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Take Courage: Audio Bible Studies: Strong Faith in an Age of Anxiety, Chaos, and Exhaustion
When you take a look at our world today, it often seems as if society is imitating the decline of ancient Israel. In a historical blink of an eye, we are shedding old beliefs and grasping for new ones. What was unthinkable two decades ago is acceptable today. Yes, the world around us is changing . . . but the story of Elijah offers us hope. He shows us that one person praying to a living God is greater than 850 people praying to a dead one. He shows us how to find faith in a whitewater torrent of odd gods and bad odds. Elijah's story is a field manual on how to thrive during a spiritual drought. In this study guide, which accompanies the book of the same name, you will explore his story and be reminded to: - Wait for God in solitude and silence - Pray impossible prayers - Live with an expectation of divine disruption - Turn to God during emotional lows - Understand the spiritual battle we fight Elijah's story will help calm your fears and guide your steps. Faith in our living God stirs a force for living life. With God's help and following Elijah's encouraging example, you will discover strength to ride the storm of this turbulent life with a steadfast faith. The Audio Bible Studies series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, this audio Bible study includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover important Bible-based topics. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. While not required for the audio experience, these studies are designed to partner with the coordinating study guide, sold separately.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
Take Courage: Strong Faith in an Age of Anxiety, Chaos, and Exhaustion
Take Courage: Standing Strong in an Age of Anxiety, Chaos, and Exhaustion Does a day without difficult news seem out of reach? Does this world seem topsy turvy at best, toxic at worst? Max Lucado's signature storytelling and biblical insights provide strength and encouragement amid the current chaos. In Take Courage, today's headlines and the truth of Scripture intersect in compelling fashion. Max offers a fresh look at the story of Elijah the prophet, showing readers how they can stand strong day by day in the face of turbulent times, regardless of the challenging circumstances they may face. In today's world, we see echoes of those unsettled, contentious times Elijah endured. Radical departures from long-held truths are taking center stage. Change is evident everywhere we look-in homes, churches, schools, government, the workplace. We often feel as if we're swimming upstream in a downstream world. Yet the story of Elijah urges us to have hope in the one true living God. Elijah's unswerving hold onto hope fueled his courage, and it will do the same for us. If you need a field manual on how to stand strong during a time of spiritual drought and exhaustion, lean in, friends. Let Elijah's story remind you to - wait for God in solitude and silence, - pray impossible prayers, - live with an expectation of divine disruption, - turn to God during emotional lows, and - understand the spiritual battles we fight. Elijah's story will help calm your fears and guide your steps. Faith in our unchanging God stirs a force for living a renewed life of courage. With God's help and following Elijah's inspiring example, you will discover strength to ride the storm of this turbulent life and the courage to make a difference.
Max Lucado (Author), TBD (Narrator)
Tame Your Thoughts: Three Tools to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life
When was the last time you awakened to a swirl of out-of-control thoughts? Perhaps you were overwhelmed with the weight of worry, the fear of failing, or the grip of guilt. The way we think directly impacts our joy and peace. In Tame Your Thoughts, Max Lucado provides three biblical and practical tools to renew your mind and transform your life. Three Tools to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life Our thoughts have consequences. Most people would agree that positive thoughts generate positive actions. Negative thoughts activate negative behavior. But do we understand that we can manage our lives by managing our thoughts? Not only does neuroscience back this concept, but the idea is also embedded throughout Scripture. 'Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind' (Rom.12:2 esv). Tame your thoughts and transform your life! In Tame Your Thoughts, Max explores three key thought-management tools and then applies them to the most common thought problems: worry, guilt, anxiety, and other types of mental quicksand that threaten to trap us. God loves us too much to let us lead a life marked by poor thinking. He made our brains; he can retrain our brains. God has not left us alone in this battle of the mind. Stuck in your head? Hounded by regrets? Weighed down by worry? Change is possible! The thoughts that have characterized your past need not characterize the rest of your life. Readers will learn to - take thoughts captive, - test each message against the truth of Scripture, - interrupt poisonous thought threads, and - think and act like Jesus. If God can resurrect the dead, can he not resurrect hope? Defy depression? Clarify confusion? Silence shame? Destroy doubt? Banish bitterness? Take God at his word. 'For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind' (2 Tim. 1:7 nkjv, emphasis added). With God as their helper, the reader will discover a new way of thinking and a better way of living. A new person will begin to emerge. We can tame each thought, friends.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
Never Give Up: God is Good When Life Isn't
