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Who is Government?: The Untold Story of Public Service
Brought to you by Penguin. Who works for the government and why does their work matter? Michael Lewis, bestselling author of The Big Short and The Fifth Risk, along with an all-star team of writers and storytellers, takes us on a riveting journey into a hidden world The government is a vast, complex system that citizens pay for, rebel against, rely upon, dismiss, and celebrate. It’s also our shared resource for addressing the biggest problems of society. And it’s made up of people, mostly unrecognized and uncelebrated, doing work that can be deeply consequential and beneficial to everyone. Michael Lewis invited his favourite writers to find someone doing an interesting job for the government and write about them. The stories they found are unexpected, riveting, and inspiring, including a former coal miner devoted to making mine roofs less likely to collapse, saving thousands of lives; an IRS agent straight out of a crime thriller; and the manager who made the National Cemetery Administration the best-run organization, public or private, in the entire country. Each essay shines a spotlight on the essential behind-the-scenes work of exemplary federal employees. Whether they’re digitizing archives, chasing down cybercriminals, or discovering new planets, these public servants are committed to their work and universally reluctant to take credit. Who is Government? shows how the essential business of government makes our lives possible, and how much it matters. © Michael Lewis 2025 (P) Penguin Audio 2025
Michael Lewis (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon
Brought to you by Penguin. 'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go do something other than make money. He thought the question over. 'One hundred and fifty billion dollars,' he finally said-though he added that he had use for 'infinity dollars'...' Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before he turned thirty he'd become the world's youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for his time. At one point he considered paying off the entire national debt of the Bahamas so he could take his business there. Then it all fell apart. Who was this Gatsby of the crypto world, a rumpled guy in cargo shorts, whose eyes twitched across TV interviews as he played video games on the side, who even his million-dollar investors still found a mystery? What gave him such an extraordinary ability to make money - and how did his empire collapse so spectacularly? Michael Lewis was there when it happened, having got to know Bankman-Fried during his epic rise. In Going Infinite he tells us a story like no other, taking us through the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own. Both psychological portrait of a preternaturally gifted 'thinking machine', and wild financial roller-coaster ride, this is a twenty-first-century epic of high-frequency trading and even higher stakes, of crypto mania and insane amounts of money, of hubris and downfall. No one could tell it better. ©2023 Michael Lewis (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Michael Lewis (Author), Michael Lewis (Narrator)
Making Winners: The Coaching Explosion
An insightful collection from the Against the Rules podcast that answers the ultimate question: can even Michael Lewis be coached? Journalist and bestselling author Michael Lewis’ podcast Against the Rules is dedicated to examining what's happened to fairness. It feels like there's less of it every day, and one of the “haves” of those who are better off includes access to coaching. But does having a coach help or hinder us? Making Winners is a highly personal anthology of Michael Lewis' podcast episodes on coaching. He visits his own high school baseball coach and subjects himself to publicly trying to overcome his greatest fear – with help from a coach, of course. Other chapters focus on lending practices, college admissions, professional sports, and psychological well-being. Who are the people trying to level the playing field, and are they making an impact? Making Winners includes a new foreword and afterword written with Lewis’ trademark insight and wry humor. Anyone new to podcasts in general or Against the Rules specifically will become engrossed in Making Winners, which, with over five hours of beautifully produced audio content, highlights Lewis’ trademark insight and storytelling. Please note: This collection includes content that has been released in the podcast series.
Michael Lewis (Author), Michael Lewis (Narrator)
Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
The classic Michael Lewis book that defined an era of greed, gluttony, and outrageous fortune, available for the first time unabridged and read by the author. In 1986, before Michael Lewis became the bestselling author of The Big Short, Moneyball, and Flash Boys, he landed a job at Salomon Brothers, one of Wall Street’s premier investment firms. During the next three years, Lewis rose from callow trainee to New York- and London-based bond salesman, raking in millions for the firm and cashing in on a modern-day gold rush. Liar’s Poker is the culmination of those heady, frenzied years a behind-the-scenes look at a unique and turbulent time in American business. This new audio edition produced by the same team that produces his #1 podcast Against the Rules, is unabridged, read by the author, and features archival news footage from the era, original scoring and sound effects, as well as a bonus episode from the companion podcast. From the frat-boy camaraderie of the forty-first-floor trading room to the killer instinct that made ambitious young men gamble everything on a high-stakes game of bluffing and deception, Liar’s Poker is both “the funniest book on Wall Street I’ve ever read,” (Tom Wolfe) and the launchpad for Michael Lewis’s storied career.
