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Mydworth - Lord und Lady Mortimer ermitteln, Sammelband 1: Folge 1&2 (ungekürzt)
In dem kleinen Dorf Mydworth geschieht selten etwas Aufregendes ... Aber das ändert sich, als der junge Adlige Sir Harry Mortimer in seinen Heimatort zurückkehrt. Der ehemalige Spion im Dienste seiner Majestät und seine amerikanische Frau Kat sorgen für reichlich Glamour in dem verschlafenen Örtchen! Doch der Glanz der großen weiten Welt zieht auch gewiefte Verbrecher an ... Die örtliche Polizei ist heillos überfordert und schon bald müssen sich Kat und Harry mit Juwelendieben herumschlagen und den Mord an einem Wilderer aufklären. Dieses Hörbuch enthält die Krimis: 'Bei Ankunft Mord' und 'Tod im Mondschein.'
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Demet Fey, Sabine Schilasky (Narrator)
No Place to Hide - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series, Episode 41 (Unabridged)
When Ed Finnlay - computer programmer and devoted father of two - goes missing, there's not a lot the local police can do. After all, Ed himself told them he would be gone ... for quite some time. As the weeks go by with no news, his wife reaches out to Jack and Sarah for help. But they soon learn that there are odd secrets about this missing husband and that he might not only be gone, but also in serious danger. Can Jack and Sarah do what seems impossible ... and find Ed Finlay? Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly - but with a spot of tea - it's like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick read for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa. Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid-90s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and the best-selling mystery series Cherringham. Their latest series project is called Mydworth Mysteries. The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of 'DCI John Barnaby' in 'Midsomer Murders' and 'Jim Riley' in 'The Life of Riley'. He is also known for his film roles in 'The Nativity', 'Sorted' and 'Son of Rambow'. In 2012 Dudgeon starred as 'Norman Birkett' on BBC Radio 4's Afternoon Play series written by Caroline and David Stafford.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Neil Dudgeon (Narrator)
Cherringham - Landluft kann tödlich sein, Folge 41: Kein sicheres Versteck (Ungekürzt)
Folge 41: Ed Finlay ist verschwunden, doch die örtliche Polizei kann nicht viel tun. Schließlich hat der IT-Spezialist und hingebungsvolle Vater zweier Kinder selbst gesagt, dass er für eine ganze Weile weg sein würde. Als die Wochen vergehen, ohne dass es Neuigkeiten gibt, wendet sich seine Frau verzweifelt an Jack und Sarah und bittet um deren Hilfe. Die beiden stoßen schon bald auf jede Menge seltsame Geheimnisse, die den Vermissten umgeben - und die darauf hindeuten, dass der Familienvater in großer Gefahr sein könnte! Wird es Jack und Sarah gelingen, Ed Finlay rechtzeitig aufzuspüren?
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Sabina Godec (Narrator)
Auf Ganovenjagd in New York City - Mydworth - Ein Fall für Lord und Lady Mortimer, Band 10 (Ungekürz
Es ist so weit! Endlich bekommt Lady Mortimer die Gelegenheit, ihrem Ehemann Harry ihre geliebte Heimatstadt New York City zu zeigen. Aber die Metropole leidet unter der schlimmsten Hitzewelle des Jahrhunderts und das Nachtleben ist durch die Prohibition lahmgelegt. Aber im Untergrund der Stadt brodelt es, und als Teddy Crowther - der Enkel eines steinreichen Industriellen - von der Mafia entführt wird, bittet die Familie Kat und Harry um Hilfe. Die beiden tauchen in die Abgründe New Yorks ein und finden sich bald in einem gefährlichen Katz-und-Maus-Spiel wieder ... Ein glamouröses Ermittlerduo, ungewöhnliche Verbrechen, schnelle Autos, schicke Kleider und rauchende Revolver - das ist Mydworth, die neue Serie von Matthew Costello und Neil Richards, den Autoren der britischen Erfolgsserie Cherringham. Sir Harry Mortimer, der ehemalige Spion im Dienste ihrer Majestät, ermittelt zusammen mit seiner umwerfenden Ehefrau Kat, die es mit jedem Bösewicht aufnehmen kann! Mydworth ist eine spannende Zeitreise ins England der 20er Jahre - für Fans von Babylon Berlin, Downton Abbey und Miss Fishers mysteriösen Mordfällen.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Julia Von Tettenborn (Narrator)
Cherringham - Landluft kann tödlich sein, Folge 40: Ein eiskaltes Verbrechen (Ungekürzt)
Folge 40: Es ist Winter in Cherringham. Doch das Verbrechen macht auch bei klirrender Kälte keine Pause und beschert Jack und Sarah einen neuen Fall: Der Kleinganove Charlie Topper ist in Lebensgefahr. Im letzten Sommer wurde er bei einem Einbruch Zeuge eines kaltblütigen Mordes. Um nicht selbst in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten, hat er niemandem erzählt, was er gesehen hat. Doch nun hat ihn der Mörder offenbar aufgespürt! In seiner Verzweiflung bittet er Jack und Sarah um Hilfe: Können die beiden den Fall lösen, bevor der eiskalte Mörder auch hinter ihnen her ist?
