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Vom Autor von „Telling Lies? und weltweit anerkannten Experten für Emotionen! Würden Sie gern lernen, die Gefühle in den Gesichtern anderer lesen zu können und mit Ihren eigenen Emotionen besser umzugehen? Der anerkannte Psychologe Paul Ekman erzählt in seinem Hörbuch über Ergebnisse von vierzigjährigen Forschungsarbeiten zur nonverbalen Kommunikation. Er sucht nach Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Wann werden wir emotional und was geschieht dabei? Wie widerspiegeln sich verschiedene Emotionen in unseren Gesichtern? Ist es möglich, Lügen an der Mimik abzulesen? Dieses Buch kann Ihnen helfen: ? die Achtsamkeit für Ihre eigenen Emotionen zu entwickeln; ? über Ihr Verhalten zu entscheiden, wenn Sie emotional werden; ? die Gefühle anderer zu erkennen; ? das, was Sie über den Gefühlszustand anderer wissen, zum Guten zu benutzen. Der Autor gibt praktisch anwendbare Tipps, mit denen Sie lernen können, die Mimik anderer zu deuten und dadurch ihre Gefühle zu verstehen. Die Originalausgabe erschien unter dem Titel: Emotions Revealed. Understanding Faces and Feelings Copyright © 2003 Paul Ekman Kapitel 10 (Lügen und Emotionen): Copyright © 2007 Paul Ekman. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Susanne Kuhlmann-Krieg und Matthias Reiss (Kapitel 10) (P) 2022 ABP Verlag
Paul Ekman (Author), Dominic Kolb (Narrator)
Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage
From breaking the law to breaking a promise, how do people lie and how can they be caught? In this revised edition, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in emotions research and nonverbal communication, adds a new chapter to present his latest research on his groundbreaking inquiry into lying and the methods for uncovering lies. Ekman has figured out the most important behavioral clues to deceit; he has developed a one-hour self-instructional program that trains people to observe and understand 'micro expressions'; and he has done research that identifies the facial expressions that show whether someone is likely to become violent-a self-instructional program to train recognition of these dangerous signals has also been developed. Telling Lies describes how lies vary in form and how they can differ from other types of misinformation that can reveal untruths. It discusses how a person's body language, voice, and facial expressions can give away a lie but still fool professional lie hunters-even judges, police officers, drug enforcement agents, and Secret Service agents.
Paul Ekman (Author), Stephen Bowlby (Narrator)
Vreţi să aflaţi prin ce diferă un zâmbet fericit de un surâs forţat? Doriţi să ştiţi ce sentimente ascunde copilul, partenerul sau şeful dumneavoastră? După decenii de cercetări ale emoţiilor şi expresiilor faciale, Paul Ekman şi-a sintetizat rezultatele în această carte, care combină excelent informaţiile ştiinţifice cu sugestiile practice. Psihologul american explică originea şi modurile de manifestare ale principalelor emoţii umane (furie, dezgust, tristeţe, bucurie, frică, surpriză) şi oferă instrumente utile pentru mai buna comunicare în familie şi la serviciu. Emoţiile ne salvează viaţa, dar pot s-o şi distrugă. Ne împing să acţionăm aparent rezonabil, dar şi în moduri pe care ajungem să le regretăm. Scopul meu este acela de a-i ajuta pe cititori să-şi înţeleagă şi să-şi îmbunătăţească viaţa emoţională. Mă uimeşte că, până foarte de curând, oamenii de ştiinţă, precum şi nespecialiştii au ştiut foarte puţine lucruri despre emoţii, deşi ele joacă un rol esenţial în viaţa fiecăruia. - Paul Ekman Oricine va citi cartea Emoţii date pe faţă va deveni mai inteligent în privinţa vieţii sale afective. Aveţi aici ghidul perfect: vi se oferă o hartă fermecătoare, echilibrată şi bine chibzuită a universului emoţiilor umane. - Daniel Goleman
Paul Ekman (Author), Bogdan șerban (Narrator)
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security digs into nonverbal human communications and how it affects social engineering. This book delves deep into how attacks against companies and individuals use nonverbal communications every day. It explains nonverbal communications and demonstrates with visuals, the connection of non-verbal behavior to social engineering and scamming. The reader will gain the knowledge needed to help protect their organization. The book clearly combines both the practical and technical aspect of the social engineer revealing all the various dirty tricks that scammers use as well as pinpoints what to look for on the nonverbal side to detect the social engineer. What is nonverbal communication? What is Social Engineering? Understanding the Language of the Hands Science Behind the Torso, Legs and Feet The Science Behind the Face - Understanding the 7 base emotions and how they are displayed The Limbic System and social Engineering The Moral Molecule - Trust and the Social Engineer The Power of Empathy in Social Engineering Using Nonverbals as a Social Engineer
Christopher Hadnagy, Paul Ekman, Paul F. Kelly (Author), Christopher Hadnagy (Narrator)
Emotional Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Emotional Balance and Compassion
Two leading thinkers engage in a landmark conversation about human emotions and the pursuit of psychological fulfillment At their first meeting, a remarkable bond was sparked between His Holiness the Dalai Lama, one of the world's most revered spiritual leaders, and the psychologist Paul Ekman, whose groundbreaking work helped to define the science of emotions. Now these two luminaries share their thinking about science and spirituality, the bonds between East and West, and the nature and quality of our emotional lives. In this unparalleled series of conversations, the Dalai Lama and Ekman prod and push toward answers to the central questions of emotional experience. What are the sources of hate and compassion? Should a person extend her compassion to a torturer-and would that even be biologically possible? What does science reveal about the benefits of Buddhist meditation, and can Buddhism improve through engagement with the scientific method? As they come to grips with these issues, they invite us to join them in an unfiltered view of two great traditions and two great minds. Accompanied by commentaries on the findings of emotion research and the teachings of Buddhism, their interplay-amusing, challenging, eye-opening, and moving-guides us on a transformative journey in the understanding of emotions.
, Dalai Lama, Paul Ekman, Paul Ekman Ph.D., Paul Ekman, Ph.D. (Author), Richard Gere (Narrator)
Knowing Our Emotions, Improving Our World
All emotions, including hidden ones, have their own distinct facial marker With practice we can discern other's truthfulness and intent We can free ourselves from the grip of regrettable emotional episodes Research into facial expression and emotion reveals two startling facts: people cannot conceal their emotions, nor can they fabricate genuine emotions. Minute facial movements and gestures reveal true feelings and intent - regardless of efforts to conceal them. Goleman and Ekman discuss the fascinating science of the Facial Action Coding System, and how we can use it to better our lives.
Daniel Goleman, Paul Ekman (Author), Daniel Goleman, Paul Ekman (Narrator)
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