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[Portuguese] - Discurso sobre o Método - René Descartes
Considerada uma das mais importantes obras da filosofia moderna, “Discurso sobre o Método” traz as experiências e reflexões de René Descartes sore a busca da verdade e o caminho para o conhecimento. Por meio de uma abordagem racional e sistemática, o célebre pensador estabelece a importância da razão como guia para a verdade, demonstrando como é possível solucionar questões profundas e complexas, como a existência da alma e de Deus. Essa metodologia em busca da verdade influenciou significativamente o desenvolvimento da filosofia, da ciência e do pensamento moderno.
René Descartes (Author), Gabriel Maciel (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Meditaciones Metafísicas
Las meditaciones metafísicas de Descartes tienen como principal objetivo la demostración de Dios y la inmortalidad del alma mediante razonamientos lógicos y de definir las bases del conocimiento del momento con el fin de disponerlo sobre unas bases más sólidas de las que había hasta entonces. Descartes también estudiará la naturaleza dual del hombre compuesta por la “res cogitans” (pensamiento) y la “res extensa” (cuerpo). En resumen y en palabras del autor, podríamos decir que Descartes busca encontrar “la verdad” de las cosas a través de la razón.
René Descartes (Author), Armando Hernandez (Narrator)
Meditations on First Philosophy (Unabridged)
Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy, in which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated (Latin: Meditationes de Prima Philosophia, in qua Dei existentia et animæ immortalitas demonstratur) is a philosophical treatise by René Descartes first published in Latin in 1641. The French translation (by the Duke of Luynes with Descartes' supervision) was published in 1647 as Méditations Métaphysiques. The title may contain a misreading by the printer, mistaking animae immortalitas for animae immaterialitas, as suspected by A. Baillet. Letter of dedication To the most wise and illustrious the Dean and Doctors of the Sacred Faculty of Theology in Paris Descartes says that he is asking the protection of the Faculty for his work, and to this end he writes the present dedication. His first consideration is that the existence of God has to be demonstrated philosophically, besides the theological reasons for belief, particularly if we consider to make a demonstration for the non-believers. Moreover, the believers could be accused of making a circular reasoning, when saying that we must believe in God because of the Scriptures, and in the authority of the Scriptures because they have been inspired by God. He further indicates how the very Scriptures say that the mind of man is sufficient to discover God. His aim is to apply a method to demonstrate these two truths, in a so clear and evident manner that result to be evident. This method he has developed for the Sciences. Preface to the reader Descartes explains how he made a mention of the two questions, the existence of God, and the soul, in his Discourse on Method. Following this, he received objections, and two of them he considers are of importance. The first is how he concludes that the essence of the soul is a thing that thinks, excluding all other nature. To this he says that he has a clear perception that he is a thinking thing, and has no other clear perception, and from this he concludes that there is nothing else in the essence of the self. The second is that from the idea I have of something that is more perfect than myself, it cannot be concluded that it exists. In the treatise we will see that in fact from the idea that there is something more perfect than myself, it follows that this exists. It goes on to comment that on a general level the reasoning used by the atheists for denying the existence of God is based in the fact that 'we ascribe to God affections that are human, or we attribute so much strength and wisdom to our minds' that we presume to understand that which God can and ought to do. He says that we have to consider God as incomprehensible and infinite, and our minds as limited and finite.
René Descartes (Author), D.E. Wittkower (Narrator)
Discourse on Method is a philosophical and autobiographical work by the French philosopher René Descartes. It was published in 1637 and is considered one of the most influential works in the history of modern Western philosophy. The main purpose of Discourse on Method is to outline Descartes' method of systematic doubt and his search for certain knowledge. Descartes was skeptical of traditional sources of knowledge, such as authority, tradition, and sensory experience, and believed that true knowledge could only be obtained through reason and intuition. In the work, Descartes also presents his famous dictum 'Cogito, ergo sum' ('I think, therefore I am'), which he uses as the starting point for his philosophy. He argues that the very act of thinking proves one's existence, and that this provides a firm foundation for all knowledge. Discourse on Method is also notable for its contributions to the development of analytical geometry, as Descartes uses his method to develop a new system of algebraic notation and a way to graph equations. Overall, Discourse on Method is an important work in the history of philosophy and science, and its influence can still be seen in contemporary debates about the nature of knowledge and the role of reason in human understanding.
René Descartes (Author), Liam Johnson (Narrator)
René Descartes: Betrachtungen über die Grundlagen der Philosophie: Ein Klassiker der philosophischen
'Cogito, ergo sum: Ich denke, also bin ich.' Einer der wohl berühmtesten Sätze der Philosophiegeschichte stammt von René Descartes. In seinem Grundlagenwerk denkt er in sechs Meditationen über Metaphysik und Erkenntnistheorie nach. Themen sind der Zweifel, die Natur des menschlichen Geistes, das Dasein Gottes, das Wahre und das Falsche, die materiellen Dinge und die Verschiedenheit von Geist und Körper. Ein wahrhaftiges Grundlagenwerk der Philosophie!