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Sabina Godec (Narrator)
Cherringham - Landluft kann tödlich sein, Sammelband 11: Folge 31-33 (Ungekürzt)
Very British - drei Cherringham-Hörbücher in einem Band! Folge 31: Ein jähes Ende Drei Mädchen und ein großes Abenteuer: Die Wanderung zum Abschluss der Highschool hat Tradition in Cherringham. Auch Holly, Amy und Jasmine beschließen, fünf Tage lang durch die dichten Wälder der Cotswolds zu wandern und nachts unter dem Sternenhimmel zu zelten. Doch dann verschwindet eines der Mädchen mitten in der Nacht und wird am nächsten Morgen tot aufgefunden. Zunächst sieht alles nach einem schrecklichen Unfall aus. Doch Jack und Sarah sind davon nicht überzeugt. Schon bald finden sie heraus, dass Lügen furchtbare Folgen haben können - und immer Spuren hinterlassen ... Folge 32: Mord in eisiger Nacht Edward Townes, berühmter Autor historischer Romane, gibt eine mittelalterliche Party anlässlich der Veröffentlichung seines neuesten Bestsellers. Jede Menge illustre Gäste sind eingeladen. Obwohl während der Feier ein schlimmer Schneesturm über Cherringham hereinbricht, macht sich der angetrunkene Edward spät in der Nacht allein auf den Heimweg. Als der Schriftsteller am nächsten Morgen tot auf dem Marktplatz aufgefunden wird, beginnen Jack und Sarah zu ermitteln. Durch das Unwetter ist Cherringham von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten - das heißt der Mörder muss immer noch im Dorf sein ... Folge 33: Geheimnisvolle Zeugen Auf einer Wanderung auf dem Cotswolds Way stürzt eine der Teilnehmerinnen von einem hohen Felsen - war es ein Unfall? Oder ein Mordversuch? Jack und Sarah nehmen die Wanderer genauer unter die Lupe. Und diese Gruppe hat es in sich ... Doch wer von ihnen ist der Täter? Und hat er sein Ziel schon erreicht oder plant er weitere Anschläge? Aber auch das Opfer scheint ein Geheimnis zu haben ...
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Sabina Godec (Narrator)
Killer Track - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series, Episode 39 (Unabridged)
Every year Lady Repton opens up her grand estate to host 'Cherringfest' - the Cotswold's favourite music festival. And this year will be special, featuring not just the return of the legendary and infamous metal rock band, Lizard ... but also the home debut of the young and wildly successful new group, Unlost. But what should be a summer weekend of fantastic music, food and fun for all, turns frightening when murder is threatened, and one performer is nearly killed. Soon Jack and Sarah are in a race against time, trying to untangle a web of jealousy, egos and revenge before this Cherringfest ends in a deadly climax ... Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly - but with a spot of tea - it's like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick read for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa. Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid-90s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and the best-selling mystery series Cherringham. Their latest series project is called Mydworth Mysteries. The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of 'DCI John Barnaby' in 'Midsomer Murders' and 'Jim Riley' in 'The Life of Riley'. He is also known for his film roles in 'The Nativity', 'Sorted' and 'Son of Rambow'. In 2012 Dudgeon starred as 'Norman Birkett' on BBC Radio 4's Afternoon Play series written by Caroline and David Stafford.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Neil Dudgeon (Narrator)
A Distant Voice - Mydworth Mysteries - A Cosy Historical Mystery Series, Episode 9 (Unabridged)
From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM It's Midsummer in Mydworth - and celebrated medium Bellamy Smythe is in town with his lucrative supernatural show, claiming he can contact the departed. Still deep in mourning from the loss of her father in the Great War, spinster Alice Wetherby is desperate to make contact with 'The Other Side' and Smythe is happy to oblige - even though Alice is quite broke. Suspecting that Alice is being played, Harry and Kat investigate. As the Midsummer festivities intensify, they find themselves in a game of high stakes deception and clever tricks, where nothing is what it seems, and everyone is a suspect ... Nathaniel Parker, born in 1962, graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and went on to join the Royal Shakespeare Company. His television career began in 1988 when he played Flying Officer 'Flash' Gordon in the LWT mini-series 'Piece of Cake'. He is also the lead in the BBC series 'The Inspector Lynley Mysteries', based on the novels by Elizabeth George. Nathaniel Parker has an extensive list of audio books to his credit, ranging from the classics of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy to more modern writings and children's books.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Nathaniel Parker (Narrator)
Episode 34-36 - A Cosy Crime Compilation - Cherringham: Crime Series Compilations 12 (Unabridged)
