Explore the enchanting world of Welsh fairy tradition as this guide unveils the enduring presence of these magical beings in Celtic myth and folklore. Join Welsh native Mhara Starling as she shares authentic Welsh beliefs, delves into the connection between magical practitioners and the fair family (Tylwyth Teg), and helps you incorporate these mystical entities into your own spiritual practice if you so choose.
Trace the threads of fairy lore from ancient Welsh literature, such as the Mabinogion, to Mhara's contemporary experiences. Uncover the mysteries of the Otherworld (Annwfn), the ethereal realm from which the fae emerge, and meet Gwyn ap Nudd, the Welsh king of fairies. Discover various fairy types and adjacent creatures like goblins and mermaids. More than a collection of stories, this book offers practical guidance and engaging exercises for understanding and interacting with the fair folk.
The history of magic and witchcraft in Wales will inspire any modern-day witch. Written by a Welsh practitioner, this book shares the magical traditions of the land of the red dragon, exploring deities, fairies, folklore, charms, plants, and magic with dozens of exercises for hands-on practice.
Explore the history and terminology of Welsh magic and methods for honoring the land. Learn to connect with Cerridwen, Rhiannon, and other deities as well as fairies and mystical creatures. Discover how you can incorporate traditional Welsh folk magic into your modern witchcraft practice, with exercises for honoring those who came before, connecting with the spirit of your home, protecting against adversity and malignant spirits, changing the weather, and much more.