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Bring peace into your present moment through the power of breath with Global Peace Ambassador Prem Rawat Breath – it marks the beginning and end of life, it is the one thing shared by all human beings, and yet it is one of the most overlooked aspects of the human experience. What we take for granted actually forms the basis of our shared reality. Each breath we take signals triumph over death, our defiant presence in the world, our dedication to persisting. Global Peace Ambassador and New York Times bestselling author Prem Rawat asks us to pause and take a moment to revel in our breath, to wake up to this miracle of shared human experience. Only when we do so can we open ourselves to the possibility of peace—both inner and outer. Filled with intricate line drawings and flowing prose, Breath is a beautiful guide to finding harmony in each moment. Immerse yourself in the simple but profound power of breath to bring peace to your life.
Prem Rawat (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Hear Yourself - Inneren Frieden finden in einer lauten Welt (Ungekürzte Lesung)
In unserer schnelllebigen Welt ist es leicht, sich zu verlieren. Der spirituelle Meister Prem Rawat lehrt uns, wie wir den Lärm dimmen können, um unsere innere Stimme zu hören. Er nimmt uns mit zu den Schlüsselmomenten seines Lebens, erzählt von den Anfängen, als er 1971 dreizehnjährig auf der Bühne des Glastonbury-Festivals steht, und berichtet von seinen Begegnungen mit politischen Führern und Gefangenen, die er in den unwirtlichsten Gefängnissen der Welt trifft. Hear Yourself ist der Höhepunkt eines lebenslangen Studiums, vollgepackt mit kraftvollen Einsichten und fesselnden Geschichten.
Prem Rawat (Author), Bernd Reheuser (Narrator)
Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World
The renowned teacher and author of the internationally bestselling Peace Is Possible shows us how to quiet the noise of our busy lives to hear our own unique authentic voice—the source of peace. The cacophony of modern life can be deafening, leaving us feeling frazzled and uneasy. In this warm, wise book, Prem Rawat teaches us how to turn down the noise to “hear ourselves”—to listen to the subtle song of peace that sings inside each of us. Once we learn to truly “hear ourselves” and the voice of peace within, then we can hold on to that as we face all the noise of the world. The culmination of a lifetime of study, Hear Yourself lays out the crucial steps we can use to focus on the voice within. Take a walk in nature and listen for the sounds of harmony, Prem Rawat suggests, or set aside a few minutes each day to feel gratitude, which comes from the core of our being. He challenges us to embrace our thirst for peace and let go of expectations for how it should feel. With one straightforward yet deeply profound question, he helps us to focus—to be present: Am I conscious of where I am today and what I want to experience in this world?” If we allow ourselves to listen, what we hear is the extraordinary miracle of existence—an experience that transforms our relationship to life and everything in it. Packed with powerful insights and compelling stories, Hear Yourself introduces readers to an ancient line of practical wisdom that enlightens us to a simple way to listen. By doing so, Prem Rawat reveals, we can “profoundly change our understanding of ourselves, those around us, and our lives.”
Prem Rawat (Author), Prem Rawat (Narrator)
Cuando el desierto florece: El libro que hace brotar tu sonrisa interior
Estar vivo es lo único que necesitas para ser feliz. « Deja que estas historias e ilustraciones te descubran lo esencial: la simple realidad de que tú, ahora, estás vivo. Si no entiendes que este hecho en sí mismo es una fuente de felicidad, aún te falta una pieza clave del rompecabezas. » Después de haberse dirigido a más de quince millones de personas en 250 ciudades de los cinco continentes, en este audiolibro Prem Rawat comparte su mensaje único, sus conocimientos prácticos y sus inspiradoras historias. Los mejores títulos de crecimiento personal en formato audiolibro. Reseñas: «En consideración al compromiso continuo de promover un mensaje de paz y prosperidad universal como la verdadera riqueza de la humanidad, Prem Rawat recibe el título de Embajador de la Paz en nombre de la declaración del Parlamento Europeo Pledge to Peace (Promesa de Paz).» Gianni Pittella, Primer Vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo «Este es un libro extremadamente importante y oportuno para cada individuo y organización y de hecho, para toda la humanidad.» W. Timothy Gallwey, autor de la serie de best sellers internacionales El juego interior
Prem Rawat (Author), Miguel ángel álvarez (Narrator)
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