Michael Lewis (Author), Michael Lewis (Narrator)
Deshaciendo errores: Kahneman, Tversky y la amistad que nos enseñó cómo funciona la mente
Michael Lewis examina en este brillante libro cómo la amistad entre David Kahneman y Amos Tversky revolucionó radicalmente nuestra manera de entender el funcionamiento de la mente humana. Hace más de cuarenta años, una serie de experimentos totalmente originales de dos jóvenes psicólogos, Daniel Kahneman y Amos Tversky, desmontaron todas las suposiciones existentes respecto al funcionamiento de la mente humana y la toma de decisiones. Deshaciendo errores es el maravilloso relato de la colaboración de estos dos hombres de ciencia que bien podrían ser grandes figuras literarias. Héroes académicos y bélicos -ambos tuvieron una importante carrera militar- sus investigaciones estuvieron profundamente ligadas a sus experiencias vitales. Tversky era un personaje brillante, con un magnetismo inusual, confiado y extrovertido; Kahneman, un fugitivo de la represión nazi durante su infancia, era un introvertido que se cuestionaba todo lo que le rodeaba. Su relación fue tan cercana, que resulta imposible saber de qué mente surgieron qué ideas: son de lejos el dúo más fascinante de la historia de la psicología conductiva. En su estilo habitual, Lewis nos ofrece un libro magistral sobre un tema pionero, explorado a través de las personalidades de dos asombrosos individuos tan fundamentalmente opuestos que sorprende que llegasen a ser amigos, tan siquiera colegas, pero que en el proceso cambiaron radicalmente la manera de entender cómo pensamos y por qué nos equivocamos tan fácilmente. Reseña: «Michael Lewis es el mejor contador de historia de nuestra generación.» Malcolm Gladwell
Michael Lewis (Author), Mario De Candia (Narrator)
The Premonition: A Pandemic Story
Brought to you by Penguin. 'It's a foreboding,' she said. 'A knowing that something is looming around the corner. Like how when the seasons change you can smell fall in the air right before the leaves change and the wind turns cold.' In January 2020, as people started dying from a new virus in Wuhan, China, few really understood the magnitude of what was happening. Except, that is, a small group of scientific misfits who in their different ways had been obsessed all their lives with how viruses spread and replicated - and with why the governments and the institutions that were supposed to look after us, kept making the same mistakes time and again. This group saw what nobody else did. A pandemic was coming. We weren't prepared. The Premonition is the extraordinary story of a group who anticipated, traced and hunted the coronavirus; who understood the need to think differently, to learn from history, to question everything; and to do all of this fast, in order to act, to save lives, communities, society itself. It's a story about the workings of the human mind; about the failures and triumphs of human judgment and imagination. It's the story of how we got to now. © Michael Lewis 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Michael Lewis (Author), Adenrele Ojo (Narrator)
La excepcional crónica del crac inmobiliario que originó la mayor crisis de los últimos 80 años. Descubre el libro en el que se ha inspirado la película que ya ha sido nominada a cinco Óscar. La gran apuesta es la excepcional crónica del crac inmobiliario que originó la mayor crisis de los últimos ochenta años. Cuando en otoño de 2008 la economía estadounidense se hundió, arrastrando tras de sí a buena parte del mundo desarrollado a una crisis de la que aún no hemos salido, a un grupo de personas no le sorprendió en absoluto. Eran unos cuantos inversores y analistas inteligentes que habían comprendido lo que estaba pasando, pero no dijeron nada, paralizados por el miedo y las posibles ganancias. La pregunta clave que plantea Michael Lewis es: ¿quién se dio cuenta del riesgo que suponía dar por sentado que los precios del sector inmobiliario seguirían siempre al alza? Un riesgo complicado, además, por la creación de esos activos extraños y artificiales a partir de hipotecas dudosas. Para contestar esta pregunta, Lewis nos presenta una historia increíble a través de los personajes que la protagonizaron, plena de indignación y oscura ironía. Reseñas: «Probablemente el mejor libro de periodismo financiero de la historia.» Felix Salmon, Reuters «El mejor contador de historias de nuestra generación.» Malcolm Gladwell «Nadie escribe con mayor agilidad narrativa sobre dinero y finanzas que Michael Lewis. Logra usar las historias de sus protagonistas para explicar la avaricia, la estupidez y la hipocresía de un sistema con una carencia notoria de supervisión seria. Con un estilo parecido al de Tom Wolfe, Lewis consigue introducir al lector de modo colorido en el mundo darwiniano del mercado de bonos.» Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
Michael Lewis (Author), Raúl Arrieta (Narrator)