René Descartes (Author), Sven Görtz (Narrator)
Meditaciones: Música original y sonido 3D
Audiolibro producido con música original y sonido 3D. El mismo está diseñado para ser escuchado con auriculares. Las Meditaciones metafísicas, cuyo título completo es Meditaciones metafísicas en las que se demuestran la existencia de Dios y la inmortalidad del alma, es una obra escrita por René Descartes y publicada por primera vez en 1641, en latín, con el título Meditationes de prima philosophia, in qua Dei existentia et animæ immortalitas demonstrantur (una versión francesa, preparada por Louis Charles d'Albert de Luynes bajo la supervisión de Descartes, aparecerá en 1647 con el título de Méditations metaphysiques). En ella se elabora el sistema filosófico que había introducido en 1637, en la 4ª parte del Discurso del método
René Descartes (Author), Pedro Ruiz (Narrator)
El gran libro fundador de la filosofía moderna El Discurso del método vio la luz en 1637 bajo anonimato. Habían transcurrido cuatro años desde la condena de Galileo. Descartes, tal vez guiado por la prudencia y por enfatizar su voluntad de diálogo, se inclinó por proponer un discurso en lugar de un tratado. En esta obra, la más célebre del filósofo francés y en la que aparece la famosa frase «pienso, luego existo», desarrolla un método inspirado en sus trabajos científicos y basado en la duda sistemática, que le permitió establecer las bases del conocimiento. El resultado es uno de los libros más importantes de la de la historia del pensamiento occidental, que supuso un punto de inflexión en la ciencia y la filosofía moderna. La presente edición está a cargo de María Ramon Cubells, profesora titular en la Universidad Rovira i Virgili y experta en filosofía moderna. Además de la magnífica introducción que nos adentra en una de las obras cruciales del pensamiento, también ha desarrollado un aparato de notas que complementan y enriquecen la lectura.
René Descartes (Author), Diego Pizarro (Narrator)
Discourse on Method and the Meditations
Brought to you by Penguin. René Descartes was a central figure in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. In his Discourse on Method he outlined the contrast between mathematics and experimental sciences, and the extent to which each one can achieve certainty. Drawing on his own work in geometry, optics, astronomy and physiology, Descartes developed the hypothetical method that characterizes modern science, and this soon came to replace the traditional techniques derived from Aristotle. Many of Descartes' most radical ideas - such as the disparity between our perceptions and the realities that cause them - have been highly influential in the development of modern philosophy. © René Descartes 2005 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
René Descartes (Author), Rory Alexander (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Meditaciones Metafísicas: Demostrando la Existencia de Dios y la Inmortalidad del Alma
Las Meditaciones metafísicas, fue publicada por primera vez en 1641, en latín y posteriormente en francés en 1647. En ella se elabora el sistema filosófico que había introducido en 1637, en la 4ª parte del Discurso del método. El principal objetivo es la demostración de Dios mediante razonamientos lógicos y definir las bases del conocimiento del momento con el fin de disponerlo sobre unas bases más sólidas de las que había hasta entonces. Descartes también estudia la naturaleza dual del hombre compuesta por el pensamiento y el cuerpo. En definitiva, Descartes busca encontrar 'la verdad' de las cosas a través de la razón.
René Descartes (Author), Artur Mas (Narrator)
Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy
René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his 'Meditations on First Philosophy' can be found in the medieval period that had already existed for more than a thousand years. Does God exist? If so, what is his nature? Is the human soul immortal? How does it differ from the body? What role do sense experience and pure reason play in knowing? Descartes stands out from his predecessors because of the method he developed to treat these and other fundamental questions. Drawing on his study of mathematics, he searches for a way to establish absolutely certain conclusions based on indubitable premises. His importance in modern philosophy lies in the challenge he offers to every subsequent thinker in philosophy and science.
René Descartes (Author), Albert A. Anderson, Alberto De La Rocha, Alberto Ghiraldo (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Discurso del Método
El Discurso del método, cuyo título completo es Discurso del método para conducir bien la propia razón y buscar la verdad en las ciencias es la principal obra escrita por René Descartes y una obra fundamental de la filosofía occidental con implicaciones para el desarrollo de la filosofía y de la ciencia. Se publicó de forma anónima en Leiden (Holanda) en el año 1637. Constituía, en realidad, el prólogo a tres ensayos: Dióptrica, Meteoros y Geometría; agrupados bajo el título conjunto de Ensayos filosóficos. Descartes tituló esta obra Discurso del método con una finalidad precisa, la tituló Discurso y no Tratado para poner de manifiesto que no tenía intención de enseñar, sino sólo de hablar.
René Descartes (Author), Artur Mas (Narrator)
Meditations/Discourse on the Method
Plagued with doubt and uncertainty in sensory knowledge, Descartes is struck with the idea that everything he knows is false. He considers the possibility that he has been deceived by an 'evil demon' and is left with nothing to lean on, until he arrives at the phrase 'cogito ergo sum' ('I think, therefore I am'). Clinging to this, he proceeds to reconstruct his doubted world and redefine his understanding. Among the most quoted philosophical works in history, Meditations on First Philosophy and Discourse on the Method together display the full workings of Descartes' sceptical method and the formation of his famous phrase. Meditations sees him apply the method in a quest to find indisputable knowledge, while Discourse is his exposition of the technique.
René Descartes (Author), Mark Meadows (Narrator)
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