Max Lucado crafts a powerful narrative underscoring the theme of relentless perseverance and the goodness of God in the midst of life's storms, illustrating that God's goodness transcends our circumstances. In Never Give Up, Max Lucado crafts a powerful narrative underscoring the theme of relentless perseverance and the goodness of God in the midst of life's storms. Max illustrates that God's goodness transcends our circumstances. This book serves as a vivid reminder that, even when life seems unfair or impossible, our faith in a benevolent God can carry us through to redemption and transformation. In familiar Lucado fashion, Max interlaces real-life stories with biblical truths, demonstrating that surrendering to God and holding onto hope is not just about enduring the hard times but about seeing them as opportunities for growth and witnessing the unfolding of God's plan. Carefully curated from Max's bestseller, You'll Get Through This, Never Give Up isn't just a narrative; it's a call to trust in the unwavering goodness of God, even when life itself doesn't seem good. Readers will find the encouragement to keep fighting, to keep believing, and to never give up, assuring them that with God's guidance, any adversity can be overcome, leading to profound personal strength and spiritual insight. - Finding Hope in Despair: Readers will learn how to find hope and strength in their lowest points, understanding that despair can lead to spiritual growth and reliance on God. - Trust in God's Plan: The book emphasizes the importance of trusting God's plan, even when it's not immediately apparent, helping readers to cultivate patience and faith through uncertainty. - Overcoming Adversity: Lucado provides actionable insights on navigating life's challenges with grace and resilience, reinforcing that adversity can be a catalyst for personal and spiritual development. - Building Strong Faith: Readers will be encouraged to strengthen their faith, learning to see God's hand in every situation and to trust in His unwavering goodness and purpose for their lives. Never Give Up is a beacon of hope and encouragement for those wading through a storm, emphasizing that with God's help, any challenge can be overcome, leading to personal growth and redemption. Inside the pages readers will also find: - A 7-day devotional focused on the 7 Statements of Strength from the book - Key Scriptures for getting through life's toughest days - Reflection questions Never Give Up shows readers how challenges can be transformed into opportunities with the guiding hand of God. Reflection questions can be found in the audiobook companion PDF download.
Max Lucado (Author), Ben Holland (Narrator)
You Were Made for This Moment: Audio Bible Studies: How the Story of Esther Inspires Us to Step Up a
The Bible Study Source series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, You Were Made for This Moment includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover this important Bible-based topic. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. Join Max Lucado on a journey through the book of Esther as he reminds us that God need not be loud to be strong, he need not cast a shadow to be present...and he is active even when he appears distant. This study was born in a hard season—a pandemic that locked down the world. Church doors closed. Students were stuck at home. Masks hid smiles. And as if this weren't enough, the ancient sin of racism and hatred seems to be trying to undo us. Many of us are left wondering if this season will ever pass. To all these things, God has a six-letter word of encouragement: E-S-T-H-E-R. The book that bears her name was written to be read in hard seasons. It was crafted for those who feel outnumbered by foes, outmaneuvered by fate, and outdone by fear. In the You Were Made for This Moment five-session audio Bible study, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado presents the story of Esther in all its drama, urgency, and hope. Esther's is a story that reaches out of the past to our present circumstances with a singular message: God is present, and he will act. It's a story that demands from us a singular response: what will we do when he does? Sessions include: - Cozy in the Culture (Esther 1:1–2:18) - A Moment of Decision (Esther 2:19–4:14) - Heaven Set in Motion (Esther 4:15–6:14) - The God of Great Turnarounds (Esther 7:1–8:17) - Remembering God's Faithfulness (Esther 9:1–10:3)
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age
Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for me? Max Lucado's optimistic, accessible, and non-sensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven's timeline will empower readers to face the future with faith. Seven years of chaos called the Tribulation. A cruel and cunning Antichrist. The dreaded battle of Armageddon. These images and ideas associated with prophecy can be stimulating but also unnecessarily scary. Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared. In his first book exploring the end of this age, Max provides a wise, well-researched, and reassuring overview of what God's Word has to say on a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety. Max explores four big ideas that will provide a solid foundation for understanding God's plans and will remind us that we are headed to a far better place than where we started. He explains that - we were made to reign with Christ; - God has made and will keep his promises; - heaven has a timeline; and - a golden era, the millennium, awaits God's children. In a world filled with political tension, personal trials, and international turbulence, we find ourselves drawn to exploring what happens next on heaven's timeline. Whether readers find themselves in the 'I can't wait,' 'I'm almost ready,' or 'I'm not sure about all of this' camp, they will be encouraged to ponder God's plans and promises for the future. In Max's signature encouraging style, he reminds us, 'It's all about hope. It's all about him.'
