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A Rare Recording of Gloria Steinem Discussing Her Work With the CIA
Gloria Marie Steinem (born March 25, 1934, in Toledo, Ohio) is an American journalist, social-political activist, and former CIA operative. Steinem emerged as a nationally recognized leader of second-wave feminism in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s—bolstered by a 1969 article Steinem wrote, "After Black Power, Women's Liberation." In 1972, Steinem co-founded Ms. Magazine, aided by her CIA connections, according to the Redstockings feminist organization. The following recording is from 1967.
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Tatiana Fedulina (Narrator)
Может ли женская душа, проданная выгодному покупателю собственной семьёю, возродиться? Настоящая история Джулии Фарнезе, женщины вне времени.Джулия Фарнезе ─ женщина, преодолевшая века, чтобы поведать свою настоящую историю и найти в этом романе преображение. Современники прозвали её «невестой Христовой», но в действительности её образ выходит далеко за эти рамки. Автор рисует профиль сильной личности, которая, сбросив оковы приучавшей её к покорности семьи, вырывается из заклятья прошлого и возрождается из пепла, чтобы стать родительницей и госпожой феодального поместья Карбоньяно. Убедительным живописанием, построенном на историческом сюжете реальных событий (добытом из архивных документов), автор возвращает прекрасной Джулии украденное достоинство, которое в погоне за шумными средневековыми скандалами хронисты предпочитали не замечать. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Tatiana Fedulina (Narrator)
IULIA FARNESIA - Letters From A Soul
Can the soul of a woman, sold to the highest bidder by her family, find redemption? The real story of Giulia Farnese, a woman far beyond time. Giulia Farnese, a woman who traverses time to find, in this novel, her redemption. Her real story is that of a woman who goes far beyond the figure of Sponsa Christi as she was known throughout the world. The writer traces the profile of a strong woman who, once free from the trammels of a family that raised her to be obedient, rises from her ashes and the damnatio memoriæ to become the mater and the domina of the feud of Carbognano. With an absorbing prose, and based on an historical plot of true events, the author gives back to La Bella the dignity that historical documentation has always overlooked, preferring to chase after fifth century gossip. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Andrew James Roberts (Narrator)
Iulia Farnesia - Lettres D'Une Âme
L’âme d’une femme, vendue par sa famille au plus offrant, peut-elle se racheter ? La véritable histoire de Giulia Farnese, une femme au-delà du temps.Giulia Farnese, une femme qui traverse le temps pour trouver, dans ce roman, son rachat. Sa véritable histoire raconte l’histoire d’une femme qui va bien au-delà de la figure de Sponsa Christi avec qui elle est connue dans le monde entier. L’auteur esquisse le profil d’une femme forte qui, libérée des chaînes d’une famille qui l’a élevée à l’obéissance, renaît de ses cendres et de la damnatio memoriæ pour devenir la mater et la domina du fief de Carbognano. Avec une prose captivante, s’appuyant sur une trame historique d’événements réels (extraits de documents d’archives), l’auteur redonne à La Bella la dignité que les chroniques historiques ont toujours négligée, préférant poursuivre le gossip du XVIe siècle. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Sandra Ouellet (Narrator)
IULIA FARNESIA - Cartas Desde El Alma
¿Puede el alma de una mujer, vendida por su familia al mejor postor, redimirse? La auténtica historia de Giulia Farnese, una mujer cuya historia atraviesa el tiempo.Giulia Farnese, una mujer que atraviesa el tiempo para encontrar, en esta novela, su redención. Su auténtica historia cuenta la vida de una mujer que va más allá de Sponsa Christi con la que es conocida en todo el mundo. La autotra traza el perfil de una mujer fuerte que, libre de los grilletes de una familia que la había educado en la obediencia, renace de sus cenizas y de la condena de la memoria para convertirse en la madre y la señora del feudo de Carbognano. Con una prosa fascinante, basándose en una trama histórica de acontecimientos reales (entresacados de documentos de archivo), la autora restituye a La Bella la dignidad que las crónicas históricas siempre han omitido, prefiriendo recurrir a los chismorreos del siglo XVI. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Vanesa Gomez (Narrator)
Las Confesiones De Una Concubina
"Un día serás feliz pero, primero, la vida te enseñará a ser fuerte."Una novela intensa, cargada de emociones fuertes, con un ritmo moderado. Una historia de violencia doméstica, de abusos psicológicos que os estrujarán el estómago. Misia, una mujer joven y su vida monocromática que paso a paso se teñirá cada vez más de negro, un negro que habla de tristeza, de miedo, de luto. Y en una escalada de violencia, cuando la situación parecerá convertirse en irreparable, imposible de soportar, la solución parecerá sólo una... Pero la vida, a veces, consigue sorprender y si bien esto no representará una recompensa equitativa por los males sufridos, quizás con el tiempo conseguirá mitigar los recuerdos, debilitando las asperezas vivas y abriendo una inesperada brecha de luz. Cada una de nosotras se merece una vida de colores, merece ser finalmente artífice de su propio destino, sin sucumbir jamás, para ser finalmente libre de amar y de amarse. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Vanesa Gomez (Narrator)
The night that Greta thought of the opportunity to turn her life around, a strong and icy wind from the north was lashing the sea, she could still remember it. she made her mind up: she was going to run away.Thus begins "The long shadow of a dream", lives intertwining, pride, recurring stories, emotions and passions... destinies. Greta is a girl who decides to take her life in her hands but then realizes that she has never really broken away from her native land; she understands that a wound to be truly healed must be painfully cleaned up to get to the heart of the problem. You need to go to hell and back in order to see the sky again. Of course, nothing will ever be the same again, but this is the way to go if you want to live and not exist. These are the strengths of this novel, it is well-structured, and easy to read. A romantic novel which is not too romantic. It conceals countless ideas which are open to a number of interpretations, but which is above all the analysis of a man seen as a human being, at the mercy of an unpredictable life. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Andrew James Roberts (Narrator)
Ties, strings made up with screams (Apollinaire). At the striking of midnight into the new millenium, a new threat comes from the darkness. A baby was rescued but now a young boy is in danger. Three women are fighting. Nobody is safe. The year 1000 is no more. The year 2000 and Death. An engaging novel that blends thriller ,suspense and esothericism. A novel about strong connections between past and presentNew Year's Eve 1999. Guglielmo has an apparently quiet life, without any shadows. Gemma, his girlfriend, is the only girl he felt something well beyond physical attraction. Angelica, a loving and thoughtful mother. Filiberto, a detached and insensitive father. Finally Luana and Lucio, the two antagonists of the story, those who will try to destroy Guglielmo's life, to take him away from his loved ones in order to fulfil a wicked and crazy plan put it together by a sick and evil mind. However, life entails choices as well. Will Guglielmo manage to untie the strings that are trapping him and get his life back? The plot of this novel is articulated and dramatic; a novel that captures your attention so much that you will read it in one sitting because it is full of suspense that will keep your attention high. You can see the exciting booktrailer here PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Roberta Mezzabarba (Author), Andrew James Roberts (Narrator)
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