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The Exodus: The Archimedes Engine
Explore EXODUS, a new sci-fi action-adventure RPG coming soon from Archetype Entertainment featured in this epic novel from legendary author Peter F. Hamilton. Forty-thousand years ago, humanity fled a dying Earth. Traveling in massive ark ships these brave pioneers spread out across the galaxy to find a new home. After traveling thousands of light-years, one fleet of ark ships arrived at Centauri, a dense cluster of stars with thousands of potentially habitable planets. The survivors of Earth signaled to the remaining ark ships that humanity had finally found its new home among the stars. Thousands of years later, the Centauri Cluster has flourished. The original settlers evolved into advanced beings known as Celestials, dividing themselves into powerful Dominions. One of the most influential is that of the Crown Celestials, an alliance of five great houses that controls vast areas of Centauri. As ark ships continue to arrive, the remaining humans and their descendants must fight for survival against overwhelming odds or be forced into serving the Crown Dominion. Among those yearning for a better life is Finn, for whom Earth is not even a memory, but merely a footnote from humanity's ancient history. Born on one of the Crown Dominion worlds, Finn has known nothing but the repressive rule of the Celestials, though he dreams of the possibility of boundless space beyond his home. When another ark ship from Earth, previously thought lost, unexpectedly arrives, Finn sees his chance to embrace a greater destiny and become a Traveler - brave heroes dedicated to ensuring humanity's future by journeying into the vast unknown of distant space.
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Peter F. Hamilton presents Book 3 in the Arkship Trilogy.
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Elizabeth Klett (Narrator)
[French] - Le Signal des saints: Salvation, T3
Le dernier tome d'un cycle d'envergure par le maître du space opera moderne ! Vivre cachés... ou mourir en liberté. L'humanité a accueilli les Olyix et leur technologie utopique à bras ouverts. Mais à présent, ces visiteurs extraterrestres exigent un terrible tribut. Une par une, les villes sur Terre tombent devant leurs armes dévastatrices. Ils sont des millions à fuir vers un refuge dans l'espace, tandis que d'autres continuent à mener une guerre impossible à gagner. Une équipe tente de s'infiltrer à bord du vaisseau-arche des Olyix, espérant atteindre une enclave dissimulée à des milliers d'années-lumière de notre système solaire pour y activer un signal vers les générations futures. Mais dans l'avenir lointain, les flottes humaines continuent à livrer combat dans l'immensité glacée de l'espace... « L'imagination la plus puissante de la science-fiction. » - Ken Follett « Le cycle Salvation révèle un écrivain devenu maître de son genre, qui nous livre tout ce qu'on attendait et plus. Hautement recommandé. » - SFF World « Un space opera rythmé et plein d'action qui consolide encore le statut de Hamilton comme maître du genre. » - Publishers Weekly « Un bouquet final poignant, une technologie fabuleuse et des concepts scientifiques éblouissants, ainsi que quelques scènes de batailles d'anthologie. » - The Guardian « Un final plein de bravoure. » - Locus Magazine « Une série en passe de devenir un classique moderne. » - Stephen Baxter
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Nicolas Planchais (Narrator)
From critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Peter F. Hamilton comes The Captain's Daughter, Book 2 in his audio original Arkship trilogy. With the help of a command AI, the hole in the Daedalus has been fixed by Hazel and her friends. But in the process, they have antagonized the Yi, the aliens who are actually controlling the Daedalus. After a daring escape from the Yi, Hazel and her friends now must convince the people of the Daedalus villages and the village leaders that the Yi exist-and that they must fight back in order to survive. This proves tricky, as those in power don't want their authority challenged. In order to produce proof of their dire situation, Hazel and her friends have to return to the forward section of the Daedalus to find another surviving command AI so they can find where the Yi are hiding and what their goal is. What Hazel and her friends discover is the terrible secret of the Yi, and what they have been doing on board the Daedalus for the last five hundred years. The Captain's Daughter is a thrilling continuation of the story that unfolded in A Hole in the Sky, Peter F. Hamilton's first YA novel, that will appeal to all his legions of fans.
