An ancient civilization, whose primary objective is the making of war, descends upon the planet earth. In order to save his home from total destruction, Flash Gordon returns to earth only to find himself arrested for murder...and treason. As the people of his planet divide into factions, Flash must maneuver to save the earth from total annihilation.
Declared outlaws on Earth, Colonel Flash Gordon and his companions, Dale Arden and Hans Zarkov must flee to a distant planet. In deep space, far from a home they may never be able to return to, the trio become involved in a centuries-old battle which threatens the existence of the entire universe.
Returning home to earth after discovering an alien race of warriors who are bent on taking over the world, Flash Gordon and his companions, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov find themselves caught in a web of intrigue. Declared outlaws by the very people they had come to warn, they must find a way to protect the earth from its destroyers and to survive.
Stranded in deep space, Colonel Flash Gordon and his companions, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov discover themselves in the middle of a centuries-old battle for supremacy over the universe. Manipulated by a war-crazed android and unsure of who is friend and who is foe, they must struggle to find a way to stop the bloodshed before all life...including that on their home planet, annihilated.
Sent on a rescue mission by the leaders of the planet Earth, Flash Gordon and his companions Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov find themselves involved in an intricate war plan which threatens the existence of the entire universe. Each step they take propels them further into the complex plots and counterplots of two warring worlds.
Sent on a mission to investigate the mysterious reappearance of the Interstellar Exploration ship GOODHOPE, Colonel Flash Gordon and his companions, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov discover much more than they had bargained for. Stranded in deep space, the trio find themselves drawn against their will into a war of worlds which has lasted thousands of years...and which threatens the very existence of the planet Earth.