Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey
Jane Goodall's destiny has been blessed with faith, resolve, and purpose. From a little girl inspired by Tarzan, she became the woman who worked alongside famed paleontologist Dr. Louis Leakey, accomplished scientific breakthroughs in Gombe, and ultimately became a champion of the environment. The journey has not been without its crises; she endured the horrors of World War II, assaults on the integrity of her work, a hostage-taking at Gombe, and her husband's slow, agonizing death. But throughout, her religious convictions have helped her survive - and Jane Goodall's pursuit of science has enhanced, not eroded, her belief in God. In this biography, she candidly shares her life, as well as the Gombe chimpanzees she introduced to the world nearly forty years ago. And she gives us convincing reasons why we can and must open ourselves to the saints within each of us. At one with nature and challenged by the man-made dangers of environmental destruction, inequality, materialism, and genocide, Dr. Goodall offers insight into her perceptions of these threats and celebrates the people who are working for Earth's renewal. Here, indeed, is Reason for Hope.
Jane Goodall, Phillip Berman (Author), Author, Jane Goodall, Kate White, Phillip Berman (Narrator)