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Apocalyptic Sci-Fi 3 - 6 Apocalyptic Science Fiction Short Stories
Apocalyptic Sci-Fi 3 - 6 Apocalyptic Science Fiction Short Stories - The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster - The Burnt Planet by William Brittain - An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg - The Last Man in New York by Paul MacNamara - When the Moon Fell by Morrison Colladay - Finis by Frank Lillie Pollock
E.M. Forster, Frank Lillie Pollock, Morrison Colladay, Paul MacNamara, Robert Silverberg, William Brittain (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg - When enemies of peace threaten the System, they must be eliminated. There are many ways to do this. And if all else fails, you can always go to war with them. Center City belonged to Lloyd Riddell, and Lloyd Riddell belonged to the city. He had held it together almost single-handed while the white blaze of atomics laid waste the horizon; he had turned panic into determination, defeat into dogged refusal to lie down. He had fought for the city. He had killed for it. And now the city was threatened again. 'When does Northburg intend to attack us?' 'I—I don't know,' Len Colter said. 'It all depends on what's going on in David Barr's mind. I lit out for Center City as soon as I heard him making the speech, there in that rubbleheap. The minute I heard him yelling, 'We must wipe out Center City,' I knew I had to come back here and let you know.' Riddell scowled. 'I suppose you did the best thing. But you should have waited. You should have found out when they plan to attack.' 'I'm sorry, sir, I—' 'Forget it,' Riddell said sharply. 'Get going. Get back to Northburg, scout around, find out whatever you can about this invasion. And send Ken Naylor in when you leave.' 'Yes, sir.' The youthful spy turned and left. Riddell stared at the boy's back as he passed through the door, then studied the gold letters on the glass door that said 'Mayor of Center City' in reverse. He had come to Center City twenty years ago, a frightened, lonely ten-year-old orphan with no place to stay. That had been before the Madness. Center City had taken him in, given him a home, foster parents, all the things denied him so long.
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
The Mystery of Deneb IV by Robert Silverberg - When Dave Carter tried to rescue the Denebians he found himself in a den of thieves. And he had cause to remember Shakespeare's observation: 'He who steals my purse steals trash.' The first thing that crossed Dave Carter's mind was that the SOS was some kind of hoax. Then a fist thudded into the back of his neck, and he knew it was worse than a hoax—it was a trap. His knees sagged and he grabbed wildly for the side of his spaceship. Steadying himself, he struck out with a fist. His unknown assailant grunted. Carter's eyes widened as he discovered he was fighting another Earthman, here on this alien world in the Deneb system. What the devil is this? Carter asked himself, as his fist crashed into the other's stomach. They ask me to come rescue them—and then they jump me from behind. The man was wearing the gray-and-gold uniform of the missing Vanguard expedition. He was a big, rangy spaceman. His eyes glittered with a cold menace that Carter had never seen in human eyes before. Carter reached back, grasped the rungs of the ladder behind him with both hands, and kicked out at the other. The man crumpled backward onto the ground. Carter ran over to him. He put a knee on the other's chest. 'Who are you?' he demanded. No answer.
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Never Trust A Thief! by Robert Silverberg - Kiley felt all-powerful with the alien guiding him in the looting of a world. Now the whole galaxy was his if he could remember to—Never Trust A Thief! Kiley took one last, fond look at the glittering heap of jewels in the back of the spaceship, nodded happily to himself, and began to set up a blastoff orbit. Somewhere down on the field far below, he could see dot-like figures—spaceport attendants, all firmly convinced that this was an authorized flight. He chuckled. This is the right way to pull a job, he thought contentedly. Hypnotize 'em silly and then walk in and take what you want. His fingers skipped lightly over the control panel as he readied the ship for blastoff. For the first time in his life he felt truly happy. Two million stellors of rare gems in the back of the ship, and even after cutting Thaklaru in for his share, that still left a million. A million stellors! Lord, that sounded good! Well, Kiley, are you going to spend all day dreaming? I'm waiting for you! The rolling thunder of Thaklaru's voice in Kiley's mind jolted him back to reality. 'I'm on my way,' he said out loud, knowing that the alien was listening. 'I've got the stuff, and I'll be there before you know it.' Good. I'm anxious to see those jewels. 'Don't worry about it, Thaklaru.'
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Aliens and Nothing But Aliens 3
Aliens and Nothing But Aliens 3 - Sixteen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s - Strange Eden by Philip K. Dick - From Outer Space by Robert Zacks - Planet of the Angry Giants by Robert Silverberg - The Guest Rites by Robert Silverberg - The Star Mouse by Fredric Brown - And Then—The Silence by Ray Bradbury - Duel on Syrtis by Poul Anderson - Earthmen Bearing Gifts by Fredric Brown - Welcome Martians by Evan Hunter - Guest Expert by Allen K. Lang - The Eater of Souls by Henry Kuttner - Message From Mars by Clifford D. Simak - The Pause by Isaac Asimov - The Call From Beyond by Clifford D. Simak - The World That Couldn't Be by Clifford D. Simak - The Sky Was Full of Ships by Theodore Sturgeon
Allen K. Lang, Clifford D. Simak, Evan Hunter, Fredric Brown, Henry Kuttner, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Poul Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg, Robert Zacks, Theodore Sturgeon (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
A Bad Day for Vermin: They came In friendship and love. They couldn't help the way they looked!
