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The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax: The Unquenchable Mercies of Christ, to Be Received with Joy by th
Bruising is needed so that reeds may know they are reeds, not oaks. Reeds need to be bruised because of the pride in our nature, the removal of which lets us live by mercy and faith. It is a difficult thing to bring a dull heart to cry for mercy. Our hearts, like malefactors, until they are beaten from all sides, never naturally cry for mercy from the Judge. But this bruising makes us set a high price upon Christ. It makes us more thankful and more fruitful in our lives. Whatever claim sin has on a man, bruising or breaking is the end of it. This spark of hope, being opposed by doubts and fears arising from the corruption of sin, makes him as smoking flax. Thus, both these together, a bruised reed and smoking flax, make up the state of a poor, distressed man. Our Savior terms such a one as poor in spirit. Christ will not break the bruised reed or quench the smoking flax. Though physicians put their patients through much pain, they will not destroy their patients' bodies but will do their best to heal them. Surgeons will cut, but not dismember. A mother will not cast away a sick or disobedient child. Shall we think there is more mercy in ourselves than in God, who plants the affection of mercy in us? To further declare Christ’s mercy to all bruised reeds, consider the comforting relationship He has taken upon Himself of husband, shepherd, and brother, which He will discharge to the utmost. It cannot but cheer the heart of the church to consider, despite all the infirmities and miseries she is subject to, that she has a Bridegroom with a kind disposition. He knows how to give the honor of kindness to the weaker vessel and will be so far from rejecting her because she is weak that He will pity her all the more. He is kind at all times and will speak to her heart, especially when in the wilderness.
Richard Sibbes (Author), Saethon Williams (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La Fidelidad de Dios
Sumérgete en un viaje espiritual transformador con 'La fidelidad de Dios'. Esta obra maestra del pensamiento cristiano reúne las reflexiones más profundas de renombrados teólogos sobre la inquebrantable promesa divina. Desde Pink hasta Simeon, descubre cómo la constancia de Dios puede ser tu ancla en tiempos turbulentos y tu luz en la oscuridad. Prepárate para fortalecer tu fe, encontrar consuelo en las pruebas y maravillarte ante la inmutabilidad del Todopoderoso. Una lectura imprescindible para todo creyente que busca profundizar su relación con Dios. #fidelidaddeDios #teologíacristiana #ArthurPink #EdwardPearse #CharlesBridges #JohnFlavel #RichardSibbes #ThomasManton #CharlesSimeon #inmutabilidaddivina #promesasdeDios #consueloespiritual #fecristiana #tribulaciones #refugiodivino #generacionesfieles #cumplimientodelapalabra #esperanzaenDios #constanciadivina #fortalezaespiritual
Arthur Pink, Charles Bridges, Charles Simeon, Edward Pearse, John Flavel, Richard Sibbes, Thomas Manton (Author), Samuel Rodriguez (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Revelando a Cristo: Un viaje por las profecías del Antiguo Testamento
Sumérgete en un fascinante recorrido por las Escrituras del Antiguo Testamento y descubre cómo cada página apunta hacia la verdad última: Jesucristo. Este audiolibro reúne las perspectivas de reconocidos teólogos y predicadores, como Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin y Jonathan Edwards, quienes revelan la presencia de Cristo en pasajes clave del Antiguo Testamento. Desde el Génesis hasta los Salmos y los Profetas, descubrirás cómo cada detalle de la Palabra de Dios anticipa la llegada del Salvador prometido. Ya sea que estés dando tus primeros pasos en la fe o buscando profundizar tu comprensión de la Biblia, 'Revelando a Cristo' te guiará en un apasionante viaje de descubrimiento que fortalecerá tu fe y te llenará de asombro ante la coherencia y la belleza del plan redentor de Dios. #Jesucristo #AntiguoTestamento #profecías #revelación #Biblia #teología #Evangelio #Génesis #Isaac #Salmos #HijoDeDios #siervoelegido #Isaías #predicadorungido #pactoderedención #justicia #soldejusticia #Escrituras #caminoaEmaús #CharlesSpurgeon #JohnCalvin #JonathanEdwards #GeorgeWhitefield #WilliamPlumer #MatthewHenry #CharlesSimeon #JamesDurham #RichardSibbes #fe #cristianismo #Dios #Salvador #redención #coherenciabíblica #descubrimiento #perspectivasteológicas #predicadores #teólogos #verdad #planDeDios #promesa #cumplimiento #estudiobíblico #devocional #crecimientoespiritual #fortalecimientodlafe #sabiduría #conocimiento #entendimiento #revelaciónDivina #palabraprofética #mesías #ungido #siervosufriente #sacrificio #resurrección #esperanza #vidaeterna #salvación #gracia #misericordia #amorDeDios #poder #gloria #majestad #soberanía #fidelidad #testimonio #inspiración #enseñanza #discipulado #adoración #alabanza #gratitud #asombro #maravilla #contemplación #meditación #reflexión #transformación #renovación #sabiduriaantigua #verdadeseternas #aplicaciónContemporánea #discernimientoespiritual #iluminación #guíaDivina #presenciaDeCristo #cumplimientoDeLasEscrituras
