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Amor de abuelita: Grandmas Are for Love (Spanish Edition)
No hay nada mejor que estar en familia, haciendo memorias y compartiendo amor. ¡Este libro tiene los tres! Este fin de semana, Koala tiene la oportunidad de compartir con su persona favorita en el mundo entero: ¡su abuelita! Nadie abraza, hornea, lee, acaricia o juega como ella lo hace. Y cuando es tiempo de decir adiós, su abuelita es la mejor secando lágrimas. ¿Cómo se encarga la abuelita de comunicarle a Koala que es amado aún en la distancia? Hay páginas de actividades incluidas al final del libro. Estas sirven para motivar a los niños a aprender sobre la historia familiar: una carta para un ser querido, un árbol familiar y preguntas para conocer mejor a los abuelitos. Para niños de edades de 3-8 años y para sus padres y abuelitos. Hace un regalo perfecto para la Navidad, el Día de San Valentín, los cumpleaños o como un regalo con mucho cariño para los abuelitos y nietos. Compre el libro Amor de Abuelita y disfrute de un tiempo especial con su pequeño. There's nothing quite like being with family, making memories, and sharing love. This book has all three! Koala gets to spend the weekend with his favorite person in the whole world: GRANDMA! No one hugs, bakes treats, reads, snuggles, or plays games quite like she does. How does Grandma make sure Koala knows he’s loved even when they’re apart? Includes a letter to a loved one, a family tree, and get to know you questions for grandparents to help get kids excited about family history. For kids ages 3-8 and their parents and grandparents. Makes the perfect Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthday, or just because I love you gift for grandparents and grandchildren. Buy Grandmas Are for Love today and enjoy some bonding time together.
Misty Black (Author), Ivanna Ochoa (Narrator)
There's nothing quite like being with family, making memories, and sharing love. This book has all three! Koala gets to spend the weekend with his favorite person in the whole world: GRANDMA! No one hugs, bakes treats, reads, snuggles, or plays games quite like she does. And when it’s time to say goodbye, Grandma shows that she’s the best at wiping tears. But it's not always possible to visit our loved ones in person. Find out how Grandma and Koala share their love even when they're apart. Includes a letter to a loved one, a family tree to fill out, and get to know you questions for grandparents and grandchildren in the back of the book to help get kids excited about family history. ♥ A snuggly bedtime story for children aged 3-8 and their parents and grandparents. ♥ Makes the perfect Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthday, or just because I love you gift, and it can be enjoyed for generations to come. It is also a great handout at family reunions. Buy Grandmas Are for Love today and enjoy some bonding time with your special little one.
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
There's nothing quite like being with family, making memories, and sharing love. This book has all three! Koala gets to spend the weekend with his favorite person in the whole world: GRANDMA! No one hugs, bakes treats, reads, snuggles, or plays games quite like she does. And when it’s time to say goodbye, Grandma shows that she’s the best at wiping tears. But it's not always possible to visit our loved ones in person. Find out how Grandma and Koala share their love even when they're apart. Includes a letter to a loved one, a family tree to fill out, and get to know you questions for grandparents and grandchildren in the back of the book to help get kids excited about family history. ♥ A snuggly bedtime story for children aged 3-8 and their parents and grandparents. ♥ Makes the perfect Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthday, or just because I love you gift, and it can be enjoyed for generations to come. It is also a great handout at family reunions. Buy Grandmas Are for Love today and enjoy some bonding time with your special little one.
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry
A story of friendship and empathy for bedtime, the classroom, or during therapy to help children understand and appropriately react to bullying. For ages 3-8. Punk the Skunk liked to tease. Normally, his teasing was harmless. But what happens when teasing goes too far? For a child, recognizing mistakes can be difficult. Saying I'm sorry can be even harder. Help your child learn this valuable social skill with Punk the Skunk. Parents, counselors, and teachers love that the valuable life lessons in this book are taught in such a fun way that kids won’t even realize they’re learning. The author has teamed up with a licensed school counselor to offer discussion materials on the following topics in the back of the book: ✓Showing empathy ✓Dealing with bullying ✓Being a true friend ✓Recognizing mistakes ✓Saying sorry ✓Forgiving others When Punk realizes his teasing isn’t funny, will he be able to do what it takes to get his friends back, or will it be too late? Read Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry to see if this prankster can become a peacemaker today!
