Bodyscan relaxation is an essential technique to master for anyone wishing to learn relaxation, meditation, or simply to take a mental vacation from everyday worries. This audiobook is designed for efficiency, making use of proven techniques to help you achieve relaxation in a quick and easy way. Use the body scan relaxation whenever you need to get a mental break from everyday worries, or if you wish to achieve relaxation faster.
Alongside Baudelaire, Mallarmé, and Rimbaud, with whom he had a stormy relationship, Paul Verlaine is one of the most influential poets of the fin de siècle. He was one of the greatest representatives of the Decadent movement that began in the 1870s, and a leader of the Symbolists. His stylistic innovations brought a new musicality to French poetry; it was he who paved the way for modern poetry with its experiments in free verse and new techniques. Verlaine produced exquisitely crafted verse, conveying the strongest emotions and appetites. This translation by Gertrude Hall, herself a recognized poet, is one of the best rendering of Verlaine's work in English language.
Avec Baudelaire, Mallarmé et Rimbaud, avec qui il eut une relation orageuse, Paul Verlaine est un des poètes les plus influents de la fin du XIXe siècle. Archétype du poète maudit, il est vite reconnu comme un maître : son style fluide et musical, jouant avec les rythmes impairs, et la mélancolie de ses poèmes faits de clairs-obscurs révèlent une sensibilité profonde qui marqua la littérature et la musique.