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Sie stammen aus zwei völlig unterschiedlichen Welten. Ihre Liebe steht gegen jahrhundertealte Traditionen. Aber das schert ihn einen Teufel. Maggie Die königliche Familie braucht eine Lehrerin. Jemand, dem sie vertrauen können. Jemand, der sich durch die Arbeit für das Königshaus nicht aus der Ruhe bringen und von seinen Pflichten ablenken lässt. Ich bin perfekt für den Job, denn ich habe nicht die geringste Ahnung vom englischen Königshaus. Mein Vater braucht Geld für Arztrechnungen, und ich bin verzweifelt. Die Kinder sind wirklich bezaubernd, und das Treffen mit ihrem gutaussehenden älteren Bruder, Prinz Edward, lässt mein Herz höherschlagen. Ich mag zwar die Lehrerin sein, aber er ist es, der mich lehrt, was es heißt, sich in den falschen Mann zu verlieben. Er liebt das Spiel, und ich brauche diesen Job. Deshalb versuche ich, mich von ihm fernzuhalten. Die Betonung liegt auf: versuche. Edward Von mir wird erwartet, dass ich für mein Land die beste Partie wähle. Aber die Ehe hat mich nie interessiert. Ich verbringe meine Nächte damit, mich mit schönen Frauen aus den besten Familien zu vergnügen, aber ernsthafte Verwicklungen vermeide ich dabei tunlichst. Dann taucht Maggie in unserem Leben auf und stellt meine Welt völlig auf den Kopf. Alles, was ich bislang wollte, alles, was von mir erwartet wird – für sie möchte ich es einfach alles über den Haufen werfen. Die Tatsache, dass sie mich meidet, wo es nur geht, lässt mich sie nur noch mehr begehren. Und ich bin ein Prinz, der sich nicht gerne an Regeln hält.
Mckenna James (Author), Heidi Dietrich (Narrator)
A ella le tomó solo un día perderlo todo. Pero con nueve meses y un pacto con el hermano de su mejor amigo, podrá recuperarlo todo. Valentina Siempre quise ser madre. Tener una familia. Pero necesito derrotar a mi prima, mi rival, en la sala de parto para conseguir la herencia. Lo bueno es que el demoniaco apuesto hermano de mi mejor amiga necesita una inyección de dinero para mantener su empresa de construcción a flote. Me ha atraído secretamente desde antes que necesitara utilizar un sostén, por lo que tener un bebé con él suena a un sueño hecho realidad. Ahora debo convencerlo de embarazarme Y rezar porque no me rompa el corazón en el proceso. Hudson De joven nunca le presté mucha atención a la amiga de mi hermana, Valentina. Pero demonios si ha cambiado, ahora tiene unas curvas y piernas como para volverse loco. Un minuto estoy arrastrándome para pagar las cuentas y al otro ella me dice que necesita de alguien que la deje embarazada. Si todo sale según el plan, dividirá cincuenta millones de dólares conmigo Mi cerebro duele por pensar en las posibles complicaciones, pero la forma en la que se muerde el labio inferior al preguntar, hace que la cabeza equivocada piense. Resolver mis problemas financieros a cambio de un servicio como semental ¿Cuándo empiezo?
Mckenna James (Author), Dinorah Peña-Duran (Narrator)
Sie trägt ein Geheimnis in sich, das wertvoller ist als Gold. Allison Das Baby des Prinzen strampelt in meinem Bauch, aber so sehr ich den Mann auch liebe, wage ich es nicht, ihm mein süßes Geheimnis zu beichten. Schon als ich Kronprinz Sebastian zum ersten Mal gegenüberstand, haben mich sein unwiderstehlicher Charme und seinen wunderschönen, grünen Augen total umgehauen, ganz zu schweigen von diesen breiten, sexy Schultern, auf denen eines Tages die Verantwortung für ein ganzes Land lasten wird. Allerdings versucht ein mächtiger Feind der Krone alles, um uns auseinanderzubringen. Um den Ruf des Prinzen nicht zu gefährden, bin ich gezwungen, den einzigen Mann aufzugeben, den ich je geliebt habe. Wenn ich in die Augen meines Babys blicke, sehe ich darin seinen Vater und kann nur hoffen, dass wir eines Tages doch noch zueinanderfinden dürfen. Sebastian Schon bei unserem ersten Treffen, als sie den verbalen Schlagabtausch gegen mich gewann, wusste ich, dass Allison die Richtige für mich ist. Es kam eh viel zu selten vor, dass jemand mir, dem Prinzen, die Stirn bot, doch sie war einfach anders ... ebenso stark und intelligent wie auch wunderschön. Ich musste sie zu der Meinen machen. Wir waren so glücklich miteinander, aber jetzt ist sie aus meinem Leben verschwunden. Ich werde alle Hebel in Bewegung setzen, um sie zu finden und dorthin zurückzubringen, wohin sie gehört. Wenn Ihnen Liebesgeschichten über Babys und Geheimnisse gefallen, werden Sie auch dieses Buch lieben. Downloaden Sie noch heute Das geheime Baby des Prinzen.