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado, TBD (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Lo que sucederá después: Una guía para el viajero a través del fin de los tiempos
¿Estamos viviendo el final de los tiempos? Si es así, ¿qué significa eso para mí? La guía optimista, accesible y no sensacionalista de Max Lucado sobre lo que dice la Biblia acerca de la línea temporal del cielo capacitará a los lectores para afrontar el futuro con fe. Siete años de caos llamados la Tribulación. Un Anticristo cruel y astuto. La temida batalla de Armagedón. Estas imágenes e ideas asociadas a la profecía pueden ser estimulantes, pero también innecesariamente aterradoras. Max Lucado cree que Dios quiere que estemos preparados, no asustados. En su primer libro que explora el final de esta era, Max ofrece una visión sabia, bien documentada y tranquilizadora de lo que la Palabra de Dios tiene que decir sobre un tema que a menudo crea confusión y ansiedad. En Lo que sucederá después, Max explora cuatro grandes ideas que proporcionarán una base sólida para comprender los planes de Dios y nos recordarán que nos dirigimos a un lugar mucho mejor que aquel en el que empezamos. Explica que - fuimos creados para reinar con Cristo; - Dios ha hecho y cumplirá sus promesas - el cielo tiene un calendario; y - a los hijos de Dios les espera una era dorada, el milenio. En un mundo lleno de tensiones políticas, pruebas personales y turbulencias internacionales, nos sentimos atraídos por explorar qué ocurre a continuación en la línea temporal del cielo. Tanto si los lectores se encuentran en el bando de 'no puedo esperar', 'estoy casi preparado' o 'no estoy seguro de todo esto', se sentirán animados a reflexionar sobre los planes y promesas de Dios para el futuro. Con el característico estilo alentador de Max, nos recuerda: 'Todo es cuestión de esperanza. Todo gira en torno a Él'. What Happens Next Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for me? Max Lucado's optimistic, accessible, and non-sensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven's timeline will empower readers to face the future with faith. Seven years of chaos called the Tribulation. A cruel and cunning Antichrist. The dreaded battle of Armageddon. These images and ideas associated with prophecy can be stimulating but also unnecessarily scary. Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared. In his first book exploring the end of this age, Max provides a wise, well-researched, and reassuring overview of what God's Word has to say on a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety. In What Happens Next Max explores four big ideas that will provide a solid foundation for understanding God's plans and will remind us that we are headed to a far better place than where we started. He explains that - we were made to reign with Christ; - God has made and will keep his promises; - heaven has a timeline; and - a golden era, the millennium, awaits God's children. In a world filled with political tension, personal trials, and international turbulence, we find ourselves drawn to exploring what happens next on heaven's timeline. Whether readers find themselves in the 'I can't wait,' 'I'm almost ready,' or 'I'm not sure about all of this' camp, they will be encouraged to ponder God's plans and promises for the future. In Max's signature encouraging style, he reminds us, 'It's all about hope. It's all about him.'
Max Lucado (Author), Antonio Raluy, Antonio Zierold (Narrator)
What Happens Next: Audio Bible Studies: A Traveler’s Guide through the End of This Age
Do you view the events of the end of the age through the eyes of fear or through the eyes of faith and hope? In this audio Bible study, Max Lucado provides a wise and reassuring overview of what God's word has to say on the topic of end times-so that you can be prepared, not scared. Why think about the end times at all? Why occupy your thoughts with the 'not yet' when you have enough to deal with in the 'right now'? The answer is simple: because Jesus focused on the end times. So, if Jesus made the end times a priority, it only makes sense that his followers would as well. God has told us what to expect from the end times not to scare you but to prepare you. He is like a pilot on the intercom telling the passengers about impending turbulence. A good pilot keeps his travelers informed. Your good Father does the same! The Audio Bible Studies series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, this audio Bible study includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover important Bible-based topics. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. While not required for the audio experience, these studies are designed to partner with the coordinating study guide, sold separately.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
Grace for the Moment for Moms: Inspirational Thoughts of Encouragement and Appreciation for Moms (A
You're the best, Mom. Mothers, for so many, are a welcoming hug, a helping hand, a comforting ear, a wise source of guidance. They do so much for so many, and in the devotional Grace for the Moment for Moms, bestselling author, husband, father, and grandfather Max Lucado offers moms comfort, encouragement, and some much-needed moments of grace and appreciation. You'll find Scripture-based devotions that: - Encourage moms in their faith and help them embrace the hope of the Lord - Remind moms of God's grace over their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren - Inspirational insight on how to choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and faithfulness in very real situations This compilation of 50 beautiful devotions from Max's bestselling brand also includes: - A prayer for moms by Max - Lovely design and illustrations - Inspirational messages that remind moms how loved and appreciated they are - Written-out Bible verses to encourage and uplift mothers Whether a gift for your own mom or for a mom who means so much to you, this book is ideal for Mother's Day, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and more and will be a cherished favorite for years to come. Tell your mom thank you, I love you, and more with Grace for the Moment for Moms.
