Forget the nine-to-five…for good.
Whether you dream of taking more time off, learning a foreign language, or traveling fourteen weeks a year, there’s no time like now to become an entrepreneur.
Experience the freedom that starting your own business brings with Slow Burn Entrepreneur as your roadmap.
In this step-by-step guide, Michael Weber shares the life hacks of successful entrepreneurs, showing how to break rules for maximum profit and utilize rest and reflection to ignite creativity. Focusing on self-development and sustainable growth is vital for success as an entrepreneur—Michael’s tools, tactics, and personal examples help you do just that. Gain the confidence to get your business off the ground, the discipline to thrive, and the mindset to consistently challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone. Learn how to succeed on your own terms with this must-read for all entrepreneurs ready to leverage extreme actions for extraordinary results.
Fully recovered with four hours of sleep! Is this possible? The sleeping technique of pilots allows you to have this fun too. You skip the falling asleep phase with a special technique and recover intensively in the deep sleep phase. This technology is used by pilots for a restful short sleep. This book contains a practice meditation that guides you to get into the deep sleep phase.
Mit 4 Stunden Schlaf völlig erholt! Geht das? Die Schlaftechnik von Piloten ermöglicht auch Ihnen diesen Spaß.
Sie überspringen die Einschlafphase mit einer speziellen Technik und erholen sich intensiv
in der Tiefschlafphase. Diese Technik nutzen Piloten für einen erholsamen, kurzen Schlaf.
Dieses Buch enthält eine Praxis Meditation, die sie anleitet, um in die Tiefschlafphase zu kommen.
Exciting and funny stories from the cockpit collected by a pilot during his 30 year flying career. Michael Weber, an experienced pilot, tells stories from the cockpit from the perspective of a pilot. Numerous incidents remain hidden from passengers because the door to the cockpit is closed. Pilots are only human and mistakes happen in the cockpit like everywhere else. In this book, experience the perspective from the cockpit on an entertaining and funny way.
Spannende und witzige Storys aus dem Cockpit, gesammelt von einem Piloten während seiner 30-jährigen Fliegerkarriere. Michael Weber, ein erfahrener Pilot, erzählt mit Storys aus dem Cockpit aus der Sichtweise eines Piloten. Zahlreiche Vorkommnisse bleiben Passagieren verborgen, da die Türe zum Cockpit zu ist. Auch Piloten sind nur Menschen und im Cockpit passieren auch Fehler wie überall. Erfahren Sie in diesem Hörbuch die Sichtweise aus dem Cockpit.