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[Spanish] - Memorias de un monje budista: Carnets d'un moine errant
Este libro es un viaje de descubrimientos asombrosos para aquellos que buscan entender la naturaleza profunda del ser humano». Gaëlle Richard, Sud Ouest Matthieu Ricard nació en 1967, a los veintiún años, cuando conoció a su padre espiritual en Darjeeling (India). Cinco años después dejaría su brillante carrera científica, a la que parecía estar destinado, para trasladarse a una pequeña cabaña en el Himalaya. Su primera vida, repartida entre la ciudad y el campo, le había convertido en un joven amante de la naturaleza y de la música clásica, con curiosidad por la espiritualidad y por desvelar los misterios de la biología molecular. Su segunda vida le llevó por el camino de la Iluminación, tras las huellas de los grandes budistas tibetanos, recibiendo las enseñanzas de Kangyour Rinpoche y Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche, el admirado maestro del Dalai Lama y una fuente inagotable de inspiración. En tres décadas su destino cambiaría por completo, alternando los retiros de meditación en lugares incógnitos con múltiples viajes a Bután, la India, Nepal, el Tíbet…, salvaguardando el patrimonio espiritual tibetano. Ricard, conocido como «el hombre más feliz del mundo», narra en estas páginas su vida, la de un monje errante sin ataduras materiales ni geográficas, siempre en camino hacia la libertad interior y el bien de los demás.
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Chema Agulló (Narrator)
Trei prieteni, în căutarea înţelepciunii: Un călugăr, un filosof şi un psihiatru ne vorbesc despre l
Ce ar trebui să faci, cum ar trebui să fii pentru a reuşi să te bucuri de viaţă şi în acelaşi timp s-o priveşti cu detaşare, să călăreşti valurile, dar şi să te ridici atunci când ele te doboară? Această carte oferă trei perspective diferite şi totuşi îngemănate, trei căi pe care oamenii, de-a lungul timpului, le-au parcurs pentru a ajunge la înţelepciune: cea a religiei, cea a filosofiei şi cea a psihologiei. Cititorul este invitat să reflecteze şi să îşi ia din fiecare ce are nevoie, servindu-se de sfaturile autorilor ca de nişte repere luminoase. Printre temele dezbătute se numără altruismul, vinovăţia, iertarea, libertatea, reducerea suferinţei, emoţiile, capacitatea de a asculta. Toate acestea sunt tratate într-un spirit ludic şi fără pretenţia de a da lecţii. Citind, ai senzaţia că te afli alături de cei trei prieteni în cabana lor din Dordogne şi, ascultându-le experienţele la gura focului, îi însoţeşti în această minunată căutare veche de când lumea, dar mereu diferită.
Alexandre Jollien, Christophe André, Matthieu Ricard (Author), Vlad Rădescu (Narrator)
Glück: Leitfaden zur Entwicklung der wichtigsten Fa?higkeit im Leben
In seinem beeindruckenden Werk macht der bekannte buddhistische Weisheitslehrer Matthieu Ricard deutlich, wie jeder von uns die Fähigkeit entwickeln kann, tiefes Glück zu erfahren. Welche Bedingungen verhindern unser Glücklichsein und welche begünstigen? Wie unterscheidet man zwischen echtem Wohlergehen und oberflächlichen Vergnügungen sowie anderen vermeintlichen Formen von Glück? Ist es überhaupt möglich, die Voraussetzungen für echtes Wohlbefinden zu schaffen? Laut dem Autor ist Glück das Resultat eines Reifungsprozesses, der ganz allein von jedem Menschen selbst abhängt. Dazu gehört auch, sich von der Macht negativer Emotionen wie Hass, Neid, Verlangen und Ich-Bezogenheit zu befreien und sich stattdessen von Mitgefühl, Demut und Güte leiten zu lassen, um im Einklang mit sich und der Welt zu leben. Kleine Übungen und Meditationsanleitungen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels weisen einen klaren Weg zu einem glücklicheren Leben. Die spielerische Leichtigkeit des Autors im Umgang mit der Welt der Wissenschaft und der Philosophie kommt in diesem Buch ebenso zum Ausdruck wie seine tiefe Vertrautheit mit den Weisheitsüberlieferungen des Buddhismus. Dabei ist dieses Buch, obwohl von buddhistischem Geist erfüllt, kein 'buddhistisches' Buch. Matthieu Ricard hat es aus dem Blickwinkel einer weltlichen, 'säkularen' Spiritualität geschrieben – ein Thema, das auch dem Dalai Lama sehr am Herzen liegt. Dieses Hörbuch ist für das Herz und den Verstand eines jeden Menschen, der sich ein bisschen mehr Lebensfreude wünscht und zugleich möchte, dass in seinem Leben Weisheit und Mitgefühl den Ton angeben. Dieses Buch erschien im französischen Original unter dem Titel „Plaidoyer pour le Bonheur“ © Nil Editions, Paris, 2003. © Nymphenburger in der F.A.Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München 2007, aus dem Englischen von Christine Bendner (P) 2017, 2018 ABP Verlag
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Matthias Ernst Holzmann (Narrator)
[French] - La Citadelle des neiges
Matthieu Ricard est né en 1946 à Paris. Il voyage en Inde pour la première fois en 1967, où il rencontre des maîtres spirituels tibétains. Il décide de s'établir dans l'Himalaya ou il est devenu moine et vit depuis 1972 , étudiant et pratiquant le bouddhisme. Réside actuellement au monastère de Shéchèn au Népal. Il est l'interprète français du Dalaï-lama depuis 1989.