Mckenna James (Author), Heidi Dietrich (Narrator)
She’s a princess, and his patient. He’s supposed to heal her, not fall for her. Crossing the line could cost him everything, but sometimes love is worth the risk. Giselle Forced to escape a neighboring country under attack, my father and I sought safety on a military ship bound for home. But in the process, I sprained my ankle. The next thing I knew I was being examined by the ship’s doctor. Dr. Leo Lewis is the hottest man I’ve ever met, and his bedside manner could scorch the pages of my diary. I know there will be trouble if we’re caught, but I simply can’t resist those sexy broad shoulders or the eight pack, not to mention his brain. What can I say? Intelligence turns me on. But if my father’s men catch us, they will do everything they can to keep us apart. If only they could understand—Leo’s love is the medicine I desperately need. Leo The princess is my patient. Off limits on both counts. But the heat between us is palpable, and it’s impossible not to get lost in those sparking amber eyes of hers. One taste of her luscious charms, and I’m done. My heart belongs to her. Too bad a relationship with the king’s daughter is not a possibility. I will have to forget about her, unless I can find a way to make myself indispensable to the crown.
Mckenna James (Author), Addison Barnes (Narrator)
She’s carrying a secret more precious than gold. Allison The Prince’s baby is kicking in my belly, but as much as I love the man, I don’t dare let him know. When I met the Crown Prince Sebastian, he swept me off my feet with his irresistible charm and gorgeous green eyes. Not to mention those broad, sexy shoulders that would one day carry the needs of an entire country upon them. But a powerful enemy of the crown conspires to keep us apart, and to ensure the prince’s reputation, I’m forced to abandon the only man I’ve ever loved. When I look into my baby’s eyes, I see his father, and I can’t help but fall in love with the man all over again. Sebastian As soon as she won our first verbal sparring match, I knew Allison was the woman for me. Being a Prince, it was rare for someone to stand up to me. But Allison was different. She was strong and intelligent as she was beautiful, I knew I had to make her mine. We were so happy, but now that she’s disappeared, I’ll use all my resources to find her and bring her back where she belongs.
Mckenna James (Author), Holly Holt (Narrator)
Herencia Revertida: Un Romance de Oficina
Durante dos largos años, Amber ha estado enamorada de Kerwin Baker mientras trabajaba como su asistente personal, pero cuando un inesperado cambio convierte a Amber en su jefe, de repente él es el interesado en ella. Amber Cuando llegué a Nueva York y comencé a trabajar como pasante en una agencia de publicidad, esperaba aprender más sobre el negocio, obtener una posibilidad para un puesto más permanente. Lástima que resultó ser para buscar café, coordinar con la tintorería y atender las llamadas de las mujeres en la vida de Kerwin Baker. Prometió que tendría la oportunidad de jugar con los grandes mientras manejaba su vida. Era bonito y solo unos años mayor que yo. En muchos sentidos, me sentía su esposa de trabajo y admito que estaba celosa de las mujeres que pasaban tiempo con él después de esas horas. Pero odiaba siempre tomar un asiento trasero. Siempre era la estrella del espectáculo, a pesar de que tenía toneladas de grandes ideas propias. Estaba a punto de renunciar cuando mi vida entera se volcó y me convertí en el jefe de Kerwin. Karma en acción. Esperaba que Kerwin estuviera furioso. Pensé que podría renunciar. Lo último que esperaba que hiciera era intentar besarme. Kerwin Todo este tiempo Amber ha estado justo debajo de mi nariz, y como un idiota, lo ignoré. Estaba demasiado inmerso en mi propia vida para notar a la mujer increíblemente talentosa y atractiva que trabajaba para mí. Ahora ella es la encargada, y tendré que convencerla de que no es su nueva fortuna o poder lo que me ha llamado la atención. Es ella.
Mckenna James (Author), Dinorah Peña-Duran (Narrator)
In Brooklandia, the holiday countdown doesn’t begin until the Royal Family throws their Midnight Magic Ball two weeks before Christmas Eve. Princess Marina Parisier hates the lavish royal parties with their boring guests, having to behave like a lady for hours on end. But this year’s ball will be a masquerade. Everyone there will be in costume, so at least she can hide in plain sight. So when a dashing masked man captures her under the mistletoe and gives her a toe-curling kiss then leaves her with a single red rose, she has no idea who he is. Now the mysterious stranger is sending her a red rose each day in a countdown of his own. He knows who she is and claims he will see her under the mistletoe again on Christmas Eve… Download this charming holiday romance and immerse yourself in a modern fairy tale complete with a secret admirer you won't want to miss. Happily ever after guaranteed!
