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The Mentoring Project's flagship mentoring resource is its field guides. These long-form pieces provide practical guidance on various aspects of life as a Christian, like finances, purity, technology, work, and more. Written by pastors and other Christian leaders, these field guides provide a biblical framework for mentors and mentees to discuss these topics and grow together.
Richard Phillips (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
What's So Great about the Doctrines of Grace?
Do Christians choose to have faith, or is faith a supernatural work of God? Far from an abstract intellectual exercise, this question has vast implications for the hope, joy, and assurance of the Christian life. When the truth of God's sovereign grace breaks into our minds and hearts, it changes everything. In What's So Great about the Doctrines of Grace? Dr. Richard D. Phillips takes us on a tour of the doctrines of grace, also known as the five points of Calvinism. With clear biblical exposition, he helps us to see the extent of our corruption in sin, to anchor our faith in the fullness of grace, and to trust in God's promise to finish what He started-the salvation of His people. When we rely on God's all-sufficient grace, we can truly live for His all-consuming glory.
Richard Phillips (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
Jesus the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel from the Book of John
Rev. Richard D. Phillips digs into the early chapters of the Gospel of John to discover principles you can use for Christian outreach that were modeled by witnesses for Jesus and by Jesus Himself. Phillips unfolds biblical principles for evangelism by examining the ministry of John the Baptist and the calling of the first of Jesus' disciples. Then, through a brief study of the Lord's encounter with the Pharisee Nicodemus, he presents us with a theology of the gospel. Finally, he focuses in on Jesus' stirring encounter with the Samaritan woman to show exactly how Christ shared the good news. Phillips' clear and concise handling of these key stories will both motivate and instruct you in your witness on behalf of Christ. An appendix looks at the relationship between God's sovereignty and evangelism.
Richard Phillips (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
A mage’s ungodly goal: rule among the dead. A noblewoman’s destiny: deliver the kingdom of Endar from evil. The final battle is at hand. Kragan, wielder of malignant magic, is nearing his ultimate goal. Lorness Carol Rafel is pursuing her millennia-old destiny as well. It has been prophesized that the noble sorceress will destroy Kragan before he lays waste to the kingdom of Endar and reigns as an unholy god. In Kragan’s favor is the mighty Dread Lord, bound to Kragan’s will, and an army of the resurrected dead that far outnumbers the Forsworn followers at Carol’s side. But Carol has the edge. She and her seer husband, Arn, possess the last remaining pieces of a magical puzzle. In the shards of a shattered trident lies the very key to Kragan’s dark dreams. If Carol and Arn can unleash its undiscovered powers in time to intercept Kragan’s horde. The end is at hand. The final battle on the besieged fortress is upon them. And Arn’s visions of its outcome are terrifying. As Carol draws on her own increasing forces of magic, more is at stake than she imagines in an endgame in the land of the dead that no one could have foreseen.
Richard Phillips (Author), Scott Merriman (Narrator)
Fulfilling a prophecy to save the world can drive a young woman mad as the enthralling epic fantasy series continues. Carol Rafel knows the lengths to which the sorcerer Kragan will go to impede the fulfillment of her prophecy: destroy the wielder of necrotic magic before she destroys him. Never far from Kragan’s evil grasp, she is struck down by his wicked spell. Carol’s assassin husband, Arn, has no choice but to cast aside his precious weapon to embrace a more powerful one: the clairvoyance he shares with Carol. With time-sights linked, they must now rely on the dreamscapes of their minds to track Kragan into the shadows as he nears his own invaluable weapon: the legendary shattered trident, which will ensure him godlike powers. But Carol and Arn’s visions come at a cost. Pursuit into such abominable darkness is leading to madness. As Kragan’s armies amass for a raging war between good and evil, Carol fears that the ancient prophecy she’s been chosen to bear out may be impossible to survive.
Richard Phillips (Author), Scott Merriman (Narrator)
When the world’s greatest evil is resurrected, one young woman is challenged to bury it once and for all. What chance does a young woman stand against the world’s supreme evil? Lorness Carol Rafel was prophesied to destroy the unfathomably dangerous Kragan. But as the magic wielder’s monstrous horde marches on Endar Pass, razing everything in its wake, Carol fears that Kragan is not only unstoppable but that he has risen from his tomb more powerful than ever. For Kragan, knowing the millennia-old prophecy is his greatest weapon. He has shielded himself from attack with primordial and insidious magics that serve him well, and if he finds the fragments of an ancient trident, it will grant him godhood. Only one thing stands in his way: the woman foreordained to destroy him. Now, stirred by visions of a doomed future, Carol and her companions must risk their very souls and sanity to defeat the tyrant mage. However, in the face of Kragan’s machinations, their seeming triumph over the enemy might seal the land’s catastrophic fate.
Richard Phillips (Author), Scott Merriman (Narrator)
The fight against primordial evil continues, and the stakes have never been higher... Kragan, wielder of dark magic, has failed to vanquish the light in Lorness Carol Rafel, the woman prophesied to destroy him. Now Kragan has leveled a new threat against her: an unholy order of foul priests enlisted to storm her stronghold and destroy her and her companions once and for all. Lorness Carol is waiting. In the valley of Misty Hollow, she's finally conquered her fear of her magic. She has awakened a new power within her: the ability to manipulate minds. But even Carol is unprepared for where this new battle will take her. For her brother, Lord Alan, is unwittingly fulfilling a prophecy as well. As the Chosen of the Dread Lord, he is amassing an army of feared soldiers-a battalion that could save the world, or pitch his sister's legacy into everlasting darkness.
Richard Phillips (Author), Caitlin Davies (Narrator)
"The silent one in the west has awakened." A tantalizing message reignites Kragan's centuries-old fury to find and exterminate the unwitting young adversary prophesied to destroy him. One step ahead of her pursuer, Lorness Carol, a warlord's daughter and magic wielder, has led her people to a new stronghold in a verdant valley. Here, she's been reunited with Blade, the assassin she has loved since childhood. But her spell book holds the secrets to powers she never imagined-powers that are not only expanding her abilities but challenging her sanity. As Carol grows more desperate to learn and control the powers of enchantment she was born to wield, Kragan and his minions wage a war to destroy Carol's destiny before it's realized. But if her people require the summoning of an ancient darkness to save them, then by all the gods, she will bring it. As the epic fantasy continues, Lorness Carol's burgeoning magical powers are the only hope in the destined war between good and primordial evil.
Richard Phillips (Author), Caitlin Davies (Narrator)
Lorness Carol, coming of age in the kingdom of her warlord father, Lord Rafel, aspires to wield magic. But she's also unknowingly become the obsession of Kragan, an avenging wielder as old as evil itself. He's waited centuries to find and kill the female prophesied as the only human empowered to destroy him. However, dispatching the king's assassin, Blade, to Rafel's Keep, ends in treason. For Blade arrives not with a weapon but rather a warning for the woman he's known and loved since he was a child. With a price on his head, Blade flees-as Carol and her family are urged away on their own desperate route of escape. Now, traversing the lawless western borderlands, Carol struggles to understand the uncanny magic she possesses and must learn to master. Though separated, Carol and Blade are still united-not only by the darkness pursuing them both but by a quest toward destiny, revenge, and the revelations of an ancient prophecy that signal the ultimate war between good and evil.
Richard Phillips (Author), Caitlin Davies (Narrator)
In their battle to save Earth from becoming another conquest of the alien Kasari Collective, Mark and Heather Smythe have struck crucial blows against the enemy. But their best efforts have still failed to derail the completion of the wormhole gateway that would give the insidious extraterrestrial invaders access to the planet—and doom humankind as helpless slaves of the Kasari hive mind. The Smythes and their intrepid allies—including the mentally altered humans, The Enhanced—stand ready to beat back the Kasari onslaught once and for all. Not by mortal combat, but with scientific cunning. Still, the success of their plan depends on a daring stealth mission into the heart of the aliens’ nerve center on Earth. And multiple threats lie in wait—including the ruthless Kasari commander, a brutal double agent with a deadly vendetta to settle, and the alien entity Khal Teth, who wears a human face but is ready to strike with monstrous force. In this stunning conclusion to the Rho Agenda Assimilation by the bestselling author of The Second Ship, the small but fierce band of altered humans and Earth’s resistance fighters face their greatest opportunity to stop the Kasari. But with the remnants of humanity and a battered Earth caught in the cross fire, can they secure a victory without sacrificing everything they’re trying to protect?
Richard Phillips (Author), MacLeod Andrews (Narrator)
When Mark and Heather Smythe saved Earth from the conquest-hungry Kasari Collective, they thought their work was done. But the world's vast new government continued its quest to make extraterrestrial contact. And now, as a new gateway is activated to welcome the Kasari, whom world leaders take to be benefactors, only the Smythes stand a chance of countering their planet's invasion and subjugation by a race of ruthless conquerors. Years after their failed first mission, the Kasari have returned, bearing irresistible promises while concealing insidious plans to enslave humanity. But not if the Smythes-along with fearless CIA agent turned mercenary Jack Gregory and his partner, Janet Price-can help it. From the world's last stronghold, they take the fight to enemies both earthling and alien-even as their comrades in arms join the warrior Koranthians in battling the Kasari on a far-off planet. But the greatest danger lies within Earth itself, where an ancient artifact prepares to summon doom from another world.
Richard Phillips (Author), MacLeod Andrews (Narrator)
Jennifer Smythe escapes Earth's invasion by the insidious Kasari race, hijacks an alien starship, and survives the deadly passage through a wormhole. But escape is short-lived.... When Jennifer emerges on the new world of Scion, she is confronted by the same deadly enemy. Now the Kasari have sided with the planet's angel-like elite against the warrior underclass, but with the intent of ultimately ruling both. And when Jennifer is captured by the brutish Koranthians, her alien-enhanced abilities make her a crucial asset in battling the Kasari and their winged allies. Back on a divided Earth, Jennifer's brother, Mark, and Jack "The Ripper" Gregory wage their own war against the Kasari. As the global government welcomes the extraterrestrials, Mark, Jack, and their rebel faction seek to use the powerful mind-altering skills gained from the Kasari's sworn enemies to repel the would-be conquerors. But faced with the might of Earth's ruling forces, has the cause already been lost?
Richard Phillips (Author), Alexander Cendese (Narrator)
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