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
Cuando te sientas mejor: Un regalo para que te recuperes pronto: When You Feel Better (Spanish Editi
♥ Un regalo reconfortante para desear una pronta recuperación para niños de 3 a 10 años. ♥ Cuando el Conejito viene a animar a Koala, quien estaba enfermito, ambos se imaginan todas las aventuras que quieren tener cuando Koala se sienta mejor. La manera perfecta para ir en una aventura sin salir de la cama. • Un regalo reconfortante para desear una pronta recuperación a mujeres, niños o jóvenes • Ilustraciones hermosas que seguramente le alegrarán el día a cualquiera • Un mensaje alentador para quien necesite animarse Demuéstrale a tu ser querido lo mucho que le quieres con este libro detallado que dura más que las flores, pero es igual de lindo. ¡Ordena tu copia hoy de Cuando te sientas mejor! A story of comfort and get-well wishes for children aged 3-10. Join these adorable friends, Bunny and Koala, on a heartwarming journey showing the importance of kindness and the power of empathy. When Bunny comes to cheer up Koala who is sick, they imagine the fun adventures they want to have when Koala feels better ♥ It’s the perfect way to go on a journey without getting out of bed. ♥ From sickness to surgery—broken bones to broken hearts – Your loved one will enjoy cuddling up to this sweet get well soon book. ♥ Show your loved one how much you care with this thoughtful gift. Get When You Feel Better today to enjoy some quality time together. Colección Con Amor: Cuando te sientas mejor: Un regalo para que te recuperes pronto Me enseñaste a querer Amor de abuelita
Misty Black (Author), Ivanna Ochoa (Narrator)
Óscar el Oso Pardo aprende a ser agradecido: Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful (Spanish Editio
Un libro sobre la gratitud. Para niños de edades 3-8.Óscar el Oso Pardo era gruñón, pero su malhumor lo hacía sentir triste. ¿Pueden sus amigos ayudarlo a ver que él está en control de su propia felicidad? Tal vez el mantra de sus amigos lo puede ayudar a enfocarse en lo positivo. ¡Malhumor, malhumor, vete ya! Prefiero sonreír hoy. Cuando soy agradecido, puedo ver todo lo bueno a mi alrededor. ¿Puede Óscar aprender que la felicidad es posible aún cuando las cosas son difíciles? Descubre este lindo cuento sobre la amistad, la compasión y el enfocarse en lo que realmente es importante. ★Hay actividades de gratitud incluidas al final del libro. ¡Toma una buena dosis de gratitud hoy con el libro Óscar el Oso Pardo aprende a ser agradecido! Is it possible to be happy even when things aren’t going your way? Yes! ♥ That’s what gratitude can do! ♥ Grunt the Grizzly was a grumpy bear. But his grumpiness was making him miserable. Will Grunt learn that it’s possible to be happy even when things are going wrong? Find out in this adorable tale of friendship, compassion, and focusing on what is truly important. For ages 3-8, preschool through 2nd grade. Gratitude exercises for use at home or in the classroom are included in the back of the book. Get your daily dose of gratitude by reading Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful today! Look for these titles in Spanish under the Zac e sus amigos series: ¿Puede Pedro el Puercoespín controlar su mal genio?, Zac el Zorrillo aprende a pedir perdón, Caleb el Castor tiene un caso de las preocurrugas, Paco el Perezoso le encanta ser diferente,
Misty Black (Author), Ivanna Ochoa (Narrator)
When You Feel Better: A Get Well Soon Gift
Calm their fears and dry their tears.From sickness to surgery—broken bones to broken hearts – Your loved one will enjoy listening to this sweet get well soon story❣️ Join these adorable friends, Bunny and Koala, on a heartwarming journey showing the importance of kindness and the power of empathy. When Bunny comes to cheer up Koala who is sick, they imagine the fun adventures they want to have when Koala feels better ❤️️ It’s the perfect way to go on a journey without getting out of bed. - Comforting get well soon gift for women, men, children or teens - Uplifting message for anyone who needs a pick-me-up While the comprehension level is targeted for girls and boys ages 3-7, both children and adults will love this beautiful story they can enjoy again and again. Show your loved one how much you care with this thoughtful gift. Buy now to enjoy some quality time together. Other books in the With Love Collection: You Taught Me Love Grandmas Are for Love And Spanish versions of all three titles available in the Colección Con Amor Me enseñaste a querer Amor de abuelita Cuando te sientas mejor: Un regalo para que te recuperes pronto
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful
Is it possible to be happy even when things aren’t going your way? Yes! ♥ That’s what gratitude can do! ♥ Grunt the Grizzly was a grumpy bear. But his grumpiness was making him miserable. Luckily, he has amazing friends, Punk the Skunk, Sloan the Sloth, and Brave the Beaver, who teach him that he can be in charge of his own happiness. Maybe their mantra can help him see past the negative and focus on the positive. “Grumpies, grumpies, go away. I would rather smile today. When I’m grateful, I can see All the good surrounding me.” Will Grunt learn that it’s possible to be happy even when things are going wrong? Find out in this adorable tale of friendship, compassion, and focusing on what is truly important. For ages 3-8, preschool through 2nd grade. Gratitude exercises for use at home or in the classroom are included in the back of the book. ★ Help your child go from grumpy to grateful with the companion Grunt the Grizzly’s Gratitude Journal. ★ Perfect for fall, Thanksgiving, or any time, because being thankful never goes out of season! Get your daily dose of gratitude by reading Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful today! Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills series: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry, Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper?, Brave the Beaver Has the Worry Warts, Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different, Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different: A Self-Worth Story
♥ For all those who don’t quite fit in...You were born to stand out! You are one of a kind with special talents and abilities. Let them shine.♥ That’s the message of this sweet book, which focuses on self-compassion and loving who you are. Sloan the Sloth isn’t good at sports like some of the other animals. He’s too slow. But Sloan knows that’s okay. Instead of being discouraged, he focuses on what he is good at. Sloan puts it best when he says… “I am slow, but that’s okay. I really like myself this way. I am grateful to be me. I love myself. That is the key!” Remember, you are one of a kind, and that’s pretty great. Includes self-esteem boosting discussion material for children in the back of the book using positive self-talk and affirmations such as: I am loved I am important I am strong A self-acceptance story for children aged 3 to 8. If this slow sloth can learn to love himself just the way he is, your cuddly cub can too! Parent and teacher discussion materials on improving self-worth are included in the back of the book. Recognizing the good in ourselves and others is an important skill. Can Sloan help the other animals see that being different is a wonderful thing? Listen to Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different today to see just how amazing our unique traits can be. Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills series: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry, Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper?, Brave the Beaver Has the Worry Warts, Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different, Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful,
Berry Patch Press L.L.C., Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver, L.L.C. (Narrator)
Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper?