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Matthieu Ricard (Narrator)
A Plefor the Animals: The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with
A powerful and wide-ranging indictment of the treatment of animals by humans-and an eloquent plea for animal rights Every cow just wants to be happy. Every chicken just wants to be free. Every bear, dog, or mouse experiences sorrow and feels pain as intensely as any of us humans do. In a compelling appeal to reason and human kindness, Matthieu Ricard here takes the arguments from his bestsellers Altruism and Happiness to their logical conclusion: that compassion toward all beings, including our fellow animals, is a moral obligation and the direction toward which any enlightened society must aspire. He chronicles the appalling sufferings of the animals we eat, wear, and use for adornment or "entertainment," and submits every traditional justification for their exploitation to scientific evidence and moral scrutiny. What arises is an unambiguous and powerful ethical imperative for treating all of the animals with whom we share this planet with respect and compassion.
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Shaun Grindell (Narrator)
In Search of Wisdom: A Monk, A Philosopher and A Psychiatrist on What Matters Most
Here is a book born of the friendship of three gifted teachers, exploring the universal human journey and our quest for meaning and understanding. This translation of the French bestseller brings readers an intimate and insightful conversation between Buddhist monk and author Matthieu Ricard, philosopher Alexandre Jollien, and psychiatrist Dr. Christophe Andre.
Alexandre Jollien, Christophe Andre, Matthieu Ricard (Author), Luis Moreno, Rcihard Poe, Tom Picasso (Narrator)
The Monk and the Philosopher: A Father and Son Discuss the Meaning of Life
Twenty-seven years ago, Matthieu Ricard gave up a promising career as a scientist to study Tibetan Buddhism-not as a detached observer but by immersing himself in its practice under the guidance of its greatest living masters. Years later, this project was born, and Richard met with his father, Jean-Francois Revel-a French philosopher who became world famous for his challenges to both Communism and Christianity. At an inn overlooking Kathmandu, these two profoundly thoughtful men explored questions that have occupied humankind throughout its history: Does life have meaning? What is consciousness? Is man free? What is the value of scientific and material progress? Why is there suffering, war, and hatred? Utterly absorbing, inspiring, and accessible, that conversation became this remarkable dialogue - one that engages East with West, ideas with life, and science with the humanities, providing wisdom concerning how to enrich the way we live our lives.
Jean-Francois Revel, Matthieu Ricard (Author), David Shaw-Parker (Narrator)
Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World
The author of the international bestseller Happiness makes a passionate case for altruism--and why we need it now more than ever. In Happiness, Matthieu Ricard demonstrated that true happiness is not tied to fleeting moments or sensations, but is an enduring state of soul rooted in mindfulness and compassion for others. Now he turns his lens from the personal to the global, with a rousing argument that altruism--genuine concern for the well-being of others--could be the saving grace of the 21st century. It is, he believes, the vital thread that can answer the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long term. Ricard's message has been taken up by major economists and thinkers, including Dennis Snower, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, and George Soros. Matthieu Ricard makes a robust and passionate case for cultivating altruistic love and compassion as the best means for simultaneously benefitting ourselves and our society. It's a fresh outlook on an ardent struggle--and one that just might make the world a better place.
Matthieu Ricard (Author), Dan Woren (Narrator)
Great Questions, The: Mind, Consciousness and Meaning
In 1996, internationally-renowned philosopher Jean-Francois Revel and his son Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk, spent ten days in the mountains overlooking Kathmandu discussing the most fundamental questions of human existence.
Jean-Francois Revel, Matthieu Ricard (Author), Michael Toms (Narrator)
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