Judge Carter Gates of the Third Circuit Court finished his chicken salad on whole wheat, thoughtfully crumpled the waxed paper bag and turned to drop it in the waste basket behind his chair—and sat transfixed. Through his second-floor office window, he saw a forty-foot flower-petal shape of pale turquoise settling gently between the well-tended petunia beds on the courthouse lawn. On the upper, or stem end of the vessel, a translucent pink panel popped up and a slender, graceful form not unlike a large violet caterpillar undulated into view. Judge Gates whirled to the telephone. Half an hour later, he put it to the officials gathered with him in a tight group on the lawn. 'Boys, this thing is intelligent; any fool can see that. It's putting together what my boy assures me is some kind of talking machine, and any minute now it's going to start communicating. It's been twenty minutes since I notified Washington on this thing. It won't be long before somebody back there decides this is top secret and slaps a freeze on us here that will make the Manhattan Project look like a publicity campaign. Now, I say this is the biggest thing that ever happened to Plum County—but if we don't aim to be put right out of the picture, we'd better move fast.' And so the sleepy little town in the midwest USA prepared to welcome the first delegation from space. But it did look like a very large caterpillar..... and that might be a problem for some people,
Keith Laumer, Robert Silverberg (Author), Philip Chenevert (Narrator)
Woman's World: He found himself five hundred years into the future, a man fought over by women and h
Disappointed in love and with nothing left to live for in this life, he volunteered to be frozen for 500 years. Good-bye and good riddance to 1957! Hello 2457 when living would have to be better than this horrible current world. But waking 500 years later to a world of tall, absolutely gorgeous half naked women who fought over taking him to their beds however was not exactly the improvement he was hoping for. Listen to this humorous story by the prolific Robert Silverberg and judge for yourself.
Robert Silverberg (Author), Philip Chenevert (Narrator)
The Thing Behind Hell's Door by Robert Silverberg - It seemed to be human... but it was inside out, all its organs exposed... the heart beating, the lungs breathing, the stomach digesting... and now, the Thing began to come toward him... its mouth working hideously! The room was small and obviously hadn't seen a fresh coat of paint in last decade, but Robert Harris decided it wasn't bad for the price. And he needed a to stay. A place where he could study without being disturbed. The landlady stood behind him, a withered crone who, like the room, had a faintly musty odor. She grinned, showing the puckered redness of her toothless gums. Her teeth, Robert thought sourly, were probably downstairs in a glass of water. 'Like it?' she asked in her hoarse croak of a voice, eagerly. 'It's–very nice,' Robert said without enthusiasm. A twelve–by–fourteen room, a rickety bed, a dirty window whose g'ass was so warped he could hardly see through it, a single tiny closet–it wasn't much of a room at all. But he couldn't argue with a price of six bucks a week. Until he found work here in San Francisco, he was going to have to practice economies. Cheap eating-places, cheap movies, cheap hotel rooms. The landlady—Mrs. Garvey, that was her name—walked to the window. Dust was thick enough to draw pictures in on the pane. 'Lovely view you have from here,' she gabbled, indicating the fog-bound street with het twisted forefinger, Robert smiled and nodded. The view was of the other side of the street, a dozen close–packed old ramshackle houses just like this one, here in San Francisco's North Beach district. Some view. Robert shrugged. For six bucks a week, what did the view matter?
Robert Silverberg (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. When a young Earth explorer accidentally kills a native on the alien planet Markin, he is put on trial for blasphemy. The commander must make a difficult choice -- should he relinquish the man to alien justice or assert Earth's supremacy?
Robert Silverberg (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Sci-Fi Killers - 14 Killer Science Fiction Short Stories by Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, Harry
Fourteen Killer science fiction short stories from some of the best sci-fi authors of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. - Slay-Ride by Winston Marks - Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel - Retribution by George T. Spillman - The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Prison of a Billion Years by C. H. Thames - The Misplaced Battleship by Harry Harrison - Monsters That Once Were Men by Robert Silverberg - Seventh Victim by Robert Sheckley - Birkett's Twelfth Corpse by August Derleth - Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - The Foxholes of Mars by Fritz Leiber - Watchbird by Robert Sheckley - Cry Silence by Fredric Brown - The Power by Fredric Brown
Alfred Coppel, August Derleth, C. H. Thames, Fredric Brown, Fritz Leiber, George T. Spillman, Harry Harrison, Henry Slesar, Philip K. Dick, Robert Sheckley, Robert Silverberg, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Menace from Vega: Why would strangers abduct an insane girl from a psychiatric ward? Jim Lawrence fo
The beautiful girl lying naked and curled in a fetal position on the padded floor was a genius. Or rather had been before suddenly going crazy and then catatonic 3 years before. Jim Lawrence, the chief psychiatrist was responsible for her care and it is understandable that he was upset when five strange, dark men arrived at midnight, pointing guns at him and insisting they be brought to her room. He became even more upset when it was clear that they meant to abduct her by force. Trying to protect his ward, he ends up on another planet and involved in a galaxy wide war to the death. Definitely not another ho-hum day at the hospital!! Lots of excitement and derring-do in this tale complete with our hero managing to save the entire galaxy from domination by an evil empire !. Only Silverberg and Garrett could whip up so much action in so short a story so give it a listen.
Randall Garrett, Robert Silverberg (Author), Phil Chenevert (Narrator)
Age of Anxiety: 'Choose!' said the robonurse. 'Choose!' echoed his entire world. But either choice w
'Choose' the robonurse said. Larry had reached the age where he had to choose. Would he choose to stay in the unworried world of the child or would he choose to enter the adult world with it's worries and anxieties and troubles? Why would society do this to him? To everyone? Why was he forced to choose?! But choose he must and his choice would be irrevocable. Peace and tranquility or worry and anxiety; it looked like an obvious choice to make. But then he had 3 days to make up his mind. What would he do?
Robert Silverberg (Author), Phil Chenevert (Narrator)
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