culture Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Ultimate Cigar Book and Cigar Smoking
Cigar smoking is a time-honored tradition that has been enjoyed by enthusiasts for centuries. From the high-class elites to the average person, cigar smoking has been a symbol of status, luxury, and relaxation. While some may argue that smoking is unhealthy, cigar smoking has a certain charm that draws people in. It's an experience that many consider to be a form of art. Whether you are new to cigar smoking or a seasoned aficionado, there are a few things you should know to enhance your enjoyment of this classic pastime.
In this audiobook bundle, we will cover the basics of selecting, cutting, and lighting a cigar, as well as tips for storing and maintaining your cigars. Learn everything from selecting the perfect cigar to storing and aging, our expert guide provides step-by-step instructions for a seamless and enjoyable experience. With tips on pairing cigars with beverages and the history and culture behind this timeless pastime, this audiobook is perfect for beginners too.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
1. The Ultimate Cigar Book: The Ultimate Guide to Cigars for Both Enthusiasts and Beginners
2. Cigar Smoking: A Practical Guide to Smoking, Storing, and Pairing Cigars and How to Enjoy Cigars to the Fullest
If you want to learn more about cigars, download a copy of this audiobook bundle today!
Joseph Gambon, Ruben Asgari (Author), Shafi (Narrator)