Mckenna James (Author), Sally Roughton (Narrator)
A king and his future queen meet on their wedding day. Too bad it’s hate at first sight. Ariana I’ve run away from two husbands already, but my third husband will force me to remain his. Twice before my father tried to marry me off, and I left those jerks at the altar. But my ruthless new husband rules everything he sees, and suddenly that includes me. His cool indifference, along with the dangerous spark between us, intrigues me, but I’m over the whole idea of marriage. As soon as the ink is dry on our marriage license, I’ll plot my escape. Everett My new wife is a spoiled brat who thinks she can play me, but she has no idea who she is dealing with. True, she’s a beautiful distraction, a pawn in my game. An heir is the only thing I require from her, and I relish conquering my virgin queen. The problem is, it leads to me wanting more from her, and that’s not the plan. Regardless of what the matchmaker says, a royal marriage should be marked by strategy, not love. So I will offer Ariana the one thing she can’t resist…her freedom.
Mckenna James (Author), Addison Barnes (Narrator)
When Caroline travels to a remote island in order to find a suitable mate for an exiled king, she comes across her biggest matchmaking challenge yet. King Jamison Reeves is rude and inconsiderate. Somewhere under that gruff exterior are the bones of a man who’s not bad looking. However, he’s a disaster at dating and shows no inkling of how to court a woman. Hiding out in a dark and crumbling castle, Jamison plots his return to power. He keeps secrets he’ll protect at all costs, and Caroline not to overstep. But the more she tries to find the king a match, the more she realizes she’s developed feelings for the difficult man. After working so hard to find love for others, will Caroline finally find a happily ever after of her own?
Mckenna James (Author), Addison Barnes (Narrator)
I’ve had a crush on Charlie Lang for as long as I can remember, but she never gave me a second glance until the day she woke up with no memory and found out she was my wife. A freak accident and a major head injury lands Charlie in a Cayman Islands hospital. But when she wakes up, she’s lost her memory. The nurses assume I’m her husband, and just when I’m about to correct them, I realize the universe has given me a second chance with her. Charlie used to see me as her uncle’s charity case. Now, she has to rely on me. We can finish our “honeymoon” in a romantic tropical paradise with no interference from the outside world. I know it’s wrong, but I’ve always been in love with her. But when her memories come back, will she ever be able to forgive me, or will my lies destroy the best thing that’s ever happened to me?
Mckenna James (Author), Addison Barnes (Narrator)
For two long years, Amber has crushed on Kerwin Baker while toiling as his personal assistant. but when an unexpected reversal of fortune makes Amber his boss, suddenly he’s the one interested in her. Amber When I came to New York and started working as an intern at an ad agency, I hoped to learn more about the business, get an inside track for a more permanent position. Too bad that gig turned out to be running for coffee, fetching dry cleaning, and fielding calls from the women in Kerwin Baker’s life. He promised I’d get my chance to play with the big boys while I managed his life. He was hot and only a few years older than me. In many ways I felt like his work wife, and I admit I was jealous of the women who got to spend time with him after hours. But I loathed always taking a back seat. He was always the star of the show, even though I had tons of great ideas of my own. I was just about to quit when my entire life is turned upside down, and I become Kerwin’s boss. Karma in action. I expected Kerwin to be furious. I thought he might quit. The last thing I expected him to do was try to kiss me. Kerwin All this time Amber has been right under my nose, and like a jerk, I missed it. I was too immersed in my own life to notice the insanely talented and attractive woman who worked for me. Now she’s the one in charge, and I’ll have to convince her it’s not her newfound fortune or power that’s caught my interest. It’s her.
Mckenna James (Author), Addison Barnes (Narrator)
When Clarissa Kelly inherits an Irish castle, the only one thing standing in her way is the devilishly handsome man living there. Ian The American girl thinks she can take my castle? Wildheath is rightly mine. The old man promised it to me. Then here comes this gorgeous girl who thinks she can just land on my doorstep with her windswept hair, bat those pretty green eyes at me, and I’ll just give in. No matter how much she distracts me with those full, pouty lips, or how cute that dimple on her left cheek happens to be—she’s not taking away MY castle. No. I’ll not let that lass outfox me, no matter how badly I want to press her against the wall and give her a proper welcome… Clarissa Right away I know Ian O'Brien is trouble. With his stormy gaze, and hard, unforgiving scowl—the man is impossible. For some reason he expects me to just hand over the keys to my birthright. Yeah, that’s not happening. Someone needs to tell this Irishman that possession is nine-tenths of the law. So I’m moving into the castle with him. But if I’m going to lay claim to what belongs to me, I’ll have to ignore the man. Pretend not to notice those broad, powerful shoulders, and that curly black hair that begs for me to run my fingers through it. Because it’s time to show this infuriating Irishman that he’s finally met his match.
Mckenna James (Author), Patricia Santomasso, Patricia Santomosso, Sean Patrick Hopkins (Narrator)
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