Quilliam's bad temper and shooting quills are causing trouble. Can he learn to control his anger before someone gets hurt? Quilliam the Porcupine has a very BAD TEMPER. Quilliam’s friends have to duck whenever he gets red in the face and starts to shake. They know what’s about to happen, and they don’t want to be hit by one of his angry quills. But Quilliam doesn’t like putting his friends in danger, so he decides to change. But how? Parents, counselors, and teachers love that the valuable life lessons in the Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills books are taught in such a fun way, kids don’t even realize they’re learning. 'There’s no lecture here, just a fun story that kids can relate to.' A calming story for bedtime or the classroom. For children aged 3-8, preschool to second grade. It’s never too early to talk about important social skills. A list of coping strategies, as well as teacher and parent discussion materials on these topics, are included in the back of the book: ✓Coping with anger ✓Being a true friend ✓Practicing your favorite coping skills ✓Calming down ✓Helping others who are struggling with strong emotions Read Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper today to help your little ones master their BIG emotions! Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills series: Punk the Skunk Learns to Say Sorry, Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper?, Brave the Beaver Has the Worry Warts, Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different, Grunt the Grizzly Learns to Be Grateful
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
♥ A beautiful bedtime story showing that LOVE has no limits. ♥ Join mother, daughter, and a silly little frog on a heartwarming journey describing love through the eyes of a child. “The three greatest words that have ever been said Are very contagious and like to be spread. So tell someone special ‘I love you’ today? I think you should try it and see what they say.” This snuggly story for kids ages 3-8 can be enjoyed with a parent or grandparent over and over again. The perfect gift for new parents, Valentine’s Day, Mother's Day, or a birthday. After listening to this book with their children, moms often buy it for their own mothers—spreading gratitude and love across all generations. Share a message of unconditional love with your little one in a way he or she can understand. Cuddle up and listen to You Taught Me Love today! ♥ Other books in the With Love Collection: You Taught Me Love Grandmas Are for Love When You Feel Better: A Get Well Soon Gift And Spanish versions of all three titles available in the Colección Con Amor Me enseñaste a querer Amor de abuelita Cuando te sientas mejor: Un regalo para que te recuperes pronto
Misty Black (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
¿Puede Pedro el Puercoespín controlar su mal genio?: Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper (Spani
Un libro ilustrado sobre cómo manejar la ira utilizando estrategias para calmarse. Para niños de edades 3-8. Pedro el Puercoespín tenía un MAL GENIO. Los amigos de Pedro tienen que agacharse cuando su cara se pone roja y comienza a temblar. Ellos saben lo que va a ocurrir y no quieren ser lastimados por una de sus púas del mal genio. Pero Pedro no le gusta poner sus amigos en peligro y cuando sus púas disparan y causan problemas en su casa, él decide que debe cambiar. ¿Pero cómo? ¡Lée ¿Puede Pedro el Puercoespín controlar su mal genio? hoy a tus pequeños para ayudarles a como navegar sus emociones grandes! ★ English version: Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper, from the Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills series ★ listen to both versions and compare to help students improve their Spanish and English skills. Quilliam the Porcupine has a very BAD TEMPER. Quilliam’s friends have to duck whenever he gets red in the face and starts to shake. They know what’s about to happen, and they don’t want to be hit by one of his angry quills. But Quilliam doesn’t like putting his friends in danger, and when his shooting quills cause problems at home, he decides that it’s time to change. But how? This book is geared toward children from preschool to second grade, ages 3-8. Read Can Quilliam Learn to Control His Temper to help your little ones learn to navigate their BIG emotions TODAY! Look for other titles in Spanish under the Zac e sus amigos series or in English under Punk and Friends Learn Social Skills Series:
Misty Black (Author), Ivanna Ochoa (Narrator)
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