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Elizabeth Klett (Narrator)
[French] - Les Chemins de l'exode: Salvation, T2
Le deuxième tome d'un nouveau cycle d'envergure par le maître du space opera moderne ! Se battre ensemble ou mourir seul... Au XXIIIe siècle, l'humanité vit dans une quasi-utopie. Et pourtant, tout est sur le point de changer. L'équipe de Feriton Kayne a découvert la plus grande menace que l'Homme ait jamais eu à affronter, et le temps manque pour organiser une défense : les Olyix, qu'on croyait inoffensifs, s'apprêtent à moissonner l'humanité pour l'offrir à leur Dieu de la Fin des temps. Certaines factions poussent l'humanité à fuir, à vivre cachée parmi les étoiles - même si peu d'élus auraient cette chance. D'autres refusent de partir avant la tempête. Un désastre se prépare, et l'union est essentielle pour balayer l'ennemi. Même s'il s'agit de préparer un avenir que cette génération ne verra pas... « L'imagination la plus puissante de la science-fiction. » - Ken Follett « Tout ce que les lecteurs des Portes de la délivrance espéraient. Une série en passe de devenir un classique moderne. » - Stephen Baxter « Brillant et irrésistible. Une leçon de suspense et de spectacle. » - Gareth L. Powell
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Nicolas Planchais (Narrator)
From New York Times bestselling author Peter F. Hamilton comes his first audio original, A Hole in the Sky, Book 1 in the Arkship Trilogy. Sixteen-year old Hazel lives in the Daedalus, a starship that is flying in search of a new world. The ship has been traveling for five hundred years, searching for a world to settle in after having to abandon its last world. Everyone on board Daedalus lives a very simple existence in farming villages. The age of machines supplying their needs was lost during a mutiny five hundred years ago. The captain regained control of the ship after a huge struggle. Now, with finite resources, everything in the habitat is Cycled, including humans, who essentially are suicided at sixty-five so they don't deplete the biosphere's resources. Hazel encounters the Cheaters, people who refused to Cycle, who tell her the Daedalus has been damaged and its atmosphere is leaking away. When her brother has a paralyzing accident which condemns him to be Cycled since he can no longer be productive, Hazel runs off with him to join the Cheaters. While with the Cheaters, she discovers that much of what has been told to the people living on Daedalus for the last five hundred years is untrue, and that the ship is under the control of Aliens called the Yi. Soon, Hazel is in a thrilling race to help repair the ship and help the people of the Daedalus escape the Yi.
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Elizabeth Klett (Narrator)
Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary conclusion to Peter F. Hamilton’s Salvation Sequence. This is a high-octane adventure from 'the most powerful imagination in science fiction' (Ken Follett). Live in hiding – or die for freedom Humanity welcomed the Olyix and their utopian technology. But mankind was tricked. Now these visitors are extracting a terrible price. For two years, the Olyix have laid siege to Earth, harvesting its people for their god. One by one, cities are falling to their devastating weaponry. And while millions have fled to seek refuge in space, others continue to fight an apparently unwinnable war. As Earth's defeat draws near, a team attempts to infiltrate the Salvation of Life – the Olyix’s arkship. If it succeeds, those chosen will travel to a hidden enclave thousands of light years away. Once there, they must signal its location to future generations, to bring the battle to the enemy. Maybe allies scattered throughout space and time can join forces. Yet in the far future, humanity are still hunted by their ancient adversary. And as forces battle on in the cold reaches of space, hope seems distant indeed . . . The Saints of Salvation is the epic conclusion to the Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton. 'A vast, intricate sci-fi showstopper' – Guardian on Salvation 'Exciting, wildly imaginative and quite possibly Hamilton's best book to date' – SFX Magazine on Salvation, 5 stars
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary sequel to Peter F. Hamilton's Salvation. This is a high-octane adventure from 'the most powerful imagination in science fiction' (Ken Follett). Fight together - or die alone . . . In the twenty-third century, humanity is enjoying a comparative utopia. Yet life on Earth is about to change, forever. Feriton Kane's investigative team has discovered the worst threat ever to face mankind - and we've almost no time to fight back. The supposedly benign Olyix plan to harvest humanity, in order to carry us to their god at the end of the universe. And as their agents conclude schemes down on earth, vast warships converge above to gather this cargo. Some factions push for humanity to flee, to live in hiding amongst the stars - although only a chosen few would make it out in time. But others refuse to break before the storm. As disaster looms, animosities must be set aside to focus on just one goal: wiping this enemy from the face of creation. Even if it means preparing for a future this generation will never see. Salvation Lost is the second book in the Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton 'Everything readers of Salvation will have hoped for. A series emerging as a modern classic' Stephen Baxter 'Brilliant and compelling. A masterclass in tension and spectacle' Gareth L. Powell
