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[German] - Sektor Acht - Perimeterverteidigung, Teil 1 (Ungekürzt)
Ein seltsamer, widerspenstiger Körper, der einst Kronprinz Georg gehörte, ein merkwürdiges Spiel, das man erst verlassen kann, wenn der Vertrag erfüllt ist, eine Welt voller mächtiger und äußerst realer Feinde. Das Spiel, in dem es nur auf die Reputation und die Fraktionszugehörigkeit ankommt. Ruslan - ein ehrgeiziger, junger Gamer - nimmt diese Bedingungen ohne Zögern an. Dabei weiß er nur, dass er in einem nagelneuen, ihm unbekannten Spiel eine Raumflotte kommandieren soll. Das Ziel: Sechs Monate zu überleben. Von seinem Einsatz darf er niemandem berichten. Nach einigen unvermeidlichen Anfängerfehlern muss sich Ruslan eine neue Strategie überlegen und von den üblichen Spielkonventionen abweichen. Schon bald spielt Ruslan den Kronprinzen nach seinen eigenen Regeln. Statt auf seine streitsüchtigen Verbündeten aus den Großen Häusern setzt er auf intelligente Insekten und Chamäleons. Zudem gibt er einer freundlichen Androidin und einer einfachen Prinzessin den Vorzug gegenüber der Gattin des Prinzen. Die Aristokratie ist schockiert, schmiedet ein Komplott gegen Ruslan und versucht sogar, ihn vor das imperiale Gericht zu stellen. Doch im Grunde kann Ruslan tun, was er will, solange er seinen Auftrag erfüllt und mit der ruhmreichen Flotte von Sektor Acht neue Siege erringt.
Michael Atamanov (Author), Matthias Lühn (Narrator)
Space is a dangerous place. Here, you're either a predator or soon to fall prey to a ruthless neighbor. And if you aren't tough enough to make it on your own, you'll need the backing of a formidable power to keep you safe from bigger fish. Earth used to have such protection-the great Geckho race. But unfortunately, the Geckho fell to an enemy onslaught, leaving planet Earth to fend for itself. And now, Earth humanity has precious little time to prove to their galactic neighbors that they are not to be trifled with. Thankfully though, they have not only the mighty Army of Earth and a capable space fleet, but also something unique of which no other race can boast-Gnat and his ancient cruiser, which can travel instantly to any point in the Universe, breaking all conventional strictures and laws of war.
Michael Atamanov (Author), Neil Hellegers (Narrator)
The small, weak League of Losers has truly lived up to its name-after all, it managed to make a slew of powerful, very dangerous enemies right from the start. It is now time for Sergeant and Whiskers, his ginger kitten, to leave the sandbox for the big world. The players have leveled up enough to pass through the barrier enclosing the sandbox, but, as luck would have it, it isn't the best time to make their escape. A bitterly cold winter is drawing near, and nobody is ready for it. Worse still, none of the primary combat units-the huge arachnoscorps, creeping crocodiles, nor the reptilian fighters and mounts are adapted to surviving in the cold. Sergeant and his friends are going to have to use all of their ingenuity and skills to contend with the dangers they'll inevitably encounter in the big world, and to also build a shelter for themselves as fast as possible to withstand the freezing conditions in the harsh, new, primordial world.
Michael Atamanov (Author), James Fouhey (Narrator)
The Mysteries of the Relict Pyramid
Gnat the Devourer is becoming a more prominent figure in grand space politics. Sure, he may not be totally independent yet, but he has enough leeway to be able to differentiate Earth's interests from those of its Geckho suzerains and act exclusively for the good of his own kind. Gnat must balance obligations to his almighty suzerains against a desire to advance humanity's position in space, and his home planet's search for ever more allies. Although Earth's masters are not big fans of his independent ways, the great war has shifted the historic balance of forces, and the Geckho are no longer as powerful as they once were, leaving them with no choice but to abide the Kung of Earth's antics. So, will Earth be able to take this chance and free itself from alien control completely? And if so, is it even a good idea? And that means one of the human leaders will have to back down.
Michael Atamanov (Author), Neil Hellegers (Narrator)
The aggressive invaders from another galaxy cannot be stopped. The Composite keeps capturing system after system wiping out everything in its path, and there is no sign of a force capable of standing up to it. In the search for allies, Gnat embarks on a long journey aimed at uniting the various branches of the human race. And though the potential for alliance is there, how can he convince them to set off to fight a suicidal war with such a disastrous balance of forces? Beyond that, things aren't as easy as they initially seemed with the humans from the far-off Empire, and they have a compelling reason not to enter this war which does not concern them. There's also the status of sole ruler of humanity at stake, which is not the kind of achievement that can be shared. And that means one of the human leaders will have to back down.
Michael Atamanov (Author), Neil Hellegers (Narrator)
The Army of Earth is being sent on its first tour of duty. Its fifty thousand proud and valiant troopers are the best of the best, full of hope for brilliant victories and spoils of war that can help Earth's humanity along in its development. There's just one little problem though. The operation's Geckho commanders view their human vassals as mere cannon fodder, good only for plugging up holes in their defensive line and shipping out to the space war's most punishing hotspots where the chance of surviving is practically nil. How should the King of Earth behave in this situation? Disobey the suzerains' orders, draw their ire, and put his home planet under threat of complete annihilation? Or make a play for the freedom of humanity in a game of his own?
Michael Atamanov (Author), Neil Hellegers (Narrator)
Reality Benders Series Boxed Set: Books 1-4
Countdown: At long last, an extraterrestrial civilization reached out and made the First Contact. The end of their message showed humankind how to access a mysterious game. But as people figure out this mysterious game, the countdown timer ticks away. And no one can say exactly what will happen when Earth's safety is no longer guaranteed. External Threat: Gnat is on his voyage with the Shiamiru, all the while trying to find backup for humanity among the great spacefaring races. Gnat does not expect gratitude from his leaders for taking such matters into his own hands, but when have laws and rules ever stopped our intrepid hero before?! Game Changer: Our suzerains and defenders the Geckho are also caught up in this all-encompassing conflict. Gnat is with the Shiamiru crew on the front lines. He's just changed class to Listener and his friends find themselves right in the thick of this grand interstellar war . . . Web of Worlds: The enemy has grown stronger and more numerous. How can our world possibly stand up against such an enemy? Our only hope is the bravery and tenacity of our best fighters, those who'd rather die than surrender. Well, that and a starship captained by one lone mage.
Michael Atamanov (Author), Rudy Sanda (Narrator)
The adventures of Sergeant and his cat continue! The human Beast Catcher has been forcibly separated from his furry girlfriend Shelly, but our hero's character level is too low to follow her into the wider world or take proper vengeance. All he can do now is gain strength, level up his character and skills, and add to his ever growing list of enemies to one day be punished . . . or leave that to his ginger kitten Whiskers, fast becoming an expert in curse magic. In the meantime, a terrible storm is brewing in the sandbox for beginner players. The humans and the sherkhs are on the brink of war for domination of this land fenced off from the rest of the world. The sherkhs are choosing a general for their army, and one of the candidates is an old acquaintance of our hero. The main task for Sergeant and his cat now is to avoid falling into the grip of a bloody conflict.
Michael Atamanov (Author), James Fouhey (Narrator)
To be on a starship that's just sustained serious damage in a space battle including losing its thrusters and find yourself in a totally different galaxy . . . You might think that would be cause for panic or, at the very least, despondency, right? Not at all! Gnat maintains optimism, gradually gets his space frigate back in working order, and even finds upsides to what happened. On top of that, there's never a dull moment-both in the virtual game and the real world. Gnat finds himself at the very epicenter of the great space-faring races' interests, though he does not understand why they're paying him such close attention. And add to that the fact that humanity's Geckho suzerains are also in a tight spot and demanding all their vassals institute a military draft then send their assembled forces out to fight a distant space war. Will Gnat be able to play his part in this complicated diplomatic party with the future of the entire human race at stake? Find out in Book Six of Reality Benders!
Michael Atamanov (Author), Neil Hellegers (Narrator)
When our protagonist Andrei discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him, he finds himself with an unexpected choice to make: a quick death, or a new life in another world he knows absolutely nothing about. Andrei chooses life, and sets off alongside his pet, a ginger cat with a limp, for a primeval world fraught with danger. The trouble is . . . who is whose pet becomes entirely unclear; the man's consciousness is split between both creatures, and the little cat gets a far greater share of intelligence and wit than his hulking master. What do you do as a weak little kitty? Abandon the clumsy human who always seems to get into trouble, go in search of a new master? Or protect your human body in the hope of one day returning to it?
Michael Atamanov (Author), James Fouhey (Narrator)
Искажающие реальность. Книга 4
Михаил Атаманов — популярный российский писатель-фантаст, работающий в разных жанрах. Наибольшую известность получили его книги в жанре ЛитРПГ. В их числе представляемый цикл романов. Человечество вступило в онлайн-игру, которая искажает реальность. Эту игру навязали землянам инопланетные расы, в своём развитии превосходящие людей на несколько порядков. От результата игры нашей фракции — Human 3 — зависит будущее планеты. В первых двух книгах цикла главный герой, известный под ником Комар, будучи привлечён к игре из среды студентов-геймеров, добивается ошеломляющего успеха благодаря нестандартному мышлению и тактике. Поначалу за самодеятельность ему влетает от руководства фракции, но чем дальше, тем яснее: именно Комар — главная надежда людей на выживание. В третьей книге цикла герой, получивший высокий статус и сменивший класс на уникальный, отправляется на войну между космическими расами. Он получает новый опыт, осваивает передовые технологии. В четвёртой книге Комар — уже весьма статусный игрок. У него свой космический корабль, верная команда, собранная из игроков разных космических рас, он — обладатель уникального класса Слышащего. С героем лично общаются лидеры самых сильных инопланетных цивилизаций. Но Комар не забывает о родной Human 3, ведущей кровопролитную войну с «тёмной фракцией». С переходом власти от магов к военным конфликт лишь обостряется и уже грозит выйти за пределы игры — в реальный мир. Как сможет Комар повлиять на расстановку сил? Слушайте аудиоверсию четвёртой части эпопеи Михаила Атаманова. Исполняет Влад Римский Производство студии MDM-Vision • Генеральный продюсер Андрей Лобзов Режиссёр Виктория Козельцева • Продюсер постпродакшн Наталья Табачная Использована музыкальная композиция «Atlantis» с сайта: ©2020 Magic Dome Books in collaboration with 1С-Publishing (P)2019 1С-Publishing
Michael Atamanov (Author), Vlad Rimskiy (Narrator)
Искажающие реальность. Книга 3
Михаил Атаманов — популярный российский писатель-фантаст, работающий в разных жанрах. Наибольшую известность получили его книги в жанре ЛитРПГ. Предлагаем послушать третью книгу цикла «Искажающие реальность». Человечество вступило в онлайн-игру, которая искажает реальность. Эту игру навязали землянам инопланетные расы, превосходящие в своём развитии людей на несколько порядков. От результата игры нашей фракции — human 3 — будет зависеть будущее планеты. В первых двух книгах цикла главный герой, известный под ником Комар, будучи привлечён к игре из среды студентов-геймеров, добивается ошеломительного успеха благодаря нестандартному мышлению и тактике. Поначалу за подобную самостоятельность ему влетает от руководства фракции, но чем дальше, тем яснее: именно Комар — главная надежда людей на выживание. В третьей книге Комар, получивший высокий статус и сменивший класс на уникальный, отправляется на войну между космическими расами. Его команда численно выросла. Кроме верных соратников, ему сопутствует походная жена, которая, к слову сказать, родом из враждебной «тёмной фракции». Участие в военном флоте гэкхо даёт Комару возможность получить новый опыт и освоить передовые технологии, что, несомненно, привлекает героя. Но тревога не покидает его, ведь он, один из лидеров human 3, оставляет родную фракцию на пороге серьёзного конфликта с «тёмными». О дальнейшем развитии событий вы узнаете, прослушав третью аудиокнигу Михаила Атаманова из цикла «Искажающие реальность». Исполняет Влад Римский Производство студии MDM-Vision • Генеральный продюсер Андрей Лобзов Режиссёр Виктория Козельцева • Продюсер постпродакшн Наталья Табачная Использована музыкальная композиция «Atlantis» с сайта: ©2020 Magic Dome Books in collaboration with 1С-Publishing (P)2018 1С-Publishing
Michael Atamanov (Author), Vlad Rimskiy (Narrator)
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