Max Lucado (Author), Ben Holland, TBD (Narrator)
Stories for Your Soul: Ordinary People. Extraordinary God.
Life can be hard: grief, loss, busyness, financial hardships, abuse, broken relationships, and illness are just some of the difficulties we all face on a regular basis. It's easy to lose faith in your neighbor and feel like you're alone--but Max Lucado assures us that hope is here. Stories for Your Soul: Ordinary People. Extraordinary God. by pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will reestablish your faith in people and the Lord by sharing the good in the world. Compiled from Max's catalog of treasured stories, this collection of ordinary miracles sheds light on the ways that everyday people are doing God's work while also sharing their gifts with others. Throughout Stories for Your Soul, you'll read about: - Nicholas Winton, a twenty-nine-year-old stockbroker, who rescued 669 children during World War II - Favio Chavez and Don Cola Gomez--two men recycling the world's trash into musical instruments - Jimmy Wayne and how complete strangers gave him a home and became his family - And many more amazing stories At the end of each inspiring story, you'll find two reflection questions to help you dig deep into your life and identify ways you can use your own gifts to change the world while deepening your faith in God.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
Because of Bethlehem/He Chose the Nails: Audio Bible Studies: Love is Born, Hope is Here
Because of Bethlehem/He Chose the Nails is a collection of two audio Bible studies for Christmas and Easter by Max Lucado. Because of Bethlehem Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it's like to be human. Because of Bethlehem, when we talk to him about tough times, he understands. He's been there. He's been here. Because of Bethlehem, we know he doesn't say, 'Clean up before you come in.' He offers, 'Come in and I'll clean you up.' Because of Bethlehem, we no longer have marks on our record... just grace. In the midst of your hectic Christmas season, Max will help you: - Revive your wonder that the One who made everything chose to make himself nothing for us. - Rekindle your connection to the Christ of Christmas who offers lasting hope. - Lay down your endless Christmas to-do list and receive what Jesus has already done. - Heal your heartache by embracing the God who is always near you, always for you, and always in you. He Chose the Nails The last moments leading up to Jesus' death were not left up to chance. God chose the path; he selected the nails. Our Lord planted the trio of crosses and painted the sign. And in those details are gifts Christ provided for us. The cross. The thorns. The nails. His seamless robe. The empty tomb. God didn't have to give us all these things, you know. The only required act for our salvation was the shedding of blood, yet he did much more. So much more. In this Easter season study, Max will help you: - Experience Lent as a time not to just give up something, but to prepare to receive good gifts from God. - Take comfort that Jesus understands everything you face in this life. - Receive the grace of Christ's work for us, and cooperate with God's work in us to make us more like him. - Stand firm in the promise that you are forgiven, and you are welcome in God's presence, no matter what you've done. Because of Bethlehem sessions include: - God Has a Face (16:00) - Worship Works Wonders (18:00) - God Guides the Wise (14:00) - Every Heart a Manger (17:30) He Chose the Nails sessions include: - He Chose to Be One of Us (15:00) - He Chose to Forgive Us (16:00) - He Chose to Invite Us into His Presence (15:00) - He Chose to Love Us Forever (16:00) - He Chose to Give Us Victory (18:00) Coordinating study guide available separately. The Audio Bible Studies series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, this audio Bible study includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover important Bible-based topics. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. While not required for the audio experience, these studies are designed to partner with the coordinating study guide, sold separately.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
Because of Bethlehem: Audio Bible Studies: Love is Born, Hope is Here
Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it's like to be human. Because of Bethlehem, when we talk to him about tough times, he understands. He's been there. He's been here. Because of Bethlehem, we know he doesn't say, 'Clean up before you come in.' He offers, 'Come in and I'll clean you up.' Because of Bethlehem, we no longer have marks on our record... just grace. In the midst of your hectic Christmas season, Max will help you: - Revive your wonder that the One who made everything chose to make himself nothing for us. - Rekindle your connection to the Christ of Christmas who offers lasting hope. - Lay down your endless Christmas to-do list and receive what Jesus has already done. - Heal your heartache by embracing the God who is always near you, always for you, and always in you. Sessions include: - God Has a Face (16:00) - Worship Works Wonders (18:00) - God Guides the Wise (14:00) - Every Heart a Manger (17:30) Coordinating study guide available separately. The Audio Bible Studies series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, this audio Bible study includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover important Bible-based topics. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. While not required for the audio experience, these studies are designed to partner with the coordinating study guide, sold separately.
Max Lucado (Author), Max Lucado (Narrator)
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