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
[French] - Les Portes de la délivrance
Le premier tome d'un nouveau cycle d'envergure par le maître du space opera moderne ! An 2204. Une épave extraterrestre est découverte aux confins de l'espace connu. C'est le directeur de la sécurité Feriton Kayne qui est chargé de former une équipe pour enquêter sur place. La sinistre cargaison transportée par ce vaisseau soulève non seulement des questions déroutantes, mais pourrait annoncer l'extinction imminente de l'humanité tout entière... Sur Terre, on peut désormais transformer les déserts en jardins et prolonger la vie indéfiniment. La civilisation humaine apparaît invulnérable. Alors lorsque les Olyix - une espèce extraterrestre inconnue - font leur apparition, ils sont accueillis à bras ouverts. Les nouveaux venus ont besoin de carburant afin de poursuivre leur pèlerinage dans la galaxie... en échange, ils partagent leur savoir technologique. Mais les Olyix sont-ils vraiment ce qu'ils proclament être ? Dans un avenir lointain. À des milliers d'années-lumière de la Terre, Dellian et son clan de soldats génétiquement modifiés suivent un entraînement militaire dans un seul but. Ils doivent affronter et détruire leur vieil adversaire, celui qui a forcé l'humanité à fuir à travers les étoiles et qui la pourchasse toujours...
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Nicolas Planchais (Narrator)
In 2204, humanity is expanding into the wider galaxy in leaps and bounds. Cutting-edge technology of linked jump gates has rendered most forms of transportation-including starships-virtually obsolete. Every place on Earth, every distant planet humankind has settled, is now merely a step away from any other. And all seems wonderful-until a crashed alien spaceship of unknown origin is found on a newly located world eighty-nine light-years from Earth, carrying a cargo as strange as it is horrifying. To assess the potential of the threat a high-powered team is dispatched to investigate. But one of them may not be all they seem . . . Bursting with tension and big ideas, Salvation is the first book of an all-new series that highlights the inventiveness of an author at the top of his game.
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
Know your enemy - or be defeated. AD 2204 An alien shipwreck is discovered on a planet at the very limits of human expansion - so Security Director Feriton Kayne selects a team to investigate. The ship's sinister cargo not only raises bewildering questions, but could also foreshadow humanity's extinction. It will be up to the team to bring back answers, and the consequences of this voyage will change everything. Back on Earth, we can now make deserts bloom and extend lifespans indefinitely, so humanity seems invulnerable. We therefore welcomed the Olyix to Earth when they contacted us. They needed fuel for their pilgrimage across the galaxy - and in exchange they helped us advance our technology. But were the Olyix a blessing or a curse? THE FAR FUTURE Many lightyears from Earth, Dellian and his clan of genetically engineered soldiers are raised with one goal. They must confront and destroy their ancient adversary. The enemy caused mankind to flee across the galaxy and they hunt us still. If they aren't stopped, we will be wiped out - and we're running out of time. Salvation is the first title in a stunning science fiction trilogy, the Salvation Sequence, by Peter F. Hamilton
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
Evolution der Leere, Teil 2 - Das dunkle Universum, Band 4 (Ungekürzt)
Teil 2 des vierten Bandes von Peter F. Hamiltons Reihe 'Das dunkle Universum' Millionen Pilger sind mit ihren Ultra-Antriebsschiffen auf dem Weg ins Zentrum der Galaxis - in die 'Leere'. Dort, so ihr Glaube, erwartet sie ein perfektes Leben in einer perfekten Welt. Doch der Preis dafür könnte höher nicht sein. Einige setzen alles daran, die Pilger zu stoppen, wie etwa Gore Burnelli, ältester und einflussreichster lebender Vertreter der Menschheit, der die Jahrtausende vorbeiziehen sah; oder Oscar Monroe, der Märtyrer, der sich schon einmal für das Commonwealth opferte; und die gnadenlose Ermittlerin Paula Myo, unermüdlich und unaufhaltsam. In ihren Händen liegt es, die Galaxis zu retten. Doch die Zeit ist nicht ihr Verbündeter ...
Peter F. Hamilton (Author), Oliver Siebeck (Narrator)
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