Jack's a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah's a Web designer who's moved back to the village to find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham's criminal mysteries. This compilation contains episodes 34 - 36. The Secret of Brimley Manor Brimley Manor, home to an eccentric museum of oddities from its owner's lifetime of exotic travels also holds dark secrets. When a suspicious fire breaks out, the biggest question is ... was it just an accident? Too Many Lies When Cherringham's Council debates selling the historic village hall for development as a luxury restaurant and hotel, all of Cherringham is up in arms! But when the leader of the protestors is attacked after a raucous meeting and death threats are made, Jack and Sarah are asked to investigate ... Murder under the Sun As the day of Grace's wedding approaches, it seems nothing can get in the way of the happy Cherringham event. But just days before, her father Len is suddenly arrested on suspicion of murder - a murder committed 30 years ago, and a thousand miles away. Can Jack and Sarah unearth the truth in time for him to walk his daughter down the aisle? Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90's, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, the successful crime fiction series Cherringham, and - most recently - the historical series Mydworth Mysteries. The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of 'DCI John Barnaby' in 'Midsomer Murders' and 'Jim Riley' in 'The Life of Riley'. He is also known for his film roles in 'The Nativity', 'Sorted' and 'Son of Rambow'. In 2012 Dudgeon starred as 'Norman Birkett' on BBC Radio 4's Afternoon Play series written by Caroline and David Stafford.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Neil Dudgeon (Narrator)
Episode 1-3 - A Cosy Historical Mystery Compilation - Mydworth Mysteries: Historical Mystery Compila
From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM This compilation contains episodes 1-3: A SHOT IN THE DARK Sussex, England, 1929. Mydworth is a sleepy English market town just 50 miles from London. But things are about to liven up there considerably, when young Sir Harry Mortimer returns home from his government posting in Cairo, with his unconventional American wife - Kat Reilly. A LITTLE NIGHT MURDER A young poacher is found shot dead in the woods of a grand estate near Mydworth. A sad accident it would seem. But the boy's mother is convinced it is murder and when Harry and Kat investigate, they find the poacher's life was not as innocent as he made out... LONDON CALLING! When a prominent family's daughter flees sleepy Sussex to seek a career on the stages of a glittering West End, Harry and Kat are asked to check in on the young woman. But the two of them soon discover that there is a much bigger danger to the woman and her family than mere acting dreams being crushed... Nathaniel Parker, born in 1962, graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and went on to join the Royal Shakespeare Company. His television career began in 1988 when he played Flying Officer 'Flash' Gordon in the LWT mini-series 'Piece of Cake'. He is also the lead in the BBC series 'The Inspector Lynley Mysteries', based on the novels by Elizabeth George. Nathaniel Parker has an extensive list of audio books to his credit, ranging from the classics of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy to more modern writings and children's books.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Nathaniel Parker (Narrator)
The Wrong Man - Mydworth Mysteries - A Cosy Historical Mystery Series, Episode 7 (Unabridged)
From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM When young Ben Carter is found murdered in an alleyway one snowy night in Mydworth, all the evidence points to his best pal, Oliver. And though Oliver swears he is innocent, judge and jury are quick to convict the young man. But at the eleventh hour, Harry and Kat become involved, and aren't convinced. With just days left before Oliver is to hang for the crime, they investigate. With the clock ticking can they find the real culprit in time ... to save a life? Nathaniel Parker, born in 1962, graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and went on to join the Royal Shakespeare Company. His television career began in 1988 when he played Flying Officer 'Flash' Gordon in the LWT mini-series 'Piece of Cake'. He is also the lead in the BBC series 'The Inspector Lynley Mysteries', based on the novels by Elizabeth George. Nathaniel Parker has an extensive list of audio books to his credit, ranging from the classics of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy to more modern writings and children's books.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Nathaniel Parker (Narrator)
Secrets on the Cote d'Azur - Mydworth Mysteries - A Cosy Historical Mystery Series, Episode 8 (Unabr
From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM When Harry and Kat head south to the French Riviera, they look forward to dazzling parties, a shimmering sea, and wonderful food. But once they step off the legendary Paris-Nice train, Le Train Bleu, things start to be anything but restful. Asked to assist in a dangerous case of blackmail - they soon find that the streets and alleyways of the Cote d'Azur hide not only cafes and bistros ... but also secrets and danger of a most deadly sort. Nathaniel Parker, born in 1962, graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and went on to join the Royal Shakespeare Company. His television career began in 1988 when he played Flying Officer 'Flash' Gordon in the LWT mini-series 'Piece of Cake'. He is also the lead in the BBC series 'The Inspector Lynley Mysteries', based on the novels by Elizabeth George. Nathaniel Parker has an extensive list of audio books to his credit, ranging from the classics of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy to more modern writings and children's books.
Matthew Costello, Neil Richards (Author), Nathaniel Parker (Narrator)
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