Charles H. Spurgeon, Charles Simeon, Felipe Chavaro Polanía, George Whitefield, James Durham, Jonathan Edwards, Juan Calvino, Matthew Henry, Richard Sibbes, William Plumer (Author), Franco Ortiz (Narrator)
The Bruised Reed walks Christians through Christ's consistent and unconditional love for His children. Richard Sibbes elaborates on the metaphor of a humble reed that may be bent or bruised as a result of life's errors and the consequences of sin. Rather than leaning on arrogance to hide these blemishes, looking to Christ to heal them will not only make the reed more beautiful than before, but will also strengthen the relationship with the mender Himself. Sibbes paints a beautiful picture of a loving and sincere Father who has laid out the path to righteousness and waits with helping hands for those who choose to follow it. This work is a sweet encouragement for all Christians, especially those who have felt bruised or broken along the way. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
Richard Sibbes (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
The Tender Heart demands a true and honest reflection of faith. While so many seek only to soothe the superficial issues of the heart and mind, Richard Sibbes dives into the true core of one’s behavior and into the real heart of Christianity. Those who truly love God do not feel called to follow him under a sense of guilt-ridden commitment or burdened duty. Sibbes discusses how truly loving the Lord is the only way to enjoy communion with God and to be driven farther from sin. Rather than living life in fear of God’s punishment or wrath, Sibbes reveals that a heart softened to God and devoted to him in sincere love is the only way to true freedom and joy in Christ. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Arthur Morey brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
Richard Sibbes (Author), Arthur Morey (Narrator)
A Heavenly Conference is Richard Sibbes' exposition of the memorable meeting that took place on the first Easter Sunday when the risen Christ met Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. Though only a few words were exchanged between the Lord and Mary, Sibbes saw in them the gospel in a nutshell.A Heavenly Conference is a wonderfully original treatment of the doctrine of the believer's union with Christ. It is written by a loving and tender-hearted pastor whose main aim is to help believers enjoy the comfort that comes from knowing that Jesus' God and Father is our God and Father too. "For from this, that God is our God, cometh all that we have that is good in nature and grace. Whatsoever is comfortable cometh from this spring, that God in Christ is our God, our reconciled God."Without such assurance, we simply cannot live Christian lives as God would have us. God would have us thankful, cheerful, rejoicing, and strong in faith: but we will be none of these things unless we are sure that God and Christ are ours for good. Here, then, are pastorally vital truths that Sibbes seeks to work into us.
Richard Sibbes (Author), Jim Denison (Narrator)
Richard Sibbes is widely considered to be one of the fathers of Puritanism in the seventeenth century. His passionate sermons and devotional works have persisted throughout the centuries and continue to influence modern-day scholars and people all over the world. Taken from Matthew 12:20, Sibbes explains what it means to be a "bruised reed." It is a metaphor which exemplifies the way in which God humbles sinners by allowing them to see sin in the way that he sees it-the lesson being that God sometimes wounds before healing, but with the ultimate goal of deepening our love for Christ. Sibbes believed very strongly that "God's love rests on Christ," and often spoke of the comfort to be gained by acknowledging this. He preached that the same can be had for those who live in Christ and seek redemption for their sins.
Richard Sibbes (Author), Jim Denison (Narrator)
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