Hanson encourages us toward the upper reaches of our human potential as he reveals, in detail, the 7 practices: steadiness, lovingness, fullness, wholeness, nowness, allness, and timelessness and helps us to be clear, strong, centered, and stable no matter what’s swirling around us (like a ninja warrior) with these practices.
Hanson assures us that the core of our being is “calm strength.” It is the background of who we are; it is a fundamental quality, the “wallpaper of our mind.” This dialogue is filled with practical wisdom to support us in growing calmness and well-being so we may be more effective and resilient in our lives.
You've heard the expression, "It's the little things that count." Research has shown that little daily practices can change the way your brain works, too. This book offers simple brain-training practices you can do every day to protect against stress, lift your mood, and find greater emotional resilience. Just One Thing is a treasure chest of over fifty practices created specifically to deepen your sense of well-being and unconditional happiness. Just one practice each day can help you: ~ be good to yourself ~ enjoy life as it is ~ build on your strengths ~ be more effective at home and work ~ make peace with your emotions
Hanson reminds us that we have enormous power, not only to change our frame of mind but also to physically alter our body and even the structure of our brain by taking charge of our thoughts. Learn to retrain your brain from its default position of suffering. Hanson is author of Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence.