What in the World is Diabetes?
Well revised research on the exploration of diabetes. This book discusses the history, invention, and potential future of diabetes and diabetical research. It reveals recent breakthroughs in technology which show effective ways of understanding diabetes and avoiding safety concerns. It also gives a scientific, controversial, and popular culture perspective. In this research novel, it navigates the importance of therapies and treatments regarding diabetes. This novel explores the ins and outs of a person with diabetes on a day to day. It gives an extensive overview of what is needed to know and continue with the exploration of diabetes.
Aleefa Devji, Alicia Au, Austin Mardon, Ayah Nour Nehdi, Eline El-Awad Gonzalez, Janani Rajendra, Maria Gonzalez, Megan Ng, Sudipta Samadder, Susie Woo, Tara Y.T. Chen (Author), Carson Scott (Narrator)