Feuer im Maschinenraum der Macht Wir betreten die Flure der US-Ministerien nach der Wahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten der USA. Es ist ungewöhnlich still. Trumps Mannschaft, ohnehin spärlich vertreten, hat offenbar wenig Plan, was zu tun ist. Es herrscht vorsätzliche Unwissenheit, denn wer die Konsequenzen seines Handelns nicht kennt, dem fällt es leicht, den 'Klimawandel' bedenkenlos zum Unwort deklarieren oder etablierte Forschungsprogramme vom Tisch zu fegen. Alarmstufe Trump! Michael Lewis führt uns in den Maschinenraum der Macht. Er zeigt: Für den kurzfristigen Erfolg wird kollektives Wissen zerstört und jahrzehntelange Regierungserfahrung bewusst ignoriert. Für sein Buch hat er auch mit denen gesprochen, deren Kenntnis und Leidenschaft die Maschinen am Laufen halten. Ihr Signal muss gehört werden, denn es betrifft nicht nur Amerika, sondern die ganze Welt! - Michael Lewis enthüllt Trumps explosiven Cocktail aus vorsätzlicher Ignoranz und Käuflichkeit, der die Zerstörung eines Landes anheizt. - 'the fifth risk' jetzt in deutscher Übersetzung
Michael Lewis (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
Feuer im Maschinenraum der Macht Wir betreten die Flure der US-Ministerien nach der Wahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten der USA. Es ist ungewöhnlich still. Trumps Mannschaft, ohnehin spärlich vertreten, hat offenbar wenig Plan, was zu tun ist. Es herrscht vorsätzliche Unwissenheit, denn wer die Konsequenzen seines Handelns nicht kennt, dem fällt es leicht, den Klimawandel bedenkenlos zum Unwort deklarieren oder etablierte Forschungsprogramme vom Tisch zu fegen. Alarmstufe Trump! Michael Lewis führt uns in den Maschinenraum der Macht. Er zeigt: Für den kurzfristigen Erfolg wird kollektives Wissen zerstört und jahrzehntelange Regierungserfahrung bewusst ignoriert. Für sein Buch hat er auch mit denen gesprochen, deren Kenntnis und Leidenschaft die Maschinen am Laufen halten. Ihr Signal muss gehört werden, denn es betrifft nicht nur Amerika, sondern die ganze Welt! - Michael Lewis enthüllt Trumps explosiven Cocktail aus vorsätzlicher Ignoranz und Käuflichkeit, der die Zerstörung eines Landes anheizt. - the fifth risk jetzt in deutscher Übersetzung
Michael Lewis (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis, read by Victor Bevine. The morning after Trump was elected president, the people who ran the US Department of Energy - an agency that deals with some of the most powerful risks facing humanity - waited to welcome the incoming administration's transition team. Nobody appeared. Across the US government, the same thing happened: nothing. People don't notice when stuff goes right. That is the stuff government does. It manages everything that underpins our lives from funding free school meals, to policing rogue nuclear activity, to predicting extreme weather events. It steps in where private investment fears to tread, innovates and creates knowledge, assesses extreme long-term risk. And now, government is under attack. By its own leaders. In The Fifth Risk, Michael Lewis reveals the combustible cocktail of wilful ignorance and venality that is fuelling the destruction of a country's fabric. All of this, Lewis shows, exposes America and the world to the biggest risk of all. It is what you never learned that might have saved you.
Michael Lewis (Author), Victor Bevine (Narrator)
Has Anyone Seen the President?
Michael Lewis goes to Washington! Who better to shine a light into the shadows of the nation's capital in the age of Trump than the bestselling author of Liar's Poker and The Big Short?In this audio investigation-unavailable in book form-Lewis narrates his 2018 report from Washington originally published in Bloomberg View. From inside the White House press room-which Lewis describes as having "the cramped, uncared-for feel of a public toilet"-to a balcony overlooking "a sea of white people" in the Trump International Hotel, to Steve Bannon's Capitol Hill townhouse, where he joins the former campaign CEO to watch the State of the Union address, Lewis takes listeners on an unforgettable behind-the-scenes tour.
Michael Lewis (Author), Michael Lewis (Narrator)
Aus der Welt: Grenzen der Entscheidung oder Eine Freundschaft, die unser Denken verändert hat
Michael Lewis' neuer Bestseller Irren ist menschlich, sagen wir, und lassen uns immer wieder von unserem Bauchgefühl leiten. Michael Lewis geht dem Phänomen intuitiver Entscheidungsprozesse jetzt auf den Grund. Sujet seines neuen Buches 'Aus der Welt' ist nicht mehr die Wall Street, sondern die faszinierende Freundschaft der weltbekannten Psychologen und Begründer der Verhaltensökonomie Daniel Kahneman und Amos Tversky. Beide haben unsere Annahmen über Entscheidungsprozesse völlig auf den Kopf gestellt. Jetzt liefern sie als Protagonisten den filmreifen Stoff, aus dem Lewis seine unverwechselbar spannende Geschichte macht. Dieses Buch zu lesen, ist eine kluge Entscheidung. Wer Kahnemanns 'Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken' kennt, wird den neuen Lewis lieben. 'Michael Lewis ist ein exzellenter Geschichtenerzähler.' Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung zu 'Flash Boys'
Michael Lewis (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
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