Sometimes if you aim high you get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG! Light, short and pithy, this book gets you thinking and thinking on a bigger scale than youve ever imagined. That is, about who you are, what you want, what youre doing and where youre going. In life and in work. This will be a kick in the pants for your: -innovation -creativity -imagination -determination Get all of the above going at once and who knows where you could end up? You might just be on to a winner You have to go big, or go home! Format: Presented as a small, slim paperback with two colour internals and a mix of graphics, photos, illustrations and inspirational quotes.
Everyone has dreams, but most people need some help to achieve them. To be of use, that help needs to be practical, understandable, realistic and doable. This is what this book gives: sound advice on achieving your dreams in a friendly style, with a series of easy to follow steps, supported by examples of real people working on achieving their dreams and by wonderfully crafted illustrations. The book is about achieving dreams, but it has its feet firmly in reality. It is based on sound management principles and gives advice everyone can use. This book doesnt want to serve as your one and only life guide. It is an advisor on how to: make your dreams clear to yourself, pick those dreams that are doable and that make best sense, and perform each step of the way to making them a reality. Whilst the book is not intended as a general life guide, it will have a profound impact on those who apply the lessons in it, providing a repeatable process for achieving dreams again and again. The book is illustrated and written in a light style, structured with 